by Frederick Mann
(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #102 -- September 3, 2002)
* What if there are people in the world who want to "put and keep you in your place" so you'll be an "obedient slave" they can easily exploit?
* Do you always want to do what you're told ... or do you have an independent spirit?
* Do you live your life at the losing end of political and economic "masters" who tell you to jump every which way?
* What if "economic correctness" is one of the ways political and economic "masters" use to control, dominate, and exploit their "slaves?"
* Have you ever felt victimized by bosses or bureaucrats?
* What if they have indoctrinated you with certain fixed ideas that put you at the bottom and them at the top?
* Do you want to spend the rest of your life at the bottom, barely surviving on the few morsels they allow you to keep?
* What kind of fixed ideas do you think the "masters" may have implanted in your mind that prevent you from being wealthy and free?
* What if "economic correctness" consists of a set of such fixed ideas?
* What if "economic correctness" is really a debilitating condition that is holding you back and preventing you from enjoying the riches you deserve?
* What if you suffer from the paralyzing affliction of "economic correctness?"
See How to Overcome "Economic Correctness".
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