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Edited by Frederick Mann
Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997 Build Freedom Holdings ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


This is the sixth in our series of "Millionaire" reports. The first report dealt mainly with the Most Basic Wealth Principle: Produce more than you consume. The second was primarily devoted to clearing away certain Money Myths and learning the Infinite Bootstrap Principle. The third dealt mainly with Dr. Jeffrey Lant's analysis of "Millionaire" Methodologies and with what you need to know about the danger of a Currency Collapse and what you can do about it. The fourth described how J. Paul Getty became the richest man in the world and what you can learn from him. The fifth dealt basically with how to make Millionaire Decisions.

Think of the preparation you need in order to equip yourself for the task of becoming a wealth creator as a giant jigsaw puzzle, consisting of a few big pieces and many small pieces. The earlier "Millionaire" reports provided most of the big pieces and a few of the small pieces. This report provides most of, what is in my opinion, the one remaining big piece: "Psychological Alignment." The rest of this big piece is covered in the seventh "Millionaire" report.

Finally, this report contains Part 1 of the Annotated Bibliography. Parts 2 and 3 are in the seventh "Millionaire" report. The Bibliography provides you with a guide to many of the remaining small pieces of the puzzle.


by Frederick Mann

For some time I've been thinking about "winners" and "losers." Why do some people seem to be winners and some losers? Why do some people seem to be winners in some areas of life, while they seem to be losers in other areas? Why would someone with the many winning advantages of an "O.J. Simpson" turn into a big loser? What's the difference between a winner and a loser?

Well, I'm glad to announce that I've found the answer in the book Five Minute Phobia Cure: Dr. Callahan's Treatment for Fears, Phobias and Self-Sabotage by Roger J. Callahan, Ph.D. Dr. Callahan has developed methods to cure most people from their fears and phobias in a few minutes. As phenomenal as this breakthrough is, his book contains a much more important breakthrough: the seminal concept of "psychological reversal."

The concept of psychological reversal stems from the observation by many mental health practitioners that some clients never seem to make any progress, irrespective of the general efficacy of the methods or techniques used - or how well the methods or techniques work for most people. Dr. Callahan describes the phenomenon:

"A psychological reversal exists when a person claims he desires to achieve a specific goal but his actions and major motivation, and especially his results, are contrary to his stated goal. Superficially or outwardly he appears to be striving to achieve (in the area of his behavior where he is reversed), but he will inevitably, grossly or subtly, sabotage his own every effort." [emphasis added]

Another question I've often asked is, "How come there's only one person who has really applied Freedom Technology in a big way to create a business empire and make a fortune?" (This person is the founder of "Wealth Accumulation Company".) The answer is that practically everybody suffers from psychological reversal to a greater or lesser degree.

Understanding Psychological Reversal
Dr. Callahan writes:

"From a motivational standpoint, psychological reversal is a perversion of how one's system ought to work. [emphasis added] Psychologically, reversal appears to originate when aspirations are constantly thwarted, or when an individual develops a strong sub-conscious tendency to denigrate himself and expect failure. My observations suggest that physical stress may also generate psychological reversal in an individual with a proclivity in that direction. However, whatever the origin of the condition, its effects are definite - and devastating."

Generally, the way we recognize psychological reversal is when someone says he wants to achieve a certain result, but acts in ways not likely to achieve that result - or even acts in ways that seem designed to achieve the opposite result. The most reliable indicator of psychological reversal is the actual result. If an overweight person says he wants to lose 20 pounds, and he doesn't, it's an almost certain case of psychological reversal.

You can think of psychological reversal as a subconscious "contrary program" in the mind. On the surface the person says, "I want to lose 20 pounds." But the subconscious contrary program says, "I must put on more weight to survive." The psychological reversal program is more powerful than the surface wish.

Psychological reversal can be domain-specific - in some areas of life you may suffer from psychological reversal, but in others you don't. If you produce good or spectacular results in some areas, but you fail in others - then you know where you need to look for psychological reversal.

Psychological reversal can be mild or extreme - the results you produce in a particular area may be so-so or disastrous.

Psychological reversal can be threshold-specific - below a certain level your results are good, but above that level they are bad or disastrous. For example, you can increase your wealth to $100,000, but as soon as you hit that level you start making costly mistakes until you're broke. Then you start over again, build your wealth to $100,000, and repeat the pattern. Some people live their lives in such roller-coaster fashion.

Psychological reversal can be time-specific or intermittent - at certain times or during certain periods we are more prone to psychological reversal. Dr. Callahan writes:

"Susceptibility to psychological reversal varies greatly among individuals, and may vary widely within one individual over a period of time. I have noted that as a patient progresses in psychotherapy - as his self-awareness grows, as his self-acceptance is enhanced and (most importantly) as he improves his way of living - his tendency to reverse is greatly lessened. Psychological reversal can sometimes be induced by having a patient denigrate himself for his failure. It can sometimes be eliminated by having [the] same patient repeat a statement of self-acceptance.

... Attention needs to be given to eliminating or reducing the degree of reversal of every individual before any therapy, education, treatment, personal instruction, work relationship, love-affair, or interpersonal relationship of any kind is established. When this is done, the possibility of success is maximized, no matter what the endeavor." [emphasis added]

Please go back and read the previous paragraph a few more times. It's absolutely critical that anyone endeavoring to become a millionaire (or a success at anything for that matter) understand the importance of eliminating psychological reversal from their consciousness as much as possible. For, as Dr. Callahan points out, no matter what your endeavor, the possibility of success is maximized when you take steps to eliminate psychological reversal from your psyche.

In general, people can read all the success books they can find, attend all the seminars and workshops presented by the latest "gurus," and spend thousands on the latest therapies - but if they don't handle psychological reversal, they experience at best a temporary emotional "high."

This is why there are so many success books, and why "self-improvement cults" like Scientology, est, and all the rest are such big business - the poor suckers who don't handle psychological reversal, always have to come back for more!

(Both L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, and Werner Erhard, founder of est, had strong self-destructive streaks, indicative of psychological reversal. More extreme cases were David Koresh of the Branch Davidian (Waco) cult and Jim Jones of the "Guyana cult.")

To better understand psychological reversal you may want to observe how it manifests itself in others. When you're in contact with others try mentioning some lofty goal or plan and watch the response you get. If they scoff or criticize you, they may be a victim of psychological reversal. Or just observe any couple arguing angrily and spitefully over trivialities.

You may also find it very useful to reread the article on J. Paul Getty in Special Report #TL13D: The Millionaire's Secret (IV), and continually ask, "Is he now talking about psychological alignment or reversal?"

The Psychological Reversal/Alignment Continuum
Think of a continuum or spectrum. (Your bathroom scale is an example of a continuum from 0 lbs. to say 300 lbs. Your weight is probably somewhere between the two extremes of this continuum.) At one extreme of our psychological continuum is complete psychological reversal. At the other, complete psychological alignment. In the middle there's a horizontal dividing line. Below the line is reversal; above, alignment (Dr. Callahan uses the term "allineated" when referring to psychological alignment). While some people tend to live close to the line, others tend to stay a long way from the line. Above the line are optimism, positiveness, and enthusiasm. Below the line are pessimism, negativity, and depression.

Now take a look at the diagrams below:

Figure 1

Fig. 1 - "Normal" Individual

Fig. 1 represents a profile for an individual generally accepted as "normal." I'm introducing the concept of "comfort zone" - an area or field of behavior within which you feel comfortable and where you can act comfortably. If you enjoy public speaking and you do so comfortably, then that activity is within your comfort zone.

Most people fear public speaking - in fact, many surveys show that it is most people's biggest fear. My comfort zone is reduced, restricted, limited, and pushed down toward greater negativity and psychological reversal by the fears, phobias, unwarranted discomforts, "learned helplessness," negative programs in my brain, and any incompetence I suffer from, as well as by my ignorance and certain events or external forces such as government laws and agencies. Dr. Callahan writes:

"I believe that a tendency toward psychological reversal, like so many other things, may be influenced by genetics, nutritional problems, and metabolic imbalances. Psychosomatic, sociological, and situational relationships, job problems, stress - all may make an individual particularly susceptible to reversal. But even someone who has no "built-in" tendency toward reversal can become reversed by the stresses of his life, by a relationship that is unsatisfactory, by his work - and/or by the people with whom he associates. A person who exists close to the line that separates psychological reversal from normal allineated, can slip easily into reversal if he speaks to someone who is massively reversed, or even who is reversed only toward the subject on which they converse."

Note that all the arrows in Fig. 1 have a downward slant and point in toward the comfort zone. All these factors tend to both shrink and lower your comfort zone. The arrow within the comfort zone represents all the ways in which you yourself shrink and lower your comfort zone. As we shall see later, all the external arrows have their internal concomitants - it's not only done to you, you also do it to yourself.

Figure 2

Fig. 2 - Strongly Positive Individual - Strong Psychological Alignment

Fig. 2 represents the strongly positive or psychologically aligned person. He or she has a larger comfort zone than the "normal" person and most of it is above the dividing line. This is the profile of the "Gerry Spences" of the world - the highly successful. This is the profile of O.J. Simpson as a football player. In order to become a millionaire, you may have to increase the size of your comfort zone and shift it up so all or most of it is above the line.

Fig. 2 also provides us with another way to understand Freedom Technology as the means to expand and raise our comfort zones. Everything that we do to counteract, reverse, and defeat the forces that shrink and lower our comfort zones is included in Freedom Technology: curing our fears and phobias, becoming more knowledgeable, competent, and skillful, learning to beat the government bureaucrats, and increasing personal power, wealth, and freedom.

Note that all the arrows in Fig. 2 have an upward slant and point out away from the comfort zone. All the aspects of Freedom Technology tend to both expand and raise your comfort zone. Note also that the two upper arrows start from within the comfort zone, indicating that the self expands and raises its own comfort zone. The lower two arrows represent the expansion and raising of the comfort zone through external forces, for example, the reduction of taxation and regulation from government bureaucrats.

Developing and increasing your personal power is a vital element in expanding and raising your comfort zone.

Figure 3

Fig. 3 - Strongly Negative Individual - Strong Psychological Reversal

Now look at Fig. 3. This is the strongly negative and psychologically reversed person. This is the profile of O.J. Simpson as a husband. Note the large comfort zone - indicative of the capacity for destructive behavior. There are also people with small comfort zones that lie almost completely below the line - they are very negative, but weak and relatively harmless. This is the "victim-mentality." They seem to do little more than suffer and complain.

"To feel that we are worthwhile individuals, to know that we exist, we have to express our power - feel that we are in control. This imperative to express our power and experience control is central to human behavior. Every human does something to express his or her power in the world. This power can be expressed creatively or destructively.

Humans first attempt to express their power creatively. If such attempts fail repeatedly, they experience themselves as powerless. They may feel helpless and hopeless, and become depressed. What they experience is that they cannot make a positive difference in their own lives or in the world. A cognitive breakdown occurs between their actions and the results they produce. Mentally and intellectually they cease to understand the connections between their behavior and the consequences of their behavior. Then they express their power destructively.

This phenomenon is at the root of practically all individual and societal problems.

Understanding this phenomenon and its implications leads to the solution of practically all individual and societal problems."

The above passage first appeared in my book Wake Up America! The Dynamics of Human Power, written in 1992. It expresses the transition from psychological alignment to psychological reversal.

Power can be expressed destructively against others and the outside world, or against the self. Negative programs in the brain go hand-in-hand with the use of destructive power against the self. This destructive power may originate from outside the self, when wielded by external agencies - or from within the self, when the self uses its own power against itself. In any case, all negative programs require the complicity of the self to be instilled and maintained.

Every negative program in the brain involves the self applying destructive power against the self. This realization is empowering to the self - what the self can do it can undo!

As the self shifts toward greater psychological alignment, it increases its ability to remove or override its negative programs.

Figure 4

Fig. 4 - Massively Negative Individual - Overwhelming Psychological Reversal

Fig. 4 represents the profile of the "Hitlers" and "Stalins" of the world - phenomenally powerful (large comfort zone), massively negative, and suffering from overwhelming psychological reversal. This is also the profile of the U.S. Government. The capacity for destructive behavior is enormous: Civil War, "War on Drugs," Weaver and Waco massacres, etc. In general, government bureaucrats produce results opposite to their professed aspirations - the most reliable indicator of psychological reversal. I'll return to this topic later.

Why You May Want to Expand and Raise Your Comfort Zone
The implication of Fig. 1 on page 3 is that the "normal" person has a relatively small comfort zone, three-quarters of which is below the line. In other words, this person is more negative than positive. This squares with my "guesstimate" that most people operate at a level of maybe 1% of their potential. If you're at this level, you'll have to expand and raise your comfort zone, if you want to become wealthy.

As you expand and raise your comfort level, you'll control your life to a greater extent. This sense of control - particularly when it's reality-based - goes along with many benefits. Generally, people with greater control over their lives are healthier, wealthier, happier, more enthusiastic and optimistic, have more fun, enjoy greater fulfillment, satisfaction, personal power and freedom, and live long lives.

As people move away from psychological alignment toward psychological reversal, they experience less control over their lives. They tend to be less healthy, poorer, more pessimistic and depressed, have less fun, suffer boredom and frustration, feel helpless, hopeless, impotent, and trapped, and die young or commit suicide. Many people, instead of taking constructive steps to expand and raise their comfort zones, seek fake external substitutes, hoping that these will increase their diminishing sense of control; mindless entertainment that serves only to distract, nicotine and alcohol, other drugs, and institutions that will save them - like big corporations, labor unions, and governments.

Prisons We Live In
You can think of your comfort zone as a prison you live in - a partially self-created prison. It consists of the collection of "musts" and "must nots" and "can'ts" and unreal beliefs and all the other negative programs you've accumulated during your lifetime. The analogy of the "broken-in" horse may further clarify some of the effects of the comfort zone.

Once a horse has been broken it timidly accepts being saddled and bridled. The saddle is placed on the horse's back and held in place by a strong strap around the horse's body. Attached to the saddle are stirrups for the rider's feet. The rider's boots may have spurs used to inflict pain on the horse in order to make it run faster. The rider may also use a horsewhip. Around the head of the horse a bridle is strapped. Part of the bridle is a metal bit that passes horizontally through the horse's mouth. The reins are attached to the ends of the bit and are used to steer the horse and make it slow down and stop. Pain can be inflicted on the horse by yanking the reins or pulling on them with a seesaw motion. The above paraphernalia are used to make it easy for a rider to control his or her horse - difficult for the horse to disobey its rider.

Now consider another analogy. The leg of a baby elephant is tied with a rope to a wooden post planted in the ground. The rope confines the baby elephant to an area determined by the length of the rope - the elephant's comfort zone. Initially the baby elephant tries to break the rope, but the rope is too strong. The baby elephant "learns" that it can't break the rope - it has to stay in its comfort zone. When the elephant grows up into a ten-ton colossus, it could easily break the same rope. But because it "learned" that it couldn't break the rope when it was a baby, it believes that it still can't break the rope, so it doesn't even try. So the largest elephant can be confined by the puniest little rope. In a sense, the elephant's mind was broken by the rope when it was a baby, limiting its comfort zone.

Obedience is the greatest obstacle to expanding and raising your comfort zone - obedience to others, obedience to your own beliefs about your limitations.

However, disobedience may be punished. The horse that fights tooth and hoof to prevent you from putting on bridle and saddle, may be sold as horse meat. The child who disobeys his or her parents may be spanked. The student who disobeys his or her teachers may be expelled. (This type of psychological "breaking" and control is explained in greater detail in the chapter "Are Our Schools Concentration Campuses for Mind Destruction?" in my book Wake Up America! The Dynamics of Human Power.) Citizens who disobey certain government bureaucrats may be fined, jailed, paroled, etc.

Disobedience has to be creative. Disobedience essentially means thinking for yourself and deciding for yourself what to do and what not to do. When you follow the how-to instructions of a car-repair manual, you do so out of personal choice and conscious judgment, rather than blind obedience. (The dynamics of obedience and disobedience are further discussed in my book Wake Up America! The Dynamics of Human Power.)

Throughout history, government bureaucrats have been the worst parasites and destroyers. They have developed a host of "bridles," "saddles," and "ropes" to ride and restrict their subjects. They call themselves "Kings" (cowboys) and their victims "subjects" (horses). They call their theft and extortion "taxes." They brainwash their victims into believing that their word is "law" that must be obeyed.

The elephant was conditioned or brainwashed to believe that it couldn't break a puny little rope. Humans are brainwashed to believe they must obey the "law" of destructive politicians, lawyers, and bureaucrats. Humans are brainwashed that they are like sheep who need a sheep herder to look after them, tell them what to do, and even feed them.

This destructive psychological reversal takes form in government "schools," "welfare," "social security," and occurs almost everywhere government bureaucrats are active.

If you make a habit of testing the outer walls of your comfort zone - William Blake called them "mind forged manacles" - you may discover that they're pretty flimsy...

A skill that would serve you well is to question limiting concepts - which when formed in one context of life may not hold true in another context, such as the puny rope and the grown elephant. To prevent yourself from being unnecessarily limited by your concepts, it's important that you question them.

If you habitually test the outer limits of your comfort zone you'll continue to expand it. People with the "millionaire-mentality" don't allow their comfort zones to remain constant for long; they constantly test and expand their limits.

Be-Do-Have Reversal
Many people believe that before they can do something, they must have something. For example: before I can work, I must have a job; before I can make money I must have money - see Special Report #TL13B: The Millionaire's Secret (II); before I can get a woman I must have a car; and so on. And then they believe that once they have certain things and they've done certain things, then they'll be "somebody" - the "keeping-up-with-the-Joneses" syndrome! In other words, "Before I can be somebody, I must do something, and before I can do something I must have something." This is a form of psychological reversal and implied self-denigration.

The psychologically aligned persons says, "I am; therefore I will do; therefore I will have." "I don't need a job to work; I can find out what others need and want, produce it, and get them to pay me for it.

Psychological Reversal and Sports
We've all heard of the tennis player who's five-love, forty love ahead in the final set - then goes to pieces, repeatedly misses the easiest of shots, and loses. And the golfer who's four shots ahead with three holes left to play - then "chokes," hits two balls into the water, and comes second. Or the basketball team that has their opponents on the ropes, then inexplicably hits a "dry spell," and loses.

These are all cases of self-sabotage brought on by psychological reversal.

Psychological Alignment and Health
In their book Remarkable Recovery: What Extraordinary Healings Tell Us about Getting Well and Staying Well, Caryle Hirschberg and Marc Ian Barasch use the term "congruence" to describe people who had experienced "miracle recoveries" from illnesses diagnosed as "terminal." They write, "... [T]hese people, in the midst of crisis, had discovered a way to be deeply true to themselves, manifesting a set of behaviors growing from the roots of their being."

Let me suggest that "congruence" is a synonym for psychological alignment and plays a major role in what is usually called "spontaneous remission."

Hirschberg and Barasch start chapter one of their book with, "There are no medical journals devoted to the study of remarkable recovery." The question comes to mind: "To what extent are some orthodox physicians psychologically reversed in the area of health?"

In his book Spontaneous Healing: How to Discover and Enhance Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself, Andrew Weil, M.D. writes, "Acceptance of illness is often part of a larger acceptance of self that represents a significant mental shift, a shift that can initiate transformation of personality and with it the healing of disease." [emphasis added]

The Origins of Psychological Reversal
Dr. Callahan writes:

"Any form of psychological reversal appears to be rooted in a deep rejection of self on the part of the individual. Reversed people do not believe they deserve to succeed. They consider themselves unworthy of good things and deserving of failure and unhappiness. Dr. Albert Ellis dubbed this syndrome the "worthless piece of shit" approach to life. A person suffering from this condition considers himself so valueless that he deserves no happiness or success in life.

I have found that this condition can exist in many degrees. One person may feel very positive and deserving in many areas of his life and worthless in only one specific field. Another individual may be suffering from a negative image of himself in every area of his life. The more extensive the psychological reversal, the more difficult it is to treat and, generally, the more often it needs to be dealt with."

I use the term "psychological reversal" to include all the negative programs in the brain and body - it's a wider sense than that used by Dr. Callahan. So let's examine some of the other sources of psychological reversal as I use the term:

1. Negative Childhood Programming. In his book What to Say When You Talk to Your Self, Dr. Shad Helmstetter describes the negative programming most of us received: "If we grew up in fairly average, reasonably positive homes, we were told "No!," or what we could not do, more than 148,000 times!" Many of us were subjected to overwhelmingly negative programming. By contrast, most of us were told what we could accomplish maybe a dozen times - if we were lucky!

We "internalized" much of this negativity and used it to a greater or lesser degree to form our self-images. And, of course, being constantly told what you can't do, tends to shrink your comfort zone!

2. Painful or Traumatic Experiences. These are sources of fears and phobias that shrink our comfort zones. In addition, they are sources of negative programming that push our comfort zones down toward greater psychological reversal. Such experiences could include painful accidents, "rejections," and other "failures."

Beware of making decisions or drawing conclusions immediately or soon after a painful experience. Nevertheless, take conscious control and use it to your advantage by learning from it.

3. Coercion. If you look up "coercion" in the dictionary, you'll find something like: "the use of force to overwhelm the will." When you're being coerced, somebody else decides for you and tells you what you must do or may not do - and if you disagree with that decision and attempt to act contrary to it, force may be used to compel you to obey. The perpetrator of coercion puts himself in the position of master and puts his victim in the position of slave.

Submitting to repeated coercion tends to cause "learned helplessness" (see Dr. Seligman's books in the Bibliography). Learned helplessness greatly shrinks your comfort zone. Submitting to coercion also tends to damage your self-image - more negative programming.

On page 2 I quoted Dr. Callahan: "But even someone who has no 'built-in' tendency toward reversal can become reversed by the stresses of his life, by a relationship that is unsatisfactory, by his work - and/or by the people with whom he associates." [emphasis added] My thoughts: In what ways do government bureaucrats impose psychological reversal on individuals through coercion?

The above goes a long way toward answering the question I posed at the beginning of this report: "How come there's only one person who has really applied Freedom Technology in a big way to create a business empire and make a fortune?" But there are more answers!

4. Brainwashing in Government-Controlled Schools. This is described in detail in my book Wake Up America! The Dynamics of Human Power.

5. Religious Brainwashing. I'll leave it to the reader to discern which religious teachings tend to shrink the comfort zone and push it down.

6. Media Brainwashing. In his book From Freedom to Slavery: The Rebirth of Tyranny in America, Gerry Spence indicates that our enemy is the "New King." And the New King consists of the partnership between government and giant corporations. The media are largely controlled by the New King. The media are the mouths of the New King.

The New King wants obedient slaves who are easily controlled. The smaller and lower the slaves' comfort zones, the easier they are controlled. (This is also why the New King maintains an iron grip on schools.) So, according to the dictates of the New King, with minor exceptions, the media dish out whatever negativity will shrink and lower the slaves' comfort zones.

The Aging Process
Psychological reversal has its physical counterpart in the form of the aging process. Imagine the comfort zone shrinking and falling. This is essentially what happens during aging.

Now consider the immune system. It's purpose is to neutralize certain agents like viruses, germs, bacteria, and cancer cells that pose a threat to the body. If these agents are not neutralized, you get the kind of negative growth depicted in Fig. 4 on page 3.

Also consider autoimmune diseases like arthritis. This is where the immune system starts attacking parts of the body itself. Toxins build up in the joints to the extent that some parts look to the immune system like "foreign agents" that must be neutralized. This is the physiological equivalent of people having a problem with drugs, then appointing government bureaucrats to declare "war on drugs," and the end result being that the problem gets worse and additional problems are created.

This suggests an important principle: Use positive means to shift from psychological reversal to psychological alignment. (This is why in Build Freedom we don't fight tyranny, we build freedom. Someone recently sent me an article with the headline, "Would You Rather Spend the Rest of Your Life Slaying a Dragon or Planting Fruit Trees?")

Psychological Reversal and Government
One way to look at the institution of government is that it's the societal manifestation of individual psychological reversal. Looking back at Fig. 1 on page 3, can you see that government laws and agencies tend to threaten and reduce your comfort zone? Consider the IRS, for example.

Now compare the hundreds of thousands of pages of government laws, statutes, and regulations to the 148,000 times the average child was told, "No!" What have we here? Negative adult programming? (As Drew Hiatt, executive vice president of the National Business Owners Association, said in Special Report #TL13E: The Millionaire's Secret (V), "There are over 132,000 pages of government regulations on the books. The books themselves" - the 202-volume Code of Federal Regulations - "take up over 19 feet of shelf space. How is a small business owner with two or three employees supposed to keep track of all that? I worked it out once - it's like trying to read War and Peace 115 times.")

Ayn Rand describes the purpose of all these laws in her classic Atlas Shrugged in a conversation between Dr. Floyd Ferris (a government bureaucrat) and Hank Reardon (an industrialist). Ferris says that honest men like Reardon are a problem and a headache, but the government bureaucrats had gotten the goods on Reardon because he'd broken a law. (Ferris is trying to blackmail Reardon into delivering 5,000 tons of steel to the State Science Institute.) Ferris then indicates that the government bureaucrats want laws to be broken, because innocent men can't be ruled. The only power government bureaucrats have is to crack down on criminals. And when there aren't enough criminals, the government bureaucrats have to manufacture them. And the way they manufacture criminals is to declare so many things crimes that it becomes impossible for anyone to live without breaking laws. Furthermore, the laws need to be so vague, voluminous, complex, and convoluted that nobody can understand them or interpret them objectively. This is how the government bureaucrats create a nation of lawbreakers they can control through indoctrination, stultification, stagnation, fossilization, identification, enumeration, classification, accreditation, regulation, complexification, obfuscation, confusion, diversion, deception, misrepresentation, fabrication, falsification, prevarication, perversion, exaggeration, coercion, inspection, compulsion, prohibition, frustration, confrontation, taxation, extortion, inflation, destruction, aggravation, humiliation, supplication, addiction, polarization, suppression, oppression, corruption, incorporation, annexation, admonition, condemnation, persecution, prosecution, conviction, confiscation, incarceration, extradition, expulsion, decimation, annihilation, termination, and execution!

Special Report #TL13C: The Millionaire's Secret (III) showed the relentless collapse of the US$. In Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, Francisco d'Anconia, during his memorable speech about money says, "Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men's protection and the base of a moral existence. Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper. This kills all objective standards and delivers men into the arbitrary power of an arbitrary setter of values." (Does this by any chance sound like America's federal reserve system?)

Remember what Nietzsche said about the state in Special Report #TL13D: The Millionaire's Secret (IV)? You need to understand that government - with the exception of a small number of good qualities - is a collection of the worst human evils, packaged in a huge comfort zone below the line of psychological reversal.

How do the viciously negative things I say about government square with the principle of using positive means? The first step in dealing with an element - such as a fear, or phobia, or whatever - that shrinks and lowers your comfort zone, is to recognize it. The second step is to describe it. And if it's extremely negative and massively psychologically reversed, then part of the recognition is to describe it as it is. This is what Nietzsche did. This is what Ayn Rand did. This is what Gerry Spence did.

Now the third step is to use positive means to handle the element. The kind of means we advocate in Build Freedom include:

Prescriptions for Psychological Alignment, Wealth, and Success
To increase your chances of building wealth and succeeding in life generally, there are two kinds of things you may need to do: (1) Expand your comfort zone; and (2) Shift your comfort zone up toward psychological alignment by reprogramming your brain more positively. Following are some specific steps for you to consider:

Treatment Specifically for Psychological Reversal. Refer to the book Five Minute Phobia Cure: Dr. Callahan's Treatment for Fears, Phobias and Self-Sabotage by Roger J. Callahan, Ph.D. Unfortunately, this book is out of print. However, if you would like information regarding Dr. Callahan's remarkable techniques, contact Mark Lindsay. Mark Lindsay is a certified practitioner of the Callahan Techniques and Thought Field Therapy.

Curing Fears and Phobias. See above.

Developing Self-Acceptance. Dr. Callahan provides a prescription - see above. You may also want to study the book Mind Traps: Change Your Mind Change Your Life by Tom Rusk, who identifies self-doubt as the root of all evil:

"The effects of self-doubt go far deeper than an inability to accept one's talents and attributes. Self-doubt is a mental abscess which can penetrate to the very essence of your being. Like a slow-growing but highly adaptable fungus, self-doubt is a creeping rot which eats away at your sense of worth. It can be so insidious you may be unaware of its damaging effect on your life. And self-doubt is extremely durable; it is resistant to all but the most sophisticated and determined efforts at eradicating it.

Introduced by painful experiences in childhood, self-doubt weaves itself into the fabric of your identity. There, disguised as the truth, utilizing the self-defeating attitudes (Mind Traps) it generates, self-doubt asserts its poisonous influence over every aspect of life, from work to relationships. Self-doubts and Mind Traps are hardy enough to withstand overwhelming conflicting evidence. They are even resistant to good common sense - no matter how much some people may love and respect you, you may still doubt yourself. And you may find yourself sabotaging your own welfare."

Recall Dr. Callahan's observation that psychological reversal appears to be rooted in a deep rejection of the self. Self-doubt is a particularly vitriolic aspect of self-rejection. You may need to tackle the problem of self-doubt when eliminating psychological reversal in yourself.

Apply "The Path of Least Resistance." See Special Report #TL13A: The Millionaire's Secret (I), as well as the book The Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz - see Bibliography.

Handling Guilt Resulting from "Anti-Selfishness" Brainwashing. See the books on selfishness by Ayn Rand and David Seabury in the Bibliography.

Treating Learned Helplessness and Learning Optimism. Refer to the books by Martin E. P. Seligman - see Bibliography.

Do Things You Don't Normally Do. For some of us our comfort zone is like a safe little cocoon in which we hide and do our little insignificant, risk-free things. Anything new or different outside the comfort zone tends to be seen as risky, dangerous, uncomfortable, or even unworkable. The very thought of doing something new or different may "kick-in" negativity and drag us down toward psychological reversal. And if we tell our family, friends, and co-workers - most of whom are likely to be predominantly negative - many of them will automatically put down the idea, and we're likely to be dragged down toward psychological reversal.

To expand your comfort zone, it's vital that you learn to do things outside your comfort zone that you don't normally do - and that you learn to overcome the negativity that "kicks in" - negativity from your own programs or from other people. The most basic way to deal with the negativity is to simply observe it, let it remain or be there, and continue doing what you need to do despite the negativity.

The essential principle here is to stretch your comfort zone by doing those things that you normally wouldn't, and as a result the next time that same thing is easier to do. There's truth in that old saying that the only way to overcome fear of something is to do the very thing you're afraid of. This is a perfect example of expanding your comfort zone. There's a saying that goes something like: "Once a man stretches beyond his limits he never quite shrinks back to his former size."

The experience that you can do things in the face of negativity is very powerful. It engages the principle of transforming obstacles into power facets of your personality - see Special Report #TL13A: The Millionaire's Secret (I). It sets the stage and develops your ability to handle and overcome more and more negativity - expanding and raising your comfort zone. As Nietzsche said, "What doesn't destroy me, makes me stronger."

Most people only put this principle to work when situations or external circumstances throw an obstacle at them they can't avoid or escape. But when this happens, they're more likely to get stuck in what Robert Fritz calls the "reactive-response orientation" (in his book The Path of Least Resistance) as opposed to the "creative orientation." A self-actualizing, conscious decision-maker actively seeks out opportunities to do new and different things. And as you step outside your comfort zone, you could do the following:

(a) Recognize the mechanism - what happens in your consciousness - at work when you apply the Obstacles/Power Facets Principle;

(b) Notice how much more effectively you handle the obstacle when you do so from the creative orientation, rather than from the reactive-responsive orientation.

(c) Notice that every time you successfully handle and overcoming negativity, you become more capable of dealing with negativity in general - your comfort zone expands and rises.

(d) Learn that you can deliberately engage the Obstacles/Power Facets Principle by consciously choosing to do things outside your comfort zone.

Mastering Money. I suggest you start with the books on money in the first part of the Bibliography.

Learning Marketing. Many people are to some extent psychologically reversed in the area of selling. They find it difficult to handle rejection. The negativity associated with selling "failures" tends to shrink and lower their comfort zones to the point that they become so discouraged that they lose the strength and motivation to make further selling attempts.

Most ways of making a fortune involve selling. You may have negative programs like, "I'm a poor salesperson" or "I hate selling." Consider the possibility that this is psychological reversal - or maybe just lack of competence.

To learn marketing, I suggest you start with the marketing books in the Bibliography.

Improving Your Decision-Making Ability. See Special Report #TL13E: The Millionaire's Secret (V).

Raise Your Consciousness. See Special Report #TL13E: The Millionaire's Secret (V).

Forming Power Relationships. See Special Report #TL13E: The Millionaire's Secret (V).

Increasing Your "Freedom Quotient." For our purposes here, there are four important dimensions of freedom:

(a) Increasing your personal power, wealth, and freedom - that's what this report is mostly about;

(b) Learning freedom principles or philosophies of freedom - see the books in the Bibliography;

(c) Acquiring: the practical knowledge, methods, and skills for living free; the street-smart know-how to outwit government bureaucrats; and the practical means to protect your income and assets from thieves and robbers of all kinds - contact Build Freedom for more information.

(d) Creating real free-enterprise institutions and organizations.

To increase your "freedom quotient" - which expands and raises your comfort zone - you'll want to further develop your freedom in all respects...

Increasing Your Competence. Implementing the suggestions in these "Millionaire" reports will most likely increase your competence considerably. See also Bibliography.

Increasing Your Intelligence and Creativity. Read report #TL11: How to Increase Your Intelligence.

Nutritional Supplements. You can expand and raise your comfort zone by taking certain nutritional supplements.

Improving Your Health. Contact us about our health information.

Idenics. A most effective and efficient methodology for handling most negative behavior patterns. For more information, call Michael Goldstein at 1-800-IDENICS (1-800-433-6427), or write to him at: Survival Services Intnl., 1670 S. Elkhart St, Aurora, CO 80012. Tell him Wealth Build Freedom referred you.

Self-Talk Tapes. See the books by Dr. Shad Helmstetter in the Bibliography.

The "Focusing" Technique. A profound yet simple technique developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin to get in touch with your feelings and to allow your body to help you to free yourself from anything you're stuck in by using a special kind of "inward attention" called the "felt sense." Dr. Gendlin says, "Human problems are by their very nature such that we are each inherently in charge of ourselves. No authority can resolve our problems or tell us how to live. Therefore I and others have been teaching more and more people to help themselves and each other." See Dr. Gendlin's book Focusing in the Bibliography.

"Rebirthing" Techniques. Includes powerful techniques for handling negativity and increasing self-acceptance. See the book Rebirthing: The Science of Enjoying All of Your Life by Jim Leonard and Phil Laut in the Bibliography.

Note: The more you succeed, the more your comfort zone will expand. The larger your comfort zone becomes, the easier it is for you to succeed. Thus, the more you succeed, the easier it becomes for you to succeed in future. This principle is also an aspect of the Infinite Bootstrap Principle - described in Special Report #TL13A: The Millionaire's Secret (I). There's just one problem: If your comfort zone gets too big for your boots and you try to expand too fast, your comfort zone will drop from the sky like a pricked balloon!

Personal Power Institutes
"So much to do and so little time!", you might explain. All the things you might have to do to expand and raise your comfort zone may seem quite overwhelming. Where do you start? Well, you can start anywhere and apply the Small-Step-Progression Principle - see Special Report #TL13A: The Millionaire's Secret (I).

We are currently developing plans to open a number of Personal Power Institutes around the world where people receive guidance, assistance, and training on how to quickly and effectively expand and raise their comfort zones to the page 3, Fig. 2 profile - or beyond that.

Psychological Reversal and the Millionaire Reports
When we are psychologically reversed, we tend to undercut our own efforts to achieve something. When we are reversed, we tend to produce results opposite to those we claim to desire. The 'Millionaire' reports contain some of the most powerful wealth-producing information to be found anywhere. However, I expect that many readers may find this concentrated compilation of wealth principles somewhat overwhelming. It's important that when we begin applying this information we don't become discouraged by the enormity of the task and fall into a state of psychological reversal.

For some it may be necessary to read these reports several times. Never underestimate the power of repetition! Also, some of the pieces of the puzzle may only fall into place after the third or fourth reading.

In any case, I recommend the following steps as a basic bare-bones plan for implementing the information in the reports:

  1. Make a fundamental decision or decisions regarding the results you want to produce. See Special Report #TL13A: The Millionaire's Secret (I) and Robert Fritz's book The Path of Least Resistance.
  2. Make an objective and realistic assessment of yourself and your life and determine if there are any areas in which you are psychologically reversed. (This includes an assessment of the results you are currently producing.)
  3. Using the Small-Step-Progression Principle, begin eliminating psychological reversal in those areas.
  4. Make a special effort to find at least one person to work with you. It's much easier to do the "work" suggested by these reports, if there are at least two people giving each other mutual support and feedback.
  5. Using the Small-Step-Progression Principle, begin implementing the information found in the "Millionaire" reports. In the course of doing so, you may find many opportunities to expand and raise your comfort level. Please keep in mind that the best way to expand your comfort zone is to do so intentionally by using the Obstacles/Power Facets Principle discussed above.
  6. Continue to monitor yourself for psychological reversal by assessing the results you produce.


by Frederick Mann

Included here are books I believe to be of the greatest practical value for expanding and raising your comfort zone, and increasing your personal wealth. No one person can tell you everything you need to know about realizing your potential or how to make a fortune or become a millionaire. Most successful people and/or millionaires don't really know completely why or how they did it - much knowledge is tacit or unspoken; and, as Nietzsche said, human consciousness is in its infancy. The more people you learn from, the better. And the more information you have available to you, the more powerful the decisions you make.

Even though most millionaires consciously recognize only a few of the success principles they use, they become spectacularly successful anyway. Imagine the results you can achieve if you consciously apply all the principles discussed in these reports - and maybe in a few of the books.

This Bibliography is divided into three parts. Part 1 contains the books I regard as most important - fundamental. Part 2 is important - primary. Part 3 is less important - secondary.

Part 1
• Barker, Joel Arthur
: Future Edge: Discovering the New Paradigms of Success (William Morrow, NY; 1992). Build Freedom is attempting to bring about a paradigm shift - "a change to a new game, a new set of rules" - our "Principles for Civilization." Barker provides the dynamics of how such paradigm shifts occur. Who instigates such paradigm shifts? How do they do it? What are the roles of leaders and managers related to paradigm shifts? Who wins big and who loses big - and why? This is a seminal book.

• Beck, Aaron T., M.D.: Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders (New American Freedomry, NY; 1976). How to get control of your emotions through improved thinking skills. A vitally important self-reprogramming manual.

• Beckman, Robert: The Downwave: Surviving the Second Great Depression (Milestone Publications, Portsmouth, England; 1983). Important information on our likely financial and economic future and how to deal with it.

• Bloom, Howard: The Lucifer Principle (Atlantic Monthly Press, NY; 1995). A very important analysis of culture, creativity, violence, and self-destruction - including "the rise and the fall of the American empire."

• Boétie, Étienne de la: The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude (Free Life Editions, 41 Union Square, NY, NY 10003; 1975 - first published in 1562). De la Boétie was a friend of the famous Montaigne. De la Boétie can be regarded as the "father of civil disobedience." He had a profound influence on Tolstoy, Gandhi, and other nonviolent freedom-fighters. 430 years after its writing, his Discourse is still the most advanced political essay I know of.

• Bovard, James: Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty (St. Martin's Press, NY; 1994). If you don't realize that America has become a tyrannical police state comparable to Nazi Germany, then you should read this book.

• Branden, Nathaniel: The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem (Bantam Books, NY; 1994). Increasing your self-esteem is a most important aspect of psychological alignment - this book tells you how.

• Browne, Harry: How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World (Avon Books, NY; 1973). By far the best book on practical freedom I know of. Had a profound influence on my life. Has helped me live free in Africa, Europe, and America.

• Burkett, Larry: The Coming Economic Earthquake (Moody Press, Chicago, IL; 1994). Lessons from the 30s depression, the New Deal, and other economic fiascoes; analysis of the present American economy; what to do about it.

• Callahan, Roger J., Ph.D.: Five Minute Phobia Cure: Dr. Callahan's Treatment for Fears, Phobias and Self-Sabotage (Out of print). The physical cause and treatment for fears and phobias - works within a few minutes. "Psychological reversal" and how it causes self-sabotage - its treatment.

• Carroll, John: Break-Out from the Crystal Palace - The Anarcho-Psychological Critique: Stirner, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London; 1974). Brilliant exposition of Anarcho-Psychology; profound contribution to the psychology of freedom.

• Casey, Douglas: Crisis Investing for the Rest of the '90s (Carol Publishing, NY; 1993). Investment advice from the world's bestselling financial author.

• Collier, James M. & Collier, Kenneth F.: Votescam: The Stealing of America (Victoria House Press, NY; 1992). Thrilling and convincing exposé of how about 60% of U.S. political elections are rigged.

• Davidson, James Dale & Rees-Mogg, Lord William: The Great Reckoning: Protect Yourself in the Coming Depression (Simon & Schuster, NY; 1993). A thorough analysis of major world economies and their likely futures - and how to deal with them.

• Dent, Harry S.: The Great Boom Ahead: Your Comprehensive Guide to Personal and Business Profit in the New Era of Prosperity (Hyperion, NY; 1993). Why there could be a great economic boom in America before the end of the 90s and how you can profit from it.

• De Ropp, Robert S.: Self Completion (Gateways, PO Box 370, Nevada City, CA 95959). How to complete your self-development by a student of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky.

• De Ropp, Robert S.: Warrior's Way: The Challenging Life Games (Delta, NY; 1979). Important biographical information on how to become more conscious by a student of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky.

• Dohrman, Bernhard: Living Life as a Super Achiever (IBI Publishing, PO Box 173, Madison, AL 35758). Vital information on decision-making and networking (power relationships).

• Ellis, Albert, Ph.D. & Harper, Robert A., Ph.D.: A New Guide to Rational Living (Wilshire Book Co., 12015 Sherman Rd, N. Hollywood, CA 91605; 1975). Basics of "Rational-Emotive Therapy" (RET). How to improve your rational thinking skills for emotional control and to control your own destiny. A vitally important self-reprogramming manual.

• Figgie, Harry E., Jr. with Swanson, Gerald J., Ph.D.: The Coming Collapse of America and How to Stop It (Little Brown, Boston, MA; 1992). Why the US$ could be wiped out during a coming financial crisis.

• Fritz, Robert: The Path of Least Resistance (Stillpoint Publishing, 27 Congress St, Salem, MA 01970; 1987). Basics of "Rational-Emotive Therapy" (RET). By far the best book available on setting and achieving goals.

• Gatto, John Taylor: Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (New Society Publishers, Philadelphia, PA; 1992). The destruction of thinking skills and the perpetration of psychological reversal in government "schools" by New York State Teacher of the Year.

• Gendlin, Eugene T., Ph.D.: Focusing (Bantam Books, NY; 1981). A simple yet powerful technique to utilize the "wisdom of the body" to expand and raise your comfort level.

• Glasser, William, M.D.: Control Theory: A New Explanation of How We Control Our Lives (Harper & Rowe, NY; 1985). Control and power are closely related. A very important book for increasing personal control, hence personal power.

Goldberg, Herb, Ph.D. & Lewis, Robert T., Ph.D.: Money Madness: The Psychology of Saving, Spending, Loving, and Hating Money (New American Freedomry, NY; 1979). About 90% of crimes are committed for money. Problems with money are a factor in the breakup of most marriages. An important guide to "money sanity" - psychological alignment in the area of money.

• Gross, Martin L.: A Call for Revolution: How Washington is Strangling America - and How to Stop It (Ballantyne Books, NY; 1993). Very good exposé of U.S. government politicians' and bureaucrats' corruption and waste.

• Gross, Martin L.: The Great Whitewater Fiasco: An American Tale of Money, Power, and Politics (Ballantyne Books, NY; 1994). Very good exposé of the Clintons' corruption.

• Gross, Martin L.: The Government Racket: Washington Waste from A to Z (Bantam Books, NY; 1992). Very good exposé of waste by U.S. federal government politicians and bureaucrats.

• Gross, Martin L.: The Tax Racket: Government Extortion from A to Z (Ballantyne Books, NY; 1995). Very good exposé of U.S. taxes in general and the IRS in particular.

• Hart, Leslie A.: How the Brain Works: A New Understanding of Human Learning, Emotion, and Thinking (Basic Books, NY; 1975). A most important explanation of how your brain works.

• Hart, Leslie A.: Human Brain and Human Learning (Longman, NY; 1983). Why coercion is incompatible with the way your brain works. Why coercion causes "downshifting" into the primitive parts of the brain.

• Helmstatter Shad: What to Say When You Talk to Yourself (Pocket Books, NY; 1982). Discover your negative programs and replace them with positive programs.

• Hewitt-Gleeson, Dr. Michael: Software for the Brain (Wrightbooks, PO Box 2301, North Brighton, Victoria 3186, Australia - phone (03) 596-4262; 1993). How to apply the Infinite Bootstrap Principle to your brain. Some of the most powerful reprogramming techniques available.

• Hill, Napoleon: Think and Grow Rich (Combined Registry, Chicago, IL; 1960). A classic on creating wealth.

• Hirschberg, Caryl & Barasch, Marc Ian: Remarkable Recovery: What Extraordinary Healings Tell Us about Getting Well and Staying Well (Riverhead Books, NY; 1995). Psychological alignment and health.

• Jaynes, Julian: The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (Houghton Mifflin, Boston; 1990 - originally published in 1976). In my opinion, the most important book on psychology ever written. Explains where human consciousness came from, how it developed, and where it is now - why most humans still crave "external authorities."

• Jeffers, Susan, Ph.D.: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (Fawcett Columbine, NY; 1987). Important information and techniques for understanding and handling fear.

Kolbe, Kathy: The Conative Connection: Uncovering the Link between Who You Are and How You Perform (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA; 1990). How to develop your conative mind - the part of your mind that determines what you naturally do and don't do, and how you naturally do things. The four "action modes." Crucial for placing people in the right jobs and setting realistic expectations.

Lane, Rose Wilder: The Discovery of Freedom: Man's Struggle Against Authority (Arno Press & The New York Times, NY; 1972 - first published in 1943). Must reading for anyone who wants to discover that he or she is free. Lane wrote:

"The great majority of human beings on earth believe today that a superhuman Authority controls human beings.

Italians call this pagan god Immortal Italy. Germans call it The German Race. Communists begin to believe that History is its name; that history is not a mere record of men's acts, but a power that controls men's acts...

Experience contradicts this pagan superstition. Whatever the intangible Authority is called, it can not be seen nor felt nor smelled nor heard. When a man musters courage to act against or without its control, it does not strike him dead. It does nothing whatever."

• Langer, Ellen J.: Mindfulness (Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA; 1989). Contrasts "mindfulness" with "mindlessness" - analogous to the contrast between "conscious" and "unconscious" or "psychological alignment" and "psychological reversal."

• Lant, Dr. Jeffrey: Cash Copy: How to Offer Your Products and Services So Your Prospects Buy Them ... NOW! (JLA Publications, PO Box 38-2767, Cambridge, MA 02238 - (617) 547-6372; 1994). An excellent book on writing advertising copy.

• Lant, Dr. Jeffrey: Multi-Level Money: The Complete Guide to Generating, Closing & Working with All the People You Need to Make Real Money Every Month in Network Marketing (JLA Publications, PO Box 38-2767, Cambridge, MA 02238 - (617) 547-6372; 1994). Possibly the best book available on MLM or Network Marketing.

• Leary, Timothy: Exo-Psychology: A Manual on the Use of the Human Nervous System According to the Instructions of the Manufacturers (Starseed/Peace Press, PO Box 188, Culver City, CA 90230; 1977). How to understand and improve your brain and nervous system.

• Leary, Timothy with Wilson, Robert Anton & Koopman, George A.: Neuropolitics: The Sociobiology of Human Metamorphosis (Starseed/Peace Press, PO Box 188, Culver City, CA 90230; 1977). How to understand politics and transcend it.

• Le Bon, Gustave: The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (Penguin Books, NY; 1977). How people's thinking and behavior change when they become part of a crowd - in some important respects they go into severe psychological reversal. A most important classic.

• Leonard, Jim and Laut, Phil: Rebirthing: The Science of Enjoying All Your Life (Trinity Publications, 1636 N. Curson Ave, Hollywood, CA 90046 - 213-876-6226; 1983). Important information and techniques for understanding and overcoming negativity.

• LeBoeuf, Michael, Ph.D.: The Greatest Management Principle in the World (Putnam, NY; 1985). One of the most powerful books on management. It does justice to its title. Down-to-earth.

• Lewis, Dr. Robert T.: Taking Chances: The Psychology of Losing & How to Profit from It (Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA; 1979). To become a millionaire requires taking risks. There are bound to be many losses on the way. This book tells you how to deal with the losses and use them to best advantage.

• Limbaugh, Rush: See, I Told You So (Simon & Schuster, NY; 1993). Important freedom and success information.

• Limbaugh, Rush: The Way Things Ought to Be (Simon & Schuster, NY; 1992). Important freedom and success information.

• MacPherson, Donald W.: Tax Fraud & Evasion: The War Stories (MacPherson & Sons Publishers, 3404 W. Cheryl Dr #A-250, Phoenix, AZ 85051 - 1-800-BEAT-IRS). Leading tax attorney writes about a series of tax cases, most of which he won. Very important information for understanding the extent to which you might be at risk from the IRS, and for choosing your tax strategies.

Mann, Frederick: The Economic Rape of America: What You Can Do About It (Build Freedom Holdings, 1996). How the Federal Reserve bankers, the politicians and bureaucrats, the IRS, and members of the legal profession "rape" the American economy. The destruction of the U.S. Dollar. Inflation and hyperinflation. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The nature of taxation and government. How to protect your income and assets. How to discover and develop your freedom.

Mann, Frederick: Wake Up America! The Dynamics of Human Power (Build Freedom Holdings, 1996). The power of Mahatma Gandhi. Human failure programs and human success programs. The nature and consequences of government "education." How to overcome helplessness and powerlessness. How to learn creative optimism. How to master money and love. The power that brings happiness. Many people live their lives out of a victim orientation. If they love freedom, they think freedom is something that needs to be given to them or created for them. Reading Wake Up America! is a major step for many toward experiencing their personal power and seizing their freedom.

• Morgan, George Allan, Jr.: What Nietzsche Means (Greenwood Press, Westport, CT; 1975). Comprehensive exposition of Nietzsche's philosophy, psychology, and esthetics.

• Needleman, Jacob: Money and the Meaning of Life (Doubleday, NY; 1991). A most important book on the psychology of money - how to explore money issues for personal growth and development.

• Nietzsche, Friedrich: Beyond Good and Evil (Penguin Books, London; 1979). Aphorisms to help you question everything.

• Nietzsche, Friedrich: Twilight of the Idols & The Antichrist (Penguin Books, London; 1978). How to smash your idols - false concepts and beliefs.

O'Rourke, P.J.: Parliament of Whores: A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire U.S. Government (The Atlantic Monthly Press, 19 Union Square West, NY, NY 10003; 1991). "The American political system is like a gigantic Mexican Christmas fiesta. Each political party is a huge piñata - a papier-mâché donkey, for example. The donkey is filled with full employment, low interest rates, affordable housing, comprehensive medical benefits, a balanced budget and other goodies. The American voter is blindfolded and given a stick. The voter then swings the stick wildly in every direction, trying to hit a political candidate on the head and knock some sense into the silly bastard."

• Pugsley, John A.: The Alpha Strategy: The Ultimate Plan of Financial Self-Defense (Harper & Row, NY; 1981). One of the best books available for understanding money, wealth, taxation, inflation, and regulation - and what you should do to create and conserve your personal wealth.

Rand, Ayn: Atlas Shrugged (New American Freedomry, NJ; 1957). U.S. surveys consistently show that Atlas Shrugged is the book that influences people second-most (The Bible is first). See in particular Francisco d'Ansonia's speech on money in the chapter "The Aristocracy of Pull" and the real reason behind most government laws in the chapter "White Blackmail."

Rand, Ayn: The Virtue of Selfishness (New American Freedomry, NJ; 1964). "It is not a mere semantic issue nor a matter of arbitrary choice. The meaning ascribed in popular usage to the word "selfishness" is not merely wrong: it represents a devastating intellectual "package-deal," which is responsible, more than any other single factor, for the arrested moral development of mankind."

Ringer, Robert J.: How You Can Find Happiness During the Collapse of Western Civilization (Harper & Row, NY; 1983). Explains why the gradual collapse of Western civilization continues day by day. Why hyperinflation and complete destruction of the U.S. dollar and financial system are inevitable. How to survive it all.

Ringer, Robert J.: Million Dollar Habits (Wynwood Press, NY; 1990). A systematic formulation of Ringer's success principles.

Robbins, Anthony: Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical & Financial Destiny (Simon & Schuster, NY; 1992). A powerhouse of information and techniques for reprogramming yourself for success.

Rothbard, Murray N.: For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto (Collier/Macmillan, NY; 1978). Libertarianism is a synonym for capitalism or free enterprise. A well-written explanation of libertarianism in theory, history, and practice. Had a profound influence on my own thinking. Says Rothbard: "The libertarian creed rests upon one central axiom: that no man or group of men may aggress against the person or property of anyone else. This may be called the "nonaggression axiom." "Aggression" is defined as the initiation of the use or threat of physical violence against the person or property of anyone else. Aggression is therefore synonymous with invasion."

Rusk, Tom, M.D.: Mind Traps: Change Your Mind Change Your Life (Price Stern Sloan, Los Angeles; 1988). The most important key to overcoming personal weaknesses. Identifies self-doubt as the root of all evil. Easy to read, understand, and apply.

• Ruwart, Dr. Mary J.: Healing Our World: The Other Piece of the Puzzle (SunStar Press, PO Box 342, Kalamazoo, MI 49005; 1992). Freedom solutions to personal and societal problems. Especially good on environmental solutions. Very good introduction to freedom.

Schiff, Irwin A.: The Biggest Con: How The Government Is Fleecing You (Freedom Books, PO Box 5303, Hamden, CT 06518; 1977). Schiff quotes President Gerald Ford's speech before a Joint Session of Congress on October 8, 1974: "Inflation, our public enemy no. 1, will, unless whipped, destroy our country, our liberty, our property... as surely as any well armed wartime enemy." Schiff says, "Since it is our own government that causes that inflation - our own government is that enemy. With irrefutable facts and figures, Schiff shows that the federal government:

Schiff, Irwin A.: The Federal Mafia: How It Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes (Freedom Books, PO Box 5303, Hamden, CT 06518; 1990). Important information on the IRS and how to deal with them.

Seabury, David: The Art of Selfishness (Simon & Schuster, NY; 1978 - first published in 1937). "The next step in human progress is to dump the load of sanctified idiocy we misscall our moral values, and accept the principles of nature... We've given up superstition in the physical area. But if you mention to a fear-ridden follower of the conventions the thought of discarding the sanctions of the Dark Ages, ideals of conduct that came into being when it was considered a sin to unravel the mysteries of life, you shock his sensibilities... This was once the attitude toward matters of science as well. It still dominates in economics and the law."

Seligman, Martin E.P.: Helplessness: On Depression, Development, and Death (W.H. Freeman, NY; 1975). Theory of helplessness and depression, and cure for both.

• Seligman, Martin E.P., Ph.D.: Learned Optimism (Alfred A. Knopf, NY; 1991). Describes the essential differences between optimists and pessimists. Both optimism and pessimism are learned habits of behavior. Contains simple exercises for learning optimism.

• Slater, Philip: Wealth Addiction (E.P. Dutton, NY; 1983). How to understand money, and be cause over it, rather than being the effect of it.

Spence, Gerry: From Freedom to Slavery: The Rebirth of Tyranny in America (St. Martin's Press, NY; 1993). Important aspects of freedom by America's leading trial attorney. Exposes the oppressive partnership between big government, big corporations, and big media.

Spence, Gerry: How to Argue and Win Every Time (St. Martin's Press, NY; 1995). A superb manual on how to present and argue your case. Important guidelines for personal growth and increasing your personal power.

Spooner, Lysander: No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority (Ralph Myles Publisher, PO Box 1533, Colorado Springs, CO 80901; 1973 - first published in 1870). Convincing arguments by a brilliant attorney that the so-called "U.S. Constitution" never had nor now has any legal validity. All those pretending to act under the "authority" of the supposed "constitution" are imposters and usurpers. Had a profound influence on my thinking.

• Snyder, Julian M.: The Way of the Hunter-Warrior: How to Make a Killing in Any Market (Richardson & Snyder Books; 1982). Superb book on strategies, tactics, and decision-making for investors and speculators.

• Stirner, Max: The Ego & Its Own (Rebel Press, London; 1982). The philosophy of the greatest idol-smasher of all.

• Tannehill, Morris & Linda: The Market for Liberty (Fox & Wilkes, 938 Howard St #202, San Francisco, CA 94103; 1993). One of the best books available explaining why government is an unnecessary evil, why everything that needs to be done in society can be done better in the absence of government, and how we can advance to a free society.

• Wallace, Frank R.: Neo-Tech Cosmic Power (Neo-Tech Publishing, PO Box 906, Boulder City, NV 89005; 1989). The 114 "Neo-Tech Advantages" that could transform your thinking and life.

• Weil, Andrew, M.D.: Spontaneous Healing: How to Discover and Enhance Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself (Alfred A. Knopf, NY; 1995). Psychological alignment and health.

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