by Frederick Mann
I need your assistance. I've made considerable progress in developing what I call "Freedom Technology." I have reaped enormous benefits from practicing Freedom Technology and so have a few dozen other people.
However, I have not yet developed an effective means to communicate just what Freedom Technology is, why it's so powerful, and how you personally may benefit by applying it.
The purpose of this post is to get "Project Live Freer Now" going. I believe practically all freedom lovers can rapidly and greatly increase the degree of freedom they enjoy -- and you can make more money doing so.
So I would appreciate your questions, comments, and suggestions, which I'll use to improve the description of Freedom Technology, and also to compile a FAQ.
Some Personal Background
I have essentially been living free for about 25 years -- most of my adult life. By "living free" I mean effectively not being subject to the "jurisdiction" of terrocrats (terrorist bureaucrats or coercive government agents). With a few rare exceptions, I've also not been at the effect of terrocrats.
Starting in 1986, I achieved considerable freedom from illness and disease, including recovering from heart disease, cancer, and early stages of arthritis -- largely due to a radical change in diet. Now, 11 years later, most people half my age can't keep up with me running up or down Camelback Mountain in Phoenix.
In 1988 I came to North America. During the 9 years I've lived here, I've been pulled over three times by cops while traveling. In two cases, after brief verbal exchanges, I went on my way with no adverse consequences. In one case, I paid a $110 "speeding fine." I've also paid 4 or 5 "parking tickets."
I effectively seceded from all terrocrat systems in 1977. In the process of living free I learned certain knowledge, principles, methods, and skills I call Freedom Technology. To the degree that you master Freedom Technology, you can effectively live free practically anywhere in the world.
More recently, I expanded the scope of my living free to the operation of "sovereign businesses" -- that are effectively not subject to the "jurisdiction" of terrocrats. During four years, I received 5 or 6 letters from terrocrats (federal SEC, state AGs, county business licensing) with various demands and threats. The letters were either such that they could be safely ignored, or could be -- and were -- answered in a way that resulted in the terrocrats taking no further actions.
Apart from the above-mentioned instances, I've had no trouble from terrocrats. The point of all this is that it's possible to enjoy a great degree of freedom, despite terrocrats and their oppressive systems. During 9 years, I've been mildly "attacked" no more than 14 times by terrocrats. All the "attacks" were purely verbal. No terrocrat has ever pointed a gun at me. I paid about $250 in "fines." I've spent maybe 5 hours responding to their letters. That's it!
All this is possible because of my understanding and application of Freedom Technology, which basically consists of all the "how to's" related to freeing yourself from "the system," "beating the system," living "outside the system," and operating businesses "outside the system."
The Essence of Freedom Technology
Freedom Technology can be encapsulated in the phrase: "Build freedom rather than fight tyranny."
It's a positive approach of creating freedom, rather than a reaction to remove the terrocrat restraints to freedom. If a critical mass of people were to build freedom, the power of terrocrats would collapse.
Freedom Technology tends to be individualistic and puts the individual in control.
Toward a Mathematics of Freedom
I'm not a mathematician. Maybe someone can develop the mathematical means to better formulate the following:
Formula #1
Do everything you can to make your "liberating factor" (LF) greater than your "enslavement factor" (EF).
Suppose we call the degree to which a freedom-loving individual supports the economic/political system his or her "enslavement factor" or "EF"; and the degree to which he or she effectively promotes freedom, his or her "liberating factor" or "LF." If for an individual, EF is greater than LF, then on balance, that individual is promoting slavery. On the other hand, if LF is greater than EF, then he or she, on balance, is promoting freedom. Anything any individual does to increase his or her LF and/or decrease his or her EF, shifts the world in the direction of greater freedom.
Therefore, increase your LF and decrease your EF so that:
LF is greater than EF.
Formula #2
"Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not. It is only after you have faced up to this fundamental rule and learned to distinguish between what you can and can't control that inner tranquillity and outer effectiveness become possible." - Epictetus
Let's call your ability to change yourself and/or your affairs your "change power" or CP. Suppose that on a scale of 1-10, your CP = 5; i.e., you have an "average" ability to change yourself. So, if you're doing things to improve yourself or your affairs in order to enjoy greater freedom, you're operating at a level of CP = 5.
Most people don't like it when others try to change them. There's general resistance to "externally induced" change. Suppose that it's ten times as difficult for you to persuade someone else to change, than it is to change yourself. So if you're working at persuading someone else to change, you're operating at a level of CP = 0.5.
Now suppose that in order to achieve the level of freedom you desire, you have to persuade 10% of a population of 250,000,000 to change. So you would have to persuade 25 million people to change. You would be operating at a level of CP = 0.5 / 25 million -- which is a very small number! You might decide that the prospect of persuading enough others to change is hopeless!
But, of course, you're not alone. Suppose that in the population of 250 million, two percent or 5 million are already at the freedom level you desire. This means you have to persuade only 20 million. So you would be operating at a level of CP = 0.5 / 20 million -- which is still a very small number!
But, of course, you're not alone in persuading people to change. Suppose that 10% of the 5 million people at the level of freedom you desire are also freedom activists, actively persuading others to change. So there are 500,000 freedom activists doing what you're doing. So, on average, you would each be operating at a level of CP = 0.5 x 500,000 / 20 million. This works out to CP = 0.0125. This still seems like a hopelessly small number to me!
The above suggests that you would be 40 times more effective if you worked on changing yourself and your affairs -- where you have a great deal of control, which accords with what Epictetus indicated some 3,000 years ago.
Now you can play around with the assumptions and come up with different CP values. But if your assumptions are anywhere near realistic, when persuading others to change in order to bring about freedom, you'll come up with a low CP number.
Meanwhile, all the time, effort, and money you've been spending on persuading others to change hasn't advanced your own freedom very much, if at all. If you make that same investment in changing yourself and your affairs, you could be enjoying much more freedom very quickly.
So I hope I've persuaded you change yourself and your affairs! Most of this website is devoted to providing you with information and resources on how to do that.
Formula #3
Practical Freedom = PF (the degree of freedom an individual enjoys in practice)
Individual Freedom Force or Power = IFP
Terrocrat Restraint Force or Power = TRP
Suggesting a freedom formula:
Suggesting two basic approaches to expanding your freedom:
(1) Increase IFP (Individual Freedom Power);
(2) Decrease TRP (Terrocrat Restraint Power).
Let me introduce two further concepts:
Individual Leverage Factor = ILF (ways in which an individual can multiply or leverage the impact or effectiveness of IFP)
Terrocrat Leverage Factor = TLF (ways in which terrocrats can multiply or leverage the impact or effectiveness of TRP)
Expanding the freedom formula:
Suggesting two additional approaches to expanding your freedom:
(3) Increase ILF (Individual Leverage Factor = ILF);
(4) Decrease TLF (Terrocrat Leverage Factor = TLF).
Now let me illustrate all this with an analogy from the world of professional blackjack.
A professional blackjack player enjoys a statistical advantage over the casino by counting cards and other methods. This can be regarded as the player's IFP.
Because you get huge fluctuations in blackjack, you have to bet relatively small in relation to your bankroll. For example, with a bankroll of $10,000 your basic bet might be $10.
If five players, each with a bankroll of $10,000 were to form a team, pooling their capital, each could play as if he or she has a bankroll of $50,000. The reason this is statistically feasible is that the individual fluctuations tend to cancel each other, or are largely "dampened." As a result of team play, each player can safely play with a basic bet of $50 and win five times as much as playing individually. Team play can be regarded as the player's ILF.
Casinos use countermeasures against professionals, such as shuffling the cards as soon as a player bets big. These countermeasures can be regarded as the casino's TRP.
Casinos also have means to detect professionals. The sooner they can detect a professional, the sooner they can take countermeasures to nullify the advantage of the professional. Detection can be regarded as the casino's TLF.
Again, we have the formula:
A professional player's profitability is affected by four elements:
(1) His statistical advantage over the casino -- IFP;
(2) The leverage he gets through team play -- ILF;
(3) The casino's countermeasures -- TRP;
(4) The casino's detection ability -- TLF.
Anything that the professional blackjack player does that increases IFP and ILF, OR decreases TRP and TLF, increases his or her profitability.
Now let's examine the formula in the freedom context:
My IFP (Individual Freedom Power) can be regarded as my effective power of choice, my ability to do the things I want to do, the range of positive options available to me. There are many things I can do to increase my IFP, including improving my health and fitness, and extending my useful life. And improving my thinking skills.
My ILF (Individual Leverage Factor) can be regarded as my ability to cooperate with others, my ability to persuade others to work with me on projects, my skills to outwit terrocrats, etc. Money is a very important ILF. You can buy a great deal of freedom with money. If you don't have to work for money, You can enjoy a great deal of freedom.
The extent to which terrocrats can restrain my freedom is represented by TRP (Terrocrat Restraint Power). If a terrocrat sends me a letter and I know how to respond in a way that results in the terrocrat taking no further action against me, then I effectively nullify TRP.
TLF (Terrocrat Leverage Factor) is determined by three main factors:
(a) Their ability to apply violence;
(b) Money;
(c) Information.
Suppose I can live my life in such a way that the terrocrats have no information on me, I'm effectively invisible to them, for all intents and purposes they don't have information on me, and they don't detect me as someone worthy of their attention. To the extent that I can achieve this I reduce TLF (Terrocrat Leverage Factor), hence nullifying TRP (Terrocrat Restraint Power).
No matter how great TRP (Terrocrat Restraint Power), by minimizing the usable information terrocrats have about me and my affairs, I reduce their ability to apply TRP against me. That's why, during the past 9 years, the degree of TRP applied against me has been close to zero, meaning I've enjoyed almost perfect freedom!
There are two basic ways in which victims support terrocrats: providing them with money (paying taxes), and providing them with information.
Hopefully, the above makes it easier to grasp the elements of Freedom Technology and to appreciate their effectiveness.
Formula #4
For the mathematics related to "beating the IRS," see Freedom Technology Core Concept #3.
Main Elements of Freedom Technology
(1) Transition factors -- this element is subdivided into many subfactors, outlined in detail immediately after the main elements. The transition factors basically cover obstacles people have to overcome in order to implement Freedom Technology in their personal lives and businesses;
(2) The effective communication of Freedom Technology -- this element is in the early stages of development -- your feedback will be appreciated;
(3) The practical knowledge, methods, and skills to live free -- to safely, legally, and elegantly exit terrocrat systems;
(4) The personal emotional, psychological, intellectual, and attitudinal development necessary for living free -- personal power;
(5) The achievement of superhealth, so illness and disease cease to be problems and you live a long and active life;
(6) The courage to break free from the limitations of whatever freedom philosophies, groups, strategies, tactics, or projects you currently adhere to or are involved with -- be they anarchist, libertarian, patriot, neo-tech, objectivist, etc. -- particularly the "we-are-the-only- true-group" syndrome;
(7) The street-smart know-how to run rings around terrocrats -- how to organize your life and affairs so you're always a few steps ahead of the enemy;
(8) Security -- the means to protect your earnings and assets from terrocrat attacks -- how to organize your life and affairs so you don't leave unwanted paper trails and don't provide terrocrats with information they can use against you;
(9) Privacy and invisibility -- how to make aspects of your life and business completely private and effectively invisible to terrocrats;
(10) The means to defend yourself if attacked by terrocrats;
(11) The knowledge, methods, and skills to earn enough money to live comfortably pretty well anywhere you want to, essentially "outside the system";
(12) The means to make money promoting freedom -- your knowledge of freedom should be practical -- it should give you advantages in a competitive world -- such freedom knowledge can be of benefit to others, and can be profitably shared with them;
(13) The development, production, marketing, and delivery of products and services that enable individuals to lead more effective and productive personal lives, increasing their independence and personal freedom;
(14) The creation of real free-enterprise institutions that will eventually become a kind of "freedom infrastructure" -- for example currency/banking, alternative health care, building a "floating-ship country," etc.;
(15) The identification, development, and application of personal and business freedom strategies, tactics, and projects that are fun, effective, profitable and rewarding, rather than sacrificial;
(16) Intellectual/semantic exit or "unsubscribe" from the memes which form the foundation of statism;
(17) Ultimately, the means to blow away the bogus power of terrocrats;
(18) The achievement of physical or biological immortality -- freedom from death.
The above are all aspects of Freedom Technology. Many of these aspects are covered in the materials you can find at this website -- see the Report Directory. You can freely download these materials for personal use.
Transition Factors
How to handle obstacles to practical freedom (living free despite "the system") such as:
(a) The misconception that in order to be free from "the system" you have to move to some backwoods or island where "the system" can't reach you -- in fact, once you know how, it's relatively easy to live free practically anywhere;
(b) Assessing the potential risks and benefits realistically -- the misconception that it's "too dangerous" -- in many respects, living free is safer, because you don't provide the terrocrats with information they can use against you;
(c) Fear of the IRS ("taxman") and other terrocrats;
(d) Fear of the unknown and uncertain;
(e) Fear of being embarrassed;
(f) Fear of doing things others might consider "illegal";
(g) Fear of not being able to survive "outside the system";
(h) Anger related to being stuck "in the system";
(i) Opposition from family members, friends, and peers;
(j) Believing that your particular freedom group has all the answers and that all that needs to be done is educate others;
(k) Automatic rejection of anything different from what you now believe about freedom or liberty;
(l) Being stuck in "obedience mode" -- believing that you have to obey "the system" -- get licenses, pay taxes, etc.;
(m) Fear of rejection for beginning to think and behave differently from your family members, friends, and peers;
(n) Being stuck in "rebel mode" -- "fighting the system" -- unable to find positive, creative, profitable ways of living free despite the system;
(o) Stuck in being able to do little more than debate freedom issues with like-minded people, attending freedom conventions, making donations to freedom organizations, etc.;
(p) Being stuck in "political mode" -- believing that the problem is political, therefore the solution must be political -- unable to conceive economic free-enterprise solutions to political problems;
(q) Stuck in "overwhelm mode" -- believing that the terrocrats ("the government") are so big, clever, and powerful that they can prevent you from living free -- and that you personally are not big enough, clever enough, and sufficiently powerful to outwit them -- or cannot grow to the point that you can "beat the system";
(r) Stuck in "being-right" mode -- primary focus on proving that "I am right" rather than "I constantly look for more effective ways to advance myself and the cause of freedom";
(s) Unable to see that "the system" as a huge negative provides vast opportunities for those who generate "out-of-the-system" solutions;
(t) Overcoming inertia;
(u) Transforming your mind-set from "victim or slave of the system" -- who can only become free if the system is changed or abolished -- to "I may be able to enjoy much more freedom if only I could find out how";
(v) Finding out what you need to learn in order to live free, and putting in the necessary time and effort to learn it -- which books, publishers, websites, organizations, etc.;
(w) Thinking of living free as involving one giant leap from being completely "in the system" to being completely "outside the system" -- unable to conceive of a series of small steps during which you gradually progress from "stuck in the system" toward being "free from the system";
(x) Delineating transition stages -- how to shift from being totally "in the system" to partially "out of the system" to as completely "out of the system" as practically possible -- how to develop profitable activities "out of the system" while your main earnings still come from "within the system."
Basic Assumptions of Freedom Technology
(1) Individuals are free by nature. We have power of choice. Read How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World by Harry Browne, The Discovery of Freedom by Rose Wilder Lane, and reports #TL05: How to Discover Your Freedom and #TL05A: The Nature of Freedom.
(2) Individuals can -- without any limits -- improve their ability to "beat the system" and develop ever-more powerful means to reduce the power of terrocrats and their ability to interfere with the lives and affairs of their victims.
(3) You don't have to wait for someone else to create the conditions that will enable you to be free, you can start enjoying a great deal of freedom as soon as you start taking the necessary steps.
(4) Computer, information, communication, and encryption technologies tend to greatly increase the power of individuals, while reducing the power of terrocrats. Read The Sovereign Individual by James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg.
(5) The power of terrocrats depends largely on the support from their victims. Read report #TL06: Discourse on Voluntary Servitude. To the extent that the victims withdraw their support, terrocrat power collapses.
(6) The power of terrocrats is far more tenuous, flimsy, and ephemeral than most people realize. Read The Sovereign Individual by James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg.
(7) When you shift your thinking from facing a huge, amorphous, monolithic, virtually omnipotent and omniscient "big-brother state" -- and even "beating the system" -- to having to deal with individual terrocrats in specific situations, you tend to become much more effective at the skills of living free.
(8) Terrocrats are particularly vulnerable in the areas of currency/banking and taxes. Cyberspace technology makes possible transactions and property (assets) that are not geographically located, hence effectively out of their reach. Read The Sovereign Individual by James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg.
(9) The essential nature of political systems is that they are all fraudulent hoaxes based on words -- memes. To fully appreciate the implications of this fact requires advanced thinking and semantic skills. However, you don't need to understand or appreciate this in order to become an effective Freedom Technology practitioner and enjoy vast freedom and prosperity.
(10) Currently, some terrocrat systems are gradually unraveling. Systems could collapse to the point that it becomes difficult for people "in the system" (including the "private sector") to survive. The future may unfold in a manner such that those in the real free-enterprise sector (underground economy or black market) enjoy huge competitive advantages. Read The Sovereign Individual by James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg.
Freedom Technology FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Your questions, comments, objections, and suggestions will be appreciated. I'll use them to improve the description of Freedom Technology and to compile this FAQ.
Q1? ...
A1. ...
If you have a question to add to the Freedom Technology FAQ, please send copies of your question to Frederick Mann.
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