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9/11: Controlled Demolition as Propaganda - Part 2


The Players

See 9/11: Controlled demolition as propaganda - Part 1

Below are some of the players in the controlled-demolition-as-propaganda campaign.

Both individuals and groups are players in controlled-demolition-as-propaganda. In the case of groups there is no doubt that a number of group members are perfectly genuine possibly even the founding member/s but I'm not in the position to work out who's who in the zoo. I'd imagine that some groups might be set up at the outset as controlled opposition while others are parasitically taken over but it doesn't really matter how they're formed, it's how they operate once they've been infiltrated or set up deliberately. It's all about control: controlling where the focus is put to divert and distract, mixing lies with truth, and generally doing everything to suppress the key truth of 9/11: death and injury were staged. This truth is suppressed in order that truthers are hamstrung in persuading non-truthers that 9/11 was an inside conspiracy because non-truthers will not accept that the US government would kill all those people in the buildings ... and in this, the non-truthers are correct while the truthers are not, the US government would never have killed those people in the buildings because they do not operate that way.


The 45-minute video, 9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!, by Jeremy Rys, aka Alien Scientist is a masterwork of propaganda that incriminates a large number of prominent people indicating that they were acting fraudulently and had targets in the buildings wanted rid of. While some of it is no doubt true, anything related to targets in the buildings is not. No one was targeted in the buildings and the companies Cantor Fitzgerald, Marsh & McLennan and various other companies were all in on the anti-terrorist Full-Scale Exercise pushed out as a real event.

What controlled opposition do to undermine truth is set up theatrical situations of divergence, for example, there is a group, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, led by James Fetzer which split off to another group, Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice, led by Steven Jones. Both these people are controlled opposition. We can make the assumption that any serious scientist who recognises controlled demolition will also recognise that the plane crashes were faked as evidence from multiple angles is provided but we need only the clear contradiction of Newtonian physics of alleged footage of 200-ton airliner melting into a 500,000-ton steel frame skyscraper ... with the truly in-your-face lie of the nose cone.popping out the other side of the building.

When I wrote to AE9/11 in regard to the plane crashes they responded with a video made by 9/11 truther, Anthony Lawson, who disputes the no-planes theory, supporting their position. I cannot be certain if Lawson was controlled opposition or genuine. If genuine, with regard to his argument about the planes, he's what's known as a "useful idiot", that is, he has been fooled by the controlled opposition and is helping propagate their arguments. In his video, he talks about possible different percentages of deceleration, however, it doesn't matter what percentage of deceleration the footage shows, we can tell instinctively it is simply not sufficient in the case of a collision between a 200-ton airliner allegedly travelling about 500 knots (which pilots say is an impossible speed close to ground level) and a 500,000 ton steel frame building (99.96% difference in weight). When a 1,600kg medium sedan crashes into a 15,000kg light-weight empty semi-trailer (a much lower 89.34% difference in weight) at only, say, 100mph the rate of deceleration is very, very obvious and to the eye simply looks almost like a stop. At this point in the video he says "... which shows the explosion developing and what must be a smoking engine arcing its way down to Murray St." This is rather hilarious: to think an engine has gone all the way through the 500,000-ton tower to sail down on the other side of the building.

The reason the focus is kept on controlled demolition rather than planes is that planes make it all too simple: fake planes means controlled demolition of buildings and also means right off the bat, 265 people did not die in plane crashes which prompts the question: if those 265 deaths were faked why not the other 2,735.

I think many commentators who reveal significant truth about 9/11 but who always direct away from staged death and injury are controlled opposition. I won't name names, however, because it is very difficult to be sure if someone whether someone is spreading disinformation or is is simply genuinely misguided. One person I'll name, because the evidence is clear, is James Corbett. In an open letter to James Corbett, Allan Weisbecker points out James' mention of Flight 77 eleven times in his talk at the 9/11 Kuala Lumpur conference. Allan claims that, while rubbishing the missile-into-the-Pentagon theory, James' frequent mention of Flight 77, without actually saying it went into the Pentagon tends to suggest it and I agree.

Of course, Israel was involved as we can infer other nations were but the focus on Israel is all distraction propaganda as all was done under the auspices of the US government and they are the primary focus. A great deal is written about the Dancing Israelis, who allegedly were seen celebrating when the towers came down and who then had their van stopped at a roadblock which was found to contain explosives dust (yeah, right) and the Israeli student art projects, one of which involved students' occupation of the 90th floor and the removal of windows. This may have had some purpose related to the events of 9/11 but regardless, it functioned as distraction propaganda too.

There are a number of loved ones and colleagues. See Point 5 for example of loved one, Bob McIlvaine and witness, William Rodriguez

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