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WBM#98: Additives: Less is Better

by Mike Goldstein

(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #98 -- August 12, 2002)

(edited and abridged by Frederick Mann)

In the vast arena of self-improvement it's hard to determine the right "answers." Thousands of ideas and concepts, many similar but stated differently, are available for you to choose from.

In this article, I address the subject of "additives". By "additive," I simply mean something that is added. What people think they are -- the ideas and concepts they think themselves to be -- are additives.

The ideas and concepts at the bottom of personal unwanted conditions are additives. If people could simply TAKE A LOOK, inspect and "let go" of these additives they could release themselves from their self-imposed chains. Most of the time, however, they just keep "adding".

The primary source of additives for a person is him/her SELF. The amount of garbage people can heap on themselves trying to figure out what is "wrong" with them can be staggering. Our own responses to questions we ask ourselves, such as, "What's wrong with me?" and "Why do I do that?", can be a source of continual misery. The great liability of self-inquiry is creating additives and getting stuck with them.

Many people do all kinds of "self-improvement work" -- often just adding more additives that don't work very well -- except maybe providing some temporary relief. You get the "quick fix" that soon wears off!

But unwanted conditions are kept in place by additives. To resolve unwanted conditions you need to "let go" the additives.

Explanations for unwanted conditions are additives. People love explanations. Whether correct or not, you only need to buy into some explanation for temporary relief. For example, Jim goes to a psychic and says, "I have all these issues in my life, I'm unhappy, tell me why." The psychic says, "When you're asleep, aliens beam you with special rays." Jim thinks to himself, "I sometimes feel tired in the morning, yeah, that makes sense." And he may feel better ... for a while.

Another example. Jane has a low self-image. She buys a book on "How To Improve Your Self-Esteem". The author says, "The reason for your low self-esteem is the ideas your parents installed in you." Jane thinks to herself, "Well, my father did tell me I was worthless several times, yeah, that makes sense." And she may feel better for the rest of the day. But the next day some situation occurs, and she falls right back into the same old stuck condition of low self-esteem.

People tend to hold on to these explanations EVEN IF THEY WORK ONLY ONCE. Jane still has the unwanted condition, but also has the explanation: an additive because it adds on to the condition. If you've ever spoken with someone who has spent years in therapy, you might find they could sit and talk with you for hours explaining all the reasons why they have their conditions, but they still have their conditions. You've been listening to their additives.

People seem to crave additives. For this reason, groups selling the most additives (explanations, answers, and solutions) will continue to thrive! Most people always have to come back for more ... or find a different group!

On the contrary, I choose to assist people with as little additive as possible. This is the cornerstone of Idenics. We have a procedure to assist people to resolve their unwanted conditions. The essence of the procedure is to get people to TAKE A LOOK. Idenics is nonjudgemental, nonevaluative, and nonadditive. Idenics facilitators are trained to not even have an opinion about the clients they work with.

The complete source of information about a client is that client. Because of this unadditive focus in Idenics, clients attain their desired results in a short time.

Some people find it hard to imagine how our clients resolve for themselves, so quickly, issues that have been bothering them for years.

In Idenics we trust our clients, believe them, and respect their uniqueness and self-determinism. The integrity of what we do is above our own desires for expansion and financial success. It's not always easy, but our clients do well, and that's the best pay one can get in this business.

Whether you come to us for service or not, I hope that what I've said about additives will be of some assistance to you. Thank you for reading, and TAKING A LOOK.

FM: The complete article is here.

I've made a special arrangement for my contacts to receive a FREE Idenics telephone session. To schedule, call Mike Goldstein toll-free at 1-800-IDENICS (1-800-433-6427) and tell him Frederick Mann sent you. For those outside Mike's calling area who can't reach him on the toll-free number, you're welcome to call him at 1-303-695-4940.

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