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WBM#121: Idenics & Willingness to Take a Look

By Mike Goldstein

(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #121 -- January 15, 2003)

I have simple criteria for accepting a person for Idenics facilitation:

  1. The individual has something they want to handle, resolve, change or improve about themselves, (because I don't have anything FOR them to take up or address);
  2. The individual is doing the work on their OWN determinism, (as it wouldn't work if they are doing it because someone else thinks they should); and
  3. The individual is WILLING to take a look.

If a person meets these criteria I will work with them, if they don't, I won't. Most people have the first two criteria but few have the third one.

By "looking" I simply mean, "noticing what is there." This is an activity that people normally DON'T do with regards to their issues or unwanted conditions. Instead, they tend to think about, speculate, or try to figure out what is going on with them. And, unfortunately, most therapeutic methods tend to encourage this latter activity, an activity that most have already been engaging in forever without the desired results.

"Looking" takes a little practice since it's something most people have not done previously. Through Idenics facilitation a client really works the "looking muscles" that have lain dormant in people. It takes a little work but the results are far beyond one's wildest dreams. So, I don't expect new clients to start off being a "champ" at looking. But I do expect them to be WILLING to look. If they are WILLING to look the rest will come with just a little persistence.

So if you have some unresolved issue or unwanted condition, want to resolve it and are willing to take a look, then give me call. We can schedule a free phone session so that you can sample what I do. The only thing you have to lose is some of the barriers that limit your personal freedom.

For more information about Idenics, you'll find articles about the subject and audio tapes you can listen to and download. You can e-mail Mike Goldstein from the website or call him on his toll-free number, 1-800-IDENICS (433-6427). If you're out of Mike's calling area you can reach him at 303-695-4940.

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