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Sandy Hook Elementary School Mass Shooting - 14 December 2012

In a democratic society, the only treason is silence.

Anna Quindlen

When the Sandy Hook event occurred I didn't know what a false flag/staged event was and it didn't cross my mind for a nanosecond that such an event would be staged. I didn't pay much attention, thinking only that it was a terrible tragedy. Two things, however, struck me as odd. One was Adam Lanza's very strange-looking face - I realise now that the face has been distorted. Supposedly, Adam Lanza used to look like this, however, whether Adam Lanza ever existed or not is very much under question. The other was a report stating that, based on a good lead, police went to Lanza's house with the intention to search for guns but for reasons unexplained did not enter the house and do the search, a failure that enhanced the poignancy of the tragedy. How they play with our hearts and minds!

Hypothesis 1 (H1) comprising three parts:
a - A FEMA Capstone Active Shooter Drill specific to elementary schools thus "toned down" to not upset the children, that is, no blood, etc
b - Planned, very active fundraising campaign (at least $27 million was raised but I'm guessing the figure was far greater), that presumably was used to pay, at least, in part, the alleged parents of the alleged dead children and other crisis actors.
c - According to staged event analyst, Ole Dammegard, an insider said that the power elite justify their hoaxing of us with signs of sloppiness, ridiculousness, etc and if we don't pick them up the fault lies with us, sparing them from karmic repercussions. Thus signs of sloppiness, things that don't add up, "leaked" footage, smiling grievers, over-the-top acting, etc. Whether or not this is true we might also infer that as agency staff and crisis actors are involved in these events there may be a legality that the realism of the events is undermined (meaning those who participate can do so with clear conscience) so this is another, if not the only, reason they do it. Whatever the reason, there is always evidence that the events are not conducted as realistically as possible and gratuitous anomalies are manifest.

Hypothesis 2 (H2) - Real mass shooting where 20-year-old Adam Lanza first killed his mother in the family home and then went to the school and shot 20 children and 6 adults dead, after which he shot himself dead.

All 10 points below support Hypothesis 1 (H1) better than Hypothesis 2 (H2)

1. ABC News interview by Diane Sawyer with teacher, Kaitlin Roig - extremely low on credibility: full of contradiction and challenging of physical reality. This interview very much supports H1c (they tell us). See comment on forum thread from the mother of a first grader below.
I just watched this video of this Roig woman.
She says first that she heard gunshots, already realized she is the first classroom, wonders why he isn't coming in, somehow manages to usher her kids into a bathroom, pulls a bookshelf in front of it, TURNS THE LIGHTS OUT, and tells the kids to be quiet.
Then she goes on to repeat quite a lot of conversation that they had while hiding in the bathroom. About the kid who knows karate, the kid who doesn't want to die because it's Christmas, about being absolutely quiet because there are bad guys, telling them she loves them etc...
But this is the weirdest thing to me. It's tightly crammed there, she's got someone on the toilet and it's also probably pitch black because she says she has the lights out AND a bookshelf is in front of the door.
But did you notice how she says she holds the kids faces in her hands and comforts them? Diane asks her, "Did they cry?" and she goes, "No, if they started crying I would like take their face in my hands and go 'It's gonna be ok' or 'show me your smile'".
It's pitch black and crammed, yet she is managing to get down to each kid and hold their face in her hands to comfort them? And she asks to see their smile in the darkness. HUH?
Sure, whatever.
I am the mom of a 1st grader. If you stuck her and her classmates into the toilet in the dark, while gunshots are going off, they would be FREAKING HYSTERICAL. And if they weren't they'd be turning the faucets on and off, flushing the toilet, complaining that the toilet holder was smooshing into their butt or the papertowel thing was in their hair. Whatever - her story just does NOT ring true at all.
Also she says, referring to those who were killed, "My heart goes out to anyone who knew them and was a part of their lives because I just, I just can't imagine..." wipes fake tear.
What do you MEAN you can't imagine?? You lost colleagues and kids you saw every day. You SHOULD be able to imagine pretty darn well, I'd think!

A comment on this interview between Anderson Cooper and Veronique Pozner from another mother of young children was, "I knew this was fake when I saw how well-dressed and made-up this woman was. If I'd just lost one of my children there's no way I'd look like this." This is just an opinion, of course, but she looks in pretty good shape considering the immense tragedy she's been through. (The comment was on a different video of the interview which I can no longer find, I'm paraphrasing from memory. In this video, the YouTuber allegedly debunks the claim made by skeptics that Anderson's "disappearing nose" indicates green screen and a comment on this video is, "I think the disappearing nose is the least concerning thing about this video.")

2. We can easily find images showing large amounts of blood at another alleged staged event, the Boston Bombing in 2013, but we cannot find images of blood consistent with a massacre of 26 people for Sandy Hook, that is, a Google image search returns no results of images showing blood consistent with a massacre at Sandy Hook.
COMMENT: For H2 we have to ask the question, "Why can we easily find images of masses of blood at the Boston Bombing the following year but not images of blood consistent with a 26-person massacre at Sandy Hook school?" Very limited images of blood fits H1 perfectly.
Note: Without fail, the response to "minimal blood" by people who support the official story hypothesis is that the reason the images are not shown for Sandy Hook is that they are too gruesome. This is, indeed, a possibility but we have no particular evidence to support that theory and thus we'd have to assume that is the reason. We don't have any questions for "toned-down drill for children". MInimal blood fits perfectly - and Occam's Razor is about the hypothesis that fits with fewest assumptions. One might also think that surely, the image of a man, Jeff Bauman, at the Boston bombing who has just had his legs blown off would be pretty gruesome for viewing but we see it clear as day in the New York Times (the image currently shown is cropped - this was the more "gruesome" original image). The reason the image does not feel as gruesome as one might expect is that Jeff Bauman was already an amputee (amputees are, in fact, hired to participate in legitimate military training exercises) - if he had had his legs blown off at Boston they would not be whizzing him along in a wheelchair - that scenario is not compatible with "legs just blown off". I have seen a video of a poor man whose legs were just blown off (I have no doubt he died soon after) and it was utterly horrific.

3. Almost no children reported hearing gunshot or anything that resembled gunshot while adults did ... except for the Paley twins. This is what one of them said:
"... and then we hid because everyone thought it was an animal then when we heard gunshots that didn't sound like our army gunshots or our policeman gunshots or school gunshots or animal control gunshots we all hid into my teacher's office and everyone was quiet and my teacher she saved the life and ... she also ... she called Mr Gun, her "l" [sounds like he's going to say a word beginning with "l"], her, her husband, and he called the police and when the policeman came into get us he told us to close our eyes and like on the picture on the news do this [twin demonstrates going behind his twin and putting his hands on his twin's shoulders as if to form a conga line] and just go out. [Just before this twin says "just go out" the other twin says "run".] And he told us to close our eyes because the man was probably dead right there. I don't know what kids got hurt, I just heard that a lot of kids got hurt and we have a couple friends, we had a couple friends in there and we don't know what happened to them."
COMMENT: For H2, as much gunshot was reported to have happened, we have to ask why children would not have reported hearing it or describing hearing sounds that could be interpreted as sounds of gunshot. Of course, in the case of the twins, their reporting is extremely bizarre - this can only be an example of the power elite "telling" us what they're up to with sheer ridiculousness. Having children participate like this is so very, very disgusting.

This is an irresistible, satirical comment on the video of the twins' testimony:
It wasn't any of the several thousand different gunshots we've heard in our young lives, be it animal control, SWAT, FBI, bank robbery, East LA gang fights, snipers, gun ranges, domestic violence. It sounded like bullets that would come out of a gun owned by a person that could possibly be named Adam Lanza, but we're not sure, we're only 7.

4. This child on Dr Oz says, in response to Dr Oz's question about what he remembered of the day, that there was a drill
COMMENT: For H2 we have to assume that the child is confused and does not know what he is talking about or that perhaps a quick-thinking teacher has told the children that it's a drill to quell their panic resulting from knowing a crazy shooter with an automatic rifle was on the loose. Although, typical of children, he does not express himself in the most articulate way, what he says is really quite straightforward: "I remember that a lot ... of policemen were in the school, ... when we were having a drill, we were hiding under the ... like ..." at which point he is cut off by Dr Oz asking him another question. This evidence PERFECTLY supports H1a (drill) as the claim about Sandy Hook and many other events is that they are essentially drills pushed out to the public as real events. It also supports H1c (they tell us) - it is highly implausible for people at all but especially young children to be interviewed on television in jolly fashion about such a traumatic event.

5. Gene Rosen, a Sandy Hook resident, interviewed on the day of the alleged massacre, tells a story that doesn't add up. A few comments on the video:
"A bus driver dropped a bunch of 5 year olds off with a total stranger?"
"I'm a school bus driver and that is totally illegal for a school bus driver to do."

Bus driver: Here's six kids ... or maybe four. Anyway, I don't feel up to dropping them off at the firehouse which is literally 50 feet away.
Gene Rosen: Okay.
Sounds good. Have a good one!
Bus driver: There's been an incident!! Don't you want to know what happened?
Gene Rosen: Nope. I'm just glad to have six kids dropped off at my house where I keep stuffed animals for some reason. Have a good one!!
Bus driver: Love it. You too!!

This was the news story that broke records: for gravity of the drama, lack of emotion by surviving family, inconsistent reporting, # of innocent people blamed (All gun owners), # of attempts to censor the public, # of errors in dates, lack of video coverage, # of suspects who vanished, # of shots heard/not heard & number of schoolkids never seen. # of blind fools.

6. The day after the death of his 6-year-old daughter, Robbie Parker gave a 17-minute press conference. He walks to the microphone with a big smile on his face and then breathes rapidly in a manner that suggests he's working himself into an emotional state. In the press conference, in response to an inaudible question, he mentions a Facebook fundraising page for his daughter set up by "a couple of friends from back home". Directly following is another question asking what his daughter looks like, in response to which he describes her a little and adds that there are photos of her on the fundraising page.
COMMENT: For H2, one might ask why, the day after his 6 year-old daughter's death, a parent called a press conference and that a fundraising page has been set up for her, but for H1, especially parts b and c, it fits perfectly, There is no obvious reason for this press conference broadcast on national television. Robbie does not allude to gun laws or talk about the shooting itself - he only talks about his daughter and twice mentions the fundraising site set up. Was this press conference simply to raise funds for his daughter's death and why should Robbie be more entitled to funds for his daughter's death than any other parent in America whose child dies (of which, obviously, there are a significant number)? Why are funds required other than for a funeral? Why does this fundraising information go on national TV?

7. The press conference given by the Chief Medical Examiner, Wayne Carver, can only be described as bizarre. He does not seem to have a ready answer to any question and his answers tend to vagueness. His tone does not match the tragedy of the situation.
Two extracts of the transcript are below
i) UNIDENTIFIED MALE REPORTER: The nature of the shooting was there any sense that it was a lot of care taken to precision from the shooter or was it spread randomly?
CARVER: Both. It's very difficult question to answer.
CARVER: Yes. It's really -- you would think after the thousands of people I've seen shot I could answer that question, but it's -- if I attempted to answer it in court, there would be an action and they would win [???].

ii) UNIDENTIFIED MALE REPORTER: Sir, you obviously by the nature of your job, you deal with horrible things at times. Is this one over the top? Is this one a bit different than anything you've done before, sir?
CARVER: Did everybody hear the question?
CARVER: It was given what I deal with all the time, is this one over the top. I've been at this for a third of a century. And it's my sensibilities may not be the average man. But this probably is the worst I have seen or the worst that I know of any of my colleagues having seen. And that all the more makes me proud and grateful to our staff who to a man have just behaved most professionally and strongly and I hope they and I hope the people of Newtown don't have it crash on their head later about you [???].

8. Indications of image photoshopping. Former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, Dr Paul Craig Roberts, who in 1992 received the Warren Brookes Award for Excellence in Journalism and who was ranked as one of the top seven journalists in the United States in 1993 by the Forbes Media Guide, points out indications of anomalous photoshopping of Sandy Hook photos.
COMMENT: For H2, we have to ask why so much evidence of photo-tampering, while photoshopping fits H1 fine.

9. Evidence of fundraising sites set up in the days before the event - This article, United Way: No, we didn't know about Dec. 14 Sandy Hook shooting in advance denies funds were set up in advance but the explanations are not convincing. Supports H1c - they set up the funds in advance and then put up a laughable explanation against the clear evidence.
COMMENT: Impossible for H2.

10. Medical personnel were forced to set up their operation not at the school where the dead and possibly injured lay, but rather at the fire station several hundred feet away.
COMMENT: For H2, we have to ask why medical personnel would set up at a distance but this fits H1 fine as we can infer that the medical personnel are not "in on" the staging and need to be kept away.

11. Edited from a comment below:
--- Photos show a shot-out window of an opening too small to accommodate the passing of the alleged murderer and a debris field cast in the wrong direction
--- A meager scattering of what is purported to be blood drops on the ground are shown in front of the school, when the alleged event requires massive amounts of blood to be visible in that same area
--- Photos allegedly show bullet holes in a car, but actually depict body damage to a vehicle that could not be the result of gunfire from any external point, and specifically could not have been produced by gunfire from inside the school building
--- Photos of people "evacuating" the school were taken at times that both the accepted narrative and video footage of the evacuation route simply will not permit to be authentic
--- Witness statements are Impossibly contradictory
--- Recordings purporting evidence of actual 911 calls are obviously doctored and completely contravene purported witness statements and render them impossible
--- Death certificates purportedly exist but no one has ever seen or examined them and would be required to contain data provided by the coroner whose autopsy results contradict and negate official police reports.

The evidence of a hoax is abundant, and consists of virtually every bit of pseudo-evidence that authorities and mainstream media sources have offered. No two witness statements can come close to being reconciled factually, the autopsies and coroner's incident report are hopelessly at odds with police reports and witnesses/"family members" assertions, purported evidence can easily be shown to be poorly manufactured and ill-situated in a manner that hopelessly conflicts with the official version of events, external data additionally falsifies the internally falsified and mutually contradictory statements of purported witnesses, some photos of alleged victims have been proven to have been co-opted from unrelated parties on the Internet and others have been reused in CIA disinformation operations in the Near and Middle East.

Nauseated to death with hoaxes? - here's an amusing satirical song about our friend, Gene.

NOTE: No vociferous supporter of the "real event" hypothesis has been able to respond to my $5,000 10-point Occam's Razor challenge issued in October 2017 to produce an equivalent exercise favouring their hypothesis.

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