by Frederick Mann
(Excerpt from WealthBooster Magazine -- Issue #540 -- September 3rd, 2009)
A powerful moneymaking formula is to find a "strong money wave" and then to cash in, you basically get aboard and "ride the money wave".
I may have identified a general and prevalent reason why so many people fail to make money online. If you've tried for some time to make money online with little or no success, then you may want to read on...
"Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." -- George Washington Carver.
Your brain may be infected with "EXCUSITIS." If so, you have an "Automatic Excuse Generator" (AEG) in your head. When you're faced with something important to do, your AEG produces one or more EXCUSES like:
The simplest solution is Nike's "Just Do It!"
The problem is that if you suffer from excusitis, as soon as you try to "just do it," your AEG ("Automatic Excuse Generator") will immediately kick in with an EXCUSE.
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has written a book: 'Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong Self-Defeating Thinking Habits.' You could get this book and apply it to cure your excusitis.
The problem may be that as soon as you think about getting the book, your AEG immediately kicks in with an EXCUSE to not get the book.
And, if you do get the book, then soon after you start reading, your AEG may kick in with an EXCUSE to make you stop reading.
You could also do an Internet search for "excusitis." However, as soon as you read the previous sentence, your AEG may kick in with an EXCUSE to prevent your search.
And, if you actually do the search, your AEG may kick in with an EXCUSE to stop you from following through.
Making money online essentially involves taking a first step, a second step... and following through. But if you suffer from EXCUSITIS, your AEG (part of your brain) will stop you dead in your tracks.
Notice if one or more EXCUSES immediately pop into your head. Who is stronger: You or your AEG's excuses?
Don't get left behind!
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