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by Frederick Mann

Issue 6 - April, 1995

In order for Build Freedom to succeed, we need a rapidly expanding number of Patrons and Professional Liberators to provide certain key services. There are already vast freedom resources in terms of freedom-oriented people and freedom technology. The purpose of the Freedom Technology Directory is to bring about:
(a) Networking, cooperation, and coordination among these resources;
(b) Constant and continuous improvement of freedom technology;
(c) Wider application of freedom technology;
(d) Free publicity for Build Freedomn businesses.

What is meant by the term "freedom technology" will be described in some detail later in this report. Meanwhile, think of freedom technology as including the actions performed by the following:

Founder. As originator and founder, I (Frederick Mann) am responsible for:

Patron. A Patron is a freedom-activist who supports Build Freedom, other Patrons, and Professional Liberators. Patrons provide any of the following services:

Professional Liberator. Professional Liberators are mostly independent practitioners of freedom technology. They provide professional services that enable individuals and groups to increase their freedom. Eleven "types" of Professional Liberators are described here. Other types may be necessary. Whereas Patrons are primarily catalysts, Professional Liberators are implementors. The first Build Freedom business organization (Build Freedom Holdings, described later in this report) may employ Professional Liberators, but we expect that most will operate independently.

1. Free-Enterprise Entrepreneur - provides any legitimate products and/or services in the real free market (free enterprise as described in Report #TL01). Economic activities in the real free market expand freedom by themselves. Just by engaging in true free enterprise transactions you expand freedom. Build Freedomns, just by doing business with free-enterprise entrepreneurs, expand freedom. This represents the shift of capital and economic activities into Build Freedom.

2. Psychologist - assists Build Freedomns to improve the operation of their minds, specifically in these areas:

3. Educator - provides general education on the principles and practice of freedom, as well as education on any other subjects (the 3 R's, thinking skills, science, engineering, languages, history, etc.) in a freedom-context. We need large-scale education on the subject of freedom. As we further develop Build Freedomn systems, we also need private freedom-oriented education systems as an alternative to compulsory state education.

4. Economic/Financial/Business Consultant - provides products and services related to:

5. Legal or Paralegal Consultant - provides products and services related to:

6. Survival Consultant - provides products and services related to:

7. Superhealth Consultant - provides products and services related to superb physical health and fitness.

8. Immortality Consultant - provides products and services related to biological or physical immortality.

9. Outreach/Marketing Consultant - a professional marketer of freedom and freedom technology. Has commission arrangements with other Professional Liberators and with Build Freedom Holdings regarding referral of clients. Develops a business to sell freedom and freedom technology for profit. Markets Build Freedom publications. Refers clients to other Professional Liberators and to Build Freedom Holdings where freedom technology service delivery may be required by clients - for example:

The Outreach/Marketing Consultant could be compared to the Insurance Agent. The Consultant finds clients who are in need of some aspect of freedom technology, but can't apply it by themselves. He interviews clients to determine exactly what they need. He may charge a fee for this service. He then refers clients to Professional Liberators who provide the appropriate service. The Consultant receives a referral fee or commission.

10. Freedom Communicator - a professional communicator who:

11. Computer Information Specialist - provides products and services related to:


Freedom technology was originally described as the knowledge, methods, and skills to live free in an unfree world. The definition needs to be expanded to include:

"Freedom" can be described as the positive options practically available to you. Such options include: physical survival; the ability to think; the ability to communicate; the ability to travel; the ability to enjoy work and play; the ability to own and utilize property. Freedom is affected by personal factors and external factors. Personal factors are those you have a great deal of control over, like your mind, body, health, fitness, and happiness. External factors are those you have little control over: the laws of physics; the weather; the political system; the police.

An important theme of Build Freedom is that you primarily focus your attention on improving personal factors so as to maximize your personal freedom, power, and wealth. It's much easier to change yourself than to change others.

You also learn to minimize the negative effects the political system and police have on you. By improving yourself and being involved with a network of like-minded people, you can greatly reduce the extent to which the political system and police limit the positive options available to you. (Nevertheless, some Build Freedomns will develop and apply the freedom technology to prosecute and obtain restitution from political individuals and agencies who unconstitutionally and illegally violate their persons, property, or options.)

Another important theme of Build Freedomn freedom technology is that, in general, we don't fight the system. If we fight the system, it tends to fight back. We become adept at operating within the system to the extent we choose. We withdraw from the system to the degree of our choice. We create our own alternative systems. We tell people: "Take a look at our systems. If you like our systems, come play with us. We'll tell you how to play our systems."

The following is a partial list of aspects of freedom technology not yet specifically mentioned:


In declaring yourself a Patron and/or Professional Liberator of Build Freedom, you essentially declare: "Here I am. This and this is what I do (or plan to do) to expand freedom." It may help you focus more intensely on your actions; it may also increase your commitment. There are major benefits to 'signing on':


For privacy reasons, some Patrons and Professional Liberators use pseudonyms, and some use mail-service addresses or PO boxes. Individuals, groups, companies, and publications can be listed. Phone numbers, fax numbers, and modem access codes may be listed.

Listing is a free service provided by Build Freedom Holdings. To be listed, just send the proposed text to be listed, as well as a letter elaborating the freedom activities and services you are involved in, or plan for the future. The text to be listed may be edited. You can be listed as both a Patron and a Professional Liberator.


Patrons -- Additional Listings Welcome

Professional Liberators -- Additional Listings Welcome

The "PL#s" numbers below refer to the numbers of the respective types of Professional Liberators:


The Code of Build Freedom
Our code is tentative and preliminary. Your comments and suggestions for improvement will be appreciated.

(1) Free Sovereign Citizens own their own lives, minds, bodies, and labor, and may do with them anything that doesn't violate the equal rights of others. This principle of individual sovereignty or self-ownership is the foundation for all legitimate property.

(2) Free Sovereign Citizens have the right to own property, which consists of all possessions acquired without coercing others. They respect the equal right of others to own property, which forms the basis for productive and cooperative human relationships.

(3) No individual, group, or majority has the right to initiate or threaten force, fraud, violence, or theft against Free Sovereign Citizens or their property.

(4) Free Sovereign Citizens have a right to choose whether to communicate or associate with others. These rights of speech and privacy follow directly from the principle of individual sovereignty or self-ownership.

(5) Free Sovereign Citizens have the right to associate with others and to enter into agreements and contracts. For a contract between Free Sovereign Citizens to be valid, it needs to be entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally.

(6) Free Sovereign Citizens have the right to produce and exchange property, and to own the products of their labor and thought. No individual, group, or majority has a right to the labor, ideas, production, or property of a Free Sovereign Citizen, or any part thereof, without prior consent or agreement.

(7) Free Sovereign Citizens have the right to defend and protect themselves and their property against coercive aggression, and to contract with others to assist them. The authority of voluntarily-chosen agents to defend or protect Citizens and/or their property is strictly limited to that defense or protection.

(8) Free Sovereign Citizens consider a crime to occur only when there is a damaged person or property. Therefore, there is no such thing as a "victimless crime," and no Free Sovereign Citizen can commit a crime simply by disobeying the arbitrary rules of tyrants or coercive organizations.

(9) To be legitimate, courts and trials must be based on voluntary association and agreement, rather than on coercion. However, anyone who infringes on the person or property of another may be subject to a requirement for restitution by the damaged person.

(10) Free Sovereign Citizens recognize that social order and cooperation develop spontaneously in the absence of coercion. They also recognize that leadership by example and productive effort is more beneficial than leadership by force, violence, compulsion, or fear.

(11) The principles stated in this Code apply to all Free Sovereign Citizens without regard to age, race, religion, philosophy, background, birthplace, geographic location, gender, or sexual preference.

(12) For a right to be valid its exercise may not impose a positive obligation on another; it only depends on others not taking coercive actions. Free Sovereign Citizens respect the equal rights of other Citizens, and therefore do not expect others to contribute to their interests, except through voluntary transactions or contributions.


Build Freedom Holdings is a Free Market Contractual Company (Common Law Trust) based on (non-government) Common Law. Its unit of account is the gram of gold. Build Freedom Holdings has a capital stock of 100,000,000 Capital Units with a par value of one gram of gold. Capital Unit Holders have the prospect of capital appreciation and dividends, should Build Freedom Holdings become a profitable venture. As soon as appropriate, Build Freedom Holdings will seek a listing on the Free Market Share Exchange in Orange County, California.

Build Freedom Holdings handles some of the business activities related to launching and expanding the free country of Build Freedom. Build Freedom Holdings profits from the sale of information such as this report, as well as from other Build Freedom products, services, and activities. (Of course, anyone is free to establish other companies to promote Build Freedom, and to market products and services to expand Build Freedom and freedom. In Build Freedom there is free competition.)

The overall guidance of Build Freedom Holdings is entrusted to a Board of Trustees. The initial Trustees are Frederick Mann, Melissa Grant, and Dr. James Robertson. The Trustees have the power to appoint a Board of Advisors.

Anyone wishing to use Build Freedom Holdings as a model for establishing a true free-enterprise public company may do so.



Please send me your comments, criticisms, and suggestions to improve this report, or any other aspect of Build Freedom. Your contribution - minor or extensive - will accelerate the growth of freedom.

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