[NOTE: Still in old layout; update pending...]World Freedom Challenge (WFC) - Part 2Use Humor as a Weapon to Undermine Gangster Political Predators (GPPs)by Frederick Mann (2010)How to Mock PoliticsIt's not the main purpose of this website to mock religion, but to mock politics. However, the best "mockers of politics" -- such as George Carlin and Bill Maher -- also mock religion. If you're religious, and you find some of the contents of this website too offensive, I suggest you Return to Part 1 of WFC. If you can handle it, it may be very worthwhile to not be offended by the religious mockery, but to consider how forms of religious mockery can be adapted for political mockery. In any case, I highly recommend that you watch the Rappaport video before you leave this part. George Carlin Doesn't Vote George Carlin - "Who Really Controls America" George Carlin Talks War And American Politics Bill Maher: Victory Begins at Home Edwin Kagin profile on ABC's Nightline 07/16/2010 "Political faith" has resulted in the needless slaughter of hundreds of millions of people. Today, the political slaughter continues in places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and other parts of the world. According to R.J. Rummel, DEMOCIDE = MURDER BY GOVERNMENT: "Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government [262,000,000 from 1900 to 1999], if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century." If you add Rummel's number for the people who died in combat to his 262 million number, you get over 300 million! I don't know how many people died needlessly as a result of religious faith during the past century. If we make a guess of 30 million, this would suggest that "political faith" is about ten times deadlier than religious faith! Consider the possibility that "gangster political priests" (GPPs!) regularly perform "stupid political rituals." Gullible Governmnetologists -- "political cult members" -- take these "stupid political rituals" (performed by "white house gangster priests," "supreme court gangster priests," "congress gangster priests," etc.) seriously. Similar to the Spanish Inquisition, the "gangster political priests" employ "dumb enforcers" (called "cops" and "soldiers") to punish, jail, and murder "disobedient troublemakers" and others who "live in wrong parts of the world" and/or who have brownish skins. Mock Political PartiesThe Raving Looney Party mock politics electional video More Examples of Frivolous Political Parties:
crazy dutch pedophile political party To find more frivolous political parties, Google: "joke political party," "frivolous political party," "silly political party," "funny political party," "crazy political party," etc. FreeWeavers could join some of the above parties, or use them as models to start their own. Another example of mocking politics could be a mock trial of Abraham Lincoln for mass murder, because he was one of the main organizers of the American Civil War during which about 300,000 Americans were murdered. A video of such a mock trial could become a big hit on YouTube. It could even get featured by the "political lapdog media." "The Blasphemy Challenge"The "Blasphemy Challenge" is operated by the atheist group Rational Response Squad. Bible verse Mark 3:29: "Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never be forgiven" -- the only "unforgivable sin." Imagine you're a Godologist and you find videos with people "comitting the one unforgivable sin." No doubt, the strength of belief among Godologists varies from weak to strong. The "Blasphemy Challenge" probably induces some marginal Godologists to start questioning and thinking. Check out The Blasphemy Challenge, Richard Dawkins.net, and do a Google video search for "Blasphemy Challenge." You may be surprised by the scope of the activity! On 12/12/07 a Google search for "Blasphemy Challenge" showed 96,600 web results and 3,179 videos. Do your own Google video search and notice how many times the videos have been rated. Thousands of people are watching these videos! It looks like the project started in December 06. Significant media coverage has been generated, including TV. The media likes controversy, sensationalism, and spectacle. It could be compared to protesters burning their draft cards... What might be the political equivalent of the "Blasphemy Challenge?" Maybe some FreeWeavers can launch a blog that, among other things, encourages freedom lovers to post videos online, that express their "political equivalent of the Blasphemy Challenge!" Some FreeWeavers could contact atheist activists and indicate to them that "political faith" is probably about ten times deadlier than religious faith, so they want to consider attacking and mocking "political faith" also. The Power of Strategic HumorRay Hanania: Power of Humor Ray Hanania narrates his lecture on the Power of Humor. The 30 minute discussion addresses various aspects of humor and how it can help, ... all the forms of humor (self-deprecating, social commentary, cultural and political satire) and its role in helping to counter hate. Samples of various comedic form, descriptions of how humor can achieve change and more is discussed. Award winning journalist Hanania can be booked to address the points and information in the presentation by visiting www.hanania.com. Why do leading actors, comics, musicians, sports professionals, and race car drivers earn so much? Because they are top perfomers who entertain. Most people value entertainment. Many don't hesitate to pay $100 for a Las Vegas show, or a ticket to a concert, football game, or race. Humor can be used to entertain. As Ray Hanania indicates, humor can be used for political purposes. Maybe it can also be used to help cure people from their pathological paranormal, religious, and political beliefs and supersitions. What if humor can be used to this end in ways that are at least ten times more effective that the best results achievable by just appealing to reason? Maybe humor can be used to make a connection with people that will open a door to allow reason to enter. Imagine a few thousand people and websites around the world using ridicule extensively as a weapon to undermine the influence of political and religious leaders. ("I have only ever made one prayer to God, a very short one: O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it." -- Voltaire) The Power of Humorby David GlickmanReproduced from Speakers Platform Thank you for taking the time to read this article that is here under the pretense that it will inform you about "the power of humor." Actually, now that I've got your attention, I wanted to let you know about this incredible multi-level marketing opportunity that gives you the opportunity to make $50,000 a week, working from home in your pajamas. Wait, stop! Don't click me off! It's a joke. I'm kidding. We really are going to discuss the power of humor. I just wanted to prove that sometimes a small little thing like that can give you a chuckle. Now, come on, admit it, you did smile once you realized it was a joke, didn't you? It's ok. We don't have to be afraid to laugh anymore. There has been a decided paradigm shift over the last fifteen years from humor often being thought of as "silly" or "not appropriate," to it being a welcome addition to practically every area of society. The last five years especially have seen an incredible insurgence of humor into the heretofore "no humor permitted" corporate world. (I don't think "Dilbert" would have been so widely embraced back in the 1980s.) So why are we embracing humor now? Out-of-control stress in both work and home life caused people's pendulums to swing way too far to one side. Humor is now being used as one of the most powerful forces to help swing the pendulum back to center. (And maybe even further, if we're lucky!) Humor sells. I'm not talking about funny commercials, although they certainly are more memorable than "straight" commercials. I'm talking about a salesperson trying to make a sale. If you can get your prospect to laugh at something in your proposal -- or presentation -- you have instantly shot to the top of his or her mind. We like people who make us laugh -- and we do business with people we like. And when people are laughing, they don't feel like they're being "sold." What can you do to get your laughs? You're only limited by your imagination. I put together funny-phony print ads for sales people to show the prospect what their "competitors" are doing. While some feel it's "not appropriate" to poke fun at the competition, I have never failed to get a laugh with one of these props. And, once you've gotten the prospect to laugh, you've got a much easier route to the sale. I also recommend humorous outgoing voicemail messages. It can be as simple as, "Hi, this is David Glickman. You've reached my voice mail, which means I'm not available right now. And, yes, it is a voice mail system. I assure you it's not an answering machine where I'm sitting here screening your calls. I wouldn't do something like that. That's what I've got Caller ID for. So please leave me a message and I will call you back as soon as I can." These are just two examples of the unlimited ways you can harness your creativity to use humor as a powerful sales tool. Humor heals.There have been countless medical studies and books written on the healing power of humor. I'm not a doctor (and I don't play one on TV), but I've seen enough cases of this to know its validity. In my line of work as a professional humorist, I laugh a lot. Every day. And I think that's one of the reasons I haven't had a cold or flu in years. Laughing causes endorphins to be released in the system, and they may be more powerful than diet and exercise put together. (Or so I tell myself every time I procrastinate my workout sessions.) I think that's one of the reasons that so many comedians live such long lives. We're surrounded by laughter -- our own and our audience's. And I know if I were to get sick, especially if it was something serious, I would add the viewing of funny videos or listening to funny audios as an integral part of my healing regiment. Humor breaks the ice.. A few years ago I was asked to design a "comedy curriculum" for a traffic school. I can't think of a group of people who are more unhappy to be sitting in a room. They've all received traffic tickets. Many don't feel they deserved the ticket. Most are angry. And none of them are looking forward to sitting in a classroom for four hours. I began the class by launching immediately into a quick song parody of the "Looney Tunes" theme song: This is it. It's traffic school. Don't feel bad. You're not a fool. Almost everyone's breaking the law. But you're the one they caught. I am Dave. This is your class. Four hours long. A pain in the...(pause) But who knows what you'll learn. On with the class, this is it. The whole thing was less then thirty seconds, but it served its purpose. I caught them totally off guard, acknowledged the fact that they didn't want to be there, and got some instant laughs. I proceeded to tell them how I knew they didn't want to be there, and were probably feeling some animosity towards the police officer that gave them the ticket. I asked them to pick up the printed test that was sitting on their desk, crumble it into a ball (which I demonstrated for them). I asked them, on the count of three, to pretend that I was the officer that gave them their ticket -- and to get their frustrations out of their system -- and I counted: one, two, three! And, of course, I was pummeled with several dozen wads of paper -- and a huge amount of laughter and applause. I always followed up by clarifying that we were just having some fun, and then praising the police officers that patrol the streets. I then launched into the curriculum to a much more receptive crowd. Using humor as an icebreaker makes difficult tasks a whole lot easier. Humor diffuses tension. A speaker is heading to the podium, trips, and falls down. The crowd gasps and there is immediate tension. The speaker quickly looks up and says, "I will now take questions from the floor." A huge laugh follows, and the speaker picks himself up and regains his dignity. Not all of us can think that quick on their feet -- or off their feet, as it were. But when faced with a tense situation, the power of humor will work more quickly to diffuse it than any other remedy. Another speaker steps onto the platform. Either the wood is rotted, or the supports are bad, but the speaker falls right through the platform, as it collapses around him. Again, tension fills the room. Until the speaker quickly looks up and says, "Don't mind me. It's just a stage I'm going through." When I heard that story, I was so impressed with the speaker's quick thinking, I wanted to design a stage to collapse so that I could have the opportunity to use the line. (I wisely decided not to.) Both of these stories illustrate how humorous quick thinking can not only diffuse tension, but can raise your credibility to an even higher level than had there been no problem. You might recall during the presidential campaign of 1996, Bob Dole had a problem during a campaign appearance. He was shaking hands from a slightly elevated area, behind a fence. At one point the fence gave way, and Dole tumbled forward and fell to the ground. It was a tense moment for all, and, luckily, he was not injured. However, had Bob Dole thought to look up from the ground and say (loudly), "Live, from New York, it's Saturday Night!", he would have gotten a huge laugh, and would have shot up several points in the polls. I don't know whether it would have changed the election results, but I do know it would have given him some great momentum that he desperately needed at that point. Humor gets results. The bottom line is that humor gets results. No matter what the need is, there is a way that humor can be used to help serve that need. Humor negates anger. Humor creates credibility. Humor gets votes. Humor gets ratings. Humor commands attention. Humor overcomes objections. The list goes on and on. Whatever hurdles you might be facing at work or at home, don't be afraid to try humor as a technique for clearing that hurdle. When I was a child, I remember how my father would handle the times when I would get very angry. He would find ways to make me laugh. He understood the power of humor. I remember going to him, very upset, and yelling. And I would try to resist his attempts to make me laugh -- "Don't do that, Dad! I can't stay mad when I'm laughing!"--- and he would say, "That's exactly right. You can't stay mad when you're laughing." And then in a few minutes we would talk about what was upsetting me -- in a rational, calm manner. I learned some important life lessons from that. Lessons that have given me the ability to make an entire career out of bringing that power of laughter into organizations. My father was right: You can't stay mad when you're laughing. So try to keep laughing. You'll live longer. You'll sleep better. And people will wonder what you're smiling at all the time. © 1999 David Glickman The Church of the SubGeniusTo get an idea of the principles, practices, and widespread influence of our Church, see SubGenius on Wikipedia. The Church of the SubGenius is the Official Church of FreeWeaver Central. Official Home Page: The Church of the SubGenius. More links below. TURN UP THE DAY OF THE SUBGENIUS TURN UP YOUR BRAIN WITH: The Bobacatto (Mark Mothersbaugh/SubGenius Foundation) - 3 minutes. Stellar Garbage Redux (SubGenius) - TURN UP YOUR BRAIN WITH: 23 minutes of psychedelic eye candy with techno music... sponsored by the Association for Consciousness Exploration... SubGenius - ARISE! Chapter 01 - Instructions. ARISE! Chapter 05 - The Life of J. R. "Bob" Dobbs - 7 min - Dec 10, 1991 ARISE! Chapter 10 - The Church and You - 7 min - Dec 5, 2005 CoS: Something New to Die For 1/4 - 9 min - Jul 22, 2006 CoS: Something New to Die For 2/4 - 6 min - Jul 22, 2006 CoS: Something New to Die For 3/4 - 5 min - Jul 22, 2006 CoS: Something New to Die For 4/4 - 5 min - Jul 22, 2006 If they cant take a joke - Scientology - 3 min - May 8, 2007. Scientologists, Godologists & GovernmentologistsA distinction can be made between "Mild Cults" -- involved with the killing of maybe fewer than 1,000 people -- and "Major-Killer-Cults" -- involved with killing tens of millions of people or more. Under "Mild Cults" could be included Scientology and Scientologists (killed maybe about 100 people in 50 years) and Jonestown or "People's Temple" (killed about 900 people). A FreeWeaver could regard Scientology and Scientologists as at least mildly crazy. Under "Major-Killer-Cults" could be included Godology and Godologists (killed at least tens of millions of people) and Governmentology and Governmentologists (killed over 300 million people during the 20th Cntury). The picture is complicated by the fact that many Governmentologists are also Godologists. Because of the violent deaths resulting from their beliefs and behavior, a FreeWeaver could regard Godology and Godologists as much crazier than Scientology and Scientologists. For the same reason, a FreeWeaver may regard Governmentology and Governmentologists as about ten times crazier than Godology and Godologists. On Dr. Arthur Janov's Primal Healing website under "Books" and Beyond Belief! could be found on 11/11/08 (minor edits): "¶This book examines what forces in us drive us to believe in mystics, healers and gurus. What unconscious impulses lead us to join cults, and reveals how feelings become beliefs in the brain. Dr. Janov discusses all of this through the autobiographies of patients who have lived it. He also examines how the government functions as a cult with the same dynamics as any cult leader from Jim Jones to Rajneesh and to Bin Laden. ¶There is a chapter on the born again, conversion experience and why that happens. Another on what makes a leader or healer and what makes a follower. He cites many research studies on how thinking something will kill pain actually does, and why that happens. He analyzes belief systems and how they function to keep us comfortable. That the brain doesn't care if it is Islam, the Republican Party or "the secret," it all works the same in the brain. What he points out is that the thought of a deity makes us believe in it whereas it is the thought itself that relieves and soothes us. ¶This is the first thorough account of how beliefs work in the brain to bring us comfort and calm. But it is a spurious calm since there is a seething cauldron of pain that lies below beliefs that will make us sick and shorten our lives." The Making of a National Cult visit www.iconoclastradio.com (Learn how government makes mindless cult members.) The Iconoclast Arena -- Where Reality Is Defended Against The Global Network Of Cults. The Obama Cult (Ruby Ridge Remix) Occult symbols in Western government (Part1) - USA 1 Occult symbols in Western government (Part 2) - USA 2 Occult symbols in Western government (Part 3) - LONDON Occult symbols in Western government (Part 4) -Texas Occult symbols in Western government (Part 5) - Canada Jon Rappaport: The Secret Behind Secret Societies The Jon Rappaport video above contains possibly one of the most important messages you can ever receive! (Though I question the validity of Rappaport's paranormal claims. I suspect his imagination, aided by charlatans, has led him astray in this respect. It's extremely unlikely that there's even one iota of valid scientific evidence to support his paranormal claims.) A great deal has been written about the characteristics of cults. The following apply for our purposes:
FreeWeavers involved in promoting freedom may be able to use strategies suggested by the above to good effect. They could condemn Scientology as a crazy cult... and then condemn Godology as and even crazier cult... and then condemn Governmentology as the craziest cult of all! Project Lord Reincarnated Hubbard (LRH)Scientologists have been accused of killing maybe 50-100 people over a period of about 50 years... But what about the 300+ million murdered by Godologists & Governmentologists during the past century? There are many anti-scientology websites, possibly several hundred. Hubbard may have been murdered: The death of L. Ron Hubbard. Some Google search results (Nov. 07): Scientology is controversial. There are many "anti-scientologists." Scientology can be exploited as a "marketing leverage angle." Some FreeWeavers could use the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" as a model to create "Lord Reincarnated Hubbard" (LRH). LRH can be put on websites and in videos. LRH could send out notices defending and praising Scientology, because they've killed only about 100 people, compared to the 300+ million killed by Godologist and Governmentologist cults. Using the terms "Scientology," "Scientologists," "Godology," "Godologists," "Governmentology," "Governmentologists," and "cult" in the same communications may help DELIGITIMIZE the enemy. Bill Maher talks about scientology Howard Stern discusses Bill Maher talking about the Pope LRH could advise all "wogs" (people not yet in Scientology) to join Scientology. He could suggest that all governments hand over all their functions to the Church of Scientology, because Scientologists have the best management technology and are much better at running things than anybody else. For sure, the Scientologists would be much better than the Godologists and Governmentologists. It's extremely unlikely that the Scientologists would murder 300,000,000 in a century -- like the Godologists and Governmentologists have done.. Tell your friends: Hubbard has reincarnated! Lord Reincarnated Hubbard (LRH) All psychologists, psychiatrists, and counsellors should convert to Scientology because they've got the best "self-improvement technology." All Government schools should be handed over to Scientologists because they've got the best study technology. All freedom activists should join Scientology because it's "the only road to total freedom." All struggling actors and actresses should join Scientology so they can become as good as Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Kelly Preston, Jenna Elfman, Jerry Seinfeld (ex-scientologist), etc. All drug addicts should go to Scientology because they have the best drug recovery program. All drug treatment centers should join Scientology and adopt their superior technology. All prospective murderers (including Godologists and Governmentologists so inclined) should join Scientology so they can become as "good" as Charles Manson! The messages could include links to websites with information about the 300+ million murders. (Because "they" can be rather litigious, it's generally better to praise rather than criticize Scientologists. Fortunately, they're so wonderful that it's very easy to find things to praise them for!) It may or may not be appropriate and workable to create an "Obamonster" to "celebrate" the world's "Murderer-in-Chief!" It may also be appropriate to depict the "Obamonster" as the "Child-Abuser-in-Chief" who "presides" over children being forced into Governmentologist/Godologist concentration campuses for brainwashing and mind destruction. PoliticulousBill Maher made a movie called Religulous. FreeWeavers could make a video or movie called Politiculous. Bill Maher could be attacked mercilessly for being a "crazy governmentologist" and being too stupid to realize that Governmentology is about ten time deadlier than Godology and about 3 million times deadlier than Scientology. Examples can be taken from Maher's videos where he supports Obama and some of his programs. They can be ridiculed as examples of Maher's stupidity -- particularly because Maher has also claimed to be a "libertarian." Politiculous could feature some atrocities as examples of "Governmentology at work." Even 911 could be depicted as a "Governmentology blessing!" Politiculous could become a big hit on YouTube and elsewnere. (A few FreeWeavers with audio-video equipment and expertise (and willing to contribute some "sweat equity") could make Politiculous for less than $1,000!) Suggested Strategies for FreeWeavers of ALL ColorsFree Your Mind... (Note: Apologies for the poor quality. The original version by En Vogue is much better!)
Jack Johnson, Steve Biko, Martin Luther King Jr., Muhammad Ali, Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. du Bois, Booker T. Washington, and Malcolm X. MLK went to Heaven where FSM (the Flying Spaghetti Monster) and Jack Johnson helped MLK cure his Godologist and Governmentologist diseases! Imagine the controversy and media coverage that could be generated by "MLK reincarnated as a FreeWeaver!" See also:
The Real Tiger Woods Apology - Funny aniboom Animation Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police! Mike Tyson for President (Chris Rock Show) Dave Chappelle about Clinton and Bush Obama = Hitler The Obama Deception HQ Full length version By 7/24/10, the above video had been viewed over 6 million times! Among other people, the above video features hip-hop rap artist KRS-One. See also KRS-One on Wikipedia. The above video also features hip-hop rap artist Professor Griff who was a founding member of Public Enemy. Google: "war on drugs discriminates against blacks" and check out the books:
Paul Butler is an advocate of greater personal freedom, as well as a proponent of jury nullification. What are the chances that Obama will do anything about the fact that his Governmentologist system oppresses blacks to a much greater extent than whites? A Mock Political Party called the "Black Perfection Party" could be launched... WFC - Part 2 - Contents
Introduction to Part 2It's not the main purpose of this website to mock religion, but to mock politics. However, the best "mockers of politics" -- such as George Carlin and Bill Maher -- also mock religion. If you're religious, and you find some of the contents of this website too offensive, I suggest you Return to Part 1 of WFC. If you can handle it, it may be very worthwhile to not be offended by the religious mockery, but to consider how forms of religious mockery can be adapted for political mockery. In any case, I highly recommend that you watch the Rappaport video before you leave this website. The Internet, particularly YouTube, can be used to reach millions of people. For example, millions of people have watched "911-truth" videos online. Irrespective of who the real 911 perpetrators were, 911 can be used as a "Wedge Issue" -- see Potential Market Leverage Segments. Statistics obtained through Google searches make it very easy to do crude market research to determine the popularity of certain topics. YouTube can be used to contact certain activists with considerable influence and "reach" to their audience. Ann Coulter can be used as a role model for FreeWeavers on how to get publicity and improve your impact. If you can attract attention you can "monetize the attention" -- e.g., by selling books, T-shirts, getting advertisers to pay to advertise on your websites, etc. FreeWeaver projects can become profiable. The "Blasphemy Challenge" could be used as a model for creating a "Political Equivalent Challenge." This part suggests certain specific strategies with the intention of "firing up the imaginations" of FreeWeavers. The idea is to stimulate a wide range of liberation activities all over the world. In many parts of the world, FreeWeavers can "resurrect" historical figures and use them to provoke attention and get their messages into the limelight. Such "resurrected characters" can be called "revenants." In the same way that Mormon Godologists "posthumously baptize" Jews slaughtered during Hitler's Governmentologist Holocaust, and "convert" them to Mormon Godology, FreeWeavers have the magical ability to "convert" anyone (dead or alive) into a Perfector of FreeWeavers." Any historical figure can be "resurrected" as a Revenant Perfector of FreeWeavers. This is similar to the way George Goodman "resurrected" Adam Smith, enabling him to write under the penname "Adam Smith." A "resurrected character" such as "Emperor Norton" could also be an "avatar" in a "Virtual World" such as "Second Life." He or she could also have profiles on social-media websites -- e.g., see Emperor Norton on MySpace. The late Bruce Evoy used to dress up as Patrick Henry and deliver the "give me liberty or give me death" speech at libertarian events. As a gimmick, a real person could dress up as Patrick Henry and claim, "I am Patrick Henry reincarnated" (wink)! This "Patrick Henry" could perform all kinds of stunts -- and make videos -- to attract attention and to get his message heard. Similarly, a real person could dress up as "Emperor Norton," have an office in San Francisco, issue press releases, appear on TV, etc. (Elizabeth Windsor and Joseph Ratzinger use stupid tricks -- like wearing elaborate costumes with trinkets, putting on funny hats, and carrying silly sticks -- to pass themselves off as "queen" and "pope." FreeWeavers can use similar tricks in satirical ways to mock and expose as imposters the Windsors, Ratzingers, and Obamas of the world!) A significant benefit of "resurrecting" historical figures like Gandhi on web pages is that search-engine traffic could be generated. A "resurrected Gandhi" could also make videos and post them on YouTube, Google, and elsewhere. Such "tricks" can be used to get the attention of potential FreeWeavers. Stick Fight - Cool Animation The above video had been viewed over 7 million times by 7/24/10. The point is that there's an unlimited scope for creating videos that can be used to attract millions of viewers. The ways in which FreeWeavers can take advantage of this phenomenon is a function of their imagination -- see the Rappaport video. Politics on Dumbtopia"This is one of the most delightful things I've read in a while. Thanks." -- Robert Sterling (Editor, The Konformist) Far, far away, on the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy, there's a beautiful planet called Dumbtopia. Dumbtopia's inhabitants are called Idiots. They believe in a Supernatural creature they call Skybless. Dumbtopia is divided into Dumbcountries -- at least, that's what the Idiots believe. They sporadically fight and slaughter each other over some skyblessforsaken patch of land -- "For Skybless and Dumbcountry." Apparently, each Dumbcountry is ruled by a Plusidiot. Plusidiots are wiser than Idiots because they have blue blood -- or so they say. Common Idiots have red blood and believe that Plusidiots are their Superiors. Apparently, each Plusidiot has a Dumbcouncil to help rule the common Idiots. Plusidiots have a secret magic drink called Etherwise. They give it to selected Idiots to drink. It makes their heads spin. After they've been drinking Etherwise for about a month, they experience Dumbliss, become Halfwits, and qualify to serve on Dumbcouncils. Plusidiots and Halfwits pretend to have the ability to speak and write magic words called Pluswords -- Pluws for short. Common Idiots believe that Pluws are special holy, sacred words that must be obeyed. To make sure this dumb superstition sticks, Plusidiots employ Dumbcops to punish and kill Idiots who "disobey The Pluw." Many common Idiots campaign to "Improve the holy, sacred Pluws." Every hundred years or so, as a result of an unusual evolutionary mutation, some common Idiot wakes up and realizes that all the political systems on Dumbtopia are scams, hoaxes, and frauds. The woken-up Idiot then suggests that Plusidiots really have red blood, just like all common Idiots, and that there's nothing special about so-called "Plusidiots" and "Halfwits" -- they're really common Idiots like everybody else. As soon as the Dumbcops discover a woken-up Idiot, they kill him or her. "Skybless help us if the Idiots ever discover that so-called "Plusidiots" and "Halfwits" are really impostors and liars -- common Idiots like all the rest -- and that their pretended "Pluws" are hoaxes... strings of dumb lies written by "clever" Pluwyer Idiots!" Ann Coulter - Secret FreeWeaver MoleAnn Coulter is a Secret FreeWeaver Mole with the official titles: Don't tell anyone: Ann Coulter is a Secret FreeWeaver Mole. (If you ask her if she's really a Perfector of FreeWeavers, she will deny it.) Her main job is to make gangster politicians and certain religionists look ridiculous. She's been doing a great job and FreeWeaver Central is very proud of her! Suggested Strategies to
(Max Stirner is the Perfector of Smashed Idols and Friedrich Nietzsche is the Perfector of dead Gods and Übermenschen.)
The Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) thinks that practically all "modern" humans (including most Germans) are really "Urmenschen" (primeval or prehistoric people), as demonstrated by their primitive religious and political institutions. In fact, their religious and political beliefs and superstitions are so primitive that they can only be understood as a form of "Urdummheit" (primeval stupidity)! Max Stirner Nietzsche will help all "Urmenschen" (as well as "Luftmenschen") become "Übermenschen!" A website that utilizes this theme could stir some controversy and attract many visitors. Consider calling it "The German Perfection Society," with the goal of helping Germans become "Perfect Übermenschen!" so they can rescue Earthlings from the savagery of civilization. Such a strategy could generate considerable media coverage.
Another possibility is to launch a Mock Political Party called the "German Perfection Party!"
See The Ego and His Own by Max Stirner.
French-speaking FreeWeavers could "resurrect" a "three-in-one character" comprising Coluche, Voltaire, and Éttiene de La Boétie -- "three egos in one body" called "Coluche Voltaire de La Boétie."
(Coluche is the Perfector of Politics, Cops, the Poor, and Motorcycles. Voltaire is the Perfector of Freethought, Humor, Revolution, and Swiss Watches. Éttiene de La Boétie is the Perfector of Voluntary Servitude.)
Among many possibilities, Coluche Voltaire de La Boétie could teach the French how to become more sophisticated than apes; why the best politicians do nothing; how cops can stop riots; how the poor can eat cakes; how to ride motorcycles without crashing; how slaves can choose their idiot-master-politicians; how the French can use Swiss watches to intellectually move forward from the year 1500 to today, and politically from the year 1100 to the present; etc.
Speculation: If Voltaire's level of intellectual development in the year 1750 is taken as a standard, then how do typical "modern college-educated humans" compare? Is 1500 unrealistic? I.e., are typical "modern educated humans," in terms of intellectual development, 250 years behind where Voltaire was in 1750?
How about political understanding? De La Boétie probably wrote his Discours de la Servitude Volontaire in 1552 or 1553. If 1550 is taken as a standard, then how do typical "modern college-educated humans" compare? Is 1100 unrealistic? I.e., are typical "modern educated humans," in terms of political understanding, 450 years behind where de La Boétie was in 1550? Do the "Rummel numbers" have any bearing on this question?
In 1981, Coluche ran for "President of France" with the promise that, if elected, he would do nothing. He loved ridiculing politicians and cops. Before he pulled out of the political race, some polls indicated he would get as much as 10-15% of the vote. There's been some speculation that his death in a 1986 motorcycle crash wasn't an accident, but murder -- Google: coluche assassin.
Maybe the term sauvage sophistiqué ("sophisticated savage") can be used in humorously effective ways: "The French are sophisticated savages, compared to the unsophisticated savages in the rest of the world!" (Maybe there are French equivalents for the German Urmensch and Urdummheit -- see Suggested Strategy for German-speaking FreeWeavers.)
A Mock Political Party called the "French Perfection Party" could be launched.
See also Discourse on Voluntary Servitude.
Seeing that Emperor Norton is the"Emperor of the United States" and the "Protector of Mexico" and the only "legal authority" in the United States and Mexico, he could issue a series of Proclamations:
See also:
Simon Bolivar and Manuela Saenz could be "resurrected" as "characters" or "revenants" to liberate citizens (and everyone else) in Central and South America from Governmentologists and Godologists.
El Cid Campeador could be "resurrected" as a "character" or "revenant" to liberate citizens (and everyone else) in South-West Europe from Governmentologists and Godologists.
A Mock Political Party called the "Spanish Perfection Party" could be launched, with branches in all Spanish-speaking parts of the world.
Garibaldi, Enrico Malatesta (anarchist), Galileo, Machiavelli, da Vinci, Michaelangelo -- any of them could be "resurrected" to liberate Italian speakers from Governmentologists and Godologists.
From a BBC Report:
The Mafia's "Ten Commandments" | The original Ten Commandments |
1. No-one can present himself directly to another of our friends. There must be a third person to do it. | 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me |
2. Never look at the wives of friends. | 2. Thou shalt not make for thyself an idol |
3. Never be seen with cops. | 3. Thou shalt not make wrongful use of the name of thy God |
4. Don't go to pubs and clubs. | 4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy |
5. Always being available for Cosa Nostra is a duty - even if your wife's about to give birth. | 5. Honor thy Father and Mother |
6. Appointments must absolutely be respected. | 6. Thou shalt not murder |
7. Wives must be treated with respect. | 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery |
8. When asked for any information, the answer must be the truth. | 8. Thou shalt not steal |
9. Money cannot be appropriated if it belongs to others or to other families. | 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor |
10. People who can't be part of Cosa Nostra: anyone who has a close relative in the police, anyone with a two-timing relative in the family, anyone who behaves badly and doesn't hold to moral values. | 10. Thou shalt not covet |
FreeWeavers reject the initiation of violence.
There was a report on BBC World News on 12/1/08, claiming that the Italian Mafia ("Cosa Nostra") earned $300 million a day -- "6% of the Italian GDP" -- and that it was much easier to get loans from the Mafia than from banks.
Maybe the important lesson is that people can create a "world of their own" with their own rules, and the Governmentologists may find it difficult to stop them. Alternative non-violent worlds -- like Second Life -- can be created, where Sovereign Individuals can flourish.
Some FreeWeavers could launch the "Nonviolent Freedom Antimafia" (NFA). When asked if their purpose is to combat the Mafia, they can reply, "The Mafia is just a minor nuisance compared to the Governmentologists, who are much more violent and kill vastly more people!"
There's a Mafia party game, also known as Werewolf or Assassin.
There's an online game called "Mafia Death"..
A Mock Political Party called the "Italian Perfection Party" could be launched.
Joseph Ratzinger (falsely-called "the pope") can be mercilessly exposed and attacked as an imposter, a liar, a fraudster, and a facilitator of a child-sex-abuse ring -- see Howard Stern discusses Bill Maher talking about the Pope.
Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Rasputin, Tolstoy, Bakunin (anarchist who inspired Kurt Vonnegut's Bokonon -- Google: bokononism), Kropotkin (anarchist) -- any of them could be "resurrected" to liberate Russian speakers from Governmentologists and Godologists.
A Mock Political Party called the "Russian Perfection Party" could be launched. It should probably be operated by expatriate Russian speakers.
Geronimo, Pocahontas, Will Rogers, Sacajawea, Russell Means, Sitting Bull, Chief Joseph, Chief Pontiac
Quotes by Will Rogers:
If the white invaders are too stupid to save themselves from Godologists and Governmentologists...
To get an idea of the scope of the Native American Holocaust perpetrated mainly by white American Governmentologists (most of whom were also Godologists), Google: "native american holocaust," "native american genocide," "american indian holocaust," "american indian genocide," "american indian massacres," "native american massacres," "american indian atrocities," and "native american atrocities."
A Mock Political Party called the "Native American Perfection Party" could be launched.
Native-American FreeWeavers could compile a catalogue of "treaties" made by American Governmentologists and how these "treaties" were broken by the latter. (I don't know if any of the "treaties" were broken by Native Americans.) Mock trials could be staged of the principal American Governmentologist perpetrators -- like Andrew Jackson.
A catalogue could be compiled of the incidents and numbers of the Native Americans murdered by American Governmentologists. The Native American Holocaust could be compared to the Jewish Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis.
"Gandhi" could be "resurrected" as a revenant who declares himself the "Liberator and Perfector of all peoples in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, the Maldive Islands, etc." While in Heaven, the FSM cured Gandhi of his masochism, and the Carvakas (who were more advanced in their philosophical thinking 2,600 years ago than many modern philosophers!) cured Gandhi of all godology, mysticism, spiruality, etc. They taught him to use his senses to perceive reality so he became a "Killer of (holy) Cows" and a "Great Meat-Eating Materialist" who can now live joyfully without stupid and unnecessary sacrifice or suffering!
Gandhi Quotes:
"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."
"Be the change that you want to see in the world."
"Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position."
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."
"If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide."
A Mock Political Party called the "Gandhi Indian Perfection Party" could be launched.
What limits are there to what "Gandhi" could do to perfect and liberate his people from Godologists and Governmentologists?
Ayn Rand, Rose Wilder Lane, Louise Michel, Voltairine de Cleyre, Carol Moore, Mary Ruwart, Wendy McElroy, Claire Wolfe, Melanie, Kennedy, Sharon Presley, Sharon Harris, Leah Lail, Ilana Mercer, Barbara Amiel, Virginia Postrel, Christina Sommers, Norma Jean Almodovar, Barbara Branden, Esther Dyson, Joan Kennedy Taylor, Karen Kay, Lauren Royal, Tyffany Million, Camille Paglia, Frances Kendall (with Leon Louw), Joan of Arc, Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, Virgin Mary.
The possibilities are infinite. Tyffany Million is actually "Virgin Mary reincarnated," and...
Because she is so well known, "resurrecting Ayn Rand" could be a particularly powerful strategy. In Heaven, Rand met up with the FSM, who helped cure her from the vestiges of Governmentology she failed to eradicate from her brain during her first life on Earth... The "new Rand" could confess the mistakes of the "first Rand," e.g., her "limited-government nonsense," "tabula rasa mistake," "endorsing Goldwater for president," etc. Lawyers representing Rand's estate might threaten to sue the "new Ayn Rand." This could be used to generate publicity.
Carol Moore wrote a book on the Davidian (Waco) Massacre. She's an advocate of Non-Violent Secession. Her websites include important information for FreeWeavers.
Wendy McElroy is an individualist feminist and individualist anarchist -- her Biography.
Claire Wolfe is a libertarian author and activist. See Musings of Claire Wolfe.
"Good" candidates for "resurrection" as FreeWeaver "revenants": Joan of Arc, Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, and Virgin Mary!"
A Mock Political Party called the "Ayn Rand Perfection Party" could be launched.
Jonathan Swift, Guy Fawkes, Robin Hood, Braveheart, William Shakespeare, George Bernhard Shaw, James Dean, John Wayne, George Carlin, Kurt Vonnegut, Robert Heinlein, Benjamin Franklin, George Orwell, Mark Twain, James Hogan, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Tucker, Pierre Proudhon, Murray Rothbard, Lysander Spooner, -- any of them could be "resurrected" as "revenants" to liberate English speakers from Governmentologists and Godologists.
A Mock Political Party called the "Thomas Paine Perfection Party" could be launched (The "TPP Party!").
"...I had frequently run over the whole system how I should employ myself, and pass the time if I were sure to live forever.
...I would first resolve by all arts and methods whatsoever to procure myself riches... in the second place, I would from my earliest youth apply myself to the study of arts and sciences, by which I should arrive in time to exceed all others in learning... by all which requirements, I should be a living treasury of knowledge and wisdom...
...I would entertain myself in forming and directing the minds of hopeful young men... but, my choice and constant companions should be a set of my own immortal brotherhood, among whom I would elect a dozen from the most ancient down to my own contemporaries...
These struldbruggs [immortals] and I would mutually communicate our observations and memorials through the course of time, remark the several gradations by which corruption steals into the world, and oppose it in every step, by giving perpetual warning and instruction to mankind; which, added to the strong influence of our own example, would probably prevent the continual degeneracy of human nature so justly complained of in all ages."
-- Jonathan Swift (A Voyage to Laputa)
To appreciate the power of the "enemy," Watch the Obama Deception video.
Also appreciate that it's most important to understand what is is about human nature that enables the plutonomists and Governmentologists to get away with what they're doing. "Defects of human nature" may be the most important "enemy" of all!
It's also worth examining the weaknesses of the plutonomists and Governmentologists. Regarding keeping "troublemakers" incarcerated, they have limited resources. In a city like Phoenix, AZ, at any given time, there are tens of thousands of people with outstanding arrest warrants living among the general population. In some cases, the warrants are out-of-state and there's no point to arresting the "troublemakers" because nobody is willing to pay for extradition.
The American Governmentologists may be spending the "american empire" into oblivion. See Debt Saturation.
Juan Enriquez - PopTech 2006. The stars and stripes forever? Futurist and author Juan Enriquez isn't sure of that. He cites a long history of borders, countries and flags that have changed, and warns the United States isn't immune.
Check out the Voluntary Society website (where I found the above video). Of course, FreeWeavers want the "country myth" to dissolve!
Creating private, alternative money and payment systems is vital.
Private Coinage by Murray N. Rothbard
In this part and in Part 1, a wide range of strategies and tactics for FreeWeavers are suggested. As a FreeWeaver, you may want to reconsider periodically what you do.
A basic decision is whether you want to Free Yourself! -- "exit the system" or "unsubscribe" from it. Organize your life so as to minimize the negative effects Governmentologists have on your life. Become a "P.T." ("Permanent Tourist," "Prior Taxpayer," etc.)
Or do you want to Educate Others about Freedom. Join the Libertarian Party and become active in it.
Important question: What's the Most Practical Thing I Can Do? It may be to help Implement the "Cox Strategy" in your city or state.
You may want to Raise Your Level of Competence so you become more effective.
Consider the possibility that many current freedom-promoting initiatives and activities, for practical purposes, can help create some kind of foundation that makes possible giant leaps forward for at least some of the freedom activists involved... provided they revolutionize how they think about freedom and what new actions they take to promote freedom -- starting with their personal freedom.
As an example, Ron Paul has had a huge following on the Internet. He has gained many enthusiastic followers. But by following Ron Paul, what can his supporters achieve to expand freedom?
Check out Hans Hoppe's article The Property And Freedom Society -- Reflections After Five Years
Freedomain Radio: Practical Politics
- by Stefan Molyneux
Comment to the above video posted to YouTube: "So what is the solution? I already am pretty disinterested in politics. I thought Ron Paul was great, 2-3 years ago. Now, it all seems pointless. But rather than just save time and money by ignoring politics, I want to know, how will my own personal freedom increase if I stop voting? Something just doesn't seem to equate. I will still be taxed and my government will still invade other countries, whether I vote or not. The solution seems to be, to get out of America and live elsewhere." -- djleoluck (February, 2010)
What Molyneux proposes in his video above can be regarded as a revolution in how you think about freedom, and what actions you take to promote freedom. What other revolutions are possible and might even be necessary?
The point needs to be made that by comparing two alternatives, and saying one is better than the other, Molyneux may be using an effective sales technique. However, two logical fallacies need to be considered:
Nevertheless, based on having watched several dozen of Molyneux's videos, I highly recommend his work at Freedomain Radio.
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