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Advanced Freedom Solutions List

The AFS list is intended to be primarily a level-3 freedom list (see Respecting the Levels of Freedom for a description of the Three Levels of Freedom), however, level 1 and 2 discussions sometimes also take place on the AFS List.

Created for those interested in creative, innovative, and powerful ways to enjoy more freedom and to turn their freedom expertise into advantages in all areas of life.

Everyone interested in exploring the most advanced freedom ideas, principles, and practices is invited to the AFS list.

Our basic theme is "building freedom" rather than "fighting for freedom" or "fighting against tyranny." We believe that if a critical mass of people were to focus on building freedom, corrupt political systems will eventually lose their power and influence.

The AFS list is a two-tiered forum consisting of "Freedom Directors" and "Read-only Members."  Freedom Directors can post messages to the list. Read-only members are essentially "listeners."   Such a structure provides for a high concentration of useful information.

Instructions on how to become a Freedom Director are included in the AFS Welcome Message which is sent to all new subscribers. We also have a sub-category of member type called "Aspirant Freedom Director" -- details of which also found in the AFS Welcome Message.

The list has several discussion categories which include:

  • Practical Freedom (how to live as free as possible in an unfree world; how to outwit freedom-violators).
  • Fiscal Freedom (practical ways to deal with taxes and social security).
  • Economic Means to Freedom (how freedom-lovers can increase their wealth and use their economic power to expand freedom).
  • Freedom Business Networking (link up with freedom-oriented people and businesses; free website listing in Directory of Freedom Businesses).
  • Physical Freedom Technology (technologies such as encryption, secure voice transmission, cryonics, alternative energy and utility systems, nanotechnology, etc.)
  • Expert Solutions Support (submit any problem to receive expert advice).
  • Language of Freedom (how to use language to increase your own freedom and assist others to do the same).
  • Health Freedom & Life Extension (it would be advantageous for freedom-lovers to lead very healthy and very long lives).
  • Freedom Psychology (improving thinking skills and increasing intelligence; removing psychological and emotional barriers to freedom, success, wealth, and happiness).
  • Personal Power and Influence (how to expand to new levels of power and influence).
  • Marketing Freedom (powerful ways to spread freedom more rapidly).
  • Freedom Advantages (how to apply freedom expertise to give you advantages in all areas of life).
  • The Advanced Freedom Solutions List is an ideal meeting place for networking and brainstorming new, creative, and innovative freedom ideas and initiatives.

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