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occam's Razor Challenge for believers of the "official story"

For an hypothesis to be correct it must be able to accommodate all the evidence. The corollary is, of course, any competing hypotheses cannot.

If there are only two hypotheses needing consideration, Hypotheses A and B, and 10 points can be found that favour Hypothesis A over Hypothesis B, while none can be found to favour Hypothesis B over Hypothesis A, then in which possible scenario could Hypothesis B be correct?

I think we'd agree that if you believe something in the physical realm then you need to be able to defend that belief with evidence, assuming the evidence is available. Of course, there are many situations where we might believe something and acknowledge that the evidence isn't available in a sufficient quantity to really support that belief but we believe what we believe anyway. Surely, that's not unreasonable but where sufficient evidence is available we should ensure it supports our belief. This challenge is designed to make those who believe the official stories of the Sandy Hook Massacre, the Manchester Bombing and three aspects of 9/11, test their beliefs by presenting 10 points that favour the official story over an opposing hypothesis.

Challenge - so far unresponded to:
Produce 10-point Occam's Razor exercises favouring hypotheses as shown below. The links are to my 10-point exercises with favouring reversed.

My hypotheses for 9/11, Sandy Hook and the Manchester Bombing are that they are Psychological Operations (psyops) which have distinctive characteristics, including:
1. Only what is wanted for real (if anything) is done for real, the rest is faked. Psyops aren't really about simulating reality as closely as possible but more about using propaganda magic-style to make us believe things even when what is presented to us is in complete contradiction to what we are told, for example, the perfect implosion of WTC-7.
2. Underneath the propaganda we are told the truth in a variety of ways that we are being hoaxed.
3. Nothing in the event is faked so realistically that anyone who believes the story can brandish it in defence of it.

If the three events are psyops as I claim and the psyop characteristics are also as I describe then there is no way that 10-point Occam's Razor exercises can be produced favouring the official story. If you are a believer of the official stories, give it a try!

When I first published this challenge I offered a monetary reward. As I feel so confident that no one can respond to the challenge the reward was really a gimmick whose purpose was to say to those who believe the official story, "Look, I'm even offering money but no one can respond," however, I've decided to remove that gimmick and just make it a challenge designed for those who are interested in the truth and are willing to test their beliefs.

If you wish to respond, please email your response to me at

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