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Edited by Frederick Mann
Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997 Build Freedom Holdings ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


This is the seventh in our series of 'Millionaire' reports. The first report dealt mainly with the Most Basic Wealth Principle: Produce more than you consume. The second was primarily devoted to clearing away certain Money Myths and learning the Infinite Bootstrap Principle. The third dealt mainly with what you need to know about the danger of a currency collapse and what you can do about it. The fourth described how J. Paul Getty became the richest man in the world and what you can learn from him. The fifth dealt basically with how to make 'millionaire' decisions. The sixth introduced, and described in some detail, the phenomenon of "Psychological Alignment." This report covers the "Opportunity Gap" Principle, "Advanced Psychological Alignment," "The World We Live In," and "Making Money Work for You." It concludes with Parts 1A, 2, and 3 of the Annotated Bibliography.


by Frederick Mann

At the time Bill Gates started his computer career, the personal computer was in its infancy. In fact, Gates was involved in the development of software for one of the earliest PCs, the 'Altair.' Compared to a modern PC, the Altair was rather useless.

At the time the first PCs were created, there was a big gap between what then existed and what could be developed in the future - the PCs that have now become reality. Today's PCs are vastly more powerful, versatile, useful, and user-friendly than the original PCs.

Looking from the perspective of the first PC, the difference between what the PC then was, and what it could become, can be seen as an "Opportunity Gap." Bill Gates and his compatriots bridged this gap. They created the hardware and software to advance the PC from its primitive origins to its modern level.

The gap they bridged is huge - and has been very profitable for them! Bill Gates has become the richest man in the world.

The software that has taken the modern PC to its current level of sophistication can be thought to consist of "computer success programs." We can think in terms of "success programs" and "failure programs." The contents of human minds can be considered as "human success programs" and "human failure programs."

Bill Gates's company, Microsoft, is in the business of providing "computer success programs." It is a software company. In terms of market capitalization, it has overtaken IBM, primarily a hardware company. As a percentage of sales, Microsoft's profits dwarf IBM's profits. Software is much more profitable than hardware.

As will - hopefully - become evident during the rest of this report, most humans suffer from severe "failure programs" - defective software in their minds. In fact, I propose that the "normal, average human" generally operates at the level of the primitive Altair. I suggest that there is a huge Opportunity Gap between the very primitive current "functional working" of practically all humans, and the level of functionality they could achieve based on information that is already available.

Humans can be assisted to shift from where they are to where they could be, by providing them with "human success programs" to replace their "human failure programs."

I contend the current Human Opportunity Gap vastly exceeds the original Computer Opportunity Gap that enable Bill Gates to become the richest billionaire in the world. In other words, there is much more money to be made in bridging the Human Opportunity Gap, than Bill Gates has made in bridging the Computer Opportunity Gap.

The biggest human problems - the areas where humans suffer from the worst failure programs - represent the greatest opportunities. These areas can be identified by poor results. The areas where the worst results are being produced are the areas where humans suffer from the worst failure programs. These are also the areas of greatest opportunity.

For example, during the decade and a half people have been talking about so-called "AIDS," the results produced by the medical profession have been appallingly poor. How many lives have they saved? Why haven't they been able to produce a vaccine or a cure?

I suggest that they suffer from unbelievably destructive failure programs in the area of so-called "AIDS." For more on this, I recommend two books:

By the way, fortunes can also be made in a problem area, by pushing a false "cure" which makes the problem worse. For example, AZT, the drug that has been administered to "AIDS patients," was originally developed for cancer treatment. However, it was abandoned because it was too toxic and its side effects too damaging. With the advent of the so-called "AIDS epidemic," the AZT pushers perceived a golden opportunity to "resuscitate" AZT and push it on to unwitting "AIDS patients," making a fortune in the process.

The so-called "AIDS establishment" has received about $35,000,000,000 (thirty-five billion dollars!) to solve the "AIDS problem." The worse they make the problem, the more money they receive to "solve" it. Sometimes it's much more profitable to make the problem worse than to solve it!

The reason this is possible is because practically all humans suffer from two closely related basic problems: gullibility and obedience. Knowing how to exploit human gullibility and obedience is an important key to making a fortune. All you have to do to make a fortune is believe me and do what I tell you!

Jokes aside, the way you identify basic human problems is to read a great deal and to question everything. You also open yourself to receiving wisdom from a wide variety of sources. You're willing to explore practically anything. You don't believe anybody and you don't obey anyone - except me, of course!

You may also have to improve your reading and thinking skills.

The Three Biggest Industries
Energy production is the biggest industry in the world. The second biggest industry is "illegal" drugs. The third biggest is the computer industry.

Why is "illegal" drugs such a big industry? Could it be because people hate themselves and drugs provide the illusion of escape from the hated self?


by Frederick Mann and Mark Lindsay

Venturist Monthly News (published by The Society for Venturism, 7895 E. Acoma Drive #110, Scottsdale, AZ 85260), issue #56, August 1993 contains a letter from Jim Ogle:

"On page 44 [of Introduction to Venturism] I found, to my own shock and dismay, your own recognition of the fundamental problem: "The problem is, they aren't that interested in extending their lives. It is perhaps the greatest challenge we face, in the whole immortalist movement. Somehow we have to convince people that ... they are worthwhile, in a fundamental way ... .

"What you are saying is that people don't like themselves. They even hate themselves. With shock and dismay I admit it to myself. I dare to presume that it is generally, almost universally true. People hate themselves. They couldn't stand to live without the hope of death."

I've often wondered why most people, when presented with the idea of biological or physical immortality, the idea of living forever, reject it out of hand. Jim Ogle may have put his finger on it: self-hatred. Most people hate themselves, so the prospect of living forever is unbearable. Could self-hatred be the most fundamental human problem?

In 1967 I shared a house with some friends in Tunbridge Wells, England. They had a 3-year old son. One day the mother lost her temper and repeatedly shouted to her son, "You're a naughty boy!" He cried and insisted vehemently that he was not naughty. His mother's shouts were a kind of "curse" which he may or may not have internalized. The mother did not "curse" her son maliciously. She simply repeated robotlike the "curses" she had received from her own mother.

In Brussels, Belgium I had a ladyfriend who, after making a mistake or playing a bad shot on the tennis court, said, "Kill me!" After playing a bad golf shot I used to shout at myself, "You stupid idiot!" My father had many times "cursed" me as a "stupid idiot."

It is a central tenet of most Christian religions that humans are basically evil. We are "born in sin."

Maybe the consequence of all these "curses" is that practically all humans hate themselves, at least in some respects.

Freud said that humans seem to suffer from a death-wish he called "thanatos." Maybe self-hatred and death-wish are really the same thing.

Jung classified part of the human personality as the "shadow" - that part of your self, which is bad or evil. Because you can't confront it you deny or suppress it and project it onto others. Jung would say that the person who goes around complaining about how unreliable everybody is, is himself unreliable - but denies or suppresses his own unreliability and projects it onto others. Maybe all our selves contain "shadows" of self-hatred.

Of course, self-hatred is just another term for psychological reversal.

Advanced Psychological Alignment involves identifying all the major factors contributing to self-hatred or psychological reversal, and correcting and improving yourself, your thinking, and your behavior in these areas. Another way to put it is that you identify all the major areas of human and personal failure programs and that you replace your failure programs with success programs.

Major Factors of Psychological Reversal
There are some human failure programs which are so pervasive that just about every human being suffers from them to some degree. These failure programs could be referred to as "basic human problems."

You can begin to shift yourself towards greater and more advanced psychological alignment by becoming aware of these pervasive problems and identifying the extent to which your behavior and mental functioning reflect these problems.

- Negativity. To what extent do you allow yourself to become submerged in a negative state of mind? How clearly do you think when you are in a negative mental state? How are your decisions influenced by your negativity? Overall, how productive and effective are the actions which you produce when you indulge in negativeness?

Most of what we call "evil" is the result of negativity, stupidity and ignorance.

By contrast, take note of how well things seem to go when you refuse to allow yourself to slip into a negative state of mind. This involves more than just simple positive thinking. It involves observing yourself and digging in your heels when you see yourself sliding down into a negative state.

Here is an actual technique you could use to help combat negativity in yourself. Make a sincere effort to observe yourself for a while. Begin writing down descriptions of your own negativities: Do you automatically become infuriated whenever another driver cuts you off on the road? Do you habitually feel sorry for yourself whenever things do not turn out the way you wanted them to? Do you catch yourself constantly saying negative things about other people? Do you believe the world is a bad place? Do you feel helpless whenever you hear the latest news about government oppression? Next, take a look at what you've written. You may find that your negativities, which when you were indulging in them seemed quite rational and justified, now appear to be exaggerated and out of proportion.

- Pessimism or lack of optimism. This ties in with the problem of negativity. A pessimistic outlook tends to keep us permanently submerged in negativity. We tend to feel helpless; we feel like victims of circumstance.

On the other hand, when we allow ourselves to maintain a state of optimism, we soon notice that things automatically seem to go our way. The results we produce are much more productive, we feel more powerful and we are much healthier.

Furthermore, pessimism is a form of immaturity (see the section below on "immaturities").

Fortunately, individuals can learn how to be more optimistic. I recommend reading and applying the techniques contained in Martin Seligman's important book, Learned Optimism (see Bibliography for more details and publisher information).

- Assuming victim status. One of the worst things you could do is label yourself as a victim. Victims see themselves as helpless, at the effect or mercy of circumstances; they have little personal power; they view the world with fear; they expect bad things to happen to them, and consequently may even unconsciously set things up so that bad things will happen to them; etc.

This attitude of passivity and the notion of being a victim of circumstance has recently become quite pervasive and has even manifested itself on bumper stickers of cars and T-shirts through the phrase: SHIT HAPPENS. What this phrase implies is that not only do most things happen to me (in which case I am at the mercy of external factors and circumstances), but also that much of what I encounter is shit.

In The Path of Least Resistance, Robert Fritz distinguishes between what he calls the "reactive-responsive orientation" and the "creative orientation." People who operate from the "reactive-responsive orientation" behave as if they are at the mercy of circumstances; in other words, they do not have the power, the circumstances do. But those in the "creative orientation" operate independently of the circumstances. To learn how to shift from the "reactive-responsive orientation" to the "creative orientation," I highly recommend studying Fritz's book (see Bibliography for more details and publisher information).

- Lack of or low level of personal power. This is clearly one of the most pervasive basic human problems. As a whole the human race is currently operating at a very low level of personal power. This was also apparently the case two-thousand-five-hundred years ago when Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching. One of Lao Tzu's translators, R.L. Wing, writes in The Tao of Power:

"Lao Tzu believed that when people do not have a sense of power they become resentful and uncooperative. Individuals who do not feel personal power feel fear. They fear the unknown because they do not identify with the world outside of themselves; thus their psychic integration is severely damaged and they are a danger to their society. Tyrants do not feel power, they feel frustration and impotency. They wield force, but it is a form of aggression, not authority. On closer inspection, it becomes apparent that individuals who dominate others are, in fact enslaved by insecurity and are slowly and mysteriously hurt by their own actions. Lao Tzu attributed most of the world's ills to the fact that people do not feel powerful and independent."

There are literally hundreds of things you can do to increase your personal power. For example, you can learn public speaking, improve your memory, improve your thinking skills, learn to drive a truck, increase your reading speed, rid yourself of phobias and addictions, exercise regularly, eat healthier food, and on and on. It is also important to realize how much personal power you already have. Increasing your personal power is a lifelong project. The most general approach to increasing personal power is to continuously evaluate your level of personal power and identify ways of increasing it. You can apply the small-step progression principle described in a previous 'Millionaire' report to your own self-development and for increasing personal power.

- Tendency to become swamped in pettiness and trivialities. One of the quickest ways to descend into a state of negativity is to get caught up in pettiness and trivialities. Many of us waste so much of our time on this pettiness and negativity.

- Self-Rejection. Consider the possibility that self-rejection or self-hatred may be the most fundamental of all human problems. A simple litmus test or measure of self-hatred is to observe your reaction to the prospect of extending your life indefinitely; ask yourself how you feel about the idea of living forever. If you find yourself rejecting the idea out of hand, could it be that at some level you suffer from self-hatred?

Self-affirmation, the opposite of self-rejection, is connected to a basic attitude of self-acceptance. Nathaniel Branden, the father of self-esteem psychology, says in The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem:

"An attitude of basic self-acceptance is what an effective psychotherapist strives to awaken in a person of even the lowest self-esteem. This attitude can inspire an individual to face whatever he or she most needs to encounter within without collapsing into self-hatred, repudiating the value of his or her person, or relinquishing the will to live. It entails the declaration: 'I choose to value myself, to treat myself with respect, to stand up for my right to exist.' This primary act of self-affirmation is the base on which self-esteem develops.

"It can lie sleeping and then suddenly awake. It can fight for our life, even when we are filled with despair. When we are on the brink of suicide, it can make us pick up the telephone and call for help. From the depths of anxiety or depression, it can lead us to the office of a psychotherapist. After we have endured years of abuse and humiliation, it can fling us into shouting 'No!' When all we want to do is lie down and die, it can impel us to keep moving. It is the voice of the life force. It is 'selfishness,' in the noblest sense of that word." [emphasis added]

For more information regarding self-hatred, I recommend reading these books: Learn to Love Yourself by Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse and The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden - see Bibliography, Part 1A.

- Defeatism. An important yet little recognized fundamental human problem is defeatism. At some point in their maturation process, most individuals come to accept a kind of defeatism within themselves. This defeatism is not present in most children; somewhere along the road from childhood to adulthood, individuals become "defeated" - life loses its freshness and potentiality and becomes an uphill battle, a long drawn out defeat, with very little chance of "winning." A kind of dullness seems to begin to envelop most of us when we become adults, and continues to enclose us like a spider's silk encloses a fly caught in its web.

- Immaturities. I chose to label this section as "immaturities" rather than "immaturity" in order to emphasize the point that any given individual may be mature in some areas of development and immature in others. A good example is the filmmaker Woody Allen. Woody Allen is a highly talented artist and filmmaker. He is also funny and perceptive and his films reflect these qualities. Yet in another area of his life Woody Allen has demonstrated that he is severely immature (I am referring to his affair with his stepdaughter). One only need read any book on famous scandals to see how many highly "successful" people have demonstrated their immaturities.

You may wish to ask some people who know you for help in identifying any immaturities you may have.

- Low Self-Esteem. Nathaniel Branden, father of self-esteem psychology and author of numerous books on the subject would acknowledge that low self-esteem is a fundamental human problem. The greatest fundamental human problem may be death. But even in the absence of the ominous occurrence of biological cessation, self-esteem is vitally important to the function of a "living being." Self-esteem is a kind of foundation which supports all other self-improvement efforts. And someone who suffers from low self-esteem probably also suffers from self-hatred to some degree or other.

Here is an interesting way to think about the problem of low self-esteem and self-development. Suppose a team of scientists creates a device which enables people to extend their lives indefinitely. The problem of poor self-esteem would still remain the predominant issue in determining the quality of life and is vital for continued physical and intellectual development whether a person lives for fifty years or fifty million years. If poor programming remains in place it will only become more deeply entrenched with the progression of time. For example, imagine that an out of shape, unproductive, narrow-minded, couch potato who spends his days eating corn chips and watching game shows is given immortality. Without changing this destructive self-defiling programming, fifty years may be more than an ample lifetime for this individual.

Yes, biological death must be conquered. But that is not enough. Death in all forms must be eliminated, including what Gerry Spence calls "the breathing dead" (How to Argue and Win Every Time). It is absolutely essential that an indefinitely extended life be one of indefinite self-development.

- Poor Self-Image. The self-image is a pivotal concept in the psychological alignment model. A healthy individual is one who continues to raise and expand his or her comfort zone; this is a person who sees him or herself as someone whose personal freedom and power continue to strengthen and expand (see the comfort zone diagram in Special Report #TL13F: The Millionaire's Secret (VI)).

The problem of self-hatred is relevant here. How healthy is your self-image if at some level you hate yourself? Elsewhere in this report I've proposed a simple litmus test for self-hatred: observe your reaction to the prospect of extending your life indefinitely; ask yourself how you feel about the idea of living forever. If you find yourself rejecting the idea out of hand, it could be that at some level you suffer from self-hatred.

The self-image is essentially a tool for self-actualization (and hence psychological alignment). What do you see yourself emerging into? What would you transform yourself into? It is up to you to consciously create your own self-image; I suggest using the psychological alignment model as a basic framework.

- Addiction. Addiction is incompatible with psychological alignment. Many addictions involve doing things which are detrimental to physical health. In addition, when you allow yourself to become addicted, you give up some of your power and control. When you are addicted, the addiction has control over you.

Dr. Callahan (See Special Report #TL13F: The Millionaire's Secret (VI) believes that the cause of almost all cases of addiction, regardless of the object of addition, is anxiety. Addicts claim that they indulge in their addiction in order to rid themselves of their anxiety, but that is not what actually happens. The object of addiction, or tranquilizer, simply masks the anxiety, it does not get rid of it. In order to eliminate the anxiety, you need to address the problem at the most fundamental level which is a perturbation in what Dr. Callahan calls the "thought field." Many psychological problems can be eliminated very rapidly (for example, most phobias can be cured in a matter of minutes and the result is permanent) by using techniques which clear the perturbation in the thought field, the most basic fundamental cause of these problems. Consult the Bibliography for information on Dr. Callahan's books.

The psychological reversal/alignment continuum presented in Special Report #TL13F: The Millionaire's Secret (VI), is a basic model for optimal functioning, health and expansion. There is no place for addiction in a strongly positive individual with a strong psychological alignment orientation.

- Bad Diet and Lack of Exercise. In Ecce Homo, Nietzsche explains that the main premise of his Zarathustra character and its message of total affirmation is great physical health. In other words, in order to move towards self-actualization, to further our self-development, it is essential that we maintain a high level of physical health.

One of the most powerful health-boosting steps you can take is to avoid eating cooked foods as much as possible and begin eating raw food instead. Many books have been written about the superior benefits of eating raw food rather than cooked food. I suggest starting with the following books:

- Toxins. The problem of toxins is critical to the issue of psychological reversal. Dr. Callahan (see Special Report #TL13F: The Millionaire's Secret (VI)) has demonstrated that coming into contact with toxins can literally shift someone in and out of psychological reversal (in Callahan's sense of the term). Toxins can come in all shapes and sizes. The following have been found to be toxic to various individuals: laundry detergent with heavy fragrance, clothing softeners, wheat, nuts, dairy products, pink tinted eyeglasses, herbs, cotton (in some cases), underarm deodorant, shampoo, pollution, dyes and preservative chemicals on new clothing, hair spray, cleaning solvents, etc.

The presence of toxins can make it difficult to get someone out of psychological reversal. And provided someone is reversed in a certain area, they will not be able to improve in that area. For example, if you have a bad cold and are reversed when it comes to being healthy, the cold won't go away. You need to correct the reversal in order for the body to mend itself.

A major source of toxins is cooked food. You can significantly (and sometimes profoundly) reduce your toxic load by switching, as far as possible, from eating cooked food to raw food. Many books have been written demonstrating the toxicity of cooked food. One of the best books regarding the toxicity of cooked food is Instinctive Nutrition by Severen L. Schaeffer.

In addition to eliminating cooked food from your diet, you may also want to look for less toxic alternatives to various household items and personal toiletries. You may also want to pay attention to air quality and start using air filtering systems.

You can begin to see how important the issue of toxins is to psychological alignment. If you are reversed in any given area (such as your career, your relationships, or making money), you will not be able to make any significant improvements. And what if the only thing holding you back is the presence of some toxin which is keeping you reversed in that area?

- Gullibility. Consider what would have happened if, from the start of his political career, nobody believed a word Hitler said; everyone simply laughed and turned their backs whenever Hitler said anything political. What power would he have had? How many victims would have died because of his words?

Practically all humans are gullible to an extraordinary degree. Why? As children, if we didn't believe our parents, they punished us emotionally and even physically. As students, if we didn't believe our "teachers," they punished us in all kinds of way. As a churchgoer, if we don't believe the preacher, we risk "going to Hell." As a worker, if we don't believe the boss, we may well get fired.

Pretty well everyone in society is subjected to enormous peer pressure to conform. If you don't share the beliefs of those around you, you're considered crazy. There are some areas of life where practically everything the average person believes is false. The solution is to question everything.

- Obedience. Once a horse has been broken it timidly accepts being saddled and bridled. The saddle is placed on the horse's back and held in place by a strong strap around the horse's body. Attached to the saddle are stirrups for the rider's feet. The rider's boots may have spurs used to inflict pain on the horse in order to make it run faster. The rider may also use a horsewhip.

Around the head of the horse a bridle is strapped. Part of the bridle is a metal bit that passes horizontally through the horse's mouth. The reins are attached to the ends of the bit and are used to steer the horse and make it slow down and stop. Pain can be inflicted on the horse by yanking the reins or pulling on them with a seesaw motion.

The above paraphernalia are used to make it easy for a rider to control his or her horse - difficult for the horse to disobey its rider.

The leg of a baby elephant is tied with a rope to a wooden post planted in the ground. The rope confines the baby elephant to an area determined by the length of the rope. Initially the baby elephant tries to break the rope, but the rope is too strong. The baby elephant "learns" that it can't break the rope.

When the elephant grows up into a ten-ton colossus, it could easily break the same rope. But because it "learned" that it couldn't break the rope when it was a baby, it believes that it still can't break the rope, so it doesn't even try. So the largest elephant can be confined by the puniest little rope.

In a sense, the elephant's mind was broken by the rope when it was a baby.

Obedience is the greatest obstacle to discovering who you are - obedience to others, obedience to your own beliefs about your limitations.

However, disobedience may be punished. The horse that fights tooth and hoof to prevent you from putting on bridle and saddle, may be sold as horse meat. The child who disobeys his or her parents may be spanked. The student who disobeys his or her teachers may be expelled. The citizen who disobeys government bureaucrats may be fined, jailed, paroled, etc.

Disobedience has to be creative. Disobey without breaking the law. You also have to formulate your own principles - the guidelines for your behavior to ensure that you don't harm others or violate their rights.

Disobedience essentially means thinking for yourself and deciding for yourself what to do and what not to do. When you follow the how-to instructions of a car-repair manual, you do so out of personal choice and conscious judgment, rather than blind obedience.

Throughout history, people who call themselves "government" have included the worst parasites and destroyers. They have developed a host of "bridles," "saddles," and "ropes" to ride their subjects. They call themselves "Kings" (cowboys) and their victims "subjects" (horses). They call their theft "taxes." They brainwash their victims into believing that some of the noises and scribbles that emanate from their "holy" mouths and "royal" pens, constitute "the law" (so-called) that must be obeyed.

The elephant was conditioned or brainwashed to believe that it couldn't break a puny little rope. Humans are brainwashed to believe they must obey the noises and scribbles of destructive politicians, lawyers, and bureaucrats. Humans are brainwashed that they are like cattle who need a cattle herder to look after them, tell them what to do, and even feed them.

Obedience is a major obstacle in achieving psychological alignment - particularly obedience to others and obedience to your own beliefs about your limitations.

- Acceptance of Coercion / Slave Mentality. If you accept in principle that others have the right to coerce you - to use force or the threat of force to compel you - to do what you wouldn't do under your own volition, you accept being a slave to some extent.

Advanced psychologically-aligned people believe that they own their own lives, minds, bodies, and the fruit of their labor. Self-ownership is a vital element of advanced psychological alignment.

Currently practically all humans believe that the politicians, lawyers, and bureaucrats who call themselves "government" have the right to coerce others. To the extent that you share this belief, you're a psychologically-reversed slave.

- The De Rock Hallucination. In an article Mr. John de Rock included the following:

"...Humans coexist on this planet with entities made up of humans as their cells etc., these entities being called governments...

It may be very difficult for individual humans to be aware of the thought processes of governments...

I think the best approach may be to try and communicate with the government...

Governments "farm" individuals for their productivity...

Communicating with a government is not easy at all..."

I responded as follows to the de Rock article:

"I would like to examine the notion of "communicating with a government." Let me start by telling you about something that happened at our seminar in Florida earlier this month. I asked the audience if any of them believed that "government teaches people in school." About a quarter of the audience raised their hands indicating "yes." I asked them how many had actually seen "the government teaching people." Again, about a quarter indicated "yes." I told them that I had seen teachers teaching people, but I had never seen any so-called "government" teaching people.

I asked them to tell me what this supposed "government" they say they saw teaching people looked like. I asked them to tell me what they actually saw. Nobody had any answers.

In order to communicate with an entity, that entity needs to be able to receive, process, and return communications. If we want to communicate to a "government" we need to ask some questions:

  1. Does this "government" have eyes or ears to receive communications; or does it have a sense of touch so it can receive communications in the form of braille? (It's no use saying that, "Well, I can communicate to people in government," because then you're communicating to people, not to a "government.")
  2. Does this "government" have a brain with thought processes to understand communications?
  3. Can this "government" read or write?
  4. Does this "government" have a mouth with which to speak?
  5. Does this "government" have an address where you can write to "it"; does "it" have a phone number where you can call "it?"
  6. Has anyone ever observed communication with a "government?"
  7. How will you know if you've successfully communicated with a "government?"

By "hallucinate" I mean "perceive something that isn't" - "seeing something where there's nothing." Mr. De Rock - together with about 99.999...% of other humans - hallucinate volitional entities they call "governments" and they imbue their hallucinated "government" idols with magical powers.

This is a primitive and debilitating thinking habit about 99.999...% of humans suffer from. Most people actually believe that some of the noises that emanate from the mouths and pens of some of the terrocrats masquerading as "government" (so-called) is "the law" (so-called). They imbue these noises and scribbles with magical powers as being "special words" which must be obeyed, changed, or repealed.

Many people believe that if "the government" utters the right noises or writes the right scribbles (they hallucinate as "the law"), then all kinds of problems will magically disappear. Many others believe that if "the government" (so-called) "repeals" some of "its" noises and scribbles, then all kinds of problems will magically disappear.

The phenomenon of "government" (falsely-called) is primarily a phenomenon of collective hallucination."

It is really unfair of me to call it the "De Rock Hallucination" because about 99.999...% of humans suffer from it. But who says I have to be fair?! Henceforth I shall call it the "De Rock Hallucination" because Mr. De Rock has expressed it in the most extreme and absurd form I've encountered so far - he went so far as to write about "the thought processes of governments."

The purpose of my comments and questions above was to expose the hallucination. First I told the story of the people who said they had seen "government teaching students in school." But when I asked them what they had actually seen, they had no answers.

There are people who claim to have seen a creature they call "bigfoot" or "sasquatch." If you ask these people what they saw, they'll tell you that it was something like, "an eight-foot-tall, hairy creature that walks on two big feet." They might even show you a picture or video of it - or a plaster cast of its footprint.

I've asked quite a few people who believe in "government" and who state that they've seen a "government," to tell me what they actually saw. Nobody has been able to tell me. Nobody has shown me any pictures of a so-called "government"

The De Rock Hallucination stems partly from a combination of gullibility and obedience... partly from massive brainwashing... and partly from the "need" to conform, which is really a form of obedience.

If you hallucinate an entity outside yourself, and imbue it with all kinds of magical powers, you automatically degrade yourself. It tends to be a debilitating affliction. Most people feel helpless in the face of the all-powerful "government" monster they hallucinate.

Recognizing that the people who call themselves "government" are all hucksters and the people who believe them are all suckers, is profoundly empowering.

- The Triune Brain. Although we often refer to our brains as a single, solid unit, it is clear that this is not an accurate description. Rather, our brains consist of a conglomerate of various sub-brains and sections, all interconnected. Dr. Paul D. MacLean, a prominent brain researcher, has developed a model of brain structure which he calls the "triune brain." In other words, humans have not one brain but three. (Actually, even this is an oversimplification; but this model has the advantage of displaying our evolutionary heritage.) MacLean states that the human brain "amounts to three interconnected biological computers," with each biocomputer having "its own special intelligence, its own subjectivity, its own sense of time and space, its own memory, motor, and other functions." Each of the three brains corresponds to a major evolutionary development and are categorized as follows: the reptilian brain, the old mammalian brain, and the new mammalian brain. MacLean illustrates this point facetiously by pointing out that when a psychiatrist asks his patient to lie down on the couch, he is asking him to stretch alongside a horse and a crocodile.

According to the triune model of the brain, evolution has simply added new sub-brains to preexisting ones like a man who keeps building additional structures onto an old house. But, to continue with the analogy, with each new addition to the house the physical structure of the older components were altered or modified to some extent. In other words, the reptile brain in humans is not exactly the same as the brain of a lizard. That is not to say we haven't retained any reptilian functions in our brains; we most certainly have. MacLean has shown that our reptile brains play a major role in our aggressive behavior, territoriality, and our ritual and social hierarchies.

The reason the triune model of the brain is relevant to the discussion of psychological alignment is this: personal growth and evolution is largely a matter of exerting more control over our built-in reflexes. Moving more towards the psychological alignment side of the continuum involves taking steps to gain more control over the "programs" of our lower and more primitive brains. These programs were installed in our brains by evolution and enabled our ancestors to survive. However, many of these old programs have become "failure programs" in modern humans. Take fear for example. This was an evolutionary-sound program at one time. Although it is still very useful today, it can also be a "failure program," as when you allow yourself to be held back from expanding in new directions because of fear.

- Bicameral Stage Two. We humans are free and powerful by nature. Practically all "unfreedom" and powerlessness we suffer from, we have learned. Some of us may find the idea of being naturally free and powerful, frightening. There may be an overpowering psychological "wimp" in our mind that blinds us to our freedom and power. If so, the next step is to overcome that wimp.

Deep within the psyche of practically every human there resides a pernicious wimp. Your wimp is like gravity. It is invisible. It is powerful. It pervades your life. It pulls you down. It affects your every thought, your every action... It usurps your power.

The wimp within you makes it possible for people to manipulate you. The reason politicians, lawyers, bureaucrats, and IRS (Internal Revenue Stealers) agents get away so easily with their unconstitutional activities is that practically all their victims are afflicted with virulent wimps that inhabit the core of their psyches. In general it is easy to dupe wimps and separate them from their consciousness and their money.

Once you begin to understand your own personal wimp and recognize when it exerts its influence over you, you can begin to overcome it. You do it little by little. An understanding of the evolution of human consciousness will help you identify the nature of your personal wimp. Consider the bicameral model of the mind - table on page 8.

According to Dr. Julian Jaynes (The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind), up to about 3,000 years ago humans were not conscious as we know consciousness today. Their minds worked like this: Situations triggered mental voices and/or visions that were automatically generated in the right brain, from where they were communicated via the anterior commissure to the left brain, where the visions were "seen" and the voices "heard." The mental voices and visions "told" people what to do. Today, some people still manifest this form of mentation - sometimes called schizophrenia. I call this stage in the evolution of consciousness, bicameral stage one - the pre-conscious human. In this stage obedience is paramount.

Many people are aware of an automatic, apparently uncontrollable "stream of thoughts" going on in their heads. Sometimes a situation will trigger an automatic thought like "she doesn't love me," followed by automatic feelings and emotions - apparently not under control. When I watch and listen to a TV talk show like "Good Morning America" or "Morton Downey, Jr.," it seems to me that most of the participants, including the host and the specially invited speakers, merely regurgitate their automatic thoughts - their emphasis being on trying to prove self "right" and others "wrong." I call this bicameral stage two - the proto-conscious human. In this stage being "right" is paramount.

A rapidly growing number of people have started questioning and critically examining concepts, beliefs, and behaviors, held sacred by their elders and most of their contemporaries. These people want to produce better results in their lives: their health, their relationships, their careers. In any area where they think their results are below expectations they seek to improve their knowledge, their skills, their competence. They also realize that some of their difficulties stem from destructive thoughts and behavior patterns acquired or developed during childhood. Their emphasis is on producing results. I call this the conscious stage.

By conscious I mean critically aware, particularly critically self-aware. The proto-conscious person in bicameral stage two operates "on automatic" most of the time - like driving a car without thinking, or regurgitating automatic thoughts, or reacting emotionally like a puppet, or compulsively making self "right" and others "wrong" without critical awareness of the results being produced.

The critically conscious are conscious of their consciousness. They critically monitor what they think, say, and do in order to produce the results they want. They develop the thinking skill of self-observation.

Many people are in transition from bicameral stage 2 to the conscious stage. Some are still in transition from bicameral stage 1 to bicameral stage 2. Some show signs of all three stages.

Where does your wimp fit into all this? If you believe in total obedience to something outside yourself (an external "authority"), your wimp may have total control over your life. If you're a bicameral stage two proto-conscious human, your wimp will probably make you a true believer, a somewhat helpless apathetic, or a compulsive rebel. These three types compare to three of the life-orientations identified by Dr. Eric Byrne in Transactional Analysis: "I'm not OK - you're OK" (true believer); "I'm not OK - you're not OK" (helpless apathetic); and "I'm OK - you're not OK" (compulsive rebel). As you evolve into the conscious stage you move towards "I'm OK - you're OK."

The way you recognize your wimp is to identify any area of your life where the results you produce don't meet your expectations. If you are inclined to lose your cool in certain situations, or in the presence of certain kinds of people, you have another pointer to your wimp. If you consistently blame things or people outside yourself for your lack of success or your lot in life, you have another indication that your wimp is at work. If you're involved in any activity where it is claimed that "X is the only truth, philosophy, politics, etc.," your wimp is of the true believer kind. Similarly, your wimp may be the helpless apathetic or compulsive rebel type. If there are things you want to do but somehow you don't think you can do them, or you just never get around to doing them, that is another pointer to your wimp. If you're stuck in some destructive habit - you want to drop it but don't seem able to - that is your wimp at work. If you often get victimized - for example, provoke violence or coercion against yourself - that is a definite wimp pointer.

If you believe you can't escape the clutches of the Internal Revenue Stealers (IRS), then your wimp has got you - there are probably at least ten million people in the USA who are largely free from the IRS and the government bureaucrats. You can join them whenever you want to.

The steps for overcoming your wimp:

"The effects of self-doubt go far deeper than an inability to accept one's talents and attributes. Self-doubt is a mental abscess which can penetrate to the very essence of your being. Like a slow-growing but highly adaptable fungus, self-doubt is a creeping rot which eats away at your sense of worth. It can be so insidious you may be unaware of its damaging effect on your life. And self-doubt is extremely durable; it is resistant to all but the most sophisticated and determined efforts at eradicating it.

Introduced by painful experiences in childhood, self-doubt weaves itself into the fabric of your identity. There, disguised as the truth, utilizing the self-defeating attitudes (Mind Traps) it generates, self-doubt asserts its poisonous influence over every aspect of life, from work to relationships. Self-doubts and Mind Traps are hardy enough to withstand overwhelming conflicting evidence. They are even resistant to good common sense - no matter how much some people may love and respect you, you may still doubt yourself. And you may find yourself sabotaging your own welfare."

"To feel that we are worthwhile individuals, to know that we exist, we have to express our power - feel that we are in control. This imperative to express our power and experience control is central to human behavior. Every human does something to express his or her power in the world. This power can be expressed creatively or destructively.

Humans first attempt to express their power creatively. If such attempts fail repeatedly, they experience themselves as powerless. They may feel helpless and hopeless, and become depressed. What they experience is that they cannot make a positive difference in their own lives or in the world. A cognitive breakdown occurs between their actions and the results they produce. Mentally and intellectually they cease to understand the connections between their behavior and the consequences of their behavior. Then they express their power destructively.

This phenomenon is at the root of practically all individual and societal problems.

Understanding this phenomenon and its implications leads to the solution of practically all individual and societal problems."

Your wimp can be described as that part of you that expresses power destructively - those parts of your personality where the cognitive connections between actions and consequences have broken down.

An important distinction here: We think, we "emote," and we act. Of the three the easiest to change - in some cases - is action.

The wimp is afraid. It is a coward. Unfounded fear is a breakdown of the cognitive connection between action and consequence. We fear taking a certain action because we have a weird idea (cognitive connection) of what the consequences might be. The ultimate way to beat the wimp is to do the things we are most afraid of - those things where the fear is unfounded - like public speaking, door-to-door selling, asking a stranger for directions, etc.

Observe the consequences of these actions and formulate new cognitive connections. Discover your freedom and power.

- External "Authority" Syndrome. In The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Julian Jaynes points out that human beings have a kind of "need" for seeking out external authorities. This need for external authorities is actually a vestige of an earlier form of human consciousness which Jaynes refers to as the "bicameral mind." Traces of' "bicameralism'' can still be found in modern humans in various forms such as the urge to consult an oracle for guidance (e.g., astrology and tarot card readings), the need to belong to a church, the belief in a messiah figure (e.g., followers of David Koresh and Jim Jones), the belief in gurus, etc. I would also label the belief in "government" as a form of bicameralism.

I suggest you study Jaynes's The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind and start examining yourself for signs of the External "Authority" Syndrome. (See the Bibliography for more information about this book.)

- Poor Thinking Skills. Thought leads to action, which produces results. Thought is most fundamental. It follows that if we want to improve the results we produce in life, we have to improve our thinking.

The most basic human problem is poor thinking. If you review all the above human problems, you find that practically all of them involve thinking. In fact, if you review all these 'free-enterprise money-making reports' you find that practically everything in them revolves around better thinking.

Social, political, and economic systems are consequences of the quality of thinking. If there is to be improvement in these areas it has to start with improving the individual quality of thinking. You have to start with yourself.

Where to Start
The sad fact is that most of us, including myself, still have a long way to go to reach our ideal or achieve our potential. Looking at all the human problems I've outlined, it may seem an overwhelming or impossible task to elevate yourself above all these failure programs.

Let me suggest that you apply the small-step progression principle - see Special Report #TL13A: The Millionaire's Secret (I) - and start with...

Weatherill's Right-Action Ethic: Right thinking causes right action which gets right results: always think, say and do what is right; refuse to think, say or do what is wrong - see Bibliography, Part 1A, page 12.

Weatherill and his personnel have made a concerted effort to apply the Right-Action Ethic throughout their company. As a result, during the past two decades, annual sales have increased from around $1 million to over $70 million!

You could also start with Michael LeBoeuf's book The Perfect Business - see Bibliography, Part 1A, page 12.

Personal Growth and Self-Development
Recently I discovered a company called Centerpointe Research Institute. They seem to have developed the most advanced "brain-enhancement" technology I know of. Get more information from their Website, or contact them at 4470 SW Hall Blvd #173, Beaverton, OR 97005; 1-800-945-2741.

How to Make a Fortune from these Human Problems
Simple. Develop products and services that help solve these problems and sell them at a profit. (You may have to elevate yourself - replace some of your personal failure programs with success programs - in order to get going and succeed.)

By the way, in my opinion, DEATH is the greatest human problem. Develop the commercial solution to death and you'll make trillions!

Let me give you some more tips. Three-hundred-and-seventy-six years ago, Francis Bacon wrote in his Novum Organum: "The good effects wrought by founders of cities, law-givers, fathers of the people, extirpers of tyrants, and heroes of that class, extend but for short times: whereas the work of the Inventor, though a thing of less pomp and show, is felt everywhere and lasts for ever." [emphasis added]

Now let me introduce the concept of "HEURISTIC." A heuristic is a general rule of thumb. Bacon expressed a heuristic, a rule of thumb, that says the inventor is more important than the politician.

A heuristic I have often expressed is "the economic means is more powerful than the political means." In looking for solutions to the above human problems, look for economic solutions, rather than political solutions. Look for solutions you can make money with.

Look for inventions. In a sense, these 'free-enterprise money-making reports' are an invention - a marketable invention. I can sell these reports and make money doing so. In fact, I can even give them away for free and still make money! How? Some readers will participate in some of the programs recommended here, from which I'll earn commissions.

The Bacon Heuristic also illuminates an important problem: Given the thousands of books being published every year, how do you identify the most useful ones? And why would you want to identify the most useful books? Because the solutions (at least, partial solutions) to practically all human problems have already been published.

Fortunes can be made by developing practical implications for existing solutions. For example, free enterprise is a solution to a host of problems. World Trade Clearinghouse is an invention that expands free enterprise. (Generally, begging politicians to "change the law" - the political means - is no solution. You want to look for solutions you can personally implement.)

But let's get back to identifying the most useful books. I found Bacon's heuristic quoted in Adrian Berry's book The Next 500 Years: Life in the Coming Millennium. The very appearance of this profound heuristic indicates that Mr. Berry is most likely a profound thinker and integrator, and that his book is likely to be very useful.

If you quickly look through a book and you find a few powerful heuristics, then the chances are it's a useful book. When I came across the Centerpointe information, I quickly found the heuristic: "Providing the brain progressively with input it finds difficult to handle, pushes the nervous system to reorganize at higher levels of functioning."

(Incidentally, when I started writing and compiling these reports I was relatively poor. By applying these principles, I became financially independent in about six months, even before I had completed reports VII and VIII!)


by Frederick Mann

Most individuals - and most companies - work for money. They tend to have huge debts and pay a great deal of interest. They tend to be at the effect or mercy of money. They frequently experience cash-flow problems - difficulties with paying the bills. Sometimes major companies have to sell off some of their assets and lay off thousands of personnel just to pay their bills and survive.

Some individuals - and companies - shift into a mode of operation where money works for them, rather than working for money. I have personally experienced this shift. I no longer have to work for money, because money now works for me. And the same applies to some of the companies I've launched.

When money works for you, you are cause over money. You experience "Mind-over-Money!" Money - or the lack of it - ceases to be problem.

The value of this shift is priceless, because once you have made the shift, you can simply create whatever money you want. Knowing that you do not have to work for money is extremely liberating and gives you an intense feeling of happiness and well-being.

[The Arizona Republic of April 16, 1996, carried a report on "Bryant Universal Roofing Inc., one of the nation's largest roofing contractors with an estimated $150 million in business last year, laid off its entire workforce of 1,300 workers..."

"...[H]as closed its doors and left about 370 Arizona employees jobless, some of them without paychecks for as long as three weeks."

"The company had undergone a debt restructuring about two months ago, receiving a $15 million revolving loan..."

So, here we have a company with 1,300 workers and $150 million annual revenue. They also have a big debt and have to make substantial interest payments. They run into severe cash-flow problems. Suddenly they can't cover their payroll and they have to close their doors.

Had this company applied Nick Penn's Most Basic Wealth Principle - see Special Report #TL13A: The Millionaire's Secret (I) - instead of suffering from ever-increasing debt, they would have accumulated cash and applied the cash to create additional income streams. The information in these reports is potentially worth hundreds of millions to such a company.]

Debt can be a horrendous obstacle to wealth. In a sense, debt is a violation of the Most Basic Wealth Principle, because in essence it involves consuming more than you produce. For many people, the first step to learning to become wealthy is to learn how to get out of debt.

When you borrow money on which you have to pay interest, you at least partially have to work for the lender to pay his interest. (Of course, if you can borrow money at 10% per year and use it to earn 15% per year for you, then you're making someone else's money work for you!)

My father was a farmer who early in his career got into debt. He worked hard - mostly to pay interest to the bank. He died a poor man. Most of his working life was spent enriching the bank.

To learn how to get out of debt I recommend the superb book Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin. - see Bibliography.

Most paper currencies constitute "debt money" - in order for the currency to be printed and put into circulation, debt has to be created first. Historically, all such currencies have eventually dropped to zero value - see Special Report #TL13C: The Millionaire's Secret (III). The same is likely to happen to modern "paper money."


by Frederick Mann

Included here are books I believe to be of the greatest practical value for expanding and raising your comfort zone, and increasing your personal wealth. No one person can tell you everything you need to know about realizing your potential or how to make a fortune or become a millionaire. Most successful people and/or millionaires don't really know completely why or how they did it - much knowledge is tacit or unspoken; and, as Nietzsche said, human consciousness is in its infancy. The more people you learn from, the better. And the more information you have available to you, the more powerful the decisions you make.

This Bibliography is divided into three parts. Part 1 - see Special Report #TL13F: The Millionaire's Secret (VI) - contains the books I regard as most important -fundamental. Part 2 is important - primary. Part 3 is less important - secondary. Part 1A contains important books I discovered recently, as well as additional books referenced in reports VII and VIII.

Part 1A
Berry, Adrian: The Next 500 Years: Life in the Coming Millennium (W.H. Freeman, NY; 1996). Vital insights, principles, and heuristics relating to wealth. Inspiring view of our future.

Bieler, Henry G., M.D.: Food is Your Best Medicine (Ballantine, NY; 1982). An excellent raw-food diet book. Strong argument and evidence for eating raw meat.

Branden, Nathaniel: Taking Responsibility: Self-Reliance and the Accountable Life (Simon & Schuster, NY; 1996). What self-responsibility is and why it's the key to all else. "Branden will undoubtedly rank as one of the great psychologists of the twentieth century." - Colin Wilson, famous author of The Outsider.

Branden, Nathaniel: The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem (Bantam, NY; 1994). Probably the best book on self-esteem in existence.

Brown, Tony: Black Lies, White Lies: The Truth According to Tony Brown (Morrow, NY; 1995). Tony Brown is a black conservative journalist who hosts the Tony Brown's Journal show on the Public Broadcasting Service. He's a strong advocate of self-reliance and personal empowerment. He has played a major role in exposing the "AIDS" hoax.

Cook, David & Sellers, Deborah: Launching a Business on the Web (Que Corp., Indinapolia, IN; 1995). An excellent manual for launching a business on the Internet's Worldwide Web.

Deci, Edward L.: Why We Do What We Do: The Dynamics of Personal Autonomy (Putnam, NY; 1995). An important manual of motivation, personal autonomy, and freedom. Includes important motivational studies that yielded surprising results and findings.

Dominguez, Joe & Robin, Vicki: Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence (Penguin Books, NY; 1992). A comprehensive, systematic, step-by-step approach to implement the Most Basic Wealth Principle: Produce More than You Consume. A superb approach to getting out of debt. Thoroughly tried and tested methods that have worked for thousands of people. One of the best books on wealth creation I know of.

Duesberg, Dr. Peter: Inventing the AIDS Virus (Regnery, Washington, DC; 1996). More than 300 leading medical researchers, physicians, scientists, academics, and Nobel prize winners from around the world have publicly questioned the political dogma that "HIV causes AIDS." A comprehensively documented 720-page exposé of the "AIDS" scandal.

Emery, Gary, PhD. & Emery, Pat: The Positive Force: Overcoming Your Resistance to Success (Penguin, NY; 1992). Whenever you want something, there also tends to be automatic resistance to getting what you want. Your desire is the first force. The resistance is the second force. "When you work only with your first-force desire or the second-force resistance, you're stuck on the horizontal level. Good feelings, the third force, allow you to ascend to a higher level of perception and functioning." Includes a chapter on psychological reversal.

Goldratt, Eliyahu M.: The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement (North River Press, Great Barrington, MA; 1986). One of the best management books available. Translated into 13 languages; sold over a million copies.

Goldratt, Eliyahu M.: It's Not Luck (North River Press, Great Barrington, MA; 1994). Breakthrough problem-solving thinking processes.

Golomb, Jacob.: Nietzsche's Enticing Psychology of Power (Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA; 1989). In my opinion, Nietzsche was both one of the greatest psychologists and one of the greatest philosophers of all time. More than anyone else, Nietzsche inspired me to throw off my slave mentality and develop my personal power. (See also Thiele below.)

Gross, Martin L.: The Political Racket: Deceit, Self-Interest and Corruption in American Politics (Ballantine, NY; 1996). Comprehensive exposé of corruption in the American political system.

Hartmann, Thom: Attention Deficit Disorder: A Different Perception (Underwood Books, CA; 1993). If anyone you know has been branded as "suffering from attention deficit disorder," you better read this book. Contrasts "hunter-types" to "farmer types." Your success in life may depend on establishing whether by nature you're a "hunter" or a "farmer."

Hawkins, David R., MD.: Power vs Force: An Anatomy of Consciousness (Veritas Publishing, SR2 Box 817, Sedona, AZ 86336; Fax: 520-282-4789; 1995). Important information on raising level of consciousness, increasing personal power, and kinesiology. Contains some powerful heuristics.

Katselas, Milton: Dreams Into Action: Getting What You Want! (Dove Books - Distributed by Penguin, NY; 1996). Down-to-earth techniques for converting your limitations and blocks into triumphs; how the most "unlikely winners" can transform their dreams into effective action and spectacular results.

LeBoeuf, Michael: The Perfect Business: How to Make a Million from Home (Simon & Schuster, NY; 1996). You already have the greatest moneymaker in the world: your mind. But you may not have a user manual for it. LeBoeuf has produced an excellent user manual on how to create your perfect business.

Morris, Roger: Partners in Power: The Clintons and their America ( Henry Holt, NY; 1996). A 500-page exposé and indictment of Bill and Hillary Clinton. If you don't yet realize just how corrupt the Clintons are, you should read this. Written by a former member of Nixon's National Security Council - who resigned his post in protest over the Vietnam War - and published by a major New York publisher.

Savage, Eric: How to Start a Global Business Empire - Even from Your Own Home (Neo-Tech Publishing, 850 S. Boulder Hwy, Henderson, NV 89015; Tel.: (702) 891-0300). Important guidelines and principles for "globalizing" your business.

Schaeffer, Severen L.: Instinctive Nutrition (Celestial Arts, California; 1987). One of the best raw-food diet books available.

Schuller, Robert H.: Self-Love: The Dynamic Force of Success (Hawthorne Books, NY; 1969). "...[T]hose who think negatively simply do not think highly of themselves. Every negative thinker I have ever met distrusts himself, belittles himself, and downgrades himself. This lack of self-worth lies at the root of almost every one of our personal problems." A comprehensive manual of self-love.

Sieden, Lloyd Steven: Buckminster Fuller's Universe (Plenum Press, NY; 1989). A comprehensive biography with an emphasis on the principles and methods discovered and developed by a remarkable philosopher/inventor.

Thiele, Leslie Paul: Friedrich Nietzsche and the Politics of the Soul: A Study of the Heroic Individualsim (Princeton University Press, NJ; 1990). One of Nietzsche's most powerful themes was; "how to become who you really are." Thiele writes, "The individual is not so much a reality as a goal. The heroic task, assumed only by the few, is to become a sovereign individual... The aim is to the curse of individuation into the blessing of autonomy." Must reading for anyone who wants to become an autonomous sovereign individual. (See also Golomb above.)

Van Fleet, James K.: The Power Within! Tap Your Inner Force and Program Yourself for Success (Prentice Hall, NJ; 1994). "...[W]ithin each and every human being there is an infinite, unlimited, and powerful force that works even better than the most sophisticated computer you could ever imagine. That infinite and unlimited force within every person is the subconscious mind, The Power Within! ...lying there dormant, just waiting for you to use it... You need only to activate it and put its power to work in your life so that all these marvelous benefits - and more - can be yours."

Wegscheider-Cruse, Sharon.: Learning to Love Yourself: Finding Your Self-Worth (Health Communications, Dearfield Beach, FL; 1987). Self-worth is a choice. How to rid yourself of self-defeating thinking and behavior. All the things you need to do to develop your self-worth and learn to love yourself.

Wetherill, Richard W.: Dictionary of Typical Command Phrases (Alpha Publishing, Royersford, PA; (800) 992-9124; 1992). "People think their way into trouble; therefore, they can think their way out." An indispensable manual for improving your thinking skills. A comprehensive dictionary of "command phrases" that trap people in wrong thinking that produces wrong results.

Wetherill, Richard W.: How to Solve Problems and Prevent Trouble (Alpha Publishing, Royersford, PA; (800) 992-9124; 1991). The Right-Action Ethic: Right thinking causes right action which gets right results: always think, say and do what is right; refuse to think, say or do what is wrong. All preventable problems are caused by poor thinking. An excellent manual of thinking skills.

Wetherill, Richard W.: Leadership Into the 21st Century (Alpha Publishing, Royersford, PA; (800) 992-9124; 1992). How to apply the Right-Action Ethic in business.

Wetherill, Richard W.: Right is Might: A Basic Book on Ethical Behavior (Alpha Publishing, Royersford, PA; (800) 992-9124; 1991). "Of all the vital faculties available to man, the ability to base one's life on the principle of absolute right is the ability that underlies all the rest." The basic exposition of the Right-Action Ethic.

Part 2
Applied Cynergetics: The Cynergetics Sixty Minute Success/Wealth Guidebook (Applied Cynergetics, 1308 Broad St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401; 1991). Key success principles you can read in 60 minutes. Down-to-earth. Very powerful.

Bandler, Richard & Grinder, John: Reframing: Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ and the Transformation of Meaning (Real People Press, PO Box F, Moab, UT 84532; 1985). Powerful techniques for changing the ways we see things and the meanings we attach to what we see.

Bandler, Richard & Grinder, John: Using Your Brain - for a Change (Real People Press, PO Box F, Moab, UT 84532; 1985). Powerful self-reprogramming techniques.

Bridwell, Rodger W.: Reality in the Stock Market (Lancer Books, NY; 1970). Important information on how to win in the stock market, including the "Unique Profit Breakthrough" concept.

Davidson, James Dale: The Squeeze (Simon & Schuster, NY; 1980). The Chairman of the National Taxpayers Union writes a brilliant and insightful analysis of the U.S. economy:

"The professions have so augmented their incomes through legislation, regulation, and litigation that the law itself has become the public enemy."

"New rules, regulations, and laws are being churned out in an almost incomprehensible volume."

"The thief maximizes his profits when the rules allow an exception for him. If he could, he would explicitly amend the law to grant himself a licence to steal."

Contemporary politics does not have an answer for the declining standards of the middle class."

"Everything government touches turns to crap." - Ringo Starr.

Dowling, Colette: The Cinderella Complex: Women's Fear of Independence (Simon & Schuster, NY; 1981). For women to understand and overcome their dependence on men. For men to understand how the same principles apply to their dependence on big-daddy government.

Ellis, Albert, Ph.D.: Human Psychotherapy: The Rational-Emotive Approach (McGraw-Hill, NY; 1973). Manual for psychotherapists on Rational-Emotive Therapy - how to solve psychological problems with improved thinking skills.

Freeman, Dr. Arthur & DeWolf, Rose: The 10 Dumbest Mistakes Smart People Make and How to Avoid Them (Harper Collins, NY; 1992). Excellent identification of types of mistakes many of us make. Can greatly increase your decision-making power.

Fromm, Erich: On Disobedience and Other Essays (Routledge & Kegan Paul, London; 1984). Why disobedience is a virtue and obedience is evil. Why disobedience is the first step toward developing real consciousness.

Gillies, Jerry: Friends: The Power and Potential of the Company You Keep (Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, NY; 1976). Superb how-to manual for handling friendships.

Gillies, Jerry: Moneylove: How to Get the Money You Deserve for Whatever You Want (Warner Books, NY; 1978). "Wealth is attracted to the person who is emotionally and intellectually ready to accept it, expect it, and enjoy it. Poverty consciousness will overwhelm you if you don't have a personal program for prosperity."

Hansen, George (Congressman): To Harass our People: The IRS and Government Abuse of Power (Positive Publications, PO Box 23560, Washington, DC 20024; 1984). Exposes many IRS atrocities, including its assault on religion.

Hapgood, David: The Screwing of the Average Man (Bantam Books, NY; 1974). A brilliant, detailed analysis of how we get screwed by government, bankers, stock- and insurance brokers, lawyers, and other professionals:

"The average man has of course always been a loser, at least since the invention of agriculture made it profitable for one person to exploit another... Sometime in the late sixties, the average man's domestic economy stalled... In 1974 a group of congressmen led by John McFall of California estimated that wealth was being transferred to the richest one fifth of the population from those below them at the rate of $10 billion a year... This divine right of hustlers flourished from the earliest days in America..."

Hazlitt, Henry: Economics in One Lesson (Arlington House, NY; 1979 - first published in 1946). The classic text on economics for the lay person. Read it and you will understand more than most professional economists with their "doctorates."

Hopkins, Claude C.: My Life in Advertising & Scientific Advertising (NTC Business Books, 4255 W. Touhy Ave, Lincolnwood, IL 60646; 1990 - first published in 1927 and 1923, respectively). A must for anyone involved in advertising. Down-to-earth. David Ogilvy said, "Nobody should be allowed to have anything to do with advertising until he has read this book (Scientific Advertising) seven times. It changed the course of my life."

Kawasaki, Guy: Selling The Dream: How To Promote Your Product, Company, or Ideas - and Make a Difference - Using Everyday Evangelism (Harper Collins, NY; 1991). A former Apple Computer executive - who played a major role in the development of the Macintosh computer - explains how a vision or dream is spread through "everyday evangelism." Includes the "Macintosh Product Introduction Plan."

Lancaster, Don: The Incredible Secret Money Machine (Howard W. Sams, 4300 West 62nd St., Indianapolis, IN 42268; 1980). Unconventional advice for starting your small private business. Provides very useful guidelines for entrepreneurs of the new real free-enterprise economy:

"Your own trip has to be the absolute center of everything you do, everything you work with, and everything you believe in. Doing it has to be much more important to you than making money, more important than worrying about what people think, and more important than behaving, competing, or complying the way others think you should."

Laut, Phil: Money Is My Friend (Trinity Publications, 1636 N. Curson Ave, Hollywood, CA 90046). Exposes money myths. Affirmations. Inspired by Leonard Orr, founder of "Rebirthing." "Financial Freedom is when you never do anything that you don't want to for money and you never omit doing something that you want to do because of lack of money. Another way of describing the condition of financial freedom is that money works for you, instead of you working for money."

Mungo, Raymond: Cosmic Profit: How to Make Money Without Doing Time (Little, Brown, Boston; 1980). "There must be, I thought, there ought to be, a different kind of profit, the kind that gives people a way to make a living doing what they enjoy, enables them to live free in their hearts. It is the rarest kind of profit, the gift of life, energy runaround, cosmic profit - the sense of being restored and excited and energized, rather than drained, by a day's work."

Nadler, Gerald & Hibino Shozo: Breakthrough Thinking: Why We Must Change The Way We Solve Problems, And The Seven Principles To Achieve This ( Prima Publishing, PO Box 1260GN, Rocklin, CA 95677; 1990). A brilliant synthesis of the principles the most effective problem-solvers use. Why organizations - particularly governments - can't solve problems. "Individual human brainpower is the world's most valuable resource."

Patent, Arnold M.: You Can Have It All: The Art of Winning the Money Game and Living a Life of Joy (Money Mastery Publishing, Box 336, Piermont, NY 10968; 1984). Powerful concepts and principles for mastering money and life in general. Inspired by Leonard Orr, founder of "Rebirthing."

Phillips, Michael: The Seven Laws of Money (Random House, NY and Word Wheel Books, Menlo Park, CA; 1974). "My understanding of the First Law of Money [money will come when you are doing the right thing] is that a person's focus must be on his passion. He must be able to integrate who he is with what he is doing, see his project as a whole, and do his work systematically in order to legitimately expect the money to take on its secondary "helping" role."

Rand, Ayn: Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (New American Freedomry, NJ; 1967). An immigrant from Russia explains capitalism to Americans. Includes three articles by Alan Greenspan: "Antitrust," "Gold and Economic Freedom," and "The Assault on Integrity." He has since become Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board.

Reeves, Rosser: Reality in Advertising (Alfred A. Knopf, NY; 1979 - first published in 1960). An enduring advertising classic. Describes important advertising concepts and principles. Down-to-earth.

Ries, Al & Trout, Jack: Horse Sense: The Key to Success Is Finding a Horse to Ride (McGraw-Hill, NY; 1991). A most important "success book." According to Ries and Trout: "The purpose of this book is to shake you out of your concentration on yourself. We think you need to open your mind to the outside world. You need to search for success outside of yourself. This book will describe some of the people, places, things, and ideas where you can find it. Losers look inside themselves for the key to success when success is all round them, needing only an open mind and a keen eye. Winners look to others to make then successful. You have to know where to look and what to look for."

Ries, Al & Trout, Jack: Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind (Warner Books, NY; 1986 - first published in 1981). A marketing classic. How to get your company and your product "in the mind" of your customer. Down-to-earth

Ringer, Robert J.: Looking Out For #1 (Fawcett Crest Books, NY; 1977). "Dedicated to the hope that somewhere in our universe there exists a civilization whose inhabitants possess sole dominion over their own lives, where every individual has the ability to recognize and the courage to acknowledge reality, and where governments as we know them do not exist."

"Looking out for Number One is the conscious, rational effort to spend as much time as possible doing those things which bring you the greatest amount of pleasure and less time on those which cause pain. Everyone automatically makes the effort to be happy, so the key word is "rational.""

Ringer, Robert J.: Restoring the American Dream (Harper & Row, NY; 1979). Important guide to understanding government and freedom. Chapter called "Keeping It All in Place" provides one of the most important keys to the ability of governments to maintain their destructive power.

Ringer, Robert J.: Winning Through Intimidation (Circus/Futura, London; 1978 - first published in 1973). A very important book for learning the principles, mechanics, and dynamics of intimidation. "...[T]he results a person obtains are inversely proportionate to the degree to which he is intimidated." The reason it is vital to understand intimidation is to make it more difficult for people to screw you.

Robbins, Anthony: Unlimited Power (Ballantine Books, NY; 1986). Loaded with power and success principles.

Rogers, David J.: Fighting to Win: Samurai Techniques for Your Work and Life (Doubleday, NY; 1984). Important Samurai power principles.

Ropp, Robert S. de: Warrior's Way: The Challenging Life Games (Dell Publishing, NY; 1979). Autobiography of a "truth seeker." Important power principles for different styles of warriors.

Rothschild, Michael: Bionomics: The Inevitability of Capitalism (Henry Holt, NY; 1990). A brilliant integration of biology and economics. Explains from a biological viewpoint, why coercive (government) interference with the free market can only make things worse. Rothschild says: "Capitalism, or the market economy, or the free-enterprise system... was not planned. Like life on earth, it did not need to be. Capitalism just happened, and it will keep on happening. Quite spontaneously. Capitalism flourishes whenever it is not suppressed, because it is a naturally occurring phenomenon. It is the way human society organizes itself for survival in a world of limited resources."

Sher, Barbara: Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want (Ballantine Books, NY; 1979). A superb practical guide to help you find your goals and make your dreams come true. How to create a support system, often vital to success. Extensive list of resources.

Spence, Gerry: With Justice for None: Destroying an American Myth (Penguin Books, NY; 1989). Comprehensive exposé of the American system of injustice. The corruption of the law.

Stang, Alan: Tax Scam: How the IRS Swindles You and What You Can Do About It ( Mount Sinai Press, PO Box 1220, Alta Loma, CA 91701 - (714) 980-3165). Exposes a wide range of aspects of the IRS scam, including court corruption. Important information on what you can do about it.

Steward, Hal D.: Money Making Secrets of the Millionaires (Parker Publishing, NY; 1972). Powerful set of money-making and success concepts and principles. Biographical.

Suarez, Benjamin: 7 Steps to Freedom II: How to Escape the American Rat Race (Suarez Corporation Industries, 7800 Whipple Ave, NW, North Canton, OH 44720 - (216) 494-5504; 1993). A wealth of practical mail-order know-how. Autobiographical. Down-to-earth.

Sugarman, Joseph: Success Forces (Contemporary Books, Chicago; 1980). Autobiography of the successful mail order marketer of calculators and other electronic gadgets. Down-to-earth.

Toffler, Alvin: Powershift: Knowledge, Wealth, and Violence at the Edge of the 21st Century (Bantam Books, NY; 1991). Violence, money, and knowledge as sources of power. Force or violence or coercion used to be the dominant source of power. Then money became the dominant source. The new dominant source of power is knowledge. This is the "powershift." The power of the future will belong to those best able to apply knowledge. Highly recommended.

Uris, Auren: The Mastery of People (Prentice-Hall, NJ; 1964). Important principles to increase your power in dealing with others.

Wing, R.L., Translator: The Tao of Power: A Translation of the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu (Doubleday, NY; 1986). The most useful rendition of the Tao Te Ching I've come across. Good commentaries.

Zunin, Leonard, M.D,: Contact: The First Four Minutes (Ballantine Books, NY; 1972). A technology for creating good first impressions,

Part 3
Antin, H. Brad and Alan J: Secrets from the Lost Art of Common Sense Marketing (The Antin Marketing Group, 600 Cleveland St #780, Clearwater, FL 34615). Practical, powerful marketing principles. How to succeed during recessions and depressions. Down-to-earth.

Arden, Lynie: The Work-At-Home Sourcebook (Live Oak Publications, PO Box 2193, Boulder, CO 80306; Fourth Edition; 1992). Already, 40 million Americans work at home. This number is growing by almost 20% per year. Eventually, as much as three-quarters of the work done in the U.S. could be done at home. This book constitutes a comprehensive resource guide for home-based work and business opportunities.

Axelrod, Robert: The Evolution of Cooperation (Basic Books, NY; 1984). Why and how cooperation tends to evolve spontaneously.

Bennis, Warren & Nanus, Burt: Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge (Harper & Row, NY; 1985). An attempt - in my opinion, successful - to formulate a general theory of leadership. A leader formulates an inspiring vision; communicates that vision effectively; generates trust in himself or herself, the vision, and the organization; regards the activity of leadership as a means for self-development.

Block, Stanley, M.D. & Correnti, Samuel, Ph.D.: Psyche, Sex and Stocks: The Psychodynamic Key to Beating the Market (Windsor Books, PO Box 280, Brightwaters, NY 11718; 1973). Psychological forces (sometimes hidden) behind winning and losing. How to transcend compulsive losing. Important information on understanding money, personal growth and development, and decision-making.

Brothers, Dr. Joyce: How to Get Whatever You Want Out of Life (Random House, NY; 1978). Superb advice and skills for increasing your personal power. A range of psychological principles you can apply.

Brown, Barbara, B.: Supermind: The Ultimate Energy (Harper & Row, NY; 1980). How to wake up the power of your mind.

Clance, Dr. Pauline Rose: The Impostor Phenomenon: Overcoming the Fear that Haunts Your Success (Peachtree Publishers, Atlanta, GA; 1985). Important for anyone who feels he or she might be an impostor when successful.

Comfort, Alex: Authority and Delinquency: A Study in the Psychology of Power (Sphere Books, London; 1970). "The government of a modern industrial state, backed by the police, army, the media of communication, wields powers undreamed of one hundred years ago. The abuse of these powers by political opportunists, gangsters, psychopaths and authoritarian cliques pose a far more serious threat to society than the ordinary criminal."

Cooper, Dr. Morton: Change Your Voice Change Your Life (Harper & Rowe, NY; 1985). Practical exercises for improving the quality of your voice.

Cunningham, Jan: All About Multi-Level Marketing - The Wave of the Future with Five Steps to Success (CMC Multi-Level Marketing, 1020 15th Street, Suite 41C, Denver, CO 80202; 1986). "Of the 500,000 millionaires in America today [1984], 20% of them made their fortune from 1978 to 1984, in six short years, in Multi-Level Marketing."

Dawson, Roger: Secrets of Power Persuasion: Everything You'll Ever Need to Get Anything You'll Ever Want (Prentice Hall, NJ; 1992). The most comprehensive and most powerful book on persuasion I know of. Down-to-earth

Drexler, K. Eric: Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology (Anchor Press, NY; 1986). "Nanotechnology" is the science and engineering of the very small - the domain of machines that manipulate matter at the molecular and atomic levels. Profound implications for knowledge, communication, computing, engineering, health, longevity, and even biological or physical immortality.

Duck, Steve: Friends, for Life: The Psychology of Close Relationships (The Harvester Press, Brighton, England; 1983). A practical methodology for establishing and managing relationships, based on scientific research.

Du Vall, Dean F.V.: DAX Complete Guide To Direct Mail and Mail Order (Du Vall Press, Box 1595, Boulder City, NV 89005; 1982). Useful, practical advice from a highly successful practitioner. Autobiographical. Down-to-earth.

Du Vall, Dean F.V.: The Du Vall Method For Acquiring Great Self-Publishing Wealth (Du Vall Press, Box 1595, Boulder City, NV 89005; 1982). Du Vall describes how he did it. Important principles. Autobiographical. Down-to-earth.

Du Vall, Dean F.V.: Grab Your Share of the Wealth: A Comprehensive Course on Commercial Newsletter Publishing (Du Vall Press, Box 1595, Boulder City, NV 89005; 1984). A valuable guide to newsletter publishing. Cost me $100. Autobiographical. Down-to-earth.

Dyer, Dr. Wayne, W.: Your Erroneous Zones (Sphere Books, London; 1977). Excellent advice on improving the power of your choices. Dyer: "You are the sum total of your choices."

Eisen, Jeffrey, Ph.D.: Powertalk!: How to Speak It, Think It, and Use It (Simon & Schuster, NY; 1984). Increasing your power through the way you talk.

Elias, Christopher: Fleecing the Lambs (Fawcett Publications, CT; 1971). What you should know before investing on Wall Street.

Elgin, Suzette Haden: The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense (Prentice-Hall, NJ; 1980). Strategies and tactics for defending yourself against verbal attacks.

Emery, Stewart: Actualizations: You Don't Have to Rehearse to Be Yourself (Doubleday, NY; 1978). Excellent how-to-manual for managing a wide range of relationships.

Emery, Stewart: The Owner's Manual for Your Life: The Book You Should Have Gotten at Birth but Didn't (Doubleday, NY; 1982). An outstanding book about fear, power, and love.

Erikson, Erik H.: Gandhi's Truth: On the Origin of Militant Nonviolence (Norton, NY; 1969). A penetrating analysis and biography of Mohandas Gandhi.

Fensterheim, Herbert, Ph.D. & Jean Baer: Stop Running Scared! Fear Control Training: The New Way to Conquer Fears, Phobias and Anxieties (Dell Publishing, NY; 1977). Comprehensive analysis of fear. How to overcome specific fears.

Fleet, James K. Van: Miracle People Power (Parker Publishing, NY; 1975). Powerful, practical techniques for influencing people. Down-to-earth.

Fleet, James K. Van: The 22 Biggest Mistakes Managers Make And How to Correct Them (Parker Publishing, NY; 1973). An important set of tools for every leader or manager. Down-to-earth.

Fraser-Robinson, John: The Secrets of Effective Direct Mail (McGraw-Hill, London; 1989). Comprehensive British textbook, specifically on direct mail - advertising via mail. Covers the minutest details, for example designing mailpieces with a "natural eye path" - various items are placed so the eye follows a natural path, picking up the essential information on each page in a second or two. Extremely sophisticated.

Gabor, Andrea: The Man Who Discovered Quality (Penguin, NY; 1990). The management philosophy of W. Edwards Deming, the main inspiration behind the quality revolution in Japan. How Deming's principles were implemented in major U.S. corporations such as Ford, Xerox, and GM.

Glasser, William, M.D.: Positive Addiction (Harper & Rowe, NY; 1985). One of the best starting books for increasing personal power.

Hagberg, Janet O.: Real Power: The Stages of Personal Power in Organizations (Winston Press, MN; 1984). Important formulas for acquiring and increasing power.

Hawken, Paul: Growing a Business (Simon & Schuster, NY; 1987). While in his twenties, Hawken started Erewhon, which became the largest distributor of natural foods. Says Hawken:

"...[For] the new and growing business, too much money is a greater problem than too little..."

" ...[T]he successful business is an expression of a person."

"The self-owned and -operated business is the freest life in the world."

"Being in business is not about making money. It is a way to become who you are."

Helmstetter Shad: Choices (Pocket Books, NY; 1990). How to improve your ability to choose.

Helmstetter Shad: Finding the Fountain of Youth Inside Yourself (Pocket Books, NY; 1991). To increase your youthfulness, vitality, and health.

Helmstetter Shad: The Self-Talk Solution (Pocket Books, NY; 1988). Important principles of personal programming.

Hoge, Cecil C., Sr.: Mail Order Moonlighting (Ten Speed Press; 1976). How to start a mail order business in your spare time. A treasury of practical advice. Sophisticated.

Holtz, Herman: Great Promo Pieces: Create Your Own Brochures, Broadsides, Ads, Flyers, and Newsletters That Get Results (John Wiley, NY; 1988). Excellent instruction manual for writing advertising copy. Down-to-earth.

Hopkins, Tom: How to Master the Art of Selling (Warner, NY; 1980). Comprehensive textbook on selling by one of the world's greatest salesmen of all time. Down-to-earth.

Hutchison, Bruce, Ph.D.: Psycho-Logic: How to Take Charge of Your Life (Prentice-Hall, NJ; 1983). Excellent for discovering personal illogical "psycho-logic" and replacing it with logical "counter-logic."

Keirsey, David & Bates, Marilyn: Please Understand Me: Character & Temperament Types (Prometheus Nemesis Book Co., CA; 1984). Classifies 16 different character types. Important keys to human behavior.

Kennedy, Daniel S.: The Ultimate Sales Letter (Bob Adama, 260 Center St, Holbrook, MA 02334; 1990). Powerful, step-by-step procedure for writing winning sales letters. Down-to-earth.

Kiley, Dr. Dan: The Peter Pan Syndrome: Men Who Have Never Grown Up (Corgi Books, London; 1983). For men who haven't grown up and women who want to help their men grow up.

LeBoeuf, Michael, Ph.D.: How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life (Berkley Books, NY; 1989). Covers product development, marketing, selling, and customer service. Down-to-earth.

Levinson, Jay Conrad: Guerilla Marketing: Secrets for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business (Houghton Mifflin, Boston; 1984). Covers a wide range of marketing methods and vehicles, "Guerilla marketing demands that you scrutinize every single one of these marketing methods and more, then use the combination that seems best for your business."

Lilly, John C.: The Human Biocomputer (Sphere Books, London; 1974). Important characteristics of your brain as a programmable computer.

Lynch, Dudley & Kordis, Paul L.: Strategy of the Dolphin: Scoring a Win in a Chaotic World (William Morrow, NY; 1988). Important business and management principles.

Milgram, Stanley: Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View (Harper & Row, NY; 1974). Must reading for appreciating the degree of obedience and the potential consequences.

Nash, Edward L.: Direct Marketing: Strategy, Planning, Execution (McGraw-Hill, NY; 1982). Comprehensive textbook, covering a range of media - mail order, direct mail, telephone, radio, TV. Sophisticated.

Ogilvy, David: Ogilvy On Advertising (Pan Books, London; 1983). One of the most successful advertisers tells how it is done. On page 210 there is a picture of Governor Dewey ("a scientific demagogue") with two posters from his 1950 campaign: "CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM - SEND A MESSAGE BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN" and "CRUSADE FOR FREEDOM - LIGHTS THE TORCH OF LIBERTY FOR THE CAPTIVE PEOPLE OF EUROPE AND ASIA." Ogilvy says, "There is one category of advertising which is totally uncontrolled and flagrantly dishonest: the television commercials for candidates in Presidential elections. ...I have never taken political parties as clients..."

Ries, Al & Trout, Jack: Bottom-Up Marketing (Penguin, NY; 1990). The essence of "bottom-up marketing" is finding a tactic that works, then building that up into a strategy. Example: A flyer advertising The Economic Rape of America was given to three people in a small business. They all bought. If further testing proves this tactic workable, then it could be developed into a marketing strategy based on the theme: "America is bankrupt! What can you do to rescue yourself?"

Roller, David: How To Make Big Money in Multi-Level Marketing (Prentice Hall, NJ; 1989). Excellent multilevel marketing "how-to" manual.

Saussy, F. Tupper: The Miracle on Main Street: Saving Yourself and America From Financial Ruin (Spencer Judd, Publishers, Sewanee, TN 37375; 1980). Excellent treatment of lawful money and inflation. Suggests a strategy and tactics for using the money issue to thwart government.

Schwartz, Eugene M.: Breakthrough Advertising: How to Write Ads that Shatter Traditions and Sales Records (Boardroom Books, 1984 - first published in 1966). "There is a way to develop an entirely new market for a new or an old product. That way involves a certain number of clearly-defined steps. And in this book I show you every single one of those steps."

Sharp, Gene: Gandhi as a Political Strategist - with Essays on Ethics and Politics (Porter Sargent Publishers, Boston; 1979). A comprehensive analysis of Gandhi's philosophy, strategy, and tactics.

Simon, Julian L.: How to Start and Operate a Mail-Order Business (McGraw-Hill, NY; 1980). A comprehensive guide to mail order. Sophisticated.

Sinetar, Marsha: Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow: Discover Your Right Livelihood (Paulist Press, NY; 1987). "Our right work is just as important to personality health and growth as the right nutrients are for our bodies. ...[N]inety-five percent of America's working population do not enjoy the work they do."

Smith, Dr. Manuel J.: Kicking the Fear Habit: Using Your Automatic Orienting Reflex to Unlearn Your Anxieties, Fears and Phobias (Bantam Books, NY; 1978). Analysis of fears and phobias and how to handle them.

Wallace, Dr. Frank R.: Infinite Riches through Cassandra's Secret (Neo-Tech Publishing, PO Box 906, Boulder City, NV 89005; 1993). Important information on the creation of prosperity and civilization.

Zuker, Elaina: The Seven Secrets of Influence (McGraw-Hill, NY; 1991). If there is a technology of how to influence then this is it.

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