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WBM#204: The Principle of "Winning Money Moves"

by Frederick Mann

(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #204 -- January 2, 2004)

I got the idea of "Winning money Moves" from making an analogy between playing chess and making money on the Internet.

In general, to win at a game like chess, you need to make more and better winning moves (and fewer losing moves) than your opponents. The higher the quality of your chess moves, the more you win.

In your attempts to "win" money on the Internet, you make "money moves." The higher the quality of your money moves, the more you win.

Making money on the Internet involves a much wider range of money moves compared to the allowable moves in chess. It may take a bigger effort to learn to become a "winning Internet money player" than it takes to become a good chess player.

I started making money on the Internet in 1997. Since then I've learned a few things about good and bad money moves. I continue to learn...

Some of what I've learned is available to you in the form of writings on BigBooster and BuildFreedom. Numerous people have studied these writings, learned from them, and improved their own money moves. Some examples.

I'm sharing some of my money moves with you. I also tell you why I take these moves and why I think they are likely to work.

I invite you to learn all you can from my money moves. You're also welcome to make any money moves I suggest. As you continue to learn and improve your money moves, you'll find it easier and easier to make money on the Internet.


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