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9/11 - 20th Anniversary

To mark the 20th anniversary I've written the poem, 9/11: A proper gander, after which is an annotated version with explanation and links to evidence.

9/11: A proper gander

They knew tall towers fall not by fuel
But knew they'd fool us that they will
All except who wouldn't be fooled
But then they fooled the unfooled too

They had us in a trance with
Their gift, the "smoking gun"
An afternoon implosion
Impeccable, superbly done

They showcased their demolition
No vantage points a-missin'
But what could be the reason
For this self-incrimination?

Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6
Came down later with none transfixt so
On the day of 9/11 why
Make a show of Number 7?

Away, away, away from the planes
Through the buildings as through butter
Computer-generated planes were they
Though they had us all aflutter

No passengers
No passengers
In those digital planes!

... then down the slipp'ry slope we go to ...

Whistleblower Richard Grove
Who to the World Trade early drove
But lucky him, caught in a jam
While colleagues perished ... but his tale a sham?

Bob McIlvaine whose brilliant son Bobby
Tragically died in the North tower lobby
For justice fights and fights without rest
But do his tears pass the genuine test?

Pasquale B., structural engineer
Fell 22 floors but in a quarter year
Was back at work, no wounds to show
22 floors! D'you believe it though?

April took her baby in the Pentagon
But is her story yet another con?
Told to take her baby there -
Why not directly to the day care?

Dancing Israelis for us to see
But was it just a fake movie?
The dastardly killing not done by them
Is there, in fact, no one to condemn?

No passengers
No passengers
In those digital planes!

... then down the slipp'ry slope we go ...

No jumpers
No crushed ones
No injured ones
No loved ones

Twas all pretend the terrorist hell
Just a fancy drill where buildings fell

Annotated version

9/11: A proper gander

They knew tall towers fall not by fuel
But knew they'd fool us that they will
All except who wouldn't be fooled
But then they fooled the unfooled too

They knew that a small but significant number of people would recognise the falsity of their story so they had a special propaganda campaign targeted to the anticipated disbelievers - revealed as we go along.

They had us in a trance with
Their gift, the "smoking gun"
An afternoon implosion
Impeccable, superbly done

They showcased their demolition
No vantage points a-missin'
But what could be the reason
For this self-incrimination?

They filmed WTC-7's collapse from at least seven vantage points as we see in this extremely professional video made by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth to Tom Petty's song, Free Fallin'. This organisation while doing a great job of explaining the controlled demolition is, in fact, a government-sponsored organisation. We can only infer their role is to move all the focus of the disbelievers onto controlled demolition and away from the planes because faked planes automatically means faked deaths and they want any attention away from fakery of death. No doubt there are other reasons perhaps even more important but there seems to be no reason to bring the building down on 9/11 and certainly not to showcase the building's collapse as it wasn't part of their terror story when they brought Buildings 3-6 down discreetly later.

Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6
Came down later with none transfixt so
On the day of 9/11 why
Make a show of Number 7?

The brazenness of this extraneous-to-terror-story Emperor's New Clothes collapse without even the pretence of disguise with a lick of flame (compare the one image of WTC-5 which seemingly was completely aflame although I have to say I think it looks photoshopped) and with the journalists on the day scripted to allude to controlled demolition especially newscaster Brian Williams and emergency responder, David Restuccio, (see my page on the collapse of WTC-7) is a reflection of the power elite's recognition that people fall into certain profiles: some will believe everything from the authorities, some nothing and some are in between but even the inbetweeners will not necessarily call out their disbelief because of a sense of taboo (or some kind of phenomenon along those lines). The power elite know they have carte blanche to show us in no less obvious style than the Emperor's New Clothes, the actual truth, right in our faces and get away with it. For more on this see my page, They Tell Us Clearly. The small but still significant number of "little boys" pointing the finger and saying "Hey, controlled demolition!" is not going to make the slightest difference - that's where the Emperor's New Clothes fable massively falls down - even a sizeable number of people calling something out will not make a skerrick of difference. The Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry is as fake as the 9/11 Commission - it is deliberately designed to fail - I don't know how but we can tell it's fake because it's all about justice for the phoney loved ones of those who allegedly died. While the Emperor's New Clothes is a good psyop template in certain ways, unfortunately, it doesn't capture significant aspects.

The brazen showcasing of the demolition of WTC-7 which so very obviously doesn't resemble a fire-induced collapse in any shape or form is testimony to this (edited) quote from British psychiatrist, Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, on the purpose of propaganda (my emphasis).

"The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control."

Away, away, away from the planes
Through the buildings as through butter
Computer-generated aeroplanes
Though they had us all aflutter

Newton's Laws of Motion work horizontally just as they work vertically. The planes into buildings are as obviously fake as the building collapses are controlled demolitions. See my page on the fakery of the planes. In my research I've heard the phrase "like a knife through butter" in videos a few times. Instinct tells me that these are scripted words from the perps themselves and reflect their constancy in always telling us the truth underneath the propaganda. It's almost as if they want to be the ones at the vanguard of the truth, mocking us with it - while cleverly mixing it with lies at the same time ... and, of course, drowning their truth-mixed-with-lies in propaganda.

No passengers
No passengers
In those digital planes!

Obviously, if the planes were faked there were no passengers killed in plane crashes and there is no evidence of alleged passengers being killed another way.

... then down the slipp'ry slope we go to ...

The people in the verses below are all part of the propaganda campaign targeting the anticipated disbelievers of the cockamie hijackers-amed-with-boxcutters story to help maintain their belief in real death and injury. See my page,
3,000 dead and 6,000 injured a lie.

I believe the strategy is to arm the disbelievers with a half-truth which is as good as a lie. The truth of "inside job" and "cold-blooded murder of 3,000 US citizens" are two pieces of the 9/11 puzzle that will not fit together - they repel each other like magnets and render toothless those who wish to educate others in the lie of the terrorist narrative. And the thing is that would never be the MO, never in a pink fit. They'll kill their citizens in other ways, eg, sending soldiers off to phoney wars and allowing Big Pharma to dominate healthcare but they would never kill people in this way in a psyop ... unless they wanted them dead and they didn't. The strategy involved gagging the small percentage of disbelievers with controlled demolition (inside job) while using this truth to suppress the truth of staged death and injury ... while at the same time letting us know underneath the propaganda with very poor fakery that, in fact, death and injury were staged.

Whistleblower Richard Grove
Who to the World Trade early drove
But lucky him, caught in a jam
While colleagues perished ... but his tale a sham?

As we see the evidence shows death and injury were staged we can only infer that Richard Grove is an agent whose purpose is to maintain the belief in the lie of real death and injury. There is nothing particularly compelling about his story that he was on his way to have a meeting with ex-colleagues but got stuck in a traffic jam while his colleagues perished. We have to wonder why his employer who allegedly fired him would let him back in the office for a meeting to expose them or why that office would be chosen as venue for the meeting.

Bob McIlvaine whose brilliant son Bobby
Tragically died in the North tower lobby
For justice fights and fights without rest
But do his tears pass the genuine test?

Bob claims he had a son Bobby who died in the lobby but photos in Point 6 on my page on death and injury show clear signs of photoshopping - as I keep saying, they always undermine the credibility of their story with obvious fakery.

Pasquale B., structural engineer
Fell 22 floors but in a quarter year
Was back at work, no wounds to show
22 floors! D'you believe it though?

Pasquale Buzzelli was allegedly a miracle survivor of the 12-second destruction of the 110-storey North Tower. Yeah, right. These
miracle survivor stories in NY Mag are really quite amusing.

April took her baby in the Pentagon
But is her story yet another con?
Told to take her baby there -
Why not directly to the day care?

April is allegedly a survivor of the bombing of the Pentagon. She tells us that on her first day back at work at the Pentagon (presumably after maternity leave) that she is told to take her baby into the office before she takes him to day care. The reason is not explained and it would simply not make sense for her to do such a thing - unexplained anomalies such as these are typical of psyops. She then goes on to tell us she heard a loud boom and then stresses how, after emerging from the debris, she didn't see signs of a plane.

Dancing Israelis for us to see
But was it just a fake movie?
The dastardly killing not done by them
Is there, in fact, no one to condemn?

We're told "
dancing Israelis" (implied Mossad agents) were caught on camera jumping for joy when the buildings came down and that these guys were later caught in a road block in a white van that showed traces of explosives dust. I swallowed all this initially but now recognise - rather red-facedly - how ridiculous the narrative is.

No passengers
No passengers
In those digital planes!

... then down the slipp'ry slope we go ...

No jumpers
No crushed ones
No injured ones
No loved ones

On my page on
death and injury there are photos of the injured which are completely unconvincing as are the small number of photos of dead bodies. The footage we see of people at the windows is not convincing and we can see how they faked the jumpers.

Twas all pretend the terrorist hell
Just a fancy drill where buildings fell

We were informed of a significant number of drills and exercises occurring on and through 9/11. All we need to do to work out the reality of 9/11 (in the absence of any evidence to the contrary) is extrapolate those drills to a Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise comprising those drills and others not alluded to (such as those producing images of the injured) where the only major reality was damage to and destruction of buildings.

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