by Frederick Mann
(Excerpts from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issues #16 - 19 -- March 16 - April 9, 2001)
By "Golden Revolution" I refer to the rapidly-growing comeback of gold as money, particularly gold-denominated transactions outside the national fiat currency systems. The Golden Revolution is spearheaded by e-gold, a practical alternative money system that is growing by about 30% per month. E-gold provides its users with huge benefits such as privacy, security, instant transactions which can't be repudiated, inexpensive transactions, and more. It's because of these benefits that e-gold and related systems are growing so rapidly.
Before I tell you very much about the "Golden Revolution," I'll tell you how to profit greatly from it, even if you're not interested in the revolution itself!
E-gold can be regarded as the foundation of the "New Gold Economy" (NGE). You can get an idea of the size of e-gold from their statistics
E-gold is an electronic currency, issued by e-gold Ltd., a Nevis corporation, 100% backed at all times by gold bullion in allocated storage.
Standard Reserve is another part of the NGE. Standard Reserve issues two private currencies:
Standard Reserve provides an automated interface that allows for the purchase of US$s using Standard Reserve Gold (SRG). Value held in SRG can be converted into SRD and withdrawn in cash (US$s or other national currencies) at ATMs worldwide, using a debit card. A Standard Reserve Customer has an SRG account linked to his or her SRD account. When funds are called upon through an ATM, if there isn't sufficient funds in the SRD account, then the value is deducted from the SRG account. Standard Reserve is an offshore corporation registered in the British Virgin Islands.
The Standard Reserve system is essentially a worldwide currency and payment system not under the control of traditional international bankers, politicians, and bureaucrats. The system makes it possible for individuals and businesses worldwide to transact privately, securely and almost instantaneously. Companies can use the system to pay their workers. Merchants can use the system to accept payments for products and services. The system interfaces with national currency systems, which can be converted into e-gold, SRG, and SRD. In turn, value held in e-gold, SRG, and SRD can be withdrawn at ATMs worldwide in the form of local cash.
Particularly businesses will enjoy substantial competitive advantages by utilizing the Standard Reserve system, which is very efficient and less expensive than traditional transactions with bank checks, credit cards, and clearing between banks. Because of the benefits to individuals and businesses, the Standard Reserve system is likely to grow as quickly as e-gold, or even faster... making the debit card a popular item and profitable to market.
In addition to the benefits enjoyed by individuals and companies using the Standard Reserve system and the debit card, they may also help accelerate the "Golden Revolution."
Let me attempt to quickly refute all the "government is necessary..." and "only government can do..." arguments. Government consists of individual human beings. If you visit any place where anything is supposedly "done by government," you'll find human beings doing the work. (Often these humans use machines of varying complexity and size.)
Abraham Lincoln said, "The purpose of government is to do for people what they cannot do for themselves." Once you come to realize that government consists of individual human beings, Lincoln's bromide can be seen as nonsense. It translates into, "The purpose of people is to do for people what they cannot do for themselves."
If you argue that "government is necessary..." or "only government can do...," you're implying that the people who call themselves "government" are somehow "special" and have acquired magical abilities to do what "ordinary" humans can't. If you were to observe "government magic workers" in action, you might conclude that many of them produce substandard results most of the time and generally mess up much of what they do. (They could even be called "fecal alchemists" -- whatever they touch turns into feces!)
For much of the past century, certain "world-controllers" (international bankers, tycoons, politicians, and lawyers) have dominated their citizen-victims and lived like parasites off them.
There are two basic ways to acquire the wherewithal to survive:
We can distinguish three economic sectors:
World-controllers use three basic weapons to control, dominate, and live like parasites off their citizen-victims:
"Government" can be regarded as "institutionalized violence." George Washington said, "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and fearful master."
The fundamental principle of government is: do what we order/pay your taxes, or we'll send someone with a club or gun to take care of you! Taxation can be regarded as institutionalized theft or robbery. People in the public sector essentially acquire the wherewithal to survive through institutionalized theft.
In general, people in government operate on the basis that it's OK for them to initiate violence against their victim-citizens so they can get what they want. Most countries have "constitutions" to which politicians, bureaucrats, and lawyers love to pay lip service -- when it suits them. In practice, many politicians, bureaucrats, and lawyers act in accordance with the de facto "constitution": ANYTHING GOES... THAT WE CAN GET AWAY WITH!
So violence and the threat of violence is the fundamental way in which world-controllers get their way. "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun," said Mao.
Monopoly of violence is an important government principle. Only government agents may legally initiate violence or threat of violence. When non-government people initiate violence or threat of violence, it's generally considered a crime. (Of course, many government agents regard anything they don't like, done by a citizen-victim, as a crime!)
The following post to the e-gold list (edited) illustrates this and my contention that some government agents act according to the de facto "constitution" ANYTHING GOES... THAT WE CAN GET AWAY WITH:
"Last time I researched it, terror tactics, torture chambers and thumb screws are still considered excess force here in the States.Au contraire, mon ami...or, as they say here in SoCal..."Not so fast, dude!"
By any measure, the United States legal/law enforcement system is as draconian as they come, employing "terror tactics," "torture chambers" and "thumb screws" with regularity.
"Terror Tactics" in the form of threats....simply put, "Comply or we'll crush you." What makes this attitude a 'terror tactic' is it's employed against ANYONE...guilty or innocent..with the emphasis on the "CRUSH" part. (First they deprive you of the ability to defend yourself by seizing everything they can get their hands on, then they offer you "Plea Bargaining" in which there isn't much choice given the target...)
"Terror Tactics" in the form of random stops at mobile roadblocks, ostensibly to check for "drunk drivers," but which invariably result in arrests for everything BUT drunk driving. ("Papers" not in order? Watch out!)
"Terror Tactics" in the form of a massive body of laws (many of which are conflicting) which make compliance almost impossible and result in the United States jailing THE HIGHEST PER-CAPITA RATE OF ITS CITIZENS THAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!
"Torture Chambers"? Ever been in prison? Or worse yet, a county or municipal jail where the inmates rape, assault and murder at will?
"Torture Chambers"? Ever sit in a room for twelve hours straight, no food, no drink no phone calls, while a steady stream of detectives grill you incessantly? Hardly a walk in the park....and that's what they do to witnesses who aren't exactly "recalling" the details of the alleged crime in exactly the way the "authorities" want them to...never mind what they do to the actual suspect...
"Thumb Screws"? Much more sophisticated now...they're called handcuffs. Ever have some REALLY "clamped on" by a cop? Within a few minutes you're praying for some thumbscrews.... they know it, and they do it on purpose.
Recently, in Los Angeles, 11,000 (yep, that's right, Eleven with three zeroes) criminal cases were dismissed because it was proven that the arresting officers planted evidence, gave false testimony, lied to prosecutors (and judges alike) or engaged in other activities designed to clearly entrap innocent victims. The problem is all this was "discovered" (and I use the term residents and defense attorneys had been complaining about such tactics for years) well after the fact, and many of these 11,000+ people were already in jail, many for six years or more!
The cases of government/law enforcement abuse are well recorded. The well-known Ruby Ridge, Rodney King, Waco, "Hurricane" Carter or Abati cases (the one where the six New York detectives shot at an unarmed man more than 46 times, hitting him 19 times and killing him), there are literally thousands of similar incidents which occur with alarming regularity but that don't receive the same publicity. It's reaching epidemic proportions and becoming the "norm" rather than the "exception."
It's easy to adopt the attitude, "Well, they must have done SOMETHING to deserve it!" It's a "logical" and "comforting" conclusion that lulls one into the false sense that "the authorities know what they're doing" and "I'm O.K. because I'm not doing anything wrong."
Think again... you could be next."
The relevance is two-fold:
I'm not talking about a "violent revolution to overthrow the government"; I am talking about an economic revolution which involves individuals and companies taking steps to protect their privacy, security, earnings, and assets from marauders of all stripes, including government agents.
Buckminster Fuller calculated that, given all the resources we have on earth, plus the unending stream of energy we receive from the sun every day, that every man, woman, and child on Earth should be a millionaire many times over.
So, why aren't we all as wealthy as we should or could be?
If the first principle of human behavior is to survive, the second principle is to ACQUIRE THE WHEREWITHAL TO SURVIVE WITH THE LEAST EFFORT. For more on this see The Economic Rape of America: What You Can Do About It.
In WBM #16, I also indicated that there are two basic ways to acquire the wherewithal to survive:
#1 could be called the "economic means," which involves voluntary exchange and cooperation.
#2 could be called the "political means," which involves force, violence, and the threat of violence -- "pay up or we'll CRUSH you!"
The best way to acquire the wherewithal to survive with the least effort is to organize your affairs so others will simply give to you what you need. For example, you could call yourself "government." You could brainwash kids in "government schools" (which they are forced to attend) that "without government there would be chaos," that "only government can do certain things," that it's "their duty to pay their fair share," etc. You could employ gangs of enforcers to crush anyone who doesn't pay up.
Note that compulsory state education is one of the planks of The Communist Manifesto.
You could force people to use as money only what you dictate, e.g., US$, British pounds, Deutschmark, Swiss francs, etc. You could gradually devalue this currency (diluting it by issuing more of it in relation to available products and services) so it buys less and less every year as prices go up. For a chart that shows the decline in the purchasing power of the US$, see
You also implement a graduated tax system -- the more you earn, the higher percentage tax you pay -- another plank of The Communist Manifesto.
Because of the inflation by your government and /or central bank, wages and salaries go up over time and people suffer "bracket creep" -- without any increases in pay in real terms, they nevertheless move up into higher tax brackets, paying a higher percentage of your income in taxes -- without taxes having to be increased.
You also use the tax system to make money scarce, and you make getting credit fairly easy, so many people borrow heavily and have to make exorbitant interest payments.
The overall effect of all these and similar systems, effectively enforced at the point of a gun, is that there is a population of exploiters ("masters") and a population of exploited ("slaves"), or parasites and hosts. As long as brainwashed victims are willing to subject themselves to exploitation, the exploiting will continue, because that's the least-effort method for the exploiters to acquire the wherewithal to survive.
The significance of the New Gold Economy (NGE) is that it makes it relatively easy for large numbers of people to start escaping from the exploitation. They can use gold as money. They can perform transactions that are invisible to the exploiters. They can stop paying interest. Etc.
Earlier I indicated that "world-controllers" basically use three weapons to control, dominate, and live like parasites off their victims:
For the "information weapon" to work, people need to be brainwashed so they'll believe the most important aspects of the information used by the world-controllers. That's why they have "compulsory state education" -- which is one of the most important planks of the Communist Manifesto. The "education systems" of most of the world are communistic. "Government schools" can also be regarded as concentration campuses for brainwashing and mind destruction.
In order for world controllers to live as parasites, they need obedient victims who believe government propaganda and "pay their fair share."
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." -- Frederic Bastiat, 'The Law'
The US Federal Income Tax system is also based on one of the most important planks of the Communist Manifesto. If Karl Marx were alive today, he would be very proud of the education and tax systems in most of the world! Communism is alive and well in the United Communist States and the rest of the world!
In 'Prisons We Choose to Live Inside' Doris Lessing wrote:
"Brainwashing has three main pillars or processes, by now well understood. The first is tension followed by relaxation. This is used, for instance, in the interrogation of prisoners, when the interrogator is alternatively harsh and tender -- one moment a sadistic bully, the next a kind friend. The second is repetition -- saying or singing the same thing over and over again. The third is the use of slogans -- the reducing of complex ideas to simple sets of words."
Consider "New Deal," "Great Society," "War on Drugs," "Compassionate Conservatism," etc.
Lessing also wrote:
"Imagine us saying to children: "In the last fifty or so years, the human race has become aware of a great deal of information about its mechanisms; how it behaves, how it must behave under certain circumstances. If this is to be useful, you must learn to contemplate these rules calmly, dispassionately, disinterestedly, without emotion. It is information that will set people free from blind loyalties, obedience to slogans, rhetoric, leaders, group emotions." Well, there it is. What government, anywhere in the world, will happily envisage its subjects learning to free themselves from governmental and state rhetoric and pressures? Passionate loyalty and subjection to group pressure is what every state relies on... It is interesting to speculate: what country, what nation, when, and where, would have undertaken a program to teach its children to be people to resist rhetoric, to examine the mechanisms that govern them? ...No, I cannot imagine any nation -- not for long -- teaching its citizens to become individuals able to resist group pressures. And no political party, either. I know a lot of people who are Socialists of various kinds, and I try this subject out on them, saying: all governments these days use social psychologists, experts on crowd behavior, to advise them. Elections are stage managed, public issues presented according to the rules of mass psychology. The military uses this information. Interrogators, secret services and the police use it. Yet these issues are never even discussed, as far as I am aware, by those parties and groups who claim to represent the people."
One of the mechanisms used by world-controllers to control, dominate, and live like parasites off their victims is the "legal system." There's an underlying assumption that some of the noises and scribbles emanating from the mouths and pens of certain world-controllers constitute what they call "the law" (so-called). In my experience, about 99.999...% of the human population have been so dumbed down by "education" and "culture" that they cannot question the concept of "law." For more on this, see The Anatomy of Slavespeak.
To achieve exponential earnings, you may need to improve your understanding of the mechanisms that have been used to impoverish you.
In any case, the Golden Revolution is likely to play a major role in helping millions of people to free themselves from at least some of the plundering of governments and international banksters.
By "Golden Revolution" I refer to the shift of assets and economic activities into the New Gold Economy (NGE). The NGE is largely free from the "coercive government yoke," as well as from the control of "international banksters." It's a nonviolent economic revolution and does not involve "overthrowing governments."
"Whomsoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate." -- President James Garfield [A few weeks after saying the above, he was assassinated.]You can start enjoying the benefits of the NGE by opening a free e-gold account. You don't want to be left behind!"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." -- Mayer Rothschild
One of the implications of the Golden Revolution is that the time will come when practically everyone -- at least in the "developed world" -- will have an e-gold [or similar] account and one or more "gold-linked" debit cards they can use for withdrawing cash at ATMS and for making purchases.
The NGE could be compared to the California gold rush, starting in 1849. People are migrating from all over the world to get a piece of the action. Companies providing services to the miners are flourishing -- compare them to the modern Market Makers (use them to fund your e-gold account).
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