by Frederick Mann
(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #30 -- June 28, 2001)
[DTF Note: This article describes the BigBooster7Million (BB7M) program, which is defunct, but still contains some useful general information.]
You may or may not realize that one of the post powerful "secrets" of making money on the Internet is to develop a large and growing "warm market" to promote to. It's difficult to imagine a better gold mine than this! By "warm market" I'm referring to people who know you, or at least know about you. Hopefully, they also have some confidence in you. The more they trust you, the "warmer" this market can be said to be.
We need to make a distinction here between (a) the "warm market" consisting of your family, personal friends, and contacts who are generally not interested in making money on the Internet or joining MLM-type programs; and (b) the "warm market" consisting of your Internet contacts who want to make money on the Internet and with MLM-type programs -- your potential gold mine!
Generally, it doesn't work well to promote (a). It works much better to promote to (b). BB7M is a way for you to develop a growing downline or community to market to -- a "warm market" that responds -- your gold mine!
Four factors basically determine the degree of success you achieve from emailing your downline:
The first three of the above factors are directly under your control. You can study Success Arsenal!(sm) to improve the "attention-grabbing power" of your headlines and the "selling power" of your sales copy.
To increase the size of your downline, you can promote BB7M. For example, you could include the following signature in your emails:
Promote To People Who WANT To Hear From You!
Don't Waste Your Money When You Can Promote For FREE!
You can also get the email addresses of the first two levels of your downline from your BB7M Member Area and persuade your downline to promote BB7M, so their (and your) downline will grow.
If you're not as satisfied as you like with the program(s) you're curently promoting, you may want to do some experimenting with some of the programs on BigBooster.
You have less control over the fourth factor: confidence/trust. But you do have some control, and over time, by repeatedly emailing your downline (and not promoting garbage to them), you can build trust and confidence.
You may object, "If I build a downline, then Frederick Mann and the rest of my upline will promote their programs to my downline and I'll lose out!"
The first thing to realize is that typically only a very small percentage of people promoted to join any particular program. As an example, recently I've promoted Program M1 heavily because it's a superb program and it was closed to new members on May 31, 2001.
Out of these 70,000+ people promoted to, fewer than 200 joined Program M1 in my downline. That's well below 1%. That means that in general there always remain many potential "joiners" and buyers for whatever you promote -- even if you promote the same program I've already promoted!
The second thing to realize is that it often takes multiple "exposures" before someone joins or buys. Sometimes a program is promoted to me 10 or 20 times to me before I even look at it. So, the fact that I've promoted a program to a particular list, should never prevent you from promoting the same (or different) program to the same people. In fact, because of the "multiple-exposure effect," your promotion may be as successful or more successful than mine was.
The upshot of all this is that, provided you promote decent programs and products, you don't lose by getting your downline into BB7M and hence into my downline. Particularly, if you can motivate your downline to promote BB7M to further expand their and your downlines.
If you promote decent programs and products, and your downline grows steadily, you will become the strongest link and win bigtime!
You can think of your BB7M downline as a goldmine, with the difference that it can continuously grow into a bigger and bigger goldmine!
Promoting to your downline is like prospecting for gold. It's true that other promoters -- myself and others in your upline are competing with you for the gold. This is the "cost" of getting "your people" into BB7M.
A compensatory benefit for you is that if your downline promotes BB7M to grow their downlines, your downline will grow faster, more than making up for the "cost" of others also promoting to your downline.
If I promote something to your downline and, say, 0.3% of them buy or join what I promote, it means that 99.7% are still available to buy or join what I promoted. The point is that at best I can only find a very small fraction of the gold. There will always be a great deal of potential gold for you to find.
And if you promote something different from what I'm promoting, there's even more potential gold for you!
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