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The Arkansas Initiative


Recently the citizens of Arkansas had overwhelmingly passed an initiative calling for the abolishment of property taxes. The power structure of Arkansas government utilizing their leverage, moved through the courts to invalidate and block the initiative stating that they would have to shut down schools if the initiative was effected.

Lee Tibler, who hosts a radio program out of Hot Springs, Arkansas, had as guest on 9/18/98, 9AM-11AM show, Walter Burien of Citizens Economic Victory Initiative (C.E.V.I.) of Prescott, Arizona. Mr. Burien revealed the existence of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) which showed that within Arkansas, with a population of 2.5 million people who had a TOTAL assessed Property value of 18.3 Billion (1996), THAT just the state government CAFR report showed in excess of 16 Billion in combined total liquid investment funds, verging on being equal to the total hard assets and wealth of the citizens of the state of Arkansas as determined by their property value. Teachers' pension funds = to 5.7 Billion (how many teachers are there in Arkansas for the children of 2.5 M people?). State investment funds (Arkansas Development Finance Authority - ADFA), for issuance of bonds back to themselves or the local government = to 1.4 Billion. Total cash intake for the year = 1.9 Billion. NOTE: these figures are just for the state, not adding on for composite investment totals of Cities and Counties within Arkansas which would bring the total up to 26-28 Billion.


As of September 18th, 1998, on Mr. Tibler's radio show, Walter Burien called for the citizens of Arkansas to determine if the citizens owned the government or if the government owned the citizens. What was proposed by Mr. Burien was that the citizens of Arkansas unify and put through for an emergency special initiative that would change the principle of operation of Arkansas government, City, County and State, whereby the initiative would call for and enact by law the following:

1.) For the immediate down-sizing by 25% of Arkansas state and local governments' "revenue" structure for re-appropriation, annually, into the Citizen's Trust Investment Account. Whereby the citizen after 8-12 years participation in the "system", based on his or her interest and dividend yield from the Citizen's Trust Investment Account, would have no tax liability. After 12 years participation, the citizen, on top of having no tax liability would start receiving a dividend check which would exponentially increase throughout the remainder of his or her life. During the last year of the citizen's life they would receive the biggest check. Citizen's who have already participated dearly for many a year in the "system" will be first-line beneficiaries as of day one for full payment of interest and dividend yield from the Citizen's Trust Investment Account. With this structure in place, the Citizen's Trust Investment Account becomes the largest investment fund in the state, of no equal, with the citizen being the " Beneficiary", not the inner circle of the "Boys" from government and their special interests. NOTE: the large investment banking and brokerage conglomerates, after examination of the Citizen's Trust Investment Account, should be all for it. They do not take a loss but in fact are offered by the citizen the largest investment account to manage, which if this becomes the standard across the country, will make the Citizen's Trust Investment Account the largest investment account on the face of this planet...

2.) Under the initiative, the creation of a Citizens Appointed Review Panel (lawyers and politicians shall not be on the panel but only act as consultants, the panel will be made up of: the electrician, the plumber, the school teacher, the police officer, the sheriff, etc... 250 individual citizens, with none having an income exceeding $75K / year) with full international discovery and disclosure rights with a small team of accountants that they select, for recommendation and direction capabilities for the re-appropriation of the 25% annual revenue into the Citizen's Trust Investment Account. NOTE: When the politicians say; we will have to close down the little old ladies' home and shut down the schools, the Citizens Appointed Review Panel will say, no you're not, the revenue will come FROM HERE!!!

3.) Under the initiative, the government employee, City, County, and State will be offered 1/3 of 1% as a finders fee for pointing out and redirecting revenue which is "not directly benefiting the citizens" for re-appropriation into the Citizen's Trust Investment Account. NOTE: If that government employee, finds and recommends re-appropriation of say 150 Million which is not directly benefiting the citizen, 1/3 of 1% as a finder's fee is a pretty nice check. Any employee coming forward with a proposal who is retaliated against, can report to the Citizen's Appointed Review Panel, and the panel will take the appropriate action to protect that employee and hold those accountable for their unjust and criminal retaliation against both that employee and the citizens of the state...

4.) Under the initiative, No Further Debt Enacted, cash and carry. Existing debt will be enhanced for offset, until canceled, from 15% of the interest and dividend allocation from the Citizen's Trust Investment Account.

5.) Under the initiative, there will be criminal prosecution, with effective, sharp teeth, towards any organization, governmental agency or department that intentionally tries to, or in effect does, circumvent disclosure to the Citizen's Appointed Review Panel, any revenues, investment funds or cash controlled or maintained by the governmental bodies of the State, Counties or Cities...

In effect, we are changing the Principle of operation of the government. We are not changing a leaf or a branch or a tree in the forest, we are changing the forest which will effect every leaf in the forest to make "We The People" the beneficiaries of the wealth of this country, which is truly ours, NOT the politicians who spend millions to get elected into their $60 K / year jobs to continue the inner circle... NOT the special interests who inflate their own pockets with taxpayer money...

I think the Founding Fathers of this country would be smiling in their graves right about now...

The corruption, graft and payoffs disappear overnight. It's a little hard for the "Boys" to continue "Business as Usual" with 280 Million Americans watching over their shoulders where every $1 is spent, invested, moved or has been moved in the past, because "We The People" are now the beneficiaries of the wealth within the greatest country on Earth...

Well as I said in the beginning, we are about to find out if the citizens own this country or if the government "THINKS" they own the citizens...

The chains will be broken, and the citizens will be free and prosperous beyond their expectations. Woe to those who steal or try to re-attach the chains. Call your neighbors, friends and business associates and pass the word... Focus your eyes on Arkansas, for there is the start of the new beginning for the rest of us...

When the initiative goes in front of the citizens for their vote, I will be there. It will be a new Woodstock or Boston tea party. People will camp out five days in advance to be the first through the door to cast their vote. Citizens who have never voted before will register to cast their vote for the first time. It will be the largest voter turnout in that state's history.

Have a good weekend, and future life...

Yours Truly,

Walter J. Burien, Jr.
P.O. Box 11444
Prescott, AZ 86304

Voice 1(520) 717-1994
E-Mail: cevi2000@AOL.COM

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