Mysticism, alcohol, marijuana, and other reality-distorting agents have both short-range and long-range harmful effects on health and happiness. Even in moderate amounts, mysticism, alcohol, and drugs distort reality. And all distortions of reality are harmful because the human organism depends on accurate perception of reality to be competent, competitive, and to make the non-mystical judgments necessary for prosperous, happy survival. The illusionary values of mysticism, alcohol, and drugs arise from their reality-distorting effects. Indeed drugs, alcohol, and mysticism can feel like old, comfortable, warm friends. But, in the long term, they deliver only harm, incompetence, and unhappiness. And their distortions can initially be so well rationalized that the mystic, the alcohol user, or the drug user can easily choose to remain unaware of the mounting damage until permanent loss of happiness and energy become inescapable.
Damage from mysticism, alcohol, and drugs can range from a quick overdose death or suicide, to an unhappy truncated life, to the more subtle psychological and physiological damages that occur even with moderate use of mysticism, alcohol, and drugs. For example, minor indulgences in mysticism can lead to disastrous losses of values. Or even a few alcoholic drinks cause irreversible damage to certain brain cells by a dehydration that causes a sludging together of red blood cells. Such sludging clogs the blood capillaries; thus, the amount of oxygen reaching those brain cells via the minutest capillaries diminishes. Some of those oxygen-starved brain cells die each time that dehydration or sludging occurs. Damaged or destroyed brain cells do not regenerate. Any single occurrence of alcohol brain-cell damage is not measurable. But the effect is cumulative, gradually yielding measurable, permanently damaging effects.
Likewise, marijuana disorients the electrical brain patterns to diminish one's quality of thinking and order of priorities. For example, marijuana tends to convert demanding action and ambition into passive dreams and laziness. More serious, that movement from effort and ambition to passivity and dreams may be cumulative. Furthermore, the mystical-dream effects of marijuana destroy competence. Also, investigations by Masters and Johnson show that male marijuana users experience drops in testosterone of 40% and more. Reduced testosterone causes reduced sex drive, an atrophy of male sex organs, a softening of muscle tissue, and a wimpish decrease in aggressiveness. In addition, marijuana can enter the fetuses of pregnant women to possibly influence the sexual development of unborn males; for testosterone is essential to the sexual development of males. ...Drugs such as cocaine and heroin are simply more aggressive forms of suicide.
Despite the damaging effects of alcohol and drugs, no rational or moral reason exists for government to restrict, control, or forbid by force the sale or use of alcohol or drugs in any way whatsoever. No one or no government has the right to initiate or threaten force against any individual who is not violating the individual or property rights of others. Individuals have the basic right to do anything with their lives they choose, including damaging themselves by using alcohol and drugs, just as they have the right to damage themselves with sugar, tobacco, religion, promiscuous sex, mysticism, and long as they do not initiate threats, force, or fraud against any other individual.
Any use of force to accomplish a "good" always, by nature, does much more long-range harm to people and society than any intended good. Moreover, those who use or advocate such force seldom have honest or innocent intentions, no matter what their external appearances. And in using force to prohibit drugs, the enforcers are not only morally wrong, but their policies of force drive drug prices far above their free-market values. Those artificially high prices, in turn, allow organized crime to flourish through the extremely high-profit margins guaranteed by the government enforcers.
Indeed, those government-created, sky-high prices cause the addict to push drugs onto others, especially onto vulnerable children and adolescents. The addicts must push drugs in order to obtain the cash needed to pay for the grossly inflated drugs. Thus, government oppression of individual rights through force creates hundreds of thousands of young, new addicts each year because of anti-drug laws. In addition, the desperate, dying addict will rob, mug, commit mayhem, murder -- he will do anything to raise the money required to buy the government-inflated drugs.
And finally, as during government-enforcd alcohol prohibition three generations ago, the anti-drug laws are by far the greatest boon and source of wealth to organized crime. The government through its power-usurping oppression creates huge, lucrative markets from which organized crime prospers and grows.
Drugs cause many psychological and physical problems that diminish prosperity, romantic love, and psychuous pleasures [Re: Table 33, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Other diminishers of prosperity and happiness include mystical, religious, and political activities as well as lying, self-lying, praying, promiscuous sex, and the use of tobacco, sugar, and caffeine.
Breaking sugar, tobacco, and caffeine habits quickly improves a person's quality of life. A person's self-esteem also significantly increases by eliminating habits that are destructive to the conscious mind and physical body. ...The surest way to stop smoking is to make a nonnegotiable decision to stop smoking completely and forever...and then stop completely and forever without using any crutches such as increased eating, snacking, sweets, sucking Lifesavers, or excessive bragging. A person who uses such crutches will almost always return to smoking sooner or later. The decision to stop must be decisive, irrevocable, uncompromisable, and forever.
Likewise, caffeine in coffee, cola, and chocolate is a stimulant drug. Aside from the depressing psychological effects of being controlled by a habit, prolonged and excessive use of caffeine can physically damage parts of the body such as the kidneys and pancreas and can adversely affect carbohydrate metabolism. That, in turn, can add to the damage and unhappiness caused by sugar consumption. Except for mysticism, the most common and destructive drug is the sedative sugar. Indeed, sugar causes more unhappiness, illness, and deaths through body mutilation (obesity), metabolic damage, physical and psychological harm than all other drugs combined.
But, the most pervasive and destructive of all diseases is mysticism. In fact, for 3000 years, mysticism has been far more destructive on human life than all the other diseases on this planet combined.
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