(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #69 -- March 7, 2002)
If you've been burned, betrayed, and back-stabbed by multi-level marketing, MLM, then please read this letter. It could be the most important one that has ever landed in your Inbox.
MLM has failed to deliver on its promises for the past 50 years. The pursuit of the "MLM Dream" has cost hundreds of thousands of people their friends, their fortunes and their sacred honor. The fact is that MLM is fatally flawed, meaning that it CANNOT work for most people.
The companies and the few who earn the big money in MLM are NOT going to tell you the real story. FINALLY, there is someone who has the courage to cut through the hype and lies and tell the TRUTH about MLM.
There IS an alternative to MLM that WORKS, and works BIG! If you haven't yet abandoned your dreams, then you need to see this. Earning the kind of income you've dreamed about is easier than you think!
With your permission, I'd like to send you a brief letter that will tell you WHY MLM doesn't work for most people and I will then introduce you to something so new and refreshing that you'll wonder why you haven't heard of this before.
I promise that there will be NO unwanted follow up, NO sales pitch, no one will call you, and your email address will only be used to send you the information. Period.
To receive this free, life-changing information, simply send an email to [service defunct] with "Send Info" in the Subject box. I'll get the information to you within 24 hours. Just look for the words MLM WALL OF SHAME! in your Inbox.
Frederick Mann
P.S. Someone recently sent the letter to me and it has been the most eye-opening, financially beneficial information I have ever received. I honestly believe that you will feel the same way once you've read it. And it's FREE!
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