The Dangerous Books affiliate program (unfortunately closed) was head and shoulders above most. One reason for this is the POWER-MESSAGE headline: "GET THE MOST DANGEROUS BOOK IN THE WORLD!" (For more on Power Messages, see "Cracking the Code".) The headline acts as an advertisement for your sales letter. "Get the Most Dangerous Book in the World" is a powerful attention grabber and persuades people to read the sales letter.
Dangerous Books has a powerful and compelling sales letter:
- The Underground Directory is "The Most Dangerous Book in the World!"
- Already one politician has tried his hardest to silence this underground classic, which covers all the most discreet and low profile "insider" contacts for all free spirits everywhere.
- It has so much information you'll just want to keep referring to it time and time again. Many of the companies or individuals listed offer very hard to obtain tools and services that you won't find out about from anywhere else... not even on the Web!
- Why pay a middleman for these products and services when you can go direct and pay half-price?
- Where you can get anonymous offshore bank accounts, credit cards, trusts, etc.
- How to keep ALL your money, instead of giving it to the "tax authorities".
- Upgrade your intelligence, increase your memory or extend your life.
- The best and cheapest surveillance equipment.
- How to hide your identity, change it completely or just give your "girl/boy friends" a safe address to reach you at!
- The cheapest phone rates in the world! How about making untraceable and completely anonymous phone calls?
- The secrets on hacking, banking, credit card & ATM scams and other frauds. Learn how to protect yourself. Don't become a victim!
- Fed up with law enforcement officers turning up late after you've been mugged/robbed? Defend yourself with little-known gadgets that will get you out of tricky situations fast!
- Got that special something you want to conceal on your person? Learn how and where to hide it.
- Don't get mad, get even with computer viruses that will destroy your enemies in seconds!
- Where to get speed trap detectors, financial newsletters, police ID badges, anonymous mobile phones, legal second passports and supporting ID papers.
- Network with freedom-minded people and other folk who don't want Big Brother intruding in their lives.
- The most controversial and exciting financial & insider magazines and journals available. You won't find many of these advertised in the mainstream, they are truly underground.
- How to legally obtain a prestigious title. Become a Lord, Lady, Count, Countess, Sir for only a few dollars. Now you can get all the benefits that a title brings!
- Plus much more that your "rulers" don't want you to know.
- Superb FREE two-tier Affiliate Program with excellent marketing aids pays 40% and 10%.
For more information on The Underground Directory and/or to become an Affiliate, click here (link no longer available).
[See also: the original website promotion/order page.]
Below are our earnings for January, 2001 [names abbreviated for privacy]. "Congratulations. You have earned $487.63 in commissions from the referral of the following people:
LM $15.988 (1/1/01)
RH $3.997 (1/1/01)
DE $3.997 (1/1/01)
DV $3.997 (1/1/01)
JM $3.997 (1/1/01)
DP $3.997 (1/1/01)
TL $3.997 (1/1/01)
KG $3.997 (1/1/01)
SL $3.997 (1/1/01)
CM $3.997 (1/2/01)
DJ $3.997 (1/2/01)
BB $15.988 (1/3/01)
PA $3.997 (1/3/01)
RK $3.997 (1/3/01)
JM $15.988 (1/4/01)
HS $3.997 (1/4/01)
JG $3.997 (1/5/01)
MC $3.997 (1/5/01)
JS $3.997 (1/5/01)
CG $19.985 (1/5/01)
GF $3.997 (1/6/01)
JP $3.997 (1/6/01)
RS $15.988 (1/7/01)
SJ $15.988 (1/8/01)
WK $15.988 (1/9/01)
MO $15.988 (1/11/01)
FW $3.997 (1/11/01)
FL $3.997 (1/11/01)
AW $15.988 (1/13/01)
CE $15.988 (1/14/01)
AB $15.988 (1/14/01)
KP $15.988 (1/14/01)
JS $15.988 (1/14/01)
WD $15.988 (1/15/01)
WL $15.988 (1/15/01)
LC $15.988 (1/15/01)
RH $3.997 (1/15/01)
RN $15.988 (1/16/01)
CT $3.997 (1/16/01)
MK $15.988 (1/17/01)
AS $3.997 (1/19/01)
KP $15.988 (1/21/01)
LG $3.997 (1/24/01)
EA $3.997 (1/25/01)
TG $3.997 (1/26/01)
SC $3.997 (1/27/01)
EA $15.988 (1/30/01)
BM $15.988 (1/30/01)
JO $3.997 (1/30/01)
EE $15.988 (1/31/01)
SM $15.988 (1/31/01)
KG $3.997 (1/31/01)
Personal sales: 23
Second-tier sales: 29
With most affiliate programs, if you're a reasonably competent marketer, your second-tier sales tend to be fewer in number than your personal sales. The fact that with Dangerous Books our sub-affiliates are also successfully generating sales, indicate the power of the program. (NOTE: The original Dangerous Affiliate Program was terminated.)
The Underground Directory is also a powerful product which is being improved from time to time.
Dangerous Books has excellent sales aids, including a FREE 4 Day Affiliate Email Training Course that includes PRECISE step-by-step instructions, EXACT copies of letters, adverts that make tons of money for those who use them, plus much more for making the most amount of money in the shortest space of time.
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