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9/11 - "3,000 dead and 6,000 injured" a lie

Grave impediments to the truth are the taboos around death and emotional investment in the story ... which are so heavily and conveniently relied upon by the power elite.

It's interesting that while the narratives and evidence related to the planes and the buildings (especially), have received massive scrutiny, the most important alleged crime of 9/11, the murder of 3,000 people and injury to 6,000 has received virtually no attention whatsoever, it's mostly taken as a given, despite the fact that the information about death and injury is provided to us by the same people who lied about the terrorists armed with boxcutters, the planes and the buildings.

The evidence shows that it is the magic of propaganda that makes people not question the claims about the 3,000 dead and the 6,000 injured because, a priori, there is no particular reason to believe the claims and as the death and injury are the most important alleged crime they really should be subjected to scrutiny.

The reasons, a priori, not to assume the claims of death and injury to be factual:

  1. 9/11 was essentially a massive demolition job and standard practice in demolition jobs is to fully evacuate the buildings and surrounding areas. There is no clear evidence that this wasn't done and we have no particular reason to believe it wasn't done. Moreover, we're told that Controlled Demolition Inc (CDI), a company proud of its four world records in large building demolition projects - three occurring in the three years before 9/11, Villa Panamericana & Las Orquideas, Puerto Rico (1998), J.L. Hudson Department Store, Chicago (1998) and the Seattle Kingdome (2000) - and its safety culture, presented a cleanup plan 11 days after the fateful day (note we're told 11 days, not the date). It is surely a most reasonable inference that CDI played a major role in the massive demolition job that was 9/11.
  2. The plane crashes were faked so right off the bat we know that 265 people didn't die in planes and we have no reason to believe they died another way. There is no reason to believe that whatever they did to fake the deaths of the 265 alleged plane passengers - the loved ones, the memorials, etc - wasn't also done for the people in the buildings.
  3. 9/11 was a psyop and psyops are about mind control not doing things for real unless wanted. If something is done for real that isn't wanted then it is no longer about mind control and psychological operations, as the name suggests, are all about mind control. There is no reason to believe that real deaths and injury needed to happen for people to believe in them - as evidenced right off the bat by the alleged plane passenger deaths and as shown in the evidence presented below - so if psyops are about mind control and people can be made to believe in real death and injury without doing it for real why would they do it for real when doing for real (unless wanted) is antithetical to the type of operation? It makes no sense.
  4. Faking death and injury is a very controlled situation while doing it for real means you have a lot of loved ones and those injured asking questions and making demands. Psyops are very much about a controlled narrative and controlled action and killing and injuring people for real is a very uncontrolled and undesirable situation. (Admittedly, they're killing people by the thousands if not millions with the covid jab now and the outcry is not as loud as I'd expect, however, this great crime has been facilitated by over a century of the bogus germ theory, a completely different scenario from a demolition job.)

Of course, I cannot say no one died or was injured. A selected few could have been targeted and some may have died accidentally but the vast majority (if not all) did not die, nor suffer injury.


According to Wikipedia, deaths on 9/11 included 265 on the four planes (including the terrorists), 2,606 in the World Trade Center and in the surrounding area, and 125 at the Pentagon. More than 6,000 others were injured.

Hypothesis 1a (H1a) - Staged. The claim 3,000 people died and 6,000 people were injured on 9/11 is a fabrication. This fabrication has been achieved by: conducting evacuation/anti-terror drills and pushing out photos of the "drill injured" as real, faking photos of dead people, "sheepdipping" still-alive people (that is providing people with new identities and re-locating them), using the names of people who died around the time of 9/11, making up dead people's names or otherwise faking them and paying people to act as loved ones of the dead and injured.
Note: I do not claim no one died on 9/11 as people may have died accidentally or been specific targets or died for some other reason but the evidence shows that the statement in general is a lie.

Hypothesis 1b (H1b) - Truther-targeted propaganda. The power elite have a special propaganda campaign targeted at truthers to ensure that while they may recognise controlled demolition and (less often) faked plane crashes, they believe the 3,000-dead-6,000-injured lie along with those who believe the 19-terrorists-armed-with-boxcutters story (see main 9/11 page). That truthers and believers alike believe this lie is extremely important to the power elite because when we don't have a significant part of the truth we are stymied in getting it out. Cleverly, they transform the seeming truth liability of controlled demolition into a magical propaganda asset as part of this campaign.

Hypothesis 1c (H1c) - They actually tell us. The power elite let us know what they're up to with obvious signs. Psyop analyst, Ole Dammegard, was given information by an insider that the power elite justify their hoaxing of us by signalling it through clues, implausibilities, ridiculousness, things that don't add up, contradictions, constant and strange changes in the story, smiling grievers, obviously doctored imagery, the actual truth and on and on. Their reasoning is that if we're too stupid to pick up the obvious problems with their stories and don't call them out, the fault's on us, not them and this will protect them from karmic repercussions. The story of 19 barely-trained terrorists armed with boxcutters hijacking four planes, navigating them, unmolested, through the best-defended airspace in the world to penetrate 110-storey steel frame buildings causing them to explode floor by floor in about 12 seconds is utterly ludicrous in the first place ... but they lay it on at every turn.

Hypothesis 2 - The 3,000 deaths and the 6,000 injuries that occurred on 9/11 were real and not staged. (It is not about supporting the claim of those exact numbers, of course, just that injuries and deaths were real rather than staged.)

We start with the premise that the 9/11 narrative is ludicrously false, one element of that falsity being the clear evidence of the plane crashes being faked thus no injuries or deaths occurred in the planes or in the buildings due to the alleged plane crashes. The exercise is mainly to show that any death or injury caused by the demolitions of the buildings was a result of accident.

All 10 points below favour H1 over H2.

1. Social Security Death Index anomalies
Ersun Warncke did an exhaustive check of the list of victims provided on the CNN website. He found that of 2,970 people listed, (Excel, pdf, scribd) only 446 appear in the Social Security death index. Of those:

Analyst, Jon Revusky, has written posts on three people who died and whose reality there is no evidence for:
Flight attendant, Betty Ong - Revisiting 9/11, Betty Ong, and the Mystery of "Black Betty"
Kazuhiro Anai and Takuya Nakamura, employees of Nishi-Nippon Bank, on 102nd floor of WTC North tower - 9/11, the Discreet Charm of the Japanese, and the Alchemy of Narrative

2. Memorial anomalies
There are many anomalous aspects to the names of the alleged dead. On this webpage dated January 2010, Simon Shack, points out a number of discrepancies:

Nine years after the event the memorials are all showing different numbers, and names on one memorial do not appear on others.
The first two names on the Wall of Americans memorial are Diana Aaliyah and Justin Aaliyah but these are not on the other memorials. Simon asks, "Wouldn't the loved ones make contact and point out that these names are not on the other memorials?" He also questions the names themselves. If we say them, they can sound like "Die in a lie" and "Just in a lie".

The anomalies above support both H1a (fabrication) and H1c (they tell us)
For more on these anomalies go to the webpage

It might seem difficult to imagine how they can produce photos for all the different people who allegedly died but it can be done. Simon Shack, of September Clues provides the following analysis:

3A, 3B, 3C No obvious motive AND immeasurable disincentive AND eminently fakeable
The combined force of these three elements is extremely compelling

3A. No obvious motive - There is no evidence to suggest reasons for the power elite to kill the 3,000 or injure the 6,000 people in either the buildings or the planes. Sure, they wanted us to believe in the deaths of 3,000 and injuries of 6,000 but they had no desire for that reality, quite the opposite (see point 3B). There are appearances on the internet of intimations that this or that group was a likely target because they were doing sensitive audits or investigations of fraudulent activity but there is no compelling evidence of anything. (See Jeremy Rys's absolutely brilliant truther-targeted propaganda film, 9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed! - had me totally fooled.) Even if there were evidence, many more people than targeted groups would have been killed. One might suggest they simply took a "collateral damage" approach but both Point 2 (disincentive) and Point 3 (eminently fakeable) disfavour it. In the case of the 265 passengers on the planes whose crashes were faked, "collateral damage" could not be applied, they would have had to deliberately kill the passengers. I must say, I'm most intrigued about what happened to Barbara Olson, media personality and wife of former Solicitor General, Ted Olson, who allegedly died on Flight 77. Did she elect to live the rest of her life on a Greek island or something similar?

3B. Immeasurable disincentive - There was an extremely strong disincentive against killing and injuring people in the buildings and the planes. Dealing with the loved ones of 3,000 dead and 6,000 injured and the injured themselves would be an absolute nightmare for the perpetrators when the collapse of WTC-7 is such an obvious controlled demolition not to mention the vast number of other problems with the official story. While people may tend to accept, if reluctantly, what the media/government tells them in normal circumstances, when loved ones are killed they become much more alert to anomalies in the media/government story and more strident and less inhibited in demanding answers. If there were no other way to make people believe that 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured other than actually doing it for real perhaps the perps may have considered it but they are highly skilled in propaganda techniques. They did, after all, convince us that 19 barely-trained terrorists hijacked four planes with boxcutters, navigated them through the best-defended airspace on earth to crash them into three iconic buildings, involving a super-expert manoeuvre into the Pentagon executed by little Hani Hanjour, who, according to his alleged flying instructor, couldn't fly a plane. They also persuaded us that two 200-ton airliners penetrated the 500,000-ton 110-storey twin towers to bring them crashing to the ground in 12 seconds due to jet fuel fires. How difficult would it be to also persuade us that 3,000 people died and 6,000 were injured?

3C. Eminently fakeable - Faking the 3,000 dead and 6,000 injured may seem a daunting task but it isn't really all that difficult. Here's how they could have easily done it. They evacuated ALL the people from the buildings rather than just some before they came down and, as the plane crashes were faked, the damage done before the buildings came down could have been small and restricted to empty floors meaning no injuries - no doubt they employed various methods, including mini-drills, to ensure there were as few people as possible in the buildings in the first place - who knows, perhaps they managed to keep everyone out, not an impossibility. We don't expect to see many images of the dead so not a great deal of work to do there. The few that there are are not particularly convincing - they could easily be fake. This is a particularly gruesome one of a jumper who has hit the pavement (which I do not necessarily advise looking at) that is obviously fake and is reminiscent of a scarecrow with the stuffing taken out.

More bodies.
There is only the tiniest fraction of the 6,000 injured shown. The trickiest part, I'd imagine, is the names and photos of all the dead and what to do about the some, at least, still-alive people but that can be managed too - it is hard to determine which people were still alive and which were already dead, completely made up or whatever. But we have intelligence agencies on the job here - they know how to do these things.

As it was so eminently fakable and as actually killing and injuring the people would have had very problematic consequences, faking it can only be seen as the preferred option. H1a very much over H2 here.

4. Vastly incommensurate number of loved ones and colleagues of the dead and the injured themselves marching on Washington - As we might expect if 3.000 people were not killed and 6,000 were not injured, there are very few loved ones or colleagues or injured themselves kicking up hell and the ones who are all seem to have a kind of profile - these people fit perfectly with H1b (truther-targeted propaganda). You don't find odd ones with their own web pages demanding justice. It all feels very controlled. We are told that others have been "paid off" but that fits perfectly with H1b too. Surely, the power elite would have anticipated that the controlled demolitions would be recognised by some and would not simply rely on "paying off" all the loved ones demanding justice. Some people will not be bought off and the power elite could not rely on being able to do that ... and the expense would be enormous. The most essential thing is though, it wouldn't be their MO at all. They are consummate stagers of events, they obviously enjoy duping us, not to mention, of course, the involvement of hundreds if not thousands of people including police, firefighters, other emergency response, media and other staff.

5. Evidence of one Cantor Fitzgerald employee put forward as three and explanation for how they managed the fakery of the alleged deaths of 658 Cantor Fitzgerald employees
Let's Roll forums - triplets separated / Cantor Fitzgerald
Just prior to 9/11, Cantor Fitzgerald laid off 800+ employees. Their reason was electronic trading software which made them need fewer bond traders. Yet after releasing up to 500 of these employees which had been laid off, Cantor Fitzgerald hired 200 new and very young bond traders. Most of these fresh new faces would be the ones enshrining Cantor Fitzgerald's memorial pages at CNN and, not their old timer employees which had been laid off just prior to 9/11 and then graciously rehired after 9/11.

6. Anomalies with key figures whom we might consider to be disinformation agents used in the propaganda campaign aimed at the truthers, that is, they push the double "suspicions of government/controlled demolition" ||| "my loved one died/people were rescued" line.

Bob McIlvaine
Bob McIlvaine is the father of Bobby McIlvaine who died in the lobby of one of the twin towers from an explosion before it came down. Bob appears to be an extremely vocal fighter for 9/11 truth and has joined forces with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth which I believe has many genuine members but is obviously infiltrated.

Below is a photo of Bobby with his mother and father. Notice how the hand around his mother has red on the fingernails and a thumb ring. This seems inconsistent with Bobby's image. Also notice that his arm across his father's back extends into the air rather strangely and tapers to his wrist prematurely. Obvious and sloppy doctoring of photos is one of the power elite "signs". This photo supports H1a (fabrication), H1b (truther-targeted propaganda) and H1c (they tell us) - the photo doctoring could suggest that Bobby is not Bob's son; it also fits into the propaganda campaign aimed at truthers (died before the building came down) and the sloppiness of the doctoring is a "sign" from the power elite.


Below is a photo of Bobby with his parents and brother. Notice the position of his hand on top of his father's and seemingly against his brother's cheek, with thumb ring and bracelet. He also seems to have an earring but it looks a little strange. These elements are inconsistent with the trouser, tie and shirt outfit. There is a straight line formed between his mother's dress and his trousers which is not consistent with the line formed when a person is leaning against another. The background is very dim while the people are brightly lit, suggesting a fake background.


Wlliam Rodriguez
It was while half-watching an autoplay YouTube video about William Rodriguez that I had an epiphany about the false claim of deaths. Rodriguez testified that he experienced explosions before the North tower fell which would suggest controlled demolition but he was also hailed as a hero who'd helped "hundreds" evacuate from the building. It suddenly struck me as anomalous that someone saying things that incriminated the government would be awarded for heroism by it. On this webpage, Mark Roberts, who, ironically, is a believer of the official story, has problems with Rodriguez's timeline and points out the anomalies. The page starts with a quote from William:

"Once my story came out, some people even joked, they say "Oh, this is Superman. This is a false story because the guy did incredible things on that day."

Telling the actual truth is another sign from the power elite (Larry Silverstein's "pull it" is another infamous example).

William Rodriguez and his anomalous story support all three parts of H1. The anomalous story shows he is lying and means we have no reason to believe in the injured he alludes to (H1a - fabrication); the fact that he says he experienced explosions supports (H1b - truther-targeted propaganda) and his stating of the truth and the very obvious anomalies in his timeline support H1c (they tell us).

7. No convincing signs of injury

There are no convincing signs of injury in a single photo that can be found on the internet - grimaces but no convincing signs of injury. The photos fit "drill" better than they fit "real". We also have to wonder at the very large number of injured. We can only assume that the vast majority of people in the buildings - apart from the Miracle Survivors - see Point 9 - would have died. While in some types of tragic events there is a much larger number of injured compared to dead, in this type of tragedy you would expect the opposite.
Note: While you might argue that this is only a small number of photos, you simply won't find very many more which, of itself, is anomalous for 6,000 injured. Where are all the photos? Comments on the first four photos:


Hospital videos
An ABC reporter at Chelsea Piers speaks of asking why the number of expected trauma victims hasn't been seen.

In a comment on a video now removed showing empty wheelchairs at a NY hospital waiting for the injured, the commenter said this:
"I was in NYC on 911 and tried to help at a triage unit..there were no injured there at all. It was about 8 blocks away from where the Towers were ... I asked an EMS worker where the injured were and his response was there were no injured victims ... I also watched vehicles coming out of the area and did not see any crushed or flattened vehicles at all ... I was there from 12:00 PM until 9:30 PM ... all the vehicles that were coming out of the WTC area were in good condition ... it looked like a parade of firetrucks and ambulances ... there were flatbeds that had vehicles on them in good condition - those flatbeds should have been carrying the crushed vehicles ... what we saw on the media was very different from what I saw in person that day ... I have many unanswered questions ... it was a strange day indeed ... I did see people covered in dust but no one had injuries that I could see ... all the emergency prep work was done early and stayed unused ... they had wheelchairs and stretchers and folding beds that looked like they were on display in front of hospitals and at the triage units ... I saw no dirty linen bins at all ... so tell me again about all the hundreds of injured people!!!! I wound up cooking burgers and hot dogs at the triage unit for the firefighters and ems workers ... one of my questions is why was there a BBQ set up at a triage unit in the first place?? Maybe they knew in advance that they would not be using that area for any injured people ..."

I can't help chortling over this video of a man who is being released from hospital and supposed to be suffering burns. No prizes for guessing what he's really suffering from.

8. The fakery of the jumpers
Russ Winter's article, World Trade Center's Infamous 91st-Floor Israeli 'Art Student' Project, explains how Israeli students engaged in an "art project" on certain floors of the North tower, removed windows and took photos from helicopters. While we can infer that anything to do with Israelis at the WTC serves as propaganda both to distract from the primary culprits and to make the bombing of the buildings containing all those people more plausible with outsiders doing the dastardly deed, we can also see how the "art project" would have provided the footage of the jumpers to be inserted into the 9/11 story on the day.

In this video we see people at the windows with smoke, however, the smoke looks quite benign and also as if it is emanating virtually from the window itself at regular intervals as if being pumped from a machine. The lack of clarity of the people means they could easily be dummies. See more on smoke machines at Let's Roll Forums.
And as mentioned earlier in Point 3C, the only dead body of a jumper presented to us is clearly fake.

Richard Drew, the photographer of the so-called Falling Man which appeared on the cover of Time magazine, just happened to be behind Robert F Kennedy when he was assassinated to capture photos of that historic event - amazing coincidence, no? See article, The Falling Man, in Esquire.

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe in the reality of the jumpers.

9. Ridiculous survivor stories of the 12-second collapses of the 500,000 ton twin towers - We are told that 16 people survived the 12-second total collapse of the North Tower, including Pasquale Buzzelli, a structural engineer, as explained in this article, Miracle Survivors.

I felt the walls next to me crack and buckle on top of me," he says. Suddenly, he seemed to be in free fall, and the walls seemed to separate and move away from him.

Maybe two hours later, he regained consciousness on a slab of concrete 180 feet below the 22nd floor. (He may be the source of the rumor that someone surfed the collapse and lived.)

When you watch the tower collapse this simply isn't credible. It's also extremely hard to believe that as a structural engineer, Buzzelli, hasn't picked up on the cause of collapse and isn't suspicious of government participation. Nor is it credible that he didn't suffer any obvious serious injury.

Nor is this story.

The wind lifted Komorowski off his feet. "I was taking a staircase at a time," he says, "It was a combination of me running and getting blown down." Lim says Komorowski flew over him. Eight seconds later—that's how long it took the building to come down—Komorowski landed three floors lower, in standing position, buried to his knees in pulverized Sheetrock and cement.

Lim landed near Harris. "If Josephine doesn't slow me down, I'm dead," he'd later say. "I figured this out." That captain who'd urged Lim to go ahead didn't make it. "Josephine Harris saved my life," he says definitively. Harris landed on her side, clinging to the boot of Billy Butler.

The unbelievable miracle survivor stories support H1c (they tell us). I mean, they really do make you chortle, they're so ridiculous.

10. Multiple anomalies in information on the 343 firefighters who allegedly died on 9/11

a. Anomalous lack of reference to deaths of firefighters

On August 12, 2005, more than 12,000 pages of oral histories from 503 FDNY firefighters, paramedics, and emergency medical technicians were made public after The New York Times sued the City of New York for their release in response to the Bloomberg administration's decision to withhold the records from the public.

The FDNY had recorded the oral histories between October 2001 and January 2002 at the instruction of the City's fire commissioner, Thomas Von Essen, who wanted to preserve the accounts of the FDNY's members "before they became reshaped by a collective memory."

Following the release of the records, researchers began examining them for any evidence as to the cause of the Twin Towers' destruction.

In August 2006, Dr. Graeme MacQueen, a retired professor from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, published the article, "118 Witnesses: The Firefighters' Testimony to Explosions in the Twin Towers." In it, he identified 118 FDNY members (out of the 503 interviewed) who reported witnessing explosions that evidently—based on corroborating evidence—were the actual cause of the Twin Towers' destruction.

I was all agog reading these "oral histories" at how they testified so conclusively to controlled demolition. The anomalous lack of reference to deaths of the firefighters' 343 colleagues or to rescue operations did not cross my mind for a nanosecond. Like so many others I was all focused on the controlled demolition - which was, of course, the intention of the perps: distracting truthers with controlled demolition while keeping the focus off the equally important and necessarily complementary truth, staged death and injury. So clever. I love the touch that they wanted to preserve the accounts "before they became reshaped by a collective memory." Of course, the reality was that as time passed the accounts might be different for reasons other than having been "reshaped by collective memory." And the timing was good for future release. Take them shortly after 9/11 and then when all the truthers started to catch on make a big deal of withholding them before releasing them with all the evidence of controlled demolition flashing out at the reader.

b. Anomalous lack of agitation by colleagues and loved ones.
It is also anomalous that the colleagues of the 343 firefighter victims (of a total victim count of 2,606 in the twin towers or 13%) who obviously recognise controlled demolition from their testimonies are not agitating about the deaths of their colleagues. Nor is there a campaign by loved ones of the firefighters.

No doubt there is a mixture of both genuine and faked testimony and I have no idea under what circumstances they were obtained but regardless - if 343 firefighters had died on 9/11 their testimonies would be different and they would surely be fighting for justice for them as would the firefighters' loved ones.

c. Anomalous distribution of deaths among firefighter ladders and ranks, issues with memorials and a number of other anomalies
Let's Roll Forums - The 9/11 Firemen's Reference Guide

11. Lawyer looking after victim funds not convincing

A main point I wish to get across is that 9/11 is on a long, global continuum of staged events that dates from at least as far back as Pearl Harbour - and who knows? possibly millennia. The Wikipedia entry on Kenneth Feinberg, lawyer who's looked after the victim funds of some of the nation's alleged worst tragedies, including 9/11, the Virginia Tech, Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings and been involved in a whole host of other activities, supports this thesis.

Feinberg worked for 33 months entirely pro bono [on the 9/11 victims compensation 1600 hearings].
The magical 33. (11 is a fundamental Masonic number (9/11, 11/22 (JFK) and multiples are also extremely important.) Why on earth would he work pro bono?

Feinberg personally presided over more than 900 of the 1,600 hearings. At the end of the process, $7 billion was awarded to 97 percent of the families.
900? What happened with the other 700 hearings? If there were 3,000 dead why only 1,600 hearings and what about the 6,000 injured? What about the other 3% of families? Where did the $7 billion come from?

Charles Wolf, whose wife died in the north tower, renamed his highly critical Web site called "Fix the Fund" to "The Fund is Fixed!". At first he called Feinberg "patronizing, manipulative and at times, even cruel." He later remarked, "To have one of your sharpest critics follow through on a promise and not only join the program he was criticizing, but promote it to his peers, says a lot about you and the way you have adjusted both the program and your attitude...Today, I have complete faith in you."
How does the sentence in bold make sense? If it's Charles speaking why would Kenneth be joining his program - isn't it the other way around? And if it's Kenneth why would he say "I have complete faith in you". Lack of sense supports H1c - they tell us. The Fund is Fixed website is remarkably simple considering the complexity of a victim fund that should, in theory, cover a total of 3,000 families and, at least, a reasonable percentage of the 6,000 injured.

Special Master for Executive Compensation
On June 10, 2009, Feinberg was appointed by the U.S. Treasury Department to oversee the compensation of top executives at companies which have received federal bailout assistance.[12] As part of his policies, he has suggested to many bank executives that they emphasize long-term stock compensation rather than cash payments.[13]

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, in a statement about Feinberg's rulings on executive pay, said, "We all share an interest in seeing these companies return taxpayer dollars as soon as possible, and Ken today has helped bring that day a little bit closer."[14][15]

Doncha love it?

Other victim funds Kenneth has presided over:

No submissions in response to challenge so far
I am friendly with a 9/11 truther who has met Bob McIlvaine (father of Bobby allegedly killed in the lobby of the North tower) a number of times. He's persuaded by his personableness and seems convinced that the claims of death and injury are true. He's also quite short of money so the $5,000 I'm offering for anyone who can respond to the challenge to provide 10 points that favour "real" over "staged" for death an injury on 9/11 is of great interest to him. It's been since the end of 2018 since he showed interest in responding, however, he and the friend he enlisted to help respond to the challenge have failed to make a submission. In fact, as far as I know they haven't come up with a single point let alone 10. If you believe that the claims of death and injury are true then you are invited to respond to the challenge.

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