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The Importance of Financial Freedom

by Frederick Mann

[DTF's note: The business described towards the end of this article is defunct, however the main points of this article are still relevant.]

Imagine that every month you earn $5,000, $10,000, or more, without having to do any work whatsoever. Suppose you've created or developed several sources of such earnings (multiple income streams), so that if one or two of them dries up, you still earn more than enough from the others to survive comfortably.

Suppose your main interest in life is to work at something like promoting freedom, spreading extropian ideas, playing golf, traveling to exotic places, laying on the beach, concentrating on your personal development, reading 50 great books, etc. However, you have to work eight hours a day, five days a week at some "job" ("just over broke") in order to survive. Your situation could even be such that your earnings are insufficient to pay the bills and your wife or husband also has to work at some "job."

It's almost as if (by accident or design) the "economic system" is such that most people can't escape from the "wage-slave trap" of earning just enough to survive for most of their productive lives, i.e., for a period of 30, 40, even 50 years.

One of the major reasons why so many people struggle to financially keep their heads above water is that we have, all over the world, dishonest money and banking systems and cartels. The systems are such that those who sit on top can effectively steal out of the pockets and savings of everyone at the bottom of the systems. They steal through inflation and other means that are almost completely invisible to most victims. The result is that vast numbers of people, for all practical purposes, are economic slaves.

So, if you're in the wage-slave trap, how do you escape to achieve financial freedom? I'll return to this question later.

Meanwhile, suppose: (1) You live in a part of the world where everyone enjoys a great deal of freedom but you have to work long hours and have hardly enough money to pay for food; or (2) Your environment contains extreme restraints on freedom but you have so much money that you don't have to work, you've escaped from the local tax system, you can buy practically anything you want, and you can travel pretty well wherever and whenever you want.

Under which scenario are you better off?

Now suppose you're someone who believes in educating people, promoting freedom, and changing the system, and: (1) You have to work long hours to earn your living and you don't have much spare cash; or (2) You have so much money and "automatic income streams" that you don't have to spend any time on working for a living.

Under which scenario can you be more effective at educating people, promoting freedom, and changing the system?

Upon reflection, it should become evident that having money and organizing your affairs so you don't have to work for money tends to increase your freedom and provide you more time to do whatever you like.

What If Millions Achieved Financial Freedom?

Imagine that there are millions of freedom-oriented people around the world who have achieved financial freedom and independence and are helping others to do the same -- so that our numbers are exploding. What impact might we eventually have on the world?

Do you think this is an impossible pipe-dream? Or that the only people who talk like this are scam-artists trying to lure the gullible?

Well, I'm glad to report that I may have found an ideal way for millions of us to achieve financial freedom and independence -- and to rapidly explode our numbers. And I'm reasonably confident that the principals are honorable and trustworthy and that their business is not a scam.

The business is called "BIG International" -- "BIG" stands for "Business Incentive Games".

Evaluating Business Opportunities

In evaluating prospective business opportunities to get involved in, I apply a number of criteria:

(1) Are the principals honorable and trustworthy? Although we can never be totally sure about this -- and the honesty of some is limited by a threshold (when the money amounts expand beyond the threshold, honesty flees out the back door) -- based on what I've seen so far, I think it's a good bet that the BIG principals are indeed honorable and trustworthy.

(2) Does the business provide useful and worthwhile products and/or services? In my opinion, BIG does. Their primary service of profit-sharing and distribution seems better than anything else I've come across.

(3) Is the business well-organized and do they have competent personnel and systems? Based on what I've seen so far, I'm highly impressed.

(4) How potentially profitable is the compensation plan for Agents? I've been involved with dozens of companies and have examined many hundreds more. In my opinion, the BIG compensation plan, particularly in the long run, is likely to be more profitable than any other compensation plan I know of. Some of this profitability comes from the "annual doubling effect" described in the BIG Agent FAQ.

(For a dramatic example of how we mushroomed our earnings in a similar program over a 28-month period from zero to over $70,000 per month, click here.)

(5) How easy is it to market the BIG opportunity? It's ridiculously easy, because entering the basic lottery is free, and it costs only 4 IRCs (International Reply Coupons) to get going. And the next step, participating in the profit-sharing and distribution, can be taken at a cost of $15 annual Player fee plus $90 to purchase one Profit Re-Imbursement (PR) unit. The current return, compounded over a year, on a $90 PR amounts to 300%! Where else can you get such a deal?

(6) Do they have a satisfactory support system for Agents? From what I've seen so far, my answer is "Yes!"

(7) Do they have any kind of successful track record? From studying their website, including their lottery results page, and the testimonials provided at this site, my answer is an unqualified "Yes!"

(8) Is it a real free-enterprise business? By "real free-enterprise" I mean operating as far as possible outside the supposed "jurisdiction" of coercive, predatory political agencies. The BIG principals obviously have to be tight-lipped about how certain aspects of their business are structured. From reading between the lines, it seems to me that they are pretty freedom-oriented in all the practical ways they deem prudent.

(9) Can they competently handle attacks? The 'BIG Attack Pages' provide some clues. Again, from reading between the lines, it seems to me that a mastery of certain aspects of Freedom Technology lurks behind the design, structure, and operation of BIG and that they are well-positioned and competent to handle attacks. (BIG International represents to me by far the most significant, prominent, and successful implementation of Freedom Technology I know of.)

(Since the above was first written, BIG has indeed come under attack.)

(10) Does the company have explosive growth potential? Given the above factors, particularly the phenomenal return on Profit Re-Imbursements (PRs), excellent compensation plan, and the ease of marketing, I think BIG does indeed have explosive growth potential.

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