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98. Growth Death and Psyche Death - "...What happens with a living, growing business-like mind? Value-producing actions beget happy feelings while honestly integrating reality. What happens with a dying, shrinking mystical mind? Indulged feelings beget destructive actions while dishonestly evading reality. The checklist below compares the psyche of those two minds -- the criminal, destructive, mystic mind versus the heroic, productive, business mind..." [Highly recommended: Take the self-test and find out who you are!]
No valid external "authority" exists that one can automatically live by. To live effectively, an individual must let only the authority of his own consciousness guide his activities. All consistently competent people have learned to act on reality -- not on their feelings or someone else's feelings or doctrines. An individual must accept the responsibility to guide his or her own life in order to live competently, successfully, happily. ..."
THE GOAL OF I & O: "The sole goal of I & O Publishing Company is to end the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate neocheating in order to achieve non-aging biological immortality with prosperity and happiness for all value producers -- forever."
When a government institutes policies based on criminal-mind assumptions, those policies will grow like a cancer. Eventually they will devour all wealth, along with everyone's future. This was most obvious in former communist countries. Their criminal-mind policies destroyed entire nations. Yet, the same criminal-mind philosophy that underlined communism underlined the creation of the big-government welfare state that has formed in America this century. Today, working Americans ultimately pay close to 50 percent of their income to some form of taxation. Yet, consider that in 1910, before today's big-government welfare state took hold, the average working American paid about 5 percent of his income toward taxes. Yet, all of the proper and necessary duties of government functioned just fine. ..."
Spotting and Dumping the Criminal Mind
"... The Criminal Mind is a mode of thinking that lays the responsibility for taking care of oneself onto others. A person with a criminal mind constantly projects that others owe him something -- be it money, a job, happiness, love, or anything else of value.
Instead of focusing on earning values, the criminal mind conjures up rationalizations as to why one "deserves" values belonging to others. Earn is replaced with "deserve". ..."
... All past revolutions and class overthrows were bogus or compromised. For, all were fomented so one parasitical group could take power from another parasitical group. All were fomented from false or artificial class conflicts of nationalities, races, religions, political issues, economic levels, or social levels.
The Prosperity Revolution is the first and only legitimate class overthrow possible among human beings: The honest productive class ranging from ditch digger to billionaire entrepreneur will overthrow the parasitical-elite class -- a criminal class comprised of destructive politicians and their legions of harmful bureaucrats, armed political-policy enforcers, ego judges, politico prosecutors, corrupt lawyers, dishonest journalists, evil academics, and white-collar-hoax business quislings.
Parasitical elites survive through false power -- power gained through deceptive illusions. But, today, with your personal terminator, you can break their illusions to end all false power. ...Right now, with Neo-Tech, you can prosper without limits. ..."
After ten hours of intense ravishment, those sixteen agents dutifully followed their rule book in concealing their destruction: They neatly, expertly straightened the surface appearance of each room, took photographs to give the appearance of "orderliness and legitimacy", and then left. But they left with our files, manuscripts, writings in progress, research notes and records, checkbooks, book orders, book payments, cash... With grinning glee, they "fixed them good"...they took everything needed to continue..."
Only those precious few entrepreneurs know the fierce struggle required to competitively succeed where countless others fail. ...Such people do not collect paychecks from others. They create the paychecks that others live on... They work to solve problems that do exist, not to create problems that do not exist. ...
What kind of people dishonestly, enviously, maliciously attack the good? What kind of people feel, think, and act in such purposely destructive ways? ... today, countless envy-shriveled pips stand ready to destroy heroic, competitive value-and-job producers through jail or death as a police state of armed bureaucrats arises -- a police state arising today from the self-aggrandizing agendas of criminal-minded politicians and dishonest journalists.
... such pips lack the courage, discipline, and effort to profitably build competitive values for themselves, others, and society. Instead, they expose their essence by attacking objective values produced by others while making problems where none exist ...
... such pips and nihilists have no understanding of what it takes to start, build, and run competitive businesses that ultimately provide the livelihoods and well beings for them and everyone else on Earth. And, who else besides such value destroyers has the time or inclination to pip -- to ego pump by purposely dragging down successes and values created by others? ...Neo-Tech stands alone in protecting value-and-job producers from intentional value destroyers. ...
... One of the most breathtaking paintings of any age is Salvador Dali's "Last Supper"... Imagine this crystal-clear painting being cast as a giant, ten-thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle. Now, imagine a dishonest blowhard, journalist, or nihilist -- a pip -- plucking a handful of pieces, from that painting. Then imagine that pip waving those pieces before a public who had never before seen the whole picture of that masterpiece... "Look at this Dali-crap! It's valued only by Dali-kooks. This proves that Daliism is new-age cult stuff, pseudo art, a sham", the pip blusters. The attacking pip then swells up with feel-big ego for publicly, effortlessly exposing the Dali "fraud"...
Those who had never seen Dali's complete painting could not know that the facts were the opposite to the non sequiturs being dishonestly pronounced. How could they know that the exposing "hero" was really a nothingness fraud while the exposed "fraud" was a beautiful gem? ..."
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