Edited by Frederick Mann
Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997 Build Freedom Holdings ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
This is the eighth in our series of 'Millionaire' reports. The first report dealt mainly with the Most Basic Wealth Principle: Produce more than you consume. The second was primarily devoted to clearing away certain Money Myths and learning the Infinite Bootstrap Principle. The third dealt mainly with what you need to know about the danger of a currency collapse and what you can do about it. The fourth described how J. Paul Getty became the richest man in the world and what you can learn from him. The fifth dealt basically with how to make 'millionaire' decisions. The sixth introduced, and described in some detail, the phenomenon of "Psychological Alignment." The seventh covered the "Opportunity Gap" Principle, "Advanced Psychological Alignment," and "Making Money Work for You." This report says some important things about "The World We Live In."
Compiled by Frederick Mann
We live in a world which may be very different in some respects than we think it is. There are three main reason for this:
The purpose of this article is to expand your awareness of the degree you are being lied to (sometimes unintentionally) on a daily basis by most communicators.
The following article by Thomas Sowell (a black communicator) appeared in The Arizona Republic of May 29, 1996, under the headline: "Media like only bad racial stories":
"Everyone seems to have a racial story that fits the spirit of the times. Let me tell you a couple of mine.
One sunny Sunday afternoon many years ago, I was out driving along Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica, enjoying a view of the Pacific. Suddenly a bicycle rider made a left turn in front of me.
I slammed on the brakes but it was too late. His body bounced off the hood of the car, hit the windshield and ricocheted off into the street, where he landed in a heap.
Horrified, I stopped the car and got out to help him. He had only a few minor bruises but I was more shaken up than he was. Soon a police car stopped at the scene and a white policeman got out.
He had only one question for me: "Are those your skid marks on the street?"
He turned immediately to the bicyclist, who was also white, and asked: "What were you doing out there?"
"I have every right to be there," the cyclist replied.
"No, you don't," the cop said and cited the traffic law that covered the situation. He then turned to me and said, in a reassuring tone: "You guys settle this." Then he got back into his patrol car and drove away.
He never asked to see my driver's license nor even checked the license plate on my car.
Now, suppose that the racial situation was the other way around - that the cyclist was black and the driver white. How would this episode play in the media? What would "community leaders" and civil rights activists have said? What if someone had videotaped the accident?
I keep reading stuff by deep thinkers - black and white - who tell me that every encounter between a black male and the cops is sheer hostility or humiliation. But I keep thinking back over the years to my various encounters with the police and cannot come up with examples to match theirs. Has it all been just dumb luck on my part?
Most of my encounters with the police have involved traffic problems ranging from stop signs I hadn't noticed or speed limits I hadn't observed to an accident that wrecked the car and left me astonished that I was still alive and unhurt. All the policemen and highway patrolmen who became involved were white, but none of these episodes turned into racial incidents.
One night, my car was weaving on the highway, often the sign of a drunk driver. When the patrolman pulled me over, I explained that my little daughter had fallen asleep on the seat beside me and was leaning up against me. In wriggling around to try to get comfortable, I caused the car to weave around. He gave me a warning and sent me on my way.
None of this proves that there are no racist cops. There are racist everything, including economists and media people. The point is that there is a market for only one kind of story. [emphasis added]
My kind of experience is of no interest to anybody. It won't sell newspapers or get a television audience excited. It will not provide any bond of racial solidarity or any claims against "society."
A few years ago, a well-known restaurant chain was sued for gross racial discrimination against some black customers. I was surprised because I had eaten in many restaurants in that chain - either by myself, with my wife or with my children - and nothing like that had ever happened.
Other blacks I asked could not recall having any such experiences either. My sister remembered having eaten in that chain years ago and being treated so nicely that she left an extra large tip.
Do I just lead a charmed life or what? One of the blacks I asked about the restaurant chain pointed out that, while he had never had any trouble with them, he had also not gone into any of their restaurants in or near a ghetto.
He suggested that people who have had bad experiences with black customers may turn around and have some bad attitudes toward other black customers thereafter. Maybe.
Sometimes the way you carry yourself has a lot to do with how other people treat you. Over the past 30 years, a more belligerent style has been promoted by minority activists and others who push racial hype. Could this have something to do with the situation?
Perhaps there is some other explanation. Or maybe there is just a market for one kind of story and not for others. [emphasis added]
Recently I received a solicitation in the mail for a newsletter called "Strategic Investment" in the form of a 32-page brochure. Here are some extracts from it:
Accomplice To Murder?
Who Really Fired The Gun That Killed Vince Foster?
Special Prosecutors, Congressional Inquiries, the Justice Department, and the FBI have all come up empty handed (or else looked the other way!)
Obviously, they're not going to see to justice. It's up to us. In this report you'll find evidence that's been consistently ignored and "overlooked" in this complex cover-up. We'll also give you some of the startling answers we've found, and some actions you should take to protect yourself and profit in this age of crime and treason.
Who Murdered Vince Foster?
And Why The Biggest Political Scandal In History
Is Also The Biggest Financial Story Of Our Lifetimes.
"Based upon the comparisons of the photocopied documents, I have formed the opinion that it is not possible to state that (the so-called Foster suicide note) was written by Vincent Foster. The document appears to be a simulation of Foster's writing resulting in an unsuccessful attempt to produce a credible forgery." That's the conclusion of a handwriting expert who examined Foster's "suicide" note." In this report you'll read the conclusion of two other handwriting experts who agree with him. I'll also show you a mountain of damning evidence, all pointing to crimes committed in very high places. What follows is just a sampling of what you'll find:
Foster allegedly shot himself through the mouth with a .38 caliber revolver having a high-velocity charge. Such a shot would create a bloody mess. Yet no bone and brain fragments were found at the scene, and almost no blood (contrary to what Special Counsel Robert Fiske and CBS's Mike Wallace reported).
The confidential witness who discovered Foster's body testified that he was not holding a gun when he first encountered the corpse. "There was nothing in his hands. I didn't look at one and assume the other. I looked at both of them." Later a gun appeared in Foster's hand.
How corrupt is the Clinton/Arkansas web that Foster was part of? Our sources tell us Arkansas is a major point of entry for much of the cocaine coming into the United States. It was an open secret for years that the airport in Mena, Arkansas was a center for drug smuggling. Well-informed sources insist the operation took place with the full knowledge of Bill Clinton and the most powerful people in Arkansas. Keep reading to get the full story.
This scandal is a key event in forces shaping our world that most people can't see. There are dire economic consequences from all this...consequences that I'm going to detail for you in the pages that follow.
The good news: there are also great opportunities unfolding - opportunities I'll also spell out for you...
From the Desk of James Dale Davidson
Editor: Strategic Investment
Dear Reader,
"Drop it, it's hurting your reputation."
"It's going nowhere. Nobody cares what happened to Foster. Besides, you're destroying your access to Democratic Party insiders."
These are the comments I have lived with for the past two years. From friends. From relatives. From my business associates.
And they were right. Before this happened, I counted Bill Clinton as one of my friends. We both went to Oxford. I had dinner with him just before he went to the White House. He even asked me for my recommendations on what to do after he took office, including government economic statistics and policies on Eastern Europe.
But I can't forget what happened to Foster. Not because I care about him personally any more than the next guy. If I ever met him, he didn't make much of an impression.
But there is something I care about very deeply. I'll put it to you straight.
Vince Foster was murdered. And his murder was covered up. That much is almost certain. But by whom? Why? And if this can happen to someone so close to the president...is anyone safe? Is anything we believe in safe?
And why doesn't the mainstream press cover this? I'm an economic analyst, not a detective. I'm no Woodward or Bernstein.
Why is it up to me to blow the whistle on the biggest scandal in American history...and the even bigger story that lies beneath it?
As you read this special report, you will get answers to these questions. You'll also begin to see what's really going on in the world around you. And no, I'm not proposing some wild-eyed conspiracy theory. What I am proposing is a whole new way of understanding world events.
There's more at stake here than murder. I believe that what happened to Vince Foster reveals a very important megapolitical event. Ultimately, this event will explode...directly and dramatically affecting the world around you.
That's why I've sent you this FREE special report.
Partly to warn you about this coming crisis - how it will affect you, your stocks, your pension, the value of your real estate and your dollars. But more importantly, it is because the media will not touch this story. It is too hot for them. And not what they want to hear. They will wait until the volcano actually erupts.
Please read this report. And when you have finished, please pass it along to a friend.
With your help it is possible...just barely possible...that justice may be done. And some of the worst things I foresee in this report may never happen.
James Dale Davidson
.."Given the unanswered questions and the by-now manifest inadequacy of the Fiske report, we're frankly happy to have Christopher Ruddy and James Dale Davidson pushing the envelope." - Wall Street Journal, 11/1/95
Vince Foster - Another "Arkancide?"
("Arkancides" is the name that's been given to a string of murders connected to
Whitewater that were ruled "suicides" by compliant Arkansas authorities. Vince
Foster was also from Arkansas.)
On the afternoon of July 20th, 1993 Patrick Knowlton was driving along the Potomac River near Ft. Marcy Park.
Needing a rest, he pulled into the parking lot at about 4:30. He noticed two other cars in the lot, one a brown Honda with Arkansas license plates. The other was a blue sedan he couldn't identify. But in the blue car was a young man who gave him a threatening look.
"I was worried about getting mugged, so I left my wallet under the seat," he said. "As I got out I heard his car door open and I thought 'Oh sh*t, this is it. The guy's coming after me.' But he just stood there...watching me...I really thought he might kill me."
Knowlton got back in his car and left.
Later that day, Knowlton learned along with the rest of the nation that the brown Honda he saw in the park belonged to Vincent Foster, Deputy White House Counsel, personal lawyer and friend to the Clintons, and...at least it was rumored...the secret lover of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Vince Foster was found dead in the park only shortly after Knowlton left it.
None of this is in dispute. But let me ask you a question. If you were the police investigating Foster's death wouldn't you be very eager to talk to Patrick Knowlton and the man in the blue car?
I know I would. But guess what: Knowlton thought he might be a key witness in a murder case of national significance. He immediately called the police to tell what he had seen that day. Strangely, the police seemed almost completely disinterested! They took a few notes over the telephone. They never came to see him. They never asked him for more details. (And Knowlton had some pretty interesting details...as you will see.)
The Park Police never called him back. They even spelled his name wrong for the record. It wasn't until nearly a year later that the FBI interviewed him. But instead of following up on the information Knowlton gave them, the FBI agents tried to badger him into changing his story. And the FBI statement concerning the interview Knowlton describes as an "outright lie."
What's going on?
Well, like Alice in Wonderland, the story gets more and more curious.
Two years later, Knowlton thought he once again saw the man he had seen in the blue car the day Foster died. And the circumstances are, in some ways, even stranger. One strange feature is that this information has never been published before by a major news source in America. People in Britain, for example, read about it months ago. But in America there has been a virtual news blackout on this story.
While the media and the police have shown little interest in the Foster case, a small band of investigators, journalists, and private citizens all came to the same conclusion: There was something so fishy about this matter, someone should get to the bottom of it. This unofficial, unauthorized, and unorganized group has been gathering information ever since. And recently, there have been some startling developments.
But before I tell you more, let me stop here and answer a question you may be asking yourself: Who cares? Or why should I read this?
Well, on the simplest level, I can promise you this is an intriguing murder mystery. And a murder it was, not a suicide. I promise to prove that to you in this report.
But this is a mystery that you can read for more than just entertainment. More interesting than the Foster murder - people get killed every day - is the fact that almost no one in the establishment wants to find out what really happened. This case has been covered up and blacked out.
Cover-ups are commonplace in the government, and only occasionally get turned up into the light of day. The recent suspension of six FBI agents over the Ruby Ridge fiasco clearly shows how easily they lie and tamper with evidence. I'll tell you more about that in the pages that follow, too, as I prove the Foster case has been covered up.
And then I'll get to the most interesting part. Because I believe that Foster's murder and subsequent cover-up are signs of something much, much bigger - a truth about our government that is so hideous few people dare to look at it.
I don't mean just a political scandal, like Watergate or even a conspiracy theory like the many surrounding the death of JFK. Instead, I think Foster's death was a signal of a deep, important change in the power relationships that govern our world.
It was like a little fissure in the Earth, opening up...smoking. Beneath the surface, hidden from view and ignored by almost everyone, hot lava is building up pressure. Soon, there will be a huge volcanic eruption.
None of this may mean much to you right now, but I promise to open your eyes to a whole
new way of looking at things. Not only that, I also promise to tell you how you personally
can actually benefit...profit...from the information you are about to receive. The world
is about to change in a dramatic way that not one man in a thousand now expects. Those who
understand what is going on will have a big advantage.
The Strange Death of Vincent Foster
On October 22, 1995, London's Sunday Telegraph published the police artist's
rendering (reproduced on the right) of the "menacing" man seen by Patrick
Knowlton in the parking lot at Fort Marcy at 4:30 the afternoon Foster died. The Telegraph
told its readers Knowlton had called the U.S. Park Police after Foster's body was
found, believing that he had vital information. But the Park Police seemed uninterested.
Later, in the spring of 1994, Knowlton repeated his testimony in an FBI interview. He
never saw the official summaries of his testimony.
And he never would have seen them if it had been left up to Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr. But after waiting more than a year for the Independent Counsel's office to call crucial witnesses who were in Ft. Marcy Park on the afternoon Foster died, the Sunday Telegraph took matters into its own hands; telling readers, "Since the U.S. judicial authorities have failed to take the initiative, we have decided to do it ourselves."
When Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Sunday Telegraph showed Knowlton the FBI summaries of his testimony, he was stunned, saying his statements had been falsified. The FBI reported that Knowlton, "could not further identify this individual and stated that he would be unable to recognize him in the future."
"That's an outright lie," according to Knowlton.
In fact, Knowlton had a vivid recollection of the man he saw, and was able to guide an experienced police artist in making the drawing you see reproduced.
On November 1, soon after the Telegraph article appeared, Knowlton was subpoenaed to testify before Starr's Whitewater grand jury in Washington. According to well-informed sources Starr's prosecutor, Brett Kavanagh, treated Knowlton as if he were a trouble-maker, and not a vital witness coming forward with evidence of a probable murder and obstruction of justice.
One detail that Knowlton noticed in the parking lot at Fort Marcy strongly suggests that someone other than Foster drove his Honda to the park that afternoon. The driver's seat was forward, which would have made it almost physically impossible for someone of Foster's 6'4" frame to drive.
However, rather than explore this crucial evidence and Knowlton's first hand knowledge that the FBI lied about his witness statement, Kavanagh attempted to discredit Knowlton before the grand jury.
Also, very soon after the article appeared, Mr. Knowlton began to think he was being followed. He wasn't sure. Sometimes it seemed by one car. Sometimes by two. He thought maybe he was just imagining it. Nevertheless he revealed his suspicions to the reporter in a follow-up phone call. Evans-Pritchard visited with him and had the same feeling - that he was being followed.
So, they called us. And we saw an opportunity. If we could find out who was following Knowlton, it might provide a missing clue to the puzzle. We knew for certain there was a cover-up. But of what? And why?
We called our own detective and gave him the assignment: Follow whoever is following Knowlton, and find out who they are.
It wasn't long before the answer came back to us: "Knowlton is definitely being followed. And guess what, the guy doing the following matches the description of the guy in Fort Marcy Park whom Knowlton had seen."
We tracked the stranger's license plates to a home in Vienna, Virginia. Journalists Christopher Ruddy and Ambrose Evans-Pritchard went to the front door, with Knowlton staying in the background, where he could see the men at the door but not be seen himself. He too agreed that the man who came to the door fit the description of the same man who was in Fort Marcy Park the day Vince Foster died.
"Who is this guy?" I asked the detective.
"Bad news," was the answer.
"What do you mean?"
"He's a 'cipher'."
"What's a cipher?"
"A guy with a name but I know it's not real. He's got money...but no job, no job history, no source for the funds. He's got an address but the neighbors don't know him. He has no known relatives. No educational background. He says he went to Oxford University, but the school has no record of him. No hometown. No history. No connections. No nothing. Do you understand?"
"I'm not sure I do," I said.
"My friend, this guy is a member of the intelligence community."
"Uh oh."
Official Story Doesn't Add Up
If this was the only unexplained item relative to Foster's death, perhaps it could be
Unfortunately, the list of discrepancies between the official version of what happened on July 20th, 1993, and what subsequent research has revealed probably did happen gets longer and longer. Let me list a few of them for you. Then I'll tell you about the one major flaw in the ''official'' version that proves both murder and cover-up.
When the lead U.S. Park Police investigator searched Foster's body for identification, no car keys were found. No car keys were found in Foster's 1988 Honda either. To treat Foster's death as a suicide required the police to suppose that he drove his car without keys.
Two sets of Foster's keys mysteriously turned up hours later when his pants pockets were searched again in the Fairfax County morgue. No inquiry was undertaken to determine who recovered his keys and placed them in pockets which had been empty hours earlier.
Foster allegedly shot himself through the mouth with a .38 caliber revolver having a high-velocity charge. Such a shot would create a bloody mess. Yet no bone and brain fragments were found at the scene, and contrary to what Special Counsel Robert Fiske and CBS's Mike Wallace reported, almost no blood.
The Fiske report stated that those present "Observed a large exit wound in the back of the skull." This is a lie. The lead U.S. Park Police Investigator said, "I probed his head, there was no big hole there."
There were three types of gunpowder residue on Foster and his clothing. The Fiske report dismissed this as "contamination."
Richard Arthur, a trained emergency medical technician who examined Foster at the scene from a distance of 2 to 3 feet, stated that Foster had been shot on the right side of his neck. "It looked like a small caliber entrance wound."
The Fiske report stated that the wound Arthur thought he saw was merely a drop of blood. Yet there is evidence that the photographs used by Fiske in support of this conclusion were doctored.
Unbelievably, the FBI took Polaroid shots of the original Polaroids, and then took yet another set of photographs which were copies of the copies. Fred Santucci, a forensic photographer for the New York City Police for 15 years said, "The only thing I can think why this was done is because someone wanted to hide something."
Out of a large number of photographs taken at the scene only a small number survive, another obvious hint of obstruction of justice. All the 35mm crime scene photos taken by an experienced evidence technician, both with and without flash, were found unusable, allegedly "underexposed."
A number of close-up Polaroid shots of Foster and the area immediately surrounding his body taken by Park Police officers Rolla and Ferstl disappeared without explanation.
Officials claimed that Foster was found lying on a steep berm with an elevation of 45 degrees. If he had sat down to shoot himself there, it is obvious that the bullet would have lodged in the berm behind his head. Yet no bullet was found that might have been fired from the gun found with Foster.
The Confidential Witness who discovered Foster's body testified that he was not holding a gun when he first encountered the corpse. "There was nothing in his hands. I didn't look at one and assume the other. I looked at both of them." Later a gun appeared in Foster's hand.
Another obvious hint that Foster did not shoot himself is the fact that his fingerprints were not found on the gun. The only prints that were found were determined by the FBI not to be Foster's.
Blood tracks on Foster's face and shoulder suggest that his head assumed four different positions after an allegedly instant death. Contrary to the laws of gravity, one of the blood tracks was running uphill.
Foster's glasses were found, with powder burns on them, 19 feet from his head. Fiske illogically claimed that the glasses "bounced" through "dense foliage" in the opposite direction from the recoil of his head.
Not even a chemical trace of dirt or grass stains was found on Foster's shoes although he allegedly had walked more than 750 feet over a dirt trail during a summertime drought.
All three investigations into Foster's death ignored or seriously distorted testimony from eyewitnesses (besides Knowlton) who may have actually seen the men who transported Foster's body to the park. Two eyewitnesses known to have been in Ft. Marcy Park in the afternoon before Foster's body was found testified that they saw two men in and around Foster's 1988 Honda when they arrived at the park. One, with "long blond hair" was described as appearing "unclean and unkempt." Unidentified blond hairs were found on Foster's body.
On the Friday before Foster died, he allegedly dialed two local psychiatrists in the Washington area. How does anyone know? Two 30 second local calls were billed to his telephone credit card number, an otherwise preposterous exercise that could only have been undertaken to create a false documentary trail supporting the contention that Foster was deeply depressed. In fact, there is no evidence that Foster was in his office at the time the calls were placed. Who was?
The Wall Street Journal reported on the "mystery phone number" called by Hillary Rodham Clinton on the evening Foster died. The number, (202) 628-7087, is a non-working number and, according to phone company records, has been out of use since 1978. Yet, someone at that number spoke with the First Lady for 10 minutes. The number, of course, is like the man in the blue sedan...most likely linked to the intelligence community.
Some people could make excuses for some of the discrepancies listed above. Some people who believe everything the government says is true might have excuses for a lot of these items. Maybe Foster rolled around on a carpet somewhere and got a couple of people to carry him to the spot where he supposedly shot himself. I, for one, don't think so.
But here's the final blow to all those who might still believe the government is acting in good faith: the suicide note.
A Forged "Suicide" Note
Several days after Foster's death, a "suicide note" was found in Foster's
briefcase. The briefcase had been examined days before, and no such note discovered. Yet,
there it was. Torn into 28 pieces, the note told a story of the despair Foster felt and
blamed by name the Wall Street Journal as part of the cause.
There was only one problem. It wasn't Foster's handwriting.
When Foster left the White House on July 20th, he drove through the gate, smiled at the guard and said, "See you later." According to the official story, he left behind his briefcase with the torn-up note inside. But people who leave suicide notes don't typically tear them up or bury them in a briefcase. Suicide notes are meant to be read. They are important last testaments.
We were suspicious of the note and decided to send it to a team of the world's top handwriting analysts. These are the three experts we picked - you can judge their credentials for yourself:
Vincent Scalise, formerly a homicide expert with the New York City Police Department, is both an expert in latent fingerprints and a certified Questioned Document Examiner with 22 years experience. He has been consulted on forgery issues by numerous law enforcement agencies and leading corporations, such as Citicorp and Chemical Bank. He was also hired as a forensic consultant by the House of Representatives. It was Mr. Scalise who identified the latent palm print of Lee Harvey Oswald on the rifle that killed Kennedy. Mr. Scalise is the current chairman of the Executive Board of Scientific and Technical Advisors for the American Board of Forensic Examiners.
Ronald H. Rice is a Board Certified Handwriting Examiner and Board Certified Forensic Examiner with the American Board of Forensic Examiners, currently under contract with the criminal division of the Massachusetts Attorney General's office. He has been consulted by numerous law enforcement agencies and corporations, and was recently the handwriting expert selected by CNN to review documents in the O.J. Simpson trial. Mr. Rice has never lost a jury trial in which he testified as an expert witness.
Professor Reginald E. Alton of Oxford University is a world-recognized expert on handwriting examination and manuscript authentication, with 30 years experience. He has taught at Oxford, and served as chairman of the English faculty there. Professor Alton has consulted with the British police and numerous civil bodies and testified as an expert witness in British courts. His judgment has been accepted as authoritative in determining the authenticity of some of the more valuable questioned documents in recent years, including manuscripts of such notable historic figures as John Donne, Percy Shelley, C.S. Lewis, and Oscar Wilde. Alton's opinion made the difference between the documents being worth a million dollars or nothing. Professor Alton is currently Dean of Degrees at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University's oldest institution for undergraduates.
The government "authorities" who examined the Foster note can't hold a candle to those credentials. The primary authentication by a Capitol Policeman (not even a certified document examiner) and a later one by the FBI did not meet federal standards for questioned documents because too few samples of Foster's known writing were employed for comparison.
The real issue, however, is whether Mr. Foster wrote the note as claimed. In a slightly
devious trick, the man who first authenticated the note as genuine, now retired, was shown
a collection of blow-ups from snipped out letters taken from both known and authenticated
handwriting of Foster and the questioned note. He was told that the letters might have
been written by two different hands, and asked to identify which were which. In every case
but one, he identified the questioned letters as having been written by one hand, and the
known letters of Foster by another.
No fingerprints on the note
Anyone whose eyes are open can see the significant differences in letter formation pointed
out by the experts. Furthermore, the mysterious circumstances under which the Foster note
suddenly appeared also suggest forgery. It was found in a briefcase that had been
previously searched and found empty. The note was torn to bits, a gesture that is quite
characteristic of forgers. Tearing the note helped disguise weaknesses in the forgery.
Still another obvious indication of forgery is the fact that no fingerprints were on the
note. Are we to believe that Foster sat down in July and put on gloves before writing?
But the really telling thing about the note was what the handwriting analysts had to say about it. Handwriting analysis has come a long way. A good analyst can spot a forgery - no matter how meticulously it was done. Because handwriting is not a totally deliberate act. The subconscious mind and habit instinctively form the letters - despite your efforts to stop them.
Here is what Vincent Scalise concluded after detailed examination of the note, compared to genuine examples of Foster's normal handwriting: "Based upon the comparisons of the photocopied documents I have formed the opinion that it is not possible to state that the questioned document was written by Vincent Foster. The document appears to be a simulation of Foster's writing resulting in an unsuccessful attempt to produce a credible forgery."
And here is what Reginald E. Alton had to say about it: "In my opinion, [the suicide note] is a forgery... The difficulties of this comparative study have been much increased by the fact that [the note] has been torn and apparently crudely and inefficiently repaired. This process, whether deliberate or not, has obscured some of the continuities or discontinuities of the handwriting, and especially the lineation and layout which often, in their uncertainties, betray a forger's eye as it wanders from forgery to model."
Or consider this, from the third expert, Donald H. Rice: "...[I]t is the opinion of this Examiner, within a reasonable degree of scientific certainty, that: The handwriting/ handprinting on the questioned document [the "suicide" note] was not written/printed by Vincent W. Foster."
Last October, we held a press conference in Washington to release their unanimous verdict of forgery. Now, these experts had just delivered what is normally called "a bombshell." Consider this: A top White House lawyer is shot in the head, with many of the circumstances in doubt, and the suicide note - found in his briefcase, in the White House - is revealed as a fraud.
Wouldn't you expect the headline in the next day's paper to be: Suicide Note A Forgery - Murder And Cover-up Suspected
Why would anyone go to the trouble of writing a phony suicide note? Only if you wanted people to think a death was a suicide when it really wasn't. And who could have written such a note? Only someone in the White House - that's where the briefcase had been (officially, anyway). It doesn't take a Perry Mason to draw the obvious conclusion. Someone, or some group - at the very highest levels of power in our country - murdered Vince Foster and covered up his death.
Yet, did you see the headline above on Thursday, October 26, 1995 - the day after these shocking new findings were revealed to the press? I didn't. I checked the Washington Post, a paper that is always eager to write about political scandals. Nothing. Not a word. Nothing in the New York Times either. There was, however, a brief note in USA Today and a fuller write-up in the Washington Times. Of the major news services, only Reuters carried the story. Reuters, by the way, is owned by a British company.
Here is the very strange thing about this case: The major American media refuse to cover it. I'm not saying they have to reach beyond the facts to the conclusions that I have reached - that Foster was indeed murdered. That's not their job. Their job is just to report the facts.
My partner and co-author, Lord Rees-Mogg, is the former editor of the Times Of London. He too has been astounded by the curious reluctance of the American press to cover the Foster story. Meanwhile, in England, the story has been widely reported - in the Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Express...Britain's leading newspapers see something in this story that our own newsmen refuse to see. What?
In America, people discover the controversy surrounding Foster's death - and a whole lot more - only outside of the mainstream media. STRATEGIC INVESTMENT has followed every twist in the case. It's also one of the hottest subjects in Internet discussion groups, and radio commentators. Rush Limbaugh and Gordon Liddy have bravely helped to keep the story alive.
Let me tell you why it's fallen on people like us to call for the truth...
The Treason of the Media
The establishment media have their own agenda. That's why they report only on things that
do not threaten them.
On the day after we held our press conference, with the handwriting analysts present, guess what the New York Times considered newsworthy? On the front page was a prominent story, continuing inside, alleging that Senator Alphonse D'Amato, Republican chairman of the Senate banking committee, had some years ago played poker with friends, some of whom were lobbyists! There was no charge that he won anything of note at those games, nor that they were anything but the friendly games they appeared to be. But this was front page news. The same paper could not spare a line to tell the public about what could turn out to be the biggest scandal in American history.
You could look at it another way. The Times story may have served as a warning to D'Amato not to look too closely into the Foster death, or risk having hostile reporters dig up stories about his past that he might not wish to see published.
Maybe the reason that Congress hasn't investigated the Foster murder is fear on the part of the members of Congress that they would be targeted or framed somehow themselves.
At the surface, the motives of the press are easy to see. They lapped up the original "suicide" story without so much as a raised eyebrow. And they labeled those of us who did question it as "nuts," "kooks" or "enemies of Clinton." And rather than examine the evidence, they engaged in the time-honored tradition of attacking the accuser. They questioned our motives, they questioned our competence, and they questioned our sources.
CBS's "60 Minutes" spent almost 20 minutes attacking us on October 8th. This was particularly disturbing because I had sent information to Mike Wallace showing the holes in the official version of things and urging him to do a story on it. Plus, in his determination to show that we were wrong he used material that he knew was false. As reported in Investor's Business Daily, I was so outraged I challenged him to a debate on the subject. Of course, he didn't respond.
The mainstream media have staked so much of their credibility on the "suicide" story that they feel they can't back down. They can't let the cat out of the bag now. Rather than acknowledge the controversy, report the facts, and let readers draw their own conclusions, the media pretend that there is no story at all. Nothing worth reporting. Or, as one White House official labeled the whole fuss, "irrelevant and boring."
But, there's a deeper reason why the media refuse to touch the Foster story. And it is the real reason for this report.
The thinking citizen who reviews the record as documented in 2,726 pages of official testimony and more recent investigative reports will be convinced within a shadow of certainty that Vincent Foster was murdered, and that his murder has been covered-up.
Could this happen? One need look no further than recent Congressional testimony on Ruby Ridge, which detailed how high-ranking FBI agents lied, tampered with evidence and covered-up crimes.
Dr. Frederic Whiphurst, an FBI Special Agent, has recently revealed that the FBI crime labs fabricate, manipulate and tamper with evidence. Dr. Whiphurst's revelations confirm what STRATEGIC INVESTMENT told readers on October 26, 1994: "Even the highly regarded FBI labs, previously staffed by qualified agents, have also been remodeled. FBI Director Freeh transferred all agents out, leaving only technicians. One Bureau source told SI that technicians are far more pliable than agents, allowing investigations to be manipulated."
Do you remember the Watergate crimes? Do you remember that the FBI testified there was no involvement by White House officials in the break-in?
That conclusion, based on more than 1,600 interviews and depositions, was advertised as the most thorough investigation the FBI had ever undertaken. Although forcibly stated by the Director of the FBI, it was wrong.
The Watergate crimes would never have come to light if everyone had passively accepted the testimony of the FBI.
When a high-ranking official of the U.S. government dies under mysterious circumstances, and a series of flimsy Banana-Republic-style investigations shuffle everything under the rug, you have reason to be concerned about the future of the United States. As we have said before, a system that will wink at murder will wink at anything.
In fact it has both eyes closed on the biggest story of our lives. I'm not talking about the Foster murder alone. I'm talking about the breakdown of society and our system of government.
Remember, I'm a merchant banker. And an investor. My clients, partners and I have billions of dollars at stake. So, it is not just an academic or casual interest with which I follow world events.
In fact, our "intelligence" gathering apparatus is so extensive that at least one leftwing magazine, Mother Jones, branded us as a front for the CIA and others routinely refer to us as the "investor's CIA."
Call our organization what you want. The fact is - it's highly effective. And investors have been finding our predictions and intelligence bulletins extremely profitable... But right now let me tell you more of what our organization has discovered...and what it means to you.
Organized Crime Infiltrates Politics
Here's a few items you should think about:
Sources tell us that Mexico's ruling party, the PRI, gets a multi-billion dollar cut on the profits of 19 drug gangs smuggling $50 billion (street value) of coke and heroin into the U.S. each year. Even the stodgy World Policy Journal calls Mexico a "narco-democracy." Assassinations and payoffs are already affecting American stocks. We believe they're also affecting our political system. And that Vince Foster was an early victim.
Japanese banks admit to $200 billion in bad loans - about the size of the U.S. savings & loan bailout. But U.S. experts say the real figure is anywhere from $400 to $800 billion - enough to bring down the world financial system. A Japanese newspaper columnist estimates that 40% of the bad loans were made to the Japanese Mafia.
In Egypt, the radical Islamic organizations are barred from taking part in elections. They would win in a landslide. In fact, they've become a government within a government. They control the universities and the legal and medical professions. Western tourists are murdered on the streets. Government officials live in constant fear of assassination. The stage is set for another oil shock that could plunge the world into depression.
Much of the Russian economy is run by organized crime, with the former Communist bosses often doing the organizing. After murdering politicians and bankers, these Russian Mafias control much of the banking system. They operate an underground economy where business is conducted by bribes, corruption and violence.
It can't happen here? Our sources tell us Arkansas is a major point of entry for much of the cocaine coming into the United States. It was an open secret for years that the airport in Mena, Arkansas was a center for drug smuggling. Well-informed sources insist the operation took place with the full knowledge of Bill Clinton and the most powerful people in Arkansas. Keep reading to get the full story.
The world is not turning out the way the "experts" expected.
After the Soviet break-up...after Eastern Europe was free...after the Chinese adopted capitalism, the world was supposed to become a wonderful place. These countries were supposed to hold elections, write constitutions, form market economies. We were all supposed to live happily ever after.
It's not happening that way at all. Instead, these countries have come unglued. Replacing them is a new, strange brand of criminal anarchy. And these nations aren't alone. The same sort of malignant disease is infecting the wealthy West, including the United States.
The world was supposed to become like Switzerland: peaceful, law-abiding, democratic and capitalist. Instead, it's becoming Colombia or Sicily: A corrupt, violent no-man's land dominated by gangs and the politicians they've paid off.
Do you see where I'm headed with this? This is the big story the American press refuses to see. The world is changing dramatically - but not in the way they thought...or can even imagine.
"Nature will not long tolerate a monopoly." Remember that line from biology class? Whether in business or biology, competitive forces are always at odds...always shifting the balance of power in one direction or another.
Yet, for many decades, big governments have maintained a near-monopoly on violence. Sure, there were a few two-bit thugs around...and the mafia never was completely under control...but otherwise, governments controlled violence. They used it when, where and how they wanted. They suppressed it in nearly all other organized forms.
That monopoly is now falling apart. Not just in Russia. But here too. Gangs. Drug-running cartels. Mafias. Organized violence is loose in the land. And on July 20th, 1993, it claimed a victim - Vince Foster...
If you want to protect and grow your wealth, you can't afford to ignore the global Mafias. They represent the way a lot of the world's business is going to get done in the 21st century, and perhaps way beyond.
Where We Get Our Information: An Investor's CIA
Twenty-seven years ago, I founded a group called the National Taxpayer's Union. We've been
sounding the alarm about deficits ever since. With 250,000 members, NTU has grown to
become one of the most powerful citizens organizations in the United States. Privately,
I'm a merchant banker and a principal in Strategic Advisors Overseas Ltd., an asset
management group for wealthy individuals.
This background has given me access to America's most powerful people. The fact that I went to Oxford enabled me to meet Bill Clinton and other decision-makers. I don't say this to brag, but because I'm going to tell you some things in this report that you'll find very hard to believe. At first, I didn't believe some of it myself. The information is that shocking.
I've written six books on America's economic and social crisis. My forecasts have earned me frequent invitations on programs like Good Morning America, the Tonight Show, and MacNeil-Lehrer.
In 1984, I founded STRATEGIC INVESTMENT with Lord Rees-Mogg. William Rees-Mogg is the former editor-in-chief of The Times of London, Vice Chairman of the BBC, and confidant of powerful British figures like Margaret Thatcher and Lord Rothschild. He is also a director of London's Private Bank and financial advisor to some of the world's wealthiest families.
We are historians and economists... Our studies have convinced us that history does repeat itself in predictable ways. In this letter, I want to show you how it repeats itself and what now lies ahead. You can reap the benefit.
But we have another way of forecasting the future. We've developed a network of powerful people all over the world to give us and our readers the edge.
As I'm sure you know, tips from "friends in high places" can make you huge amounts of money...
I want to give you something else: I want to totally change the way you think. By the time you finish this report, you will have a new way of looking at the world. You are going to know things your neighbors and the people you work with don't know.
This knowledge is going to give you tremendous power. It can also make you a great deal of money...
The technologies of the Information Age are shattering the power of national governments. The people I call the Information Age elite are only a few years behind the global Mafias in setting themselves free of the politicians. [emphasis added] These traders move trillions of dollars each and every day. They call the shots.
Politicians can't hold computer assets hostage to their demands. That's quite a change from a steel mill, which can't be moved when legislators decide to tax it or regulate it, or when a union surrounds it with a picket line. Computerized assets can be transmitted by modem at the speed of light anywhere in the world. These days, the rich don't hang around to be ripped off.
Most people still think the government is in charge. This creates profit opportunities for those of us who know better... [emphasis added]
Like the ten little Indians, the marginal welfare states are going broke one by one. This will create frightening dislocations, as well as lip-smacking profits. In Italy - another corrupt democracy - a major default may set the stage for you to achieve overnight wealth. In the U.S., the stage is set for a big problem:
Clinton's Friends Are Right: Whitewater Is Nothing Like Watergate. But It Could Trigger A 45% Drop In The Dow As Nixon's Scandal Did
Who's really running America? There's increasing evidence that it's not the people we think. The Latin American drug cartels have stretched their tentacles much deeper into our lives than most people believe. I fear it's possible they are calling the shots at all levels of government.
"Drug lords" wield enormous power in places like Colombia, Panama and Mexico. We know they corrupt street-level cops and maybe a judge here and there in the United States. That's old stuff. What I'm talking about now is something totally new - and much more frightening.
More than three years ago, STRATEGIC INVESTMENT published one of the first reports on Whitewater. While Clinton was still dancing at the Inaugural balls, we told readers, "Major scandals are about to engulf the current Administration. Clinton's chances of reelection are zero. Part of the reason is his wife... The stories you hear from the Secret Service people, detailed to guard her, are mind-boggling."
We published this four months before the Clintons' personal friend and attorney Vincent Foster was found dead. At the same time, we predicted that Clinton would be a one-term president.
Since then STRATEGIC INVESTMENT has been at the cutting edge of the Whitewater story. As we probed deeper into the scandal, my sources - including former intelligence agents - began to bring me reports that Clinton's Arkansas was a major point of entry for much of the cocaine coming into the United States. Just to check their reports, we hired our own private investigators and sent them to Arkansas.
They came back in a state of shock. Their explosive findings have been compiled into a report called "The Real Whitewater Story." You can receive it free when you subscribe to STRATEGIC INVESTMENT.
There's evidence the "Redneck Mafia" killed a number of people and had the state police and coroners label them "suicide." In fact, people who know too much about Clinton and the Arkansas mob commit "suicide" at an amazing rate. Vincent Foster was only one of them.
"I feel like I live in Russia, waiting for the secret police to pounce down. A government has gotten out of control. Men find themselves in positions of power and suddenly crimes become legal." - Russell Welch, former Arkansas State Police investigator who was poisoned while trying to investigate drug smuggling in Arkansas - Sunday Telegraph of London, October 9,1994.
Let me give you a couple of facts to back up my story. The following is a matter of public record. You can check it out: Dan Lasater was an Arkansas millionaire, one of Clinton's best friends, and a major campaign contributor. Clinton personally steered hundreds of millions of dollars of state bond business to Lasater - the commissions to Lasater's firm may have been in the range of 10 or 15 million dollars.
It's also a fact that Lasater was a party boy who confessed to distributing cocaine and was sentenced to prison. Clinton pardoned him after he served only a few months.
This is only a quick gloss on a story that is long and complicated. My colleague Lord Rees-Mogg counts 16 charges against the Clintons supported by serious evidence.
But will the whole story about drug-dealing and money-laundering come out? In the course of investigating this story, we've learned there are powerful forces from both parties trying to keep it a secret. Plus, records have been destroyed. Witnesses have been murdered. (Oops! I mean they committed suicide.) Those still alive are scared to death.
Based on what we know at STRATEGIC INVESTMENT, the prosecutor or Congress can easily charge Clinton with petty financial corruption (if you call it petty to loot S&L's). Not a word need be said about the real story.
A 45% Plunge in the Dow
If Clinton is forced out for any reason it will be serious. The world financial system is
extremely fragile. Clinton's resignation could be the trigger that destroys confidence. In
the midst of Watergate, a weakened President Nixon was unable to respond to the Arab oil
embargo. That in turn led to the deepest recession and worst stock market crash since the
1930s. When Nixon finally resigned in 1974, the Dow plunged 45% from its peak in 1973. (As
you'll learn in a moment, the stage is set for another oil crisis.)
This is why we've followed every twist and turn in Whitewater. We're investors and money managers. Our clients are wealthy and sophisticated people all over the world. They aren't concerned about titillating details of Clinton's sex life. They are concerned that a weakened President may bring down the world financial system.
There's another troubling angle here. If Clinton engaged in illegal financial transactions or, worse yet, accepted bribes and laundered money for drug kingpins, you can bet that foreign intelligence agencies know every detail. Anyone from Saddam Hussein to Boris Yeltsin may be in a position to blackmail Clinton and get favors from him.
It's noteworthy that Clinton has drastically slashed the Customs Department and the Coast Guard's budgets for drug interdiction. He has terminated the Pentagon's radars in Colombia and Peru which spot drug flights. Clinton visited Moscow against the advice of his experts and in spite of human rights atrocities in Chechnya. When it comes to Clinton's policies, we have to ask, "Why is he really doing this?"
Bigshot politicians like Clinton, Yeltsin or the President of Mexico hold "summits" and earnestly talk about world problems. Then the next day the journalists earnestly chew it over. Can you see it doesn't mean anything? It has nothing to do with what's really going on!
Meanwhile, the chaos grows.
The Next World War
There's a worldwide showdown between two ancient enemies, the Muslim world and the
Christian West (which is less Christian these days). The mainstream press has only a dim
idea that this confrontation is going on. They report wars in Chechnya and Bosnia. But
they don't see the connections and give you no useful advice.
We have an advantage over them: better sources. Hardheaded people who want to see the world as it is. It doesn't bother them if their findings are the opposite of the myths you get from the mainstream news.
But our second advantage may be even more important: We perform long-term analysis of the cycles of history that shape events. Our analysis now points to a critical turning point in the 1300-year war between Christian and Muslim.
Slavic peoples (including Serbs and Russians) are facing Islamic peoples along a three thousand mile front from Bosnia to Afghanistan. Chechnya is merely the midpoint in this confrontation. It was the Islam-Slav cold war, not pressure from the West, that destroyed the Soviet Union. Berlin was freed by the guerrillas of Afghanistan.
Here in the West, we'd like to stay out of it, but it's doubtful that we'll be able to. The struggle is already destroying hopes for democracy in Russia. The implications for your investments are grave. It could turn into a nuclear war.
What's more, we in the West have our own confrontation with Islam. It turned into a hot war in the Persian Gulf. It has made our country a target for terrorists.
The Fuse is Lit
Iran and Iraq are powerful Islamic countries with huge oil reserves. For all practical
purposes, they are at war with the U.S. Both countries are seething with hatred against
us. At any time, Iraq may make another dash to seize the Gulf kingdoms of Kuwait, Saudi
Arabia and the Emirates. The United States military is much weaker than it was in 1990,
and of course we have the weakest President since Nixon at the depths of Watergate.
Our sources also tell us that Iran and Iraq could form an alliance. Iran is already helping Iraq to evade the UN embargo and sell its oil. Although the two are ancient enemies, a marriage of convenience would make all kinds of sense. They could humiliate the United States and seize most of the world's oil. Radical Islam would then be in the driver's seat. Japan and Europe would cut any kind of deal to keep the oil coming.
Egypt, Algeria and Saudi Arabia are boiling cauldrons of unrest ruled by tiny pro-Western elites. If free elections were held in these countries tomorrow, Islamic radicals would win in a landslide. Iran is financing them all over the region. The radicals did win elections in Algeria - moving the anti-fundamentalist military to take over.
Egypt could be the trigger that sets off a war and oil crisis in the Middle East. The country is a U.S. ally, in return for huge amounts of foreign aid, but it's a basket case. Per capita income is $630 per year and falling. Try living for a year on $600.
Egypt is a military dictatorship. The most popular parties - the Islamic radicals - are barred from taking part in elections. They would certainly win. In fact, they've become a sort of government within a government - another "Mafia." They control the universities and the legal, medical and engineering professions. When there was an earthquake in 1992, it was the Islamic organizations that handed out relief, not the government.
The government is incompetent. There are some eight million government employees - in a population of 60 million - and they do almost no work. You can spend hours watching bureaucrats sitting behind their desks doing absolutely nothing.
This powder keg could blow at any time. There are armed soldiers all over the place trying to keep order, and even then Western tourists are murdered on the streets. All politicians and Westernized intellectuals live in constant fear of assassination. Tens of thousands of militants are in jail, where torture is common.
The Coming Oil Shock
It's misleading to call Egypt the flashpoint in the Middle East. The whole region is a
flashpoint from Pakistan to Algeria. There's every chance of a major shock to the world
economy. If you want odds, I'd say they are on the order of six in ten.
How bad could the oil shock get? Most of us blame Mideast politics for the oil shocks of the '70s, but they were just the trigger. What really happened was that world demand for oil outstripped supply. It was easy for producers to raise prices. When the price went up, more oil was found. It took ten years, but eventually there was a surplus. Right now, if you adjust for inflation, the price of oil is the same as it was in 1970.
Guess what: With these lousy prices, exploration has fallen off and we're again on the brink of an oil shortage, even without a Mideast war. The world is using about 70 million barrels of oil a day. In a pinch, we might be able to produce three million more, but some experts believe excess capacity could be as little as one million barrels. That's no cushion at all.
There's oil out there, at the right price, but it can't be brought on line for several years. Markets don't wait that long. They react at once. Soaring prices, possibly triggered by Mideast events, may quickly send the world into recession or depression.
There's a profit opportunity in the coming oil crisis. Armchair investors can make a fortune from the coming price gyrations. For our more adventurous clients, some of the biggest untapped reserves are in the Soviet Union - which of course is one of the world's trouble spots. In spite of the instability, Western investors will make enormous fortunes helping the Russians exploit their oil.
...Now the world is on the cusp of changes more important than any we've described before. More important than the collapse of the Soviet Union. More devastating than the oil crises of the 1970s. In the next eighteen months, more money will be made - and lost - than ever before in world history.
Let me tell you how the coming events will directly impact your life.
There will be a recession in the U.S. in 1996. U.S. stock market: down. Bonds: volatile.
The fall in stocks will undermine real estate prices in North America.
Disintegrating Mexico: The Mexican tragedy is not over yet. Armed rebellions are underway not just in Chiapas but in 14 other states. The party that has ruled the country for most of the century is losing its grip. Many banks and corporations are on the verge of bankruptcy. Shrewd investors will profit from buying Mexican assets at fire-sale prices.
Look for a foreign blow-up that will trigger a market collapse in the U.S. Two likely candidates are war in the Mideast or the rise of a nationalist, militarist regime in Russia - in effect, a fascist regime.
Look for one of the world's biggest banks to fail. Barings, the British investment bank, failed because it lost a billion. That was nothing. France's Credit Lyonnais has lost more than $10 billion. The world's banks have gone all-out for derivatives. One of these days a young trader will trip an even bigger wire and the resulting implosion of wealth will hit home. The crisis will shock financial markets and touch off a sharp correction - and very possibly the crash I've been expecting.
Industrial commodity prices will weaken in the first half of 1996. Look for the CRB index to sink below 200.
South Africa is another flashpoint. Look for the country to erupt in civil war after the cheering stops - a big boost for gold. STRATEGIC INVESTMENT believes President Mandela may be assassinated.
Making billions in bonds: Returns have been dreadful for foreign holders of U.S. bonds. A Japanese investor probably lost 30% in 1994 as both bonds and the dollar fell. But this sets up an opportunity, probably in 1997, for alert investors to make a fortune. When you see U.S. bond yields hitting 9% or 10%, inflation falling, and the U.S. economy moving into recession, look for a 20% rise in bonds and a rising dollar. The foreign holder could easily make 40% including currency gains...
The Biggest Change In 500 Years
Right now, the economy is at the turning point of a more-or-less normal sixty year cycle.
The ingredients are present for a depression.
But there is something much bigger going on: The birth of a worldwide computer and communications network. It's remaking society in a way that's far more profound than a "normal" depression. You have to reach back 500 years to the birth of the Modern Age to find anything like it. It is on a par with the biggest transitions in the history of the human species: the transition from hunting and gathering to farming, and the transition from farm to factory.
You can reap enormous gains just by acting on the inside tips we get from our "Investor's CIA." But we believe you'll have a lot more fun (and make a lot more money) by joining us on an adventure like Columbus's voyage: the voyage into the Information Age.
Life is actually going to be pretty good for the winners in the Information Age - about 20% of the population. If you are reading this, you probably have the brains and ability to be in the 20%.
But to get the most out of the opportunity, you need to tune in to facts that most people aren't able or willing to face: Big centralized governments are losing their grip. The nation-state is not part of the order of things. [emphasis added] It arises when technology favors centralized control, and it fades away in times like ours when technology is against it. The Soviet Union has cracked up. Others will follow, including Pakistan, India, and China.
All kinds of smaller political units will emerge - think of Hong Kong and Singapore. Or Venice after the fall of Rome. City-states do very well in times like these. We think the wave of the future is smaller jurisdictions where governments have to be more responsive to the people. Meanwhile, another trend is going to rock the U.S...
Incomes Will Plunge 59% for Unskilled Workers
The standard of living is falling for 70% of the people in the rich countries of Europe
and North America. And the natives are restless. Americans who are paid by the hour now
earn less, on average, than they did in 1956!
It's hard to believe, but the worst is yet to come. Today's preschoolers will pay 82% of their income in taxes (Bill Clinton's figure, not mine). Or what's more likely, the government will finally have to pare back the benefits it has promised.
Let's give the politicians the benefit of every doubt: Let's say there's no inflation during the next 45 years. And let's say the economy will grow faster than it has in the last 20 years. Even if that happens, after tax incomes of American workers will plunge from $19,000 in 1995 to $7,821 in 2040 - a devastating collapse of 59%. The reason? All their income will be taxed away to finance the big entitlement programs.
This isn't going to happen. The system will collapse before it gets to that point. I call the coming disaster in America the Plague of the Black Debt - a financial plague to go along with the physical diseases. I expect that the world will be changed, totally and permanently. Things will never be the same again.
Social Security benefits will be cut to the bone. They'll probably only go to the most needy.
At least 40 million people will be unemployed or in make-work public assistance jobs.
Sick and elderly people will be cared for at home. Almost no one will be able to afford nursing home care.
Millions of homeowners will be turned "upside down" - with the mortgage bigger than the market value of the home. A lot of them will hand the key to the lender and walk away. There will be a lot of empty buildings with "For Sale" signs.
Banking industry problems will return, much worse than anything we've seen. And much too big next time for the government to bail out. Either your savings will be wiped out or you'll be paid in worthless paper dollars.
Picture yourself in a suburban neighborhood where the houses on either side of you are empty and for sale. Windows are broken out. Homeless and squatters break in and sleep there. There are no police to stop them because local government is broke and the tax base has fallen sharply.
For the same reason, the streets are full of potholes and streetlights are broken. Power outages are common. In this dark, menacing environment, crime runs wild - fueled by thousands of fatherless boys, black and white.
Almost everyone drives a clunker because few people can afford a new car anymore. Mountains of green garbage bags pile up, stinking to heaven, because it's three weeks between trash pick-ups.
In short...the suburbs will become slums. This could be your street a few years from now. All it takes is for your community to go broke - and a great many communities will go broke in the near future.
Somebody Will Still Be Rich. Will It Be You?
It doesn't give me any pleasure to predict a depression. But I want to get this
information to as many people as I can...because you can prepare yourself. There's
a flip side to the grim fate of unskilled workers who depend on government promises:
There's an international Information Age elite enjoying the best life humans have ever known.
Most readers of STRATEGIC INVESTMENT are high-income individuals - self-made men and women who know how to look out for themselves. You don't need to be one of the people stuck in the decaying neighborhood I described.
Is this too alarming? Some of our critics would say so. But during the '92 Presidential primaries I ran into one of the Democratic contenders, a very well-known politician. He was jogging on the streets of my neighborhood, a wealthy Washington suburb.
His question to me: "You still live here? Are you nuts? This city is going to burn." He couldn't believe I lived near "ground zero" of the coming social disorders. (As it happens, I've moved since then.)
You see, the Establishment knows what's going on. Or at least some of its members do...
Who Killed Vince Foster? - And How It Will Affect Your Investments
Maybe this is a good time for me to tell you what I know about what happened to Vince
Foster. There is no doubt that Foster met with foul play - otherwise, why would anyone
bother to forge his handwriting on a suicide note? There is no doubt that many people are
involved in a cover-up too.
Foster knew too much. He was intimately involved with Bill and Hillary Clinton, and through them, with many people for whom murder is an acceptable way to do business.
There are two major industries in which murder is common. Drugs and espionage. Foster may have been involved, at least on the edges, in both of them.
Allegations of drug usage and drug trafficking among Clinton and his associates have been made for several years. Our sources confirm that there is evidence to support these chargers. Arkansas became a major drug center when Clinton was governor.
Also true are several reports of murder disguised as suicide or accident. Just as petty drug dealers shoot each other on urban street corners, so do big time traffickers stop at nothing to protect their turf and profits. Most likely, it was these "redneck mafia" connections that doomed Vince Foster. For one reason or another, we don't know exactly, Foster became a threat to these people. They eliminated him.
That is the simplest, and most probable, answer to the "Who killed Vince Foster?" question. But it is not the only answer. And it is probably oversimplified.
As our own investigations revealed, the espionage community may also be involved. Maybe the spooks are just keeping their eye on what could become a matter of national security. Or, maybe - as has been charged - there are renegade elements of the CIA or other agencies that may have gotten a little too close to the drug trade. As in much of the rest of the world, it could be that some of our national security forces are now working for themselves - not for you and me.
Right now, we don't know which theory is true and which is not. We have our sources...and our own beliefs. And we reveal new information as we discover it.
But our job is not to fix blame for a murder. Instead, it is to figure out what the murder means...and what it says about the way your world works.
Why Most Investors Are Dead Wrong
Just as most people fail to understand the significance of Foster's strange death, we
believe that most investors fail to understand that the world has changed in a fundamental
As a result they get their basic investment decisions backward. Just to take a broad example, they will pay a high price for a major bank stock, because everyone buys it and it is considered "safe." Yet, when you look carefully you realize that the entire asset base of the bank rests on the promises of governments and other major borrowers to pay their I.O.U.s. Yet, because of the changes that are taking place in the world, these big institutions are losing the power to make good on those promises.
I have no doubt that the financial assets these big institutions represent will be downgraded in the years ahead - big time. Much of it will become worthless junk...
And now I'd like to close this report with one last prediction. But it's one with dramatic implications for your financial well-being.
Cyber-Cash: The People Are About To Take Over Control Of The Money From The
A company in Amsterdam has launched the most revolutionary experiment in the history of
banking. It has invented a new form of digital money, which allows users to pay for
purchases on the Internet in complete privacy. They don't pay in dollars, or marks, or
pounds. They pay in E-cash, a new form of private money.
This development is in its infancy. But when "cyber-cash" reaches its full potential, the elite of the Information Age will do their business in private, international money, not issued by any government. Transactions will take place electronically in unbreakable code. No one but the buyer and the seller will know what happened.
This international money will be backed by gold or other real assets, unit for unit. For example, you may sell a luxury home on a Caribbean island for a million units of cyber-cash. Meaning, the title to a million units worth of gold in a Swiss vault is transferred from the buyer's name to your name, and you transfer the deed to the vacation home to his name. All by computer, all done internationally, all private, all untraceable.
As with many coming developments, this will be a return to the Middle Ages - to the way things were done before big, centralized governments got into the act. Paper money was originally a receipt issued for gold in a vault.
Then, the issuers figured out they could issue many receipts for the same bar of gold. Who would know? Modern banking was born - a fraud from start to finish. Naturally, the government got into the game, seeing the profits to be made.
The game is about to come crashing down (in every sense of the word "crash").
Governments will resist cyber-cash in every way they can. The IRS already holds that you have to report your profits on cyber-cash transactions, and pay the taxes. But they are going to lose. The thing will be too big for them to control.
Cyber-cash will be the next - and final step - in the government's loss of control. The underground economy will be the economy. There will be no other. It will be global..." [emphasis added]
(You can write to Strategic Investment at 1217 St. Paul St, Baltimore, MD 21202.)
For several years I've used the term "terrocrats" (short for terrorist
bureaucrats) to describe coercive government officials. Mr. Davidson's report
indicates that "terrocrat" may be an appropriate term. If our friends
from the IRS have "leaned" on you, you may agree.
It's highly significant that Mr. Davidson uses an advertising mailpiece that effectively accuses Clinton of being an accomplice to murder in order to sell his newsletter. (It certainly was persuasive enough to get my subscription!) He has tested this "extremely radical" approach extensively and it obviously works. It also tells us that the marketplace is ready to receive this kind of information.
One of the most important implications of Mr. Davidson's report is that the power of the terrocrats is shrinking and could disappear within a few years.
Finally, consider shifting - as far as practically prudent for you - as many of your resources and economic activities into the underground economy - what I call the "real free-enterprise sector." (If your financial well-being depends on the terrocrats and their programs, beware!)
by Clark Matthews
I'm obliged to an acquaintance who called to my attention a story in the New York Post. The story is by Steve Dunleavy - a high-visibility true-crime columnist who goes for the throat. Dunleavy has covered low-profile folks like O.J. Simpson, Roxanne Pulitzer, and William Kennedy Smith.
For the last month, under his byline in the NY Post - he's NOW covering Clinton. Bill & Hill should be afraid. Dunleavy takes no prisoners and, whatever his faults, he's one heck of a human-interest writer.
And his instincts are damn near infallible, it seems to me. Steve Dunleavy smells blood on this, folks. I think there could be some there...
The following piece is not the most sensational item on Clinton's behavior as governor of Arkansas or president. God knows, there have been more shocking, mysterious, and ominous stories surrounding this man's rise to prominence and power.
But having said that, Dunleavy's piece captures some of the details of the milieu the president comes from. How things worked there. Who made them work. What sort of people these are/were. It's repulsive and sordid, but what comes through clearest is that this was business as usual - this was how criminals ran law enforcement in Arkansas and took care of business.
I think that's what's so sickening about this piece. There are no homicides here. No "suicides," Arkancides, or any other -cides. No narcotics and guns on hi-tech flights to central America. This is just a little piece about an obviously innocent man in jail for an atrocious crime he didn't commit.
About the gangsters who put him there. About his accuser - a 17-year-old cousin of Bill Clinton who may or may not have been RAPED by someone, and who can count on Bill Clinton to keep the blame fixed on the (obviously innocent) man she accused.
Read this and weep. No, read it and think.
By Steve Dunleavy;
New York Post;
Saturday, June 2, 1996
The bombshell Whitewater convictions that may be President Clinton's darkest hour gave a middle-aged Arkansas housewife her brightest moment.
"Now that the Clinton people are going to jail, maybe my husband will go free," Mary Lou Dumond told me.
Her husband, Wayne Dumond, 49, has just spent his 11th year in an Arkansas jail. Many say Dumond is the victim of one of the most bone-crunching and infuriating examples of Clinton-era justice the country has ever seen. And now, because Clinton's alleged bagman, Gov. Jimmy Guy Tucker, is going to jail, Dumond is set to see freedom.
"The new governor, Mike Huckabee, has assured me Wayne will be a free man," Mrs. Dumond said Thursday. "He is not one of the Clinton crowd. He is a very fair man. He has always been disturbed about the way the Clinton people never wanted my husband free," she added.
And there was a very good reason for the Clinton people not wanting her husband to go free.
The story of Wayne Dumond is not for the innocent eyes of the young - but every adult of
voting age should read closely.
These are the cold facts as an Arkansas court saw it:
What the public did not see, while Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas, were the following very unpretty facts - which Clinton, despite countless personal appeals, ignored:
But guess what? The girl is Bill Clinton's cousin. And her mother worked as part of Clinton's inner circle when he was governor.
The worst was yet to come.
On March 7, 1985, while Dumond was awaiting trial, two masked men with guns and knives
burst into his house. They hog-tied him. They raped him. And then, with surgical scalpels,
they castrated him. The two monsters acted on the orders of local Sheriff Coolidge Conlee.
The sheriff retrieved Dumond's testicles from Dumond's blood-spattered house.
The sheriff then placed the body parts in a jar that he displayed on his desk with the admonition: "That's what happens to people who fool around in my county."
The sheriff actually took that jar to "a good-ol'-boys wedding."
That is a fact.
No reaction whatsoever from Gov. Clinton.
The sheriff would later be nabbed by the FBI for unrelated extortion and drug-dealing and sentenced to 160 years in jail, where he died of natural causes. [sic]
Dumond's attackers were never picked up even though one of them confessed to a state cop.
All this and Dumond still rotted away in prison. And Clinton, both as governor and president, ignored facts that surrounded the case of the rape of his cousin.
"Bitter? Hell yes, I was at first," Dumond told me from prison at Varner in Arkansas. "But now, I think, I hope, things will change around. With Jimmy Guy Tucker gone as governor, one of Clinton's men, and Mr. Clinton running for cover, maybe the new man will have another look."
"But, strange as it may seem, it hasn't been all that bad these days. I have got a very good education in here. I think I am becoming a computer nut. I just miss my family, my kids."
"That girl? Well it's pretty ridiculous. Sad, but ridiculous. She told the police that a man in a new red pickup truck, with no tailgate, drove to her house, burst in, forced her into her car, drove in her car to some woods, tied her up, committed a pretty terrible act, drove her back in her car and took off in her car and dumped it nearby.
"Well I drove a very old dirty brown pickup truck with a tailgate. Now, if I took her car, what happened to the pickup I drove to her house in? She changed her story, how many times? I mean, many times.
"She was with this guy driving through town and suddenly, out of nowhere, months after, she saw me driving my old pickup truck. She told the guy out of nowhere: 'That's the man that did it.'
"She said I had raped her. When it came to the lineup. She couldn't identify me. Suddenly she disappears into a room with her father and a cop who showed her a picture of me. She came out and immediately identified me."
This outrageous identifying scam was exposed by a local cop who witnessed it all. Deputy
Sheriff Henry Leary had the guts to go against his own and told the world of the scenario.
Dumond was still convicted.
"Oh, yeah," Dumond said, "she identified two other guys who were the rapists.
They had an ironclad alibi. Then it came to me."
Dumond was still convicted. Gov. Clinton remained silent. But of course at that time nobody knew that the girl was Clinton's cousin. The governor didn't mention it.
After 4-1/2 years, with his freedom gone, his manhood gone, a five-person parole board recommended that Dumond go free for time served.
John R. Steer, managing editor of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, records the following reaction from then-Gov. Clinton: "Clinton had a romping, stomping fit. The victim was a distant cousin and St. Francis County [where all this took place] had a lot of votes and he deeply resented being under pressure to free Dumond."
Clinton refused to sign a release. And Dumond rotted.
Dumond has since been before the parole board twice.
"They ask me: 'Do you have any remorse?' Well, I tell them straight. How can I have remorse for something I didn't do? No sir, I will stay here until I die before I say I am sorry for something I haven't done."
The day of the castration is not something that should be dealt with in detail.
"My two boys, Michael and Joey, found me there after coming home from school.
They cut me loose and got help," he said. "Sure I remember it, but do you really want to know the details?"
Dumond's life was miraculously saved after he lost three-quarters of his blood. As he lay near death, Sheriff Coolidge Conlee displayed Dumond's testicles in a jar.
Still no reaction from Gov. Clinton.
The Dumonds later won a lawsuit "of outrage." They cleared $20,000 from the
settlement with the county.
This money came in handy, because someone burned down the Dumond house when they were in hiding from vigilantes. No insurance was paid on the home.
Can this story get worse?
"Sometimes," said Mrs. Dumond, "I just want to give up. But now, who knows?
The new governor has personally assured me that Wayne's case will be the first thing on his desk after he clears up everything with this Whitewater thing."
Dwayne Harris, a spokesman for Huckabee, the Republican lieutenant governor who will succeed Democrat Tucker, told me Friday that Huckabee "has voiced a very special intention to thoroughly review the case of Wayne Dumond."
"I hope so," Dr. Moses Schanfield told me Friday. "This case was a disgrace." Schanfield heads the Analytic Genetic Testing Center in Denver.
He was one of the experts dispatched to Bosnia to examine and identify graves after the civil war. He did an independent Allotyping test of sperm on the alleged victim's jeans that supposedly came from Dumond.
"No way, zip, nada. Didn't happen. No way Dumond was the donor of that sperm," Schanfield said. "The girl's scenario of the so-called crime couldn't have happened. I don't believe anything she said."
Fred Odam, a retired Arkansas State Police captain told me: "This was and still is a very bad day for justice."
Odam witnessed Sheriff Conlee retrieving Dumond's testicles and later investigated the sheriff for the FBI. "I have been working to get that boy Dumond free for a long time. In all my time this is the one case where I know a man is not guilty."
What was the crazed motive behind this disgusting affair? Why Dumond?
Gene Wirges, a feisty, 67-year-old publisher of a local weekly who is writing a book on this mess, told me:
"Well, a Clinton kin had to be revenged. The sheriff was on a hot seat and young Wayne had been talking to a church group about how cars were suddenly disappearing.
"It turned out to be true. The sheriff along with his drugs and turning the sheriff's department into a casino was heading up a car-theft ring," he said.
"When this girl said she was raped, the sheriff wanted to help out the Clinton clan. He would do anything for the girl's father and mother.
"The truth, the terrible truth is, that one of the guys she first identified as the rapist but who had an ironclad alibi had been going out with the girl.
"But the new governor has indicated to me on several occasions that he was more than disturbed about Wayne's case and the way Clinton and his boys handled this terrible thing.
"You know, this is Arkansas. Right up until now this has been Clinton territory. Maybe not any more."
For a thorough exposé of Clinton corruption - including involvement in drug dealing, utilizing the Mena airport in Arkansas - I recommend the book Partners in Power by Roger Morris - see Bibliography, Part 1A.
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