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WBM#32: How To Discover Your Conquering Force!

by Jack Zufelt

(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #32 -- July 17, 2001)

"My main mentor said, 'The truth will set you free.' My concepts set people free from false beliefs that have kept them from achieving at the level they want. With the truths I teach, everyone can achieve their Core Desires." -- Jack Zufelt

Special Breakthrough Report for Networker Marketers:

If Goal Setting, Positive Thinking, Affirmations, Self Talk, Dream Building, Visualization, Chanting, Fire Walking and Every Other "Technique" That Self Help Guru's Preach Actually Work.... Then why are they failing miserably for you?

WARNING! -- These next few pages in this special report will shatter conventional self-help theories and techniques that well-meaning Self-Help Guru's, MLM Trainers and your Upline Leaders have been telling you for the past 75 years.

What is the GOOD news? When we are finished you will have a simple, never before revealed, step-by-step blueprint of how to achieve exactly what you want in life and the true cause for success in life - including making more money, complete time freedom, unshakeable confidence, success in MLM, whatever you desire - and it's easier then you think.

Dear Friend,

Did that headline make you think? I mean REALLY think? I hope so. That's why I put it at the top of this page for you.

The Self Help industry, MLM Gurus and even your Upline Leaders - even though they mean well (God bless them) and genuinely want you to be successful - they are stunting, maybe even permanently destroying your chance to be successful, and they don't even know it.

Now before I get into the meat of this special report, I think it's only fair to briefly tell you a little about who I am and why I wrote this report for you.

So who am I to make these claims...

My name is Jack Zufelt and just like you I practiced all of the conventional techniques. I wrote goals and read them daily. I created and used affirmations every day and visualized what I wanted... and you know what - I bet you can guess what I'm going to say - none of that worked... unless the reason for doing all of those so called "success techniques" was to make you and me extremely frustrated and feel bad about ourselves.

I wrote goals that I never achieved. Read affirmations that never came true. Visualized results that never happened. And then when I didn't achieve any of the desired results I became depressed. It made me feel and think I was a failure because I never achieved my goals! I don't know about you, but I know how to fail on my own, what I wanted was success.

And many of my friends and business associates felt the same way as I did. We - you, me, and hundreds of thousands of people, many of them Network Marketers - spend $1000's on self-help books, tapes and seminars and NEVER see the results we desperately want.

There had to be a better solution, one that actually worked....

When I looked at the successes I had over the years, which included investing over $20 million in many businesses, becoming a highly paid international speaker and trainer, not to mention having had over 50,000 in a downline earning a high 6-figure income in Network Marketing, I realized there was one common factor in each one of those successes. In fact it was present in everything that significantly happened in my life. And none of those successes started with a written list of goals, doing some silly affirmations, or any of the other much touted success techniques.

That one common factor in each of those successes was something so simple, yet nobody had ever bothered to share it with me. (I found out later none of the Self-Help gurus never shared it with anybody because they didn't know about it!)

Then the light bulb came on!

So I started to share my discovery with others, and it was like the cartoons we watched as kids... you know where they get the big idea and the "light bulb" comes on in their head. I saw it happen with 100's and 1000's of people around the world. It was amazing and most likely an experience you would like too have as well. No, I mean, it's an experience you want to have happen to you, today. You know, the one you have spent everyday of your life dreaming about. I get goose bumps just thinking about what this could mean to you.

Pretty soon I was speaking in front of dozens, then 100's then 1000's of people across North America and 7 other countries around the world sharing what I have since named, "The DNA of MLM Success - How to Unleash the Conquering Force Within You".

And I started to receive testimonials from some amazing people in all walks of life about my revolutionary concept...


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