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WBM#64: Horses For Courses

by Frederick Mann

(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #64 -- February 4, 2002)

There are many different ways of earning money on the Internet. Unfortunately, there are also many more ways of losing money on the Internet.

Just like in the casinos, more people probably lose money on the Internet than there are consistent winners.

I've been a consistent winner for some time. That doesn't mean that I win every "bet." It does mean that my wins are consistently more and bigger than my losses.

If you want to become a consistent winner you must do something that gives you a winning edge -- see WBM#7: The Winning Edge.

Acquiring the necessary money skills can give you a winning edge. So can learning to become an effective marketer.

If you don't do whatever it takes to acquire a winning edge, chances are you will lose.

Typically, more than 90% of new businesses fail during their first few years. The losing entrepreneurs didn't do what was necessary to gain a winning edge.

About 70% of new business franchises succeed. That's because the business owners who grant franchises have developed a winning edge in the form of methods and formulas that can be passed on to new franchise holders.

The winning edge comes from methods and formulas.

Similarly, I have developed methods and formulas that virtually guarantee my success.

If you also apply these methods and formulas -- spelled out on BigBooster -- your success is close to certain.

I provide several horses for you to ride. It's up to you to learn about them, select the best combination for you, and ride them to success.

A correspondent wrote to me:

"Although I have never met you personally, I consider you my friend because you have opened my eyes to new possibilities. You have embarked me on a path to freedom that I never new existed. And you have done so in a way that allows me to determine my comfort zone on achieving new levels of freedom. I visit your website BuildFreedom often to gain more knowledge and insight. I have been visiting your website for about 2 years now, but I couldn't contact you because I did not have a computer of my own. You motivated me to purchase one so that I could visit your site more often (not just when I was on lunch at work). I have had the computer since last August now, and because of you I'm in the process of building my own website, and hopefully freeing myself from the doldrums of a JOB. When I say because of you, you gave me the ideas to pursue something other than the norm. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insight."

This person could adopt a conservative approach, depending on what she wants to achieve. She could set herself a goal such as freeing herself from her job in one year.

She can think in terms of how much capital she wants to have in one year and what monthly earnings she would like to have. She can design a plan to reach her goal.

The plan should allow for setbacks. Some of the horses she chooses are likely to drop dead before reaching the finish line.

In any case, it's vital that she does whatever necessary to achieve her winning edge.

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