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Can This Website Change Your Life?

Can a website actually change your life? Can this one change your life? Some people think so. Here's what they said:

Please note that this is a reflection of where I am, relative to my experiences with Build Freedom.

What I've gained:

  1. I no longer think of myself as one of "the masses", but as a strong, valuable, creative, unique individual who has something to bring to the party. (The freer I get, the more my confidence levels seem to go up.)

  2. I no longer accept that anyone can simply tell me how to act, think and live.

  3. I've learned in which situations I can stand up for myself, and in which I can't. Example: I can stand up for myself in dealing with the average Joe or Jane. I cannot yet stand up for myself against bureaucracy, I haven't figured out how to deal with legal issues, and though I know at a gut level that there is something wrong, I don't have the skills to defend myself. I am taking action on this, insofar as I'm attempting to educate myself to the best of my abilities.

  4. I consider myself to be a level 1, 2 and 3 [see 'Respecting Levels of Freedom'], depending on the situation. I'm better at applying the philosophy and techniques at a personal and interpersonal level.

  5. My relationships have become cleaner, more honest, more productive, more joyful and more valuable.

Personally, I believe that this is the broadest, most succinct mission statement you can have. Everything follows this, they are the details in the main theme of this freedom painting:

Build or create freedom, rather than fight tyranny or fight for freedom.

Free yourself, rather than try to change the system.

I've taken this to heart, and it has influenced, and reinforced almost all parts of my life. I've become very practical, and proactive in just about every part of my life.

Practical changes since I've joined the Build Freedom List:

  1. I'm now "Self-Employed". Meaning that I now work with a small group of people who are contractors, we work for ourselves, but in co-operation.

  2. I've rescinded my taxpayer status (see Detax-Canada).

  3. I've gotten out of a 7 year relationship that was crushing my soul.

  4. I've started working out, eating better, and joined a few clubs. (I rock climb, and take kick boxing.)

Added extras:

The book The Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz has helped me tremendously in making the information on Build Freedom applicable.

What gets in my way:

  1. The Build Freedom List is very American and legally oriented, probably about 90%, this is good, especially for those who live in the US. I very often will read posts, if only to "absorb the attitude". I sure would find it nice to have other topics come up more often, such as health, and sexuality, and personal development, etc... I recognize, however that the list reflects the interest of the participants.

  2. I sometimes withhold from posting a question or comment on the list, because I question whether it will hold value for anyone other than myself. Perhaps I need to be more selfish? Perhaps it's just good citizenry? I don't know.

Zeph Roy

Post Script

Dear Frederick,

Since my early teenage years, I've wanted to write a book that would deal with every aspect of making one's life as perfect as they could wish it to be. I wanted it to be a book that was based on current reality, that was solid, and proactive; not pie-in-the-sky fairy tails of "The harder you wish, the more A Miracle should happen (provided the Stars, Gods, and Your Subconcious are aligned)".

Moments and years and time have gone by, and I was no closer to my task, feeling trapped by lack of time, energy, motivation, belief that I had what it took, etc... One day, while searching for some real, honest, practical ideas on how to shake myself out of a passive rut I chanced upon a website: BuildFreedom

I loved the sound of it. I was intrigued, I read, I absorbed. Suddenly, my eyes widened with delight and I burst out laughing!

You had written my book!

Thanks Frederick, for having created such a high quality and voluminous work. It's been a very useful set of tools for me, and I recommended whenever the opportunity arises.

Zeph Roy

"Mr. Mann, I just wanted to say thank you, you have changed my life. I have read a lot of your reports on your web site, I'm glued to it, I can't get enough.

Mr. Mann, your information is great.

For what it is worth I just wanted you to know that I am very grateful to YOU. THANK YOU. Thanks A WHOLE lot."

C. G.

"For many years, I lived my life as a freedom advocate and an entrepreneur without any real idea how to put my ideas into action. Discovering the materials at BuildFreedom has been a revelation. My personal "freedom quotient" has advanced considerably, and my business success has skyrocketed. I can say without reservation that BuildFreedom is the most practical and rewarding site I have found on the entire Web. Keep up the good work."

Chris B.

"I've really enjoyed your articles. The three BF reports* I mentioned in my email to the LRT** really changed me in a profound way. I'm looking forward to your coming debate on Monday. I don't know if I'll be able to add anything to the discussion but hope to be further enlightened!"

Jim Morris - -

* The Nature of Government, Semantic Rigidity, Flexibility, and Freedom, and Bought-Into-The-System.
** Liberty Round Table

"Dear Frederick,

Although I've technically paid money for most everything I've received from you (eg., reports, newsletters, Irvine seminar, etc.), I cannot help but feel a debt of gratitude toward you for everything you've either directly or indirectly caused to come into my life through your materials. This letter is a token of my thanks and appreciation for the marvelous and exciting changes I'm seeing both in my thinking and in my outer circumstances.

I first ordered your materials from your ad in the April or May '94 Libertarian Party News. Something in that ad really grabbed me! I think it was, for the first time, having the real possibility of practical freedom available in my life NOW. From the start, a major theme of yours has always been the absolute importance and necessity of "PERSONAL POWER." Although I always felt I understood what you meant by that, recent revelations in the last couple of months within myself have convinced me that my understanding had been primarily intellectual. And that's fine; change always begins with theory. But now I'm starting to EXPERIENCE the literal meaning of those two words; that "personal power" is a certain feeling of security, confidence and expanded possibilities and opportunities not seen or understood before. [Emphasis Added] I cannot help but repeat ideas and phrases that have appeared in your materials from the start. That as one gains "personal power," the "terrors of the tyrant" begin to lessen. All of a sudden those things you always thought or suspected would not be possible to do (amongst other things, too dangerous!), are now solidly within the realm of possibility. You see more clearly how to arrange your life and affairs advantageously in ways that "Big Brother" most probably will not be able to (cannot?) do anything about - if in fact "he" is even aware of what you're doing. All of a sudden the truth of this realization opens up tremendous possibilities for not only, as you've always put it, "making a fortune" (which most certainly is a type of freedom in itself), but for me, just as significantly, SIMULTANEOUSLY weakening the tyrant in a way that is VASTLY MORE EFFECTIVE than casting one vote, i.e., "bleeding the tyrant" by channeling resources out of the "loop" that the tyrant has created. From my viewpoint, a definite WIN-WIN situation for all "women and men of good will!" Frederick, what can I say; the major themes that you've been repeating all along have PROVED to be true!

...The last day of March was my last day of working for someone "in the system." Now I get to look forward to the fun and excitement of looking for those individuals of good will that are open to be shown how they too, in a relatively short time, can gain a level of personal and financial freedom that up till now they've probably only dreamed about (if that)! Like many people, I've more or less been spreading the message of the desirability of freedom all of my adult life (I might add, for free). And that's been just great and a lot of fun and satisfaction and I intend to continue. But now I can show people what they can specifically start doing IMMEDIATELY to significantly increase their freedom in the present. And I'm being offered a potential fortune to do it! Now that's "the power of knowledge!"

Also significantly Frederick, through you I found out about Scope International and the writings of W.G. Hill. His writings have helped greatly expand my views of the world and the freedom that's available NOW for those who are ready, as "the mysterious writer J.E.T." said, "to seize their freedom." I highly recommend his writings! It bears repeating, "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER."

My hat's off to you, Frederick. Keep up the good work!"

David T. Smith

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