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WBM#91: Idenics as a High Pay-Off Program

by Mike Goldstein (Co-Founder of Idenics)

(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #91 -- July 10, 2002)

In his recent article, WBM#90: High Pay-Off Actions, Frederick lays out an excellent exercise that will assist people to better their existing financial condition.

Essentially, a person is simply evaluating their past successful and unsuccessful financial actions to determine a new course of action to increase their current wealth.

This new course of action is then not based on untried actions, which always have elements of risk. Instead, a person is basing what they are going to be doing on what has worked, how well it worked, what didn't work, etc. In other words, an individual's new plans are being based on facts rather than speculation. These tools, of course, may also be applied to enhance any company or organization.

Unfortunately, there are certain important points in an individual's life that limit the person's potential but that he/she cannot easily evaluate. These points translate into specific decisions, agreements, beliefs, ideas and choices that the individual is currently operating under, UNKNOWINGLY.

Current forms of traditional and non-traditional therapy would have you believe that people get "stuck" in past "losses," and the therapies proceed from this premise. People then tend to focus on things that were "done to them," blaming their lot on other people or circumstances and just become more of a victim.

One of the earliest breakthroughs in the research of Idenics is that people do not get stuck in "losses," but rather, what they do get stuck in is "wins." And, it is from THIS premise that WE in Idenics proceed.

Yes, people, in their lives, DO encounter barriers that disrupt the continuity of their lives, disrupt their intentions and expectations. These barriers are produced by others or circumstances at the time. And such occasions DO produce confusions for people. But what really "sticks" the person is NOT what was DONE to the person on that occasion. What does stick the person is how he/she RESPONDED to some confusion. The individual responds by adapting a new way of being to handle that confusion. This new way of being (which in Idenics we call an identity) is composed of decisions, agreements, beliefs, ideas and choices that in some way were successful for the person in handling that confusion at that time.

Unfortunately, people tend to cling to or hold on to these responses because of their workability, even if they only worked that one time. Also, these responses are held onto UNKNOWINGLY. These responses are kept and used by the person in later occasions on an automatic basis and not by conscious choice. And when these automatic responses present themselves in situations that are no longer applicable, the person then has an unwanted condition or limitation.

Here's an example to illustrate what I've said above: A 19-year-old boy joins the army and goes overseas to fight some war. He finds himself in a battle defending some outpost. He's the only survivor, the enemy is advancing on his position, and he doesn't know when to expect reinforcements.

It's now "do or die." Somehow he generates a way of being that involves a great level of anger and manages to hold off the enemy until reinforcements do arrive. This new way of being with this tremendous anger works; he survives. The anger was a winner for him and this gets stuck. Later in life this "anger-way-of-being" kicks in automatically in certain circumstances. Unfortunately, these circumstances entail times when someone disagrees with his plans or intentions. It may just be when his wife or kids don't readily agree with what he wants them to do and he gets violent and kicks them around. He's now labeled abusive and has one hell of an unwanted condition.

The above example is a dramatic one. But I assure you that any unwanted condition that a person is struggling with began somewhere. And where it began it was not unwanted but solved something. The person in some way got stuck with the response and it's now "on automatic" and not under the person's control. In other words, people, at times of confusion, pass "personal rules and laws" of how to be -- a way of being that makes the person is better off at that time. However, these "personal rules and laws" are carried forward in their lives and most of the time, they are not later better off because of them.

The only person who can "repeal" these "personal rules and laws" is the person him/herself. But for the most part, the person can't see how they are doing what they are doing. People then can go from one self-help method to another accumulating other people's solutions to their unwanted conditions, but never getting to the bottom of things.

Idenics is a one-on-one facilitation that assists a person to get to the root of their unwanted conditions and take the old solutions or responses off of automatic, thereby allowing the person to make conscious choices in present circumstances. In Idenics we do not provide new answers and solutions to current unwanted conditions. We just facilitate your being able to delete the automatic, stuck solutions of the past. And that's all that needs to be done.

But the procedure for clients coming for Idenics is much simpler than it sounds. It's really as easy as presenting an unwanted condition and away we go. You don't have to figure out anything. The procedure is much faster and easier than you would think or could imagine.

Many years ago, Frederick Mann came to us with some unwanted conditions he'd been working on for 20 years, yet still had not been resolved for him. In a matter of hours he successfully resolved these conditions, many of which were barriers to his success. He then went on to become extremely successful. He has continued to tell people about Idenics ever since that time. Because of Frederick, many people from all over the world have become introduced to and done Idenics sessions and had their own results and successes.

So, if you have unwanted conditions, things about yourself you don't like, want to handle, resolve, change or improve, feel like you have barriers obstructing your goals, then perhaps you should check out Idenics. The Idenics methods have now been developed so that you don't have to come to my location to get sessions. Idenics can now be done right over the telephone.

If you want more information you can check out articles and audio tapes that you can download and listen to, free. You can also call me on my toll-free number, 1-800-IDENICS (433-6427), and I'll answer your questions and provide you with any information you may want. If out of my calling area you can reach me at 1-303-695-4940. Additionally, you can try out a free introductory phone session before deciding if you want to proceed with more sessions.

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