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Articles, Reports, and Books Directory

Overview of the Build Freedom website. Try this if you want some guidance on what to check out next. (See also Build Freedom Focal Points.)

Or if you just want to jump straight in and explore on your own, then try the Sitemap, to see an interactive complete list of all Build Freedom articles/reports/books/chapters.

Report Directory

These books and reports contain a wealth of information on Freedom Technology -- the street-smart know-how to run rings around terrocrats (coercive political agents or terrorist bureaucrats). Freedom Technology also consists of the ability to find or create freedom in an unfree world.

The Build Freedom materials can be subdivided into three broad categories:

  1. Basic Freedom (or freedom philosophy)
  2. Intermediate / Practical Freedom (how to live free in an unfree world)
  3. Advanced Freedom (how to clear from your mind the deepest concepts and thought patterns that give rise to coercive political behavior)
Because of overlap, some items may appear in more than one category. See Respecting Levels of Freedom for a more detailed description of the three levels of freedom.

Basic Freedom

World Freedom Challenge (WFC)

[Original home-pages converted into a standalone article series.]


Introductory Reports

This series of reports introduces you to Build Freedom, the world's first truly free country. Build Freedom is a worldwide information-based country that extends across national borders.

Basic Reports

Important Contributions

Intermediate / Practical Freedom

Un-"Tax" Reports

Millionaire Reports

Live-Free Reports

Trust Reports



Advanced Freedom

Clear-Your-Mind Reports


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