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Money/Power/Love Advantages

Neo-Tech Advantage #13

A sense of life is an integral part of everyone's subconscious philosophy and psychology. Every person has a fundamental view or sense of life. While usually existing on a subconscious level, a person's sense of life largely determines his or her major actions. Sense of life falls into two opposite categories:

1. An objectively rational, self-interest, benevolent, individualistic sense of life that is characterized by:
a. the knowledge that conscious achievement is the highest value.
b. the knowledge that the conscious mind is competent to know reality.
2. A mystically irrational, altruistic, malevolent, anti-individual sense of life characterized by:
a. the belief that non-man-made values (e.g., nature, the universe, the cosmos) and mystical "values" (e.g., God, the State, society) are superior to man-made values.
b. the belief that the conscious mind is incapable of knowing reality.
The altruistic, malevolent sense of life finds virtue in sacrificing real, individual values to unreal, mystical "higher" causes such as God, the fatherland, nature, society. That altruistic, malevolent sense of life keeps one from acting in his or her long-range best interest to achieve power, prosperity, and happiness in order to produce competitive values for others. Those competitive values, by nature, require a rational self-interest, pro-individual sense of life combined with effort and honesty.

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