by Frederick Mann
(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #275 -- March 25, 2005)
Most people trying to make money on the Internet join money-making programs and then try to "push their programs onto other people". So there's a huge crowd of people trying to push their programs onto each other. You probably receive numerous "offers" (often spam, and mostly unwanted) every day to join this and that old or new program. If they're in the form of emails, you just delete practically all of them. If they're in the form of pop-ups or similar ads, you mostly view them with at least a little annoyance, and you ignore and/or just close the windows in which they appear. The 95% plus people failing to make money online are engaged in this futile merry-go-round of trying to push their mostly boring ads and programs onto each other.
I've developed a radically different strategy called the "Power Team Strategy" (PTS) that makes you stand out from the crowd, gets you noticed, and produces results.
Think about this: in ancient times who did better: the lone hunter or the hunting team? In modern times who generally does better: the one-person business operator or the company that consists of a team? Both in ancient and modern times there have been, and are now, individuals who make it on their own. But the vast majority -- probably more than 95% -- just aren't effective enough to succeed by themselves. Most people trying to make money on the Internet are essentially trying to do it as "lone hunters"... and failing miserably. Unless you're among the exceptional top 1-2%, when you leave school, do you think in terms of striking out on your own, or getting a job in a company (joining a team)?
(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #276 -- April 2, 2005)
In this Issue:
1. Everyone Can Be Successful
2. Free Power Resources -- Power of Teams
3. Build Your Strength and Effectiveness
4. The Skills that Bring Success
During the past 12 years I've built some large downlines. In several programs I've personally sponsored more than 1,000 people, more than 2,000 people, and even more than 3,000 people. In the process I've earned some good money.
Unfortunately, most people in my downlines have not enjoyed the same success. "Frederick's Power Team" is being created to help many more people become more successful. To become a member of "Frederick's Power Team," register for a FREE membership at: [service defunct]
Michael Dlouhy of MentoringForFree has inspired me to adopt a new strategy for my online earning activities. My main focus now is on a team-building strategy that emphasizes providing people with the means -- particularly training and mentoring -- to become more successful.
Michael writes:
"MLM is a wonderful industry, but it has one ENORMOUS failing.New people do not get trained.
They're like babies left in the woods. No hope of survival.
If that is you, then we can help. I commit to you that we will mentor you to become successful & profitable in this business, no matter what company you are with."
In general, I'll provide members of Frederick's Power Team with sources of free training and mentoring. MentoringForFree is FREE! Other free resources will also be provided.
Please appreciate the advantages of teamwork. Which wolves have a better chance of surviving and thriving: solitary hunters, or those who hunt in packs?
The people who make big money online are all leaders with teams (often called affiliates).
There are certain programs, particularly those with binary structures and 3-wide matrixes, that can provide huge advantages to members who enter these programs as large teams, rather than as solitary individuals working on their own.
When a big team moves into a program, a great deal of spillover can be generated. Those who move in early can benefit tremendously!
You may ask: "But what about the members who move late? What do they gain?"
Answer: In general, when we move into a program, members will be informed in "groups" which will be "staggered." Maybe 100 people will be notified; an hour later, another 100; and so on. Sometimes the notifications will be in reverse order of when members joined Frederick's Power Team. In other words, those who joined last will have the chance to enter the program first, giving them a big advantage. Sometimes the sequence will be random. EVERYONE WILL GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO GET INTO SOME PROGRAMS EARLY.
However, the first principle of Frederick's Power Team is that we help each other build our strength and effectiveness.
The sad fact is that about 98-99% of people trying to earn money online fail miserably. They operate below the "success threshold." They haven't developed their skills and relationships to the "critical level" that makes success possible.
They need to invest in themselves to improve their skills and relationships to ABOVE THE CRITICAL LEVEL THAT MAKES SUCCESS POSSIBLE.
If you're already successful online -- operating above the critical level or success threshold -- or you're willing to invest in yourself to become successful, then you're most welcome to join Frederick's Power Team.
You may not need this mentoring for yourself, but you may want to make it available to your contacts. As a member of Frederick's Power Team, YOU MAY ALSO WANT TO BUILD YOUR OWN TEAM.
I'm not asking anyone to sponsor anyone into Frederick's Power Team. I do suggest that you BUILD YOUR OWN TEAMS.
Frederick's Power Team is also for people who want to EARN MONEY WITHOUT SPONSORING.
I suspect that many people trying to earn online money have not had any significant success with even one program. Members of Frederick's Power Team will be provided guidance on the easiest programs to succeed with. Usually these will be programs that don't require sponsoring.
Here's a broad overview of the kinds of skills that will help you become a wealthy Internet Entrepreneur:
As far as possible, members of Frederick's Power Team will be provided with resources to acquire these skills that COST YOU ONLY YOUR TIME. You need to be WILLING TO INVEST IN YOURSELF -- BE someone WHO HAS NOT GIVEN UP ON THEMSELVES.
The "OSTRICH FACTOR" is most important. A great deal of research has demonstrated that many people overestimate their level of competence. People tend to think they are more competent than they really are. Furthermore, the less competent people are, the more they tend to overestimate their level of competence.
If you've been trying to make money online for some time without success, then the main reason could be that you haven't learned the necessary skills to succeed. A good place to start is MentoringForFree.
If you've GIVEN UP ON YOURSELF, I don't want you as a member of Frederick's Power Team. If you've been trying to earn money online for some time without success, and YOU THINK YOU DON'T NEED TO IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS, then you've effectively GIVEN UP ON YOURSELF and I don't want you on my team.
Please realize that about 98-99% of people trying to make money online are insufficiently competent to succeed. If you've been trying to make money online without success, then you're most likely in this group. There's nothing wrong with being insufficiently competent to succeed. There may be something wrong if you decide you don't have to improve your skills, that is, YOU'VE EFFECTIVELY GIVEN UP ON YOURSELF.
Working for Your Success,
Frederick Mann
P.S. Because of all the people I'm promoting Frederick's Power Team to, it may not take very long for us to grow to several hundred or even more than 1,000 members. Now consider what happens when many of these members improve their skills and also build their own teams...
We could soon number tens of thousands. Imagine what happens when we move into a program as a team and a significant percentage of us join the program...
[DTF note: these services are now defunct, but you can still find most of the resources you'll need for success with any endeavor at BigBooster, Build Freedom, etc.]
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