If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank. |
Woody Allen |
[*FN] Although it's not the point of this book, the intolerant interpretation of the Bible by the fundamentalists also keeps sincere seekers from a potential source of inspiration and wisdom. For more on this, please read Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism, by Bishop John Shelby Spong.
Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please. |
[*FN] Some readers may be asking, "Who is Alan Watts does not have the wide audience, readership, or reputation he deserves. In my estimation, he was one of the finest philosophers of this century. Although he had a master's in theology and a doctorate in divinity, he seldom had the pretension of calling himself "Dr. Watts" (although, while an Episcopal priest, he probably tolerated the obligatory "Father Watts"). As fine as his writing is, I find his recorded lectures even more delightful. (His tapes and several books are available from his son, Mark Watts, P.O. Box 938, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956.) Although Watts died in 1973, his writings and his lectures are as contemporary, witty, and penetrating as ever.
The Bible is the inerrant word of the living God. It is absolutely infallible, without error in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as well as in areas such as geography, science, history, etc. |
[The Bible is] an anthology of ancient literature that contains sublime wisdom along with barbaric histories and the war songs of tribes on the rampage. All this is taken as the literal Word and counsel of God, as it is by fundamentalist sects, which - by and large - know nothing of the history of the Bible, of how it was edited and put together. So we have with us the social menace of a huge population of intellectually and morally irresponsible people.
[The Bible is a] translation of Hebrew and Greek documents composed between 900 B.C. and A.D. 120. There is no manuscript of the Old Testament; that is, of the Hebrew Scriptures, written in Hebrew, earlier than the Ninth Century B.C. But we know that these documents were first put together and recognized as the Holy Scriptures by a convention of rabbis held at Jamnia (Yavne) in Palestine shortly before A.D. 100. On their say-so. Likewise, the composition of the Christian Bible, which documents to include and which to drop, was decided by a council of the Catholic Church held in Carthage in the latter part of the Fourth Century.
The point is that the books translated in the ... Bible were declared canonical and divinely inspired by the authority (A) of the Synod of Jamnia and (B) of the Catholic Church, meeting in Carthage more than 300 years after the time of Jesus. It is thus that fundamentalist Protestants get the authority of their Bible from Jews who had rejected Jesus and from Catholics whom they abominate as the Scarlet Woman mentioned in Revelation.
I could not believe that anyone who had read this book would be so foolish as to proclaim that the Bible in every literal word was the divinely inspired, inerrant word of God. Have these people simply not read the text? Are they hopelessly uninformed? Is there a different Bible? Are they blinded by a combination of ego needs and naivete? |
When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, "Let us pray." We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.
[*FN] The preface of the New International Version shows the fundamentalist influence: "That [the translation scholars] were from many denominations - including Anglican, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Brethren, Christian Reformed, Church of Christ, Evangelical Free, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Nazarene, Presbyterian, Wesleyan and other churches - helped to safeguard the translation from sectarian bias."
Man is an exception, whatever else he is. If it is not true that a divine being fell, then we can only say that one of the animals went entirely off its head. |
People are much too solemn about things - I'm all for sticking pins into episcopal behinds. |
The Old Testament is responsible for more atheism, agnosticism, disbelief - call it what you will - than any book ever written. |
[*FN] If this seems an extreme punishment - whether your compassion is for the man or the animal - and if you think it could never be a law, allow me to quote from William Bradford, governor of Plymouth, Massachusetts (1642): "Ther was a youth whose name was Thomas Granger; he was servant to an honest man of Duxbery, being aboute 16 or 17 years of age. (His father & mother lived at the same time at Sityate.) He was this year detected of buggery (and indicted for the same) with a mare, a cowe, two goats, five sheep, 2 calves, and a turkey. Horrible it is to mention, but the truth of the historie requires it. He was first discovered by one that accidentally saw his lewd pracise towards the mare. (I forbear perticulers.) Being upon it examined and committed, in the end he not only confest the fact with that beast at that time, but sundrie times before, and at severall times with all the rest of the forenamed in his indictmente. And accordingly he was cast by the jury, and condemned, and after executed the 8. of September, 1642. A very sade spectakle it was; for first the mare, and then the cowe, and the rest of the lesser cattle, were kild before his face, according to the law, Levit: 20:15, and then he him selfe was executed."
Scrutamini scripturas [Let us look at the scriptures]. These two words have undone the world. |
Then the Lord said to Moses: "Take the blasphemer outside the camp. All those who heard him are to lay their hands on his head, and the entire assembly is to stone him. Say to the Israelites: `If anyone curses his God, he will be held responsible; anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death. ...'" Then Moses spoke to the Israelites, and they took the blasphemer outside the camp and stoned him. (24:13-16,23)
I never had any doubt about it [the Bible] being of divine origin - point out to me any similar collection of writings that has lasted for as many thousands of years and is still a best-seller, world wide. It had to be of divine origin. |
If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as menservants do. If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself, he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. (21:7-8)
If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property. (21:20-21)
If a man seduces a virgin who is not pledged to be married and sleeps with her, he must pay the bride-price, and she shall be his wife. If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, he must still pay the bride-price for virgins. (22:16-17)
Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed. (22:20)
If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not be like a moneylender; charge him no interest. (22:25)
You must give me the firstborn of your sons. (22:29)
Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day must be put to death. (31:15)
Do not light a fire in any of your dwellings on the Sabbath day. (35:3)
When you eat fish, you don't eat the bones. You eat the flesh. Take the Bible like that. |
While the Israelites were in the desert, a man was found gathering wood on the Sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly, and they kept him in custody, because it was not clear what should be done to him. Then the Lord said to Moses, "The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp." So the assembly took him outside the camp and stoned him to death, as the Lord commanded Moses. (15:32-36)
So Moses said to Israel's judges, "Each of you must put to death those of your men who have joined in worshiping the Baal of Peor." (25:5)
If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, "Let us go and worship other gods" ... do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone him to death, because he tried to turn you away from the Lord your God. ... (13:6, 8-10)
Do not eat anything you find already dead. You may give it to an alien living in any of your towns, and he may eat it, or you may sell it to a foreigner. (14:21)
There should be no poor among you. (15:4)
You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. (15:6)
I stand fearlessly for small dogs, the American Flag, motherhood and the Bible. That's why people love me. |
The man who shows contempt for the judge or for the priest who stands ministering there to the Lord your God must be put to death. (17:12)
Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. (19:21)
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this. (22:5)
Do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together. (22:10)
If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death. (22:23-24)
You must not bring the earnings of a female prostitute or of a male prostitute into the house of the Lord your God to pay any vow, because the Lord your God detests them both. (23:18)
If you enter your neighbor's vineyard, you may eat all the grapes you want, but do not put any in your basket. (23:24)
If you enter your neighbor's grainfield, you may pick kernels with your hands, but you must not put a sickle to his standing grain. (23:25)
If brothers are living together and one of them dies without a son, his widow must not marry outside the family. Her husband's brother shall take her and marry her and fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law to her. (25:5)
If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity. (25:11-12)
The Chinese said they would bury me by the Western Lake and build a shrine to my memory. I might have become a god, which would have been very chic for an atheist. |
Those were just some of the laws from four of the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament. A few obvious observations:
1. Aren't you glad the police aren't out enforcing more of these laws than they already are?
2. The laws of the Bible (the ones we've just reviewed are more than 3,500 years old) make a poor basis for the laws of the United States today.
3. The religious right has decided to disregard most of the Old Testament laws as no longer applicable. Yet these same people cling to a select few Old Testament restrictions as a basis for judging other people's morality and criminality.
4. What justification is there for almost everyone to ignore one biblical law and make another biblical law the basis for imprisonment, persecution, and discrimination?
5. The next time a televangelist (or senator) quotes Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, or any other Old Testament book of the Bible as a justification for locking people up, remember the context from which their interpretation of "God's law" comes.
More evil and injustice have been done (and continue to be done) "in the name of Jesus" than one could possibly document. Those who have not taken the time to read what Jesus actually said may - mistakenly - blame Jesus for this evil and injustice. Those who take the time to read the first four books of the New Testament will probably be surprised to discover what Jesus himself actually said. Once you've read those books, the next time someone says he or she is doing something "in the name of Jesus," you can say "But he never said that!" or "That's not what he meant at all!"
No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says: he is always convinced that it says what he means. |
The first four books of the New Testament - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John - tell the story of Jesus' life and teachings. For the most part, they are the only books in the Bible that report what Jesus said while he lived. The remainder of the New Testament contains Luke's account of the early church (Acts); letters (Epistles) written by James and Jude (Jesus' brothers), Peter, John, and Paul to various Christian communities, to set forth doctrine and guidelines for living. The New Testament culminates with the apocalyptic vision for the end of the world (Revelation), which the evangelicals believe is due any day now - just as fervently hopeful believers have predicted for 2,000 years. About half of the New Testament consists of Paul's Epistles.
The first three Gospels - Matthew, Mark, and Luke - are known as the synoptic Gospels. Synoptic means a general view or summary; to give an account from the same point of view. These were written from twenty to fifty years after Jesus' death. The synoptic Gospels seem to rely on each other - the authors of the later two perhaps having read the first - or, at the very least, they relied on similar source material. This material was most likely the written collections of "sayings" circulated, perhaps even while Jesus lived. These "quote books" (scrolls, actually) were quite popular and allowed the essence of a teacher's message to be conveyed in those pre-printing press days. Using these scrolls as a basis, and adding what they knew, remembered, or could discover, Matthew, Mark, and
Luke wrote their Gospels (a word which simply means "good news").
Christian: one who believes that the New Testament is a divinely inspired book admirably suited to the spiritual needs of his neighbors. |
The world is equally shocked at hearing Christianity criticised and seeing it practised. |
1. He healed the sick.
2. He taught love, compassion, and tolerance.
3. He attacked hypocrisy, especially among those in power.
4. He taught grace rather than law, acceptance rather than judgment, and forgiveness rather than punishment.
There is no worse lie than a truth misunderstood by those who hear it. |
William JamesThe Varieties of Religious Experience1910 |
When Anita Bryant was at the height of her campaign against homosexuals and had the backing of most fundamentalist Christian organizations and celebrities, Dale Evans - a popular Christian lecturer and author - was asked what she thought about homosexuals. Expected to give the knee-jerk reaction ("The Bible says it's an abomination and unnatural, and I'll take God's word for it"), Dale surprised everyone by, instead, stating the essence of Christ's teaching: "I'm too busy loving everybody to have any time to hate anybody."
It's a marvelous system. Too bad the people who ask for consensual criminals to be punished in the name of Jesus aren't following his teaching.
Jesus' lack of Old Testament wrath irritated his disciples: they wanted to see some of those vengeful-God pyrotechnics. In that, alas, Jesus was a disappointment.
When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, "Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?" But Jesus turned and rebuked them, and they went to another village. (Luke 9:54-56)
Jesus taught, instead, that if you're perfect, you can judge others; otherwise, keep working on yourself.
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, `Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." (Matthew 7:3-5)
But we never reach perfection, so by Jesus' teachings, we never have the right to judge another. In fact, we don't even have the right to judge ourselves. That, quite simply, is God's job.
The trouble with some of us is that we have been inoculated with small doses of Christianity which keep us from catching the real thing. |
After the Feast was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. (Luke 2:43)
PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH: We need more families like the Waltons and less like the Simpsons. HOMER SIMPSON: We're just like the Waltons - we're all praying for the depression to end. |
Thinking he was in their company, they traveled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends. When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, "Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you." (Luke 2:44-48)
Jesus is hardly the apologetic child:
"Why were you searching for me?" he asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" But they did not understand what he was saying to them. (Luke 2:49-51)
Given his druthers, it's obvious he would rather stay in the house of his Father, where he "had to be." It also indicates, that Mary and Joseph did not realize the significance of Jesus' mission on earth. That it took them three days to figure out Jesus would be in the temple indicates that they hardly saw Jesus as the Messiah.
The Bible is entirely silent about Jesus for his next eighteen years. When we fade back in, we find Jesus performing his first public miracle - thanks to his mother:
On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine."
"Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied. "My time has not yet come." (John 2:1-4)
I want to have children and I know my time is running out: I want to have them while my parents are still young enough to take care of them. |
His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you." (John 2:5)
When his family heard about this [healing the sick and teaching], they went to take charge of him, for they said, "He is out of his mind." (Mark 3:21)
I'm one of those cliff-hanging Catholics. I don't believe in God, but I do believe that Mary was his mother. |
Then Jesus' mother and brothers arrived. Standing outside, they sent someone in to call him. A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, "Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you."
"Who are my mother and my brothers?" he asked.
Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother." (Mark 3:31-35)
But when the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles was near, Jesus' brothers said to him, "You ought to leave here and go to Judea, so that your disciples may see the miracles you do. No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world." For even his own brothers did not believe in him. (John 7:2-5)
"You go to the Feast. I am notyet going up to this Feast, because for me the time has not yet come." Having said this, he stayed in Galilee. However, after his brothers had left for the Feast, he went also, not publicly, but in secret. (John 7:8-10)
We never talked, my family. We communicated by putting Ann Landers articles on the refrigerator. |
In his hometown of Nazareth, Jesus was not exactly remembered as "Little Jesus, Boy Messiah":
Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. "Where did this man get these things?" they asked. "What's this wisdom that has been given him, that he even does miracles! Isn't this the carpenter? Isn't this Mary's son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren't his sisters here with us?" And they took offense at him.
Jesus said to them, "Only in his home town, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor." (Mark 6:1-4)
Like many before and since, Jesus found it difficult to "be himself" "among his relatives."
On another occasion, Jesus was preaching and a woman interrupted his teaching.
As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you."
He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it." (Luke 11:27-28)
It was no great tragedy being Judy Garland's daughter. I had tremendously interesting childhood years - except they had little to do with being a child. |
As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." At once they left their nets and followed him. Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him. (Matthew 4:18-22)
Peter said to him, "We have left all we had to follow you!"
"Family" this and "family" that. If I had a family I'd be furious that moral busybodies are taking the perfectly good word family and using it as a code for censorship the same way "states' rights" was used to disguise racism in the mid-sixties. |
"I tell you the truth," Jesus said to them, "no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life." (Luke 18:28-30)
Still another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family." Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:61-62)
Another disciple said to him, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." But Jesus told him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead." (Matthew 8:21-22)
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26)
"For I have come to turn `a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law - a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.'" (Matthew 10:35-36)
"From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." (Luke 12:52-53)
"Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved." (Mark 13:12-13)
"For this cause shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave to his flesh" - I mean, "cleave to his wife." |
PAT ROBERTSONLarry King Live!August 17, 1992 |
When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this. He answered, "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery." (Mark 10:10-12)
The disciples said to him, "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry."
Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it." (Matthew 19:10-12)
Adultery is in your heart not only when you look with excessive sexual zeal at a woman who is not your wife, but also if you look in the same manner at your wife. |
The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. (John 8:3-6)
Mr. Mercaptan went on to preach a brilliant sermon on that melancholy sexual perversion known as continence. |
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. (John 8:6-8)
Jesus straightenned up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"
"No one, sir," she said.
Who are you to condemn another's sin? He who condemns sin becomes part of it, espouses it. |
GEORGES BERNANOSThe Diary of a Country Priest1936 |
[*FN] Sin in the original Greek meant "mistake" - not "transgression against God."
Jesus of Nazareth was clearly in favor of separation of church and state. Few things in the Bible are more certain. His teaching was spiritual: he had no interest in this world. His disinterest in the governments of this world - and the world itself - is profound.
"My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36)
"You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world." (John 8:23)
"The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. But you are not to be like that. And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me." (Luke 22:25-26, 29)
Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law. |
THOMAS JEFFERSONFebruary 10, 1814 |
The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours." Jesus answered, "It is written: `Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.'" (Luke 4:5-8)
After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, "Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world." Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again into the hills by himself. (John 6:14-15)
Someone in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me." Jesus replied, "Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?" (Luke 12:13-14)
The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it's just sort of a tired feeling. |
When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, "Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!" (John 2:13-16)
"Show me the coin used for paying the tax." They brought him a denarius, and he asked them, "Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?" "Caesar's," they replied. Then he said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away. (Matthew 22:19-22)
And what of the curious resemblances between Protestant churches and courts of law? The minister and the judge wear the same black robe and "throw the book" at those assembled in pews and various kinds of boxes, and both ministers and judges have chairs of estate that are still, in effect, thrones. |
Alan Watts |
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." (Matthew 6:5-6)
Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, "Sit here while I go over there and pray." (Matthew 26:36)
To justify Christian morality because it provides a foundation of morality, instead of showing the necessity of Christian morality from the truth of Christianity, is a very dangerous inversion. |
"But I tell you, Do not swear at all. Simply let your `Yes' be `Yes,' and your `No,' `No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." (Matthew 5:34, 37)
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