Shyness reduces contact and chances with potential romantic-love partners. But shyness is easily overcome once the problem is identified. [Re: Table 36, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia identifies five types of shyness and lists ways to reduce or eliminate each type.] In addition, the constant misunderstanding of a uniquely different individual may cause that person to withdraw and become a loner. That aloneness may create an erroneous image that such a person is shy or a bore when neither is true.
A major step toward eliminating shyness is the acceptance of one's own self. To do that, one must realize that no "model" person exists with whom anyone needs to emulate or identify with in order to be healthy, happy, or successful [Re: Concept 96, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. ...A person bypasses shyness by being one's own self in guiltlessly, proudly producing rational, competitive values in any way he or she chooses, regardless of what others may say or think.
A shy person is seldom a bore. A bore is a person who is silly, uninteresting, or uncomfortable to another person. Often being a bore to a particular person is merely the result of that particular person's reactions. Such reactions depend on individual values and standards. Some people can be boring to certain people, but exciting to others. For example, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison while being very exciting to each other and other genuine value poducers. But, those same people probably would have bored or, more accurately, threatened the profoundly dishonest, pseudo self-esteems of Stalin, Hitler, FDR, Mao, Ralph Nader, Charles Manson, Pol Pot. Conversely, quasi-dead, destructive people who habitually live through distorted (mystical) "realities" will by nature bore productive individuals who live through objective reality.
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