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CEVI - Page 6

The Battle Begins to Take Shape

Tony Blizzard, The Spotlight, 98-10-15 18:18:05 EDT: I read the Idaho State Constitution when I lived there. It contains words to the effect that the state is not allowed to have any wealth above what it needs to function, as that would be the same as stealing from the people. I'll bet most every state has some such law. In that case, how can states have money to invest above what it requires to operate state functions?

Walter Burien's ANSWER: Discretionary and Creative definitions of fiscal responsibility applied to hundreds if not thousand of State, County, City and Federal agencies. Their (the individuals who formulate government's creative definitions) reply would be and is, "What's wrong with investing the public's funds and getting a good return?"... Outside of creative explanations and maneuvers from them to justify their actions, as now exposed, the composite accounting is definitive for indictment and the definition of greed and empire building. "The Name Of The Game" has not changed in over 2000 years. The players are different, and the vehicles used to amass and control the wealth have been modified to fit the times.

Tony Blizzard, The Spotlight, 98-10-16 09:48:35 EDT: After re-reading my post, (which I see wasn't as clear as I thought) I want to assure you that the purpose of my question about how the law reads was not to question what you have been doing but to question the legality of what the states, etc. have been doing. I believe they are probably breaking their own laws with these investments.

Walter Burien's REPLY: When they write their own laws, modify the existing laws or influence others to do so, the lee-way given leads to one end, their own empire building.

EXAMPLE: When the people in the state of Iowa looked at their Public School Pension funs, they saw that they were 190% funded (billions over). Action was taken and moneys were re-appropriated. What they looked at was only one tree in the forest... Vision is now focusing on, from our efforts, the principle of operation of the forest...

Tony Blizzard, The Spotlight, 98-10-15 18:12:11 EDT: I keep telling everyone here we need to get behind what you have exposed. There is some reluctance from some because we understand the help you need about your children (becoming a commonplace in the US) but we are not equipped to help. Some are afraid that issue will get in the way of working with you on the government rip-off part.

Walter Burien's REPLY: Circumstances in life dictate and motivate an individuals willingness to come forward and fight. It is my time to fight "The Battle" with good cause. In my efforts towards fighting for all citizens in this country, I "may", affect and change the severe injustice that has affected the majority living in this country as well as the injustice inflicted upon me and my first-born child's life. My motives are true and my efforts are sincere. I wield the sword of knowledge with the intent of cutting off the head of the corruption (greed and empire building), which has adversely affected every facet of the lives of the citizens of this great country and which is leading towards total international domination by a few "Who's Principle of Operation" is totally outside of and contrary to the intent laid out and recorded by the Founding Fathers of this land.

Walter Burien: Tony, The Following is a letter sent to Vince Ryan on 9/02/98. I suggest you look up and read the patent referenced by accessing (use search by the issue number). The, what I now know to be intentionally orchestrated situation relevant to my first-born child, started and unrolled one month after I had a national press release on the referenced patent of which the local political structure of Prescott, Arizona (City Attorney and City Prosecutor) was fully briefed on.

Walter J. Burien, Jr.
P.O. Box 11444
Prescott, Arizona 86304

Telephone 1(520) 445-3532

Vince Ryan
Liberty Lobby
300 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, D.C. 20003

September 2nd, 1998

Dear Mr. Ryan,

Enclosed is a document: Father's Parenting Doctrine Exerted, filed with the Yavapai Superior Court on July 21st, 1998. Copy on computer disk also enclosed.

I moved to Prescott, Arizona in 1991 to start a small business, find a wife, get married, start and raise a large family. I kept a low profile when I moved to Prescott, changed one letter of my name from Bubien to Burien and did not let anyone back in New Jersey know where I had moved to.

In October of 1994, I issued a press release for a U.S. Patent that I owned and was working on, Patent number 5,638,433. At that time I let all know that I had moved too Prescott, Arizona. One Month later, November of 1994, some of the “Boys” decided to implement and play out the number one psychological screw that can be played against someone, the effective kidnapping of someone's first-born child from birth. This being done while the abuse of the child was dangled in front of the Father's face with no remedy allowed for the protection of his child and in fact intentionally blocked by the judiciary and local politicians.

As of the writing of this letter, I have not seen or had any contact with my child since May 28th, 1998.

Back in June of this year I asked myself what allows the local judges and politicians to conduct themselves as an organized crime syndicate with no fear of liability or consequence for their actions and the answer was quite clear to me, the structure behind the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)... When those at the top are the epitome of corruption, those on the local level do as they please, knowing no one above them will take any corrective action, seeing that those above them are involved with bigger swindles and vastly more far-reaching orchestrated criminal activities.

It became evidently clear to me that if the corruption on the local level was to be stopped and then eliminated, what was needed was to rip the head off the corruption, and the body dies. This is why I come forward at this time with such tenacity and conviction to bring the comprehension forward to the public as to the reality of composite government ownership and financial takeover of this country. The corruption feeds off the revenue -- expose the revenue structure and the beast dies of starvation. Make all citizens the beneficiary of the revenue structure as mandated by initiative and the millions of watchdog citizens will keep the corrupt, or would-be corrupt where they belong, in the pit.

Where the structure stands right now, 65% composite government and 35% everyone else, is not right and truly an obscenity of the trust left as a legacy to the citizens of this country by its Founding Fathers.

When and as the ownership of this country goes back into the hands of the citizens of this country through disclosure and comprehension as is transcending at present, the citizens of this country will have the corrupt Politicians and Judges of Prescott, Arizona to thank for these individuals having motivated this Father to take a stand to cut out the cancer that has enveloped and of which is devouring this country.


Walter J. Burien, Jr.
Father of: Brenda Allyson Arrowwood Burien, DOB 12/06/95

Tony Blizzard, The Spotlight, 98-10-16 09:57:12 EDT: Again, I have to qualify what I wrote. (Getting senile, I think!) I completely forgot that The Spotlight is doing a supplement on the CAFRs which will include references to your exposure and continued work on them. True enough, none of us would have a clue about this theft without you.

Being a "true believer" myself, I am happy to see how this issue has gotten some parlor patriots off their duff and actually doing something for a change. You hit 'em where they really feel it, in their wallets.

Walter Burien's REPLY:

:<) ... (>:


For more information, contact:

Walter J. Burien, Jr.
P.O. Box 11444
Prescott, AZ 86304

Voice 1(520) 717-1994

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