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WBM#281: Learning and Dyslearning

by Frederick Mann

(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #281 -- May 31, 2005)

For some people, succeeding with a program may require a learning process. You may want to try this formula:

  1. Read the website (or at least the most important parts of it).
  2. Figure out how the program works.
  3. If necessary, ask questions about how the program works. Note that most programs have a forum where some of your questions may already have been answered and where you can ask further questions.
  4. Figure out what you have to do to "work" the program in order to make money.
  5. If necessary, ask questions about what you can do to maximize your earnings (while minimizing your risk).
  6. If you persist with your questions, you eventually find out what works, you do it, and you make money.

A correspondent recently emailed me:

"Why I have not promoted StudioTraffic -- right or wrong, I assessed ST as similar to TrafficSwarm. With TS, I noticed that I never buy from any of the advertisers and I get terrible conversion rates (less than 0.5%) compared to advertising the same programs at Google AdWords (2-3%). When I ask, "What's the best use of my time right now?", surfing ST or TS is not on the list."

Some people, including possibly the above correspondent, sometimes apply the formula below (or variations of it). Many people may have largely lost their ability to learn. Instead of learning, they may DYSLEARN from some of their experiences.

  1. Try something.
  2. It doesn't seem to work out as expected.
  3. Get emotional and make false conclusions.
  4. Blame others and factors outside yourself.
  5. Next time you try something similar, you're even less capable of making it work.
  6. You dyslearn and regress as a result of some of your experiences.

With StudioTraffic I'm now earning over $200 a day. Very little time is involved because it's an autosurf program.

With TrafficSwarm I'm getting a sign-up rate of 0.2% (which my correspondent above mistakenly concludes is "terrible"), without doing any surfing. I get thousands of credits from sponsoring people, from my Pro bonus, from opening my browser, and from downline members opening their browsers and surfing.

To maximize you online earnings, it helps to provide yourself with every advantage you can.

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