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Example Problem Submissions

Example #1

Name: John Smith


Describe the problem in sufficient detail: Over the years I've read several books about income tax and the IRS, including Irwin Schiff's book, The Biggest Con. I've come to the good-faith conclusion that I personally am not required to file income taxes. Recently (last week) I decided that I wanted the company I work for to stop withholding taxes from my paycheck. The books I've read so far don't seem to tell me how to do this. In addition, I admit I feel a lot of fear in regard to taking this kind of action.

Describe how you plan to solve the problem: I plan to look for additional books and information. I hope to receive useful advice which I can implement. I should also seek out advice to help deal with my fear and anxiety. Perhaps knowing other people succeeded in doing what I would like to do here would also help alleviate my fears.

Advice or assistance you require: What advice or assistance can anyone offer? Has anyone else here confronted the same problem? How did you handle it? Were you successful?

Example #2

Name: Susan Freewoman


Describe the problem in sufficient detail: Last year I realized the extent to which my privacy seemed to disappear the more I used my Social Security number. I made a list of all scenarios in which I gave my SS# to some terrocrat agency or private company. I decided to reduce the length of this list as much as possible. I really wanted to restructure my banking activities so the bank did not have my SS#. This stumped me for quite a while. All the banks I called said they required my SS#.

Describe how you plan to solve the problem: I'll search the WWW for sites that might explain how to do this. I'll also join freedom-oriented discussion lists and ask the other members for advice.

Any specific questions about your problem: First of all, is it possible to open a bank account without giving an SS#? Are there any loopholes or ways to get around supplying an SS#?

Advice or assistance you require: Do you know of any organization which could help me set up such an account? Are there any books on how to do this? Can you put me in touch with someone who could do this for me?

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