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How to Check the Records for Yourself


For print coverage of the CAFR, Check out The Spotlight, August 17th (pages 11-14) & 24th, 1998 (pages 22 & 23), October 5th, 1998 (page 19) for the CAFR report. The Contact News, American Journal, The AntiShyster, Media Bypass and The Free American. In the next 15 days 30 million citizens will be reached by radio with this information...

Get a team together and bring in a friend or two that are CPAs. Don't forget to look at other cities', counties' and states' CAFRs for comparison.

Add up the totals: Cities, County, State and Federal ownership within your State.

You will be learning from scratch, I have looked at composite totals of government (States, Counties, Cities and Federal ) for 10 years now and here is what I have totaled:

1. Stock ownership, composite totals.................. = to: $32 Trillion +
2. Insurance Company equity participation............. = to: $8 Trillion +
3. Bond surety investment accounts.................... = to: $5.5 Trillion +
4. Totals from all liquid investment funds............ = to: $60 Trillion +

The personal income from everyone in the U.S.A. (pre tax 1996) is = to 6.5 Trillion. In other words if every person living in this country gave every cent they made to government for 10 years, it would equal what composite government has amassed in their investment accounts, as of TODAY... Have You Gotten Your Wake Up Call...???

The corruption feeds off the revenue. Expose the revenue structure and the beast dies of starvation. There is only a few thousand of them compared to many millions of us....

Rip the head off the corruption and the body dies...

The Equivalent of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the composite totals of the majority of Federal Government agencies is called the Federal Government Combined Financial Statement.

To download the US Federal Government Combined Financial Statements for 1997, 96 & 95 go to this site.

Read the last page first. It shows what agencies are included in the combined statement and those that are excluded. You will see the ones excluded from the report as being the primary cash and investment agencies. Are they worried that if they were included them that the balance sheet would show positive assets in the trillions?? Hmmm...

To see the Federal Regulation submitted in 1979 requiring local governments (City, County and States) not already having a CAFR to prepare a CAFR report go to this Internet site.

To get some of the CAFR reports available for downloading go to this Internet site.

If your State or County is not listed, send an E-Mail to a neighboring State saying that you have their State CAFR report and you would like to do a comparison study of your State's CAFR report and would they please E-Mail you back with the department, telephone number and contact name in YOUR State + Counties + large Cities to get their CAFR report. The States all share each others CAFR reports for comparison..

The foundation of the Corruption is starting to quiver based on the fact that the word is getting out quickly... as to "The biggest game in town"...

Both the News Media's and Government's dilemma here, that will clearly expose them, is that the citizens are not looking for the needle in the haystack but the haystack sitting on the needle. Qualify what the forest is and stop looking at the leaves in the forest... What is important here is understanding the principle of operation that has led to this financial takeover. When seen you will understand the motives and propaganda that is rammed down your throat by the News Media and Government which keeps you looking in right field as they conduct their criminal business as usual activities in left field.

This project will require solid fuel in the tank to attempt to shift the wealth of this country back to its rightful owners, the citizens of this country. Those who can or those who know of someone who has the ability to help jump start this movement financially giving it the teeth necessary for the goal of true justice and victory, pass the word and make it happen.

The "CAFRs" show the created-through-restriction-by-statute revenue structure which allows the wolves to walk among the sheep in obscurity, as they devour the sheep, fulfilling their appetite in an orgy of neo-capitalistic gluttony. With the surviving sheep saying, "What happened?", "Who were they?", "Is something wrong?", "There's a problem here but we just can't put our finger in it"...

To date, I have been contacted by many from across the Land who now have been unified through disclosure for one common purpose: "making the citizen the beneficiary of the wealth" not those "Sharp Little Crackers".

I have received phone calls from across the country and have briefed, 15 running for congress, 7 running for senate, 5 running for governor of their state, 4 running for sheriff. All were not aware of the composite structure. They now have their own Wake Up Call...

Yours Truly,

Walter J. Burien, Jr.
P.O. Box 11444
Prescott, AZ 86304

Voice 1(520) 717-1994
E-Mail: cevi2000@AOL.COM

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