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WBM#36: Project Expand Freedom

by Frederick Mann

(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #36 -- August 7, 2001)

This may be a powerful approach to promoting and expanding freedom.

The first element of the approach is to use "lifting spells" as a metaphor. In 'The Language Imperative,' Suzette Haden Eglin convincingly makes the case that metaphors can be powerful instruments to change people's ideas, attitudes, and behaviors. (See also 'Metaphors We Live By' by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson.)

The second element of the approach is to use autoresponders. Freedom (and other) prospects are invited to send an email to an autoresponder, e.g.,

They then AUTOMATICALLY receive a series of emails (10-20 or even more) at a rate of one a day or one every two days (can be specified as desired). (Recipients can easily opt out with a simple click and stop receiving the emails.)

To appreciate the power of autoresponders, think of an insurance salesman with the power to make as many sales calls as he likes to as many prospects he likes -- all at the same time! If you think of each autoresponder message as a sales call, the insurance salesman could make many thousands of sales calls all at the same time! And he can make all these sales calls without spending any time on them! This would give him awesome selling power! Such is the power of the autoresponder system!

The first autoresponder system could address level-1 freedom -- see 'Respecting Levels of Freedom'. Each email the system sends out is an article that addresses some aspect of the "government spell" -- how compulsory state education is used to cast the spell; the role of the media; "social security"; etc. An early report might be on what people should decide for themselves. A design principle is to start with that aspect of the "government spell" that will be the easiest for the "person-in-the-street" to lift. Successive email articles would address gradually more challenging aspects of the "government spell."

Each email article also invites the freedom prospect to subscribe to a discussion list (the third element of the approach) where different aspects of the "government spell" can be discussed.

I propose a series of autoresponder systems, each with a corresponding discussion list:
Lift-the-government-spell List (freedom level 1)
Lift-failure/poverty-spells List
Lift-the-"AIDS"-spell List
Lift-poor-health-spells List
Lift-the-obey-government-spell List (freedom level 2)
Lift-the-"government"-think-spell List (freedom level 3)

My idea is that if people can be persuaded to:
1. think in terms of spells and lifting them;
2. discuss certain ideas as spells on a discussion list;
3. adopt a "spell-lifting" mode;
then, through this overall process, they will develop some "spell-lifting" skills that will make it easier for them to confront other, more challenging spells.

I would appreciate some feedback:

  1. What do you think of this overall approach?
  2. How can it be improved?
  3. What are aspects of the "government spell" and in what sequence should they be addressed?
  4. What should be the topics of the discussion lists?
  5. What discussion lists should be added?
  6. Are you interested in writing some of the articles?

Frederick Mann

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