by Frederick Mann
(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #8 -- February 2, 2001)
One way to receive the wherewithal to survive is to provide others with a valuable product or service they're willing to pay for. An example is placing an advertisement in this magazine for which the advertiser paid $40. If the advertiser receives more than $40 in extra earnings as a result of the ad, then it's worthwhile for him and he's likely to place future ads.
Because the sun shines, Earth receives a great deal of free wealth from the sun's energy every day. Some of the energy gets stored in forms such as natural gas, oil, and coal. The Earth also contains metals and minerals that can be extracted and utilized to create wealth.
Buckminster Fuller has estimated that because of the wealth of resources on Earth, every man, woman, and child should be a millionaire many times over.
Notice that in the case of an advertisement there is no need for me to point a gun at advertisers and say to them, "Give me $40 to place your ad, or I'll shoot you!" Advertisers pay for and place their ads, not because I threaten them with a gun, but because they expect to get more than $40 in additional earnings as a result of placing their ads.
(If nobody places ads at the price I've set, then I need to lower the price. If too many people place ads, then I increase the price.)
Another way to receive the wherewithal to survive is to steal it. A thief could steal your property by breaking into your house when you're not there and running off with items of value. The thief leaves you poorer or impoverishes you.
A thief could also operate as a mugger who confronts you with a knife or a gun and says, "Give me your money, or I'll stab/shoot you!" The bank robber operates in similar fashion.
Thieves, muggers, and robbers extract wealth from others. The overall effect is that everyone is impoverished. The basic reason every man, woman, and child on Earth is not a millionaire is because there's a large number of people who effectively operate as thieves, muggers, and robbers to obtain their wherewithal to survive.
The main idea behind WealthBooster Magazine is to provide our readers with information and vehicles to achieve exponential earnings. Knowingly or unknowingly, you may allow a great deal of your wealth to be extracted from your life. This may be a major obstacle preventing exponential earnings. You may want to do something to reduce the extent to which wealth is being extracted from your life. I will have more to say about wealth extraction in future issues.
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