Compiled and edited by Frederick Mann
(Walter J. Burien, Jr.)
Judicial Accountability Amendment
(Anthony L. Hargis & Co.)
Commodity Trading Advisor and Analyst Walter Burien has done extensive research on the CAFR or "Comprehensive Annual Financial Report." This could be one of the most damning exposures of government financial fraud and abuse exposed in many years.
This seems like a prime example of THE BIGGER THE LIE, THE MORE DIFFICULT IT IS TO EXPOSE. Most people's immediate reaction might be, "No! This can't possibly be true! Nobody would even try something like this and think they could get away with it!"
But what if it is true? Could this information be used as a weapon to help defeat the thieving tyrants?
I suggest that it may be worthwhile to do some digging and find out for yourself...
You can read the Notes in your Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) yourself. They should break down the allocations for investments. You may also find investments that are not disclosed and are kept separate from the balance sheet in the report. Make sure you have several others learning with you, making the discovery along with you.
Guess what?... Most States are funding their own bond issuances, tagging the taxpayer for repayment of the bonds that are funded with their own states' investment funds... This is being done under irrevocable trusts with the funds being taken off the balance sheets until maturity.
The "Budget Report," on which the media and government intentionally focuses the public's attention, is the expense side of traditional governmental services, which the public is aware of, while the "CAFR" contains the profit side of Government-owned businesses/Agencies and "Investments" which are considered to be "outside the Budget Report" and are restricted by statute from being included as direct revenue into the "Budgetary Basis."
[Editor: Is this another example of tyrants and bureaucrats operating according to the de facto "Constitution": ANYTHING GOES... THAT WE CAN GET AWAY WITH!]
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For more information, contact:
Walter J. Burien, Jr.
P.O. Box 11444
Prescott, AZ 86304
Voice 1(520) 717-1994
[Note: These old pages may be educational, and spreading this information may be useful to wake up others to our cause, but to investigate the details of such issues yourself would most likely be a useless distraction and waste of your time (unless you are in direct control of the situation and able to resolve it yourself)! Whatever terrorcrats do, their entire "system" is fundamentally all a scam, so it's best to take actions to prevent them from stealing any of your assets in the first place. Incidentally, distracting the masses and wasting their time is one of the key tactics used by terrorcrats to maintain their bogus "system"!]
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