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Articles by James Craig Green / "Paine's Torch":
- Property -- My body, life, labor, and things I created or acquired without coercion are my property. No one may legitimately take or control my property without my consent. These statements illustrate a concept of property that few people today seem to believe in.
- Why Government? -- The concepts of property and markets are fundamental sources of social harmony and abundance among humans. When people respect each other, they practice market principles. When people harm each other, they practice the principles of government. Markets produce wealth; governments destroy it.
- "Absolute" Science and Morality -- Addresses the question of absolutes in defining moral human behavior. ... If you obey "laws" because of the threat of force behind them, this does not produce morality; it produces conformity, obedience, and self-enslavement.
- Grateful Slave -- I am a grateful slave. My master is a good man. My master protects my money from theft, before and after he takes half of it.
- A Personal Declaration of Independence -- "...associations are formed among humans, deriving their just powers from the consent of their members; that whenever any association becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of each member to secede from it, to withdraw financial and other support, and to create or join different associations..."
- The Terra Libra Strategy -- The Terra Libra strategy for building free societies consists of three phases: 1. Spreading freedom ideas, 2. Developing personal power, 3. Building free-market institutions.
- Why I Support Terra Libra (contained within Report #TL13: How to Sell Freedom for Profit)
- The Wealth Secrets of J. Paul Getty (contained within Report #TL13D: The Millionaire's Secret (IV))
- On unlearning brainwashing and hallucinations (contained within Report #TL07G: NSPIC DEBATE #3)
- The LIFEPOWER Philosophy of James Craig Green
"Paine's Torch" is an admirer of Thomas Paine and the introductory principles of the Declaration of Independence.
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