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WBM#22: The Power Of Formulas

by Frederick Mann

(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #22 -- April 24, 2001)

About six months ago, I received an email from Person #1:

"Hi Fred: I ended up having to send $10 cash to you. Only sent it on the 20th. I spent most of the time trying to access e-gold. I now have two accounts there, one of them recently funded, for which my accounts and passwords absolutely do not work. I bought $100 worth of gold from one of the companies to fund the newer account with. They did so. But I can not access the account and e-gold will not answer my email nor return the messages I leave on the phone, on which they leave no option but to leave your message. Inaccessibility has in the past spelled crookedness to me. I won't trust e-gold any longer. But the $10 is on the way if it hasn't already arrived. By the way, look at the return address on the envelope to know that you got my money. I forgot to put an identifier in the envelope..."

A few days ago, I received another email from the same Person #1:

Subject: "advertising"
Body: "I'm in at least one program of yours -- BigBooster7million. I felt uncomfortable mailing you there as you are at the top of the list, rather than below me. New advertising medium out thats working. Free to join, so it could work for many of the people in the programs you offer on buildfreedom; bigbooster7million, etc.etc.

I'd particularly like to see buildfreedom on it but that would be up to you. Here is the link: [Changed to my link -- it's actually a good program!]

The way it works is one joins for free; you get a url to enter into homepage setting of your browser; then everytime you open your browser you go to some other member's website. For every two visits you undergo, you earn a visit to whatever website you've entered into the program. The program has an additional program where you rotate up to 5 of your websites. This does get traffic but depends upon referrals for large volume. Lot of junk on it but there is some good stuff too."

Yesterday, I received an email from Person #2:

Subject: "Private Programs"
Body: "Dear Mr Mann:
You sound like our kind of Prosperity Enhancing Person.
We are interested in increasing our assets by investing them. We are not interested in most MLM programs that we know anything about.
It sounds like you have found and are developing strategies around some very high yield programs that we have been seeking after.
The reason we have trust in you and your programs is because we are already involved in [ Program T1 ] and are enjoying the rewards of membership. We, like you, are very pleased with this fine investment program and have been seeking to find others like it.
We would like very much to talk with you if that is possible.
Of course, we appreciate your privacy because we value our own privacy tremendously.
Anyway, please respond by Email and tell us if you would consent to talk with us by phone. Or call us at ... We have a home office and are in business from 9:00AM till 5:00PM MDLTime. For important business, try us anytime. We answer the phone when it rings.
We look forward to talking and sharing with you IMPORTANT BUSINESS."

Whether you realize it or not, when you write an email you use one or more FORMULAS. Person #1 applied a formula which seems to be: DO THINGS WRONG. (His problems with e-gold were most likely due to his Doing Things Wrong.)

Person #2 seems to have applied the formula: DO THINGS RIGHT.

We can expect that Person #1 applies the formula, "Do Things Wrong," in other areas of his life as well. We can expect that he does not earn much money and much of what he does on the Internet yields poor results.

We can expect that Person #2 applies the formula, "Do Things Right," in other areas of his life. We can expect that generally he deliberately designs his actions so they are most likely to work and produce the results he desires. We can expect that he earns good money with relative ease.

However, he came on too strong. Chances are he's a scam artist. The "IMPORTANT BUSINESS" he wants to share is most likely a scam. He didn't reply to my request to send his questions via email or provide details of what he wanted to talk about. He probably applies the formula: DO WRONG THINGS.

Many people fail to earn much money on the Internet because they have little or no concept of the formula: DO THINGS RIGHT. Many people probably make a great deal of money by DOING WRONG THINGS, BUT DOING THEM REASONABLY WELL! Most money is made by those who DO THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT!

If Person #1 doesn't pervasively change his behavior so he Does Things Right, it doesn't matter what he tries to learn, what programs he promotes, what marketing methods he tries. Practically everything he attempts will fail.

Success Arsenal!(sm), developed by Dale Armin Miller who has been involved with the Internet since the 80s, includes the e-book Real 'Secrets' of Success! which addresses, why some actions don't work very well, better than any other book I know of. Over the years, I've often been asked, "Where do I start?"; "How do I learn to make money on the Internet?" Finally I have the answer: Real 'Secrets' of Success!

Unless Person #1 learns the Real 'Secrets' of Success! -- learns to apply the formula Do Things Right -- the chances are overwhelming that he'll continue to fail in major areas of his life.

Ignorance can be expensive! Person #1 is ignorant of the formula: Do Things Right. As a result, he fails to earn thousands every month.

When engineers set out to build a bridge, they first design the bridge and draw blueprints, then they acquire the necessary resources (consisting of capital. people, equipment, and material), and then they build the bridge. In designing and building the bridge, they apply FORMULAS. If they applied the proper formulas, the end result is a bridge that stands for decades or even centuries.

During November 1999, 12 Texas A&M University students ("Aggies") were killed when a huge, tall wooden log structure they were building for a bonfire collapsed. This was a "tradition" that had been going on for about 90 years. Every year, prior to a football game against the University of Texas, the Aggies built and ignited their bonfire. They didn't use proper blueprints and didn't have professional engineers in charge. They used notebooks with instructions (inadequate formulas).

To me it seems like one of the most absurdly stupid activities you could imagine. Consider the cost of the activity against the potential benefits. Consider the risks to life and limb. Did anyone ever predicted that the Aggie bonfire had been a disaster waiting to happen all those years? I understand that they've now abandoned their absurd "tradition."

The Aggies had been applying the formula: "Tradition says we must build the bonfire." Even if they were to apply good formulas for the actual building process, the overall formula remains absurdly stupid. Their ignorance of proper formulas was expensive; it cost 12 of them their lives! Not only did they apply the formula Do Things Wrong, they also applied the formula Do the Wrong Thing!

My Webster's defines "formula" as:

"1b. a conventionalized statement intended to express some fundamental truth or principle especially as a basis for negotiation or action;
2a(1): RECIPE;
3a: a general fact, rule, or principle expressed in symbols;
4a: a prescribed or set form or method..."

The formulas you apply largely determine the degree of success or failure you achieve in every area of your life. No matter how good or bad the formulas you currently apply, you can always improve them. YOU CAN ALWAYS IMPROVE YOUR FORMULAS.

The first step may be for you to become aware that when you do things you apply formulas. Ask yourself what formulas you're applying when you do things. Can you improve these formulas? Are there different formulas that would work better? Where might you find better formulas?

I highly recommend the book 'Unleashing the Warrior Within: Using the 7 Principles of Combat to Achieve Your Goals' by Richard J. Machowicz. See Bukido Institute

Much more about formulas in future issues, including:

Note. Person #1, despite doing a great deal wrong, did actually get me to join his program -- only because I kept the email as an example for this article, and I thought I might look silly if I used his email without looking at his program, and it turned out to be a good program. Had I not decided to use his email, I would not have looked at his program. This illustrates the formula: Sometimes There's a Pearl in the Manure!

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