Neotech is a noun or adjective meaning fully integrated honesty. Neotech allows the guiltless creation of earned power, prosperity, and romantic love:
Neotech is a collection of "new techniques" or "new technology" that lets one know exactly what is happening and what to do for gaining honest advantages in all situations. That technology is needed to be competent -- to guiltlessly and honestly obtain the wealth and happiness available to everyone but achieved by so few. Neotech provides the power to profit in every situation by nullifying neocheating and mysticism not only in others but within one's own self. Indeed, Neotech eliminates the harm of all mystics, false authorities, neocheaters, and their infinite array of deceptions. Neotech provides the integrations in every situation to collapse the illusions, hoaxes, and all other forms of irrationality manipulated by the parasitical elites. Neotech lets a person gather all power unto his or her own self while rendering mystics and neocheaters impotent. Neotech is a turnkey tool for prosperity.
The manifestation of Neotech among mankind will lead us into the inevitable Neotech Revolution and into the Neotech World, sometime after 2001. In that exciting new world, the meaning of Neotech will expand to also describe the real-world results of unimpeded fully integrated honesty: the super rapidly advancing new (Neo) technologies (Tech) making us wealthy like millionaires and making us healthy with perfect health, as described in Book One. After 2001, in our Neotech World, life surpasses the promise of youth.
Mysticism is defined as: 1. Any attempt to recreate, evade, or alter reality through dishonesty, rationalizations, non sequiturs, emotions, deceptions, or force. 2. Any attempt to use the mind to create reality rather than to identify and integrate reality.
Mysticism is action based on dishonest irrationalities and mind-created "realities". Mysticism evokes, accepts, or uses unreal notions that create problems where none exist. Contrary to popular belief, mysticism today seldom involves religions or the occult. Organized religions and the occult are dying forms of mysticism with fading powers to hurt the productive class. More generally, mysticism is the dishonesty that evolves from using feelings or rationalizations to generate mind-created "realities". In turn, those "realities" create unnecessary problems and unnatural destructions. Unnecessary and unnatural because the human brain cannot create reality. Instead, the brain perceives and then integrates facts of reality. Thus, "reality"-creating mysticism is a perversion or disease of human consciousness. Indeed, mysticism is the destruction disease. For mysticism blocks brain integrations to erode all values. Mysticism breeds dishonesty, malevolence, and death. Hence, mysticism is suicide on all levels -- on personal, family, social, and business levels; on local, national, and world levels.
Mysticism is a disease -- an epistemological disease that progressively undermines one's capacity to think, to identify reality, to live competently. Mysticism is also a collective disease that affects everyone who looks toward others, or the group, or the leader for solutions to his or her own problems and responsibilities. The symptoms of mysticism are dishonest communication, out-of-context assertions or attacks, use of non sequiturs, rationalizations, jumbled or nonintegrated thinking -- all leading to mind-created "realities". Those symptoms are most commonly exhibited by neocheating politicians, clergymen, union leaders, lawyers, media commentators, university professors, entertainment personalities. Such public neocheaters are the Typhoid-Mary spreaders of mysticism. In fact, through the ages, the most virulent spreaders of mysticism have been those neocheaters who wangle respect and values from the value producers of this world.
Mysticism is a disease that blocks integrated thinking and brings stupidities through mind-created "realities". But mysticism is also the tool that neocheaters use to justify or rationalize the use of force, fraud, or dishonesty to usurp values from the producers. For example, mind-created "realities" are used to create false standards and guilt designed to beguile individuals into surrendering their earned values, power, and happiness. Mysticism is the neocheater's tool for plundering the value producers.
Mysticism is the only disease of the conscious mind. But as with drugs and alcohol, mysticism is seductively comfortable, like a warm, old friend -- until the destructive consequences and hangovers manifest themselves. Mysticism is a rebellion against life, effort, and the conscious mind. ...Mysticism is the opposite of Neotech. The mind-created "realities" of mysticism eventually render all life unto death.
Neocheating is defined as: Any intentional use of mysticism designed to create mind "realities" or false illusions in order to extract values from others. Neocheating is the technique for expropriating unearned money or power by manipulating mysticism in others. Neocheating is the means by which all politicians, clergymen, union leaders, many journalists, many academe, and most lawyers usurp power and values from the innocent producers.
Neocheaters constantly try to expand their usurpations of values by manipulating mystical illusions and non sequiturs. Moreover, neocheaters design their illusions to present themselves as the benefactors of society. At the same time, they enviously present the real producers (e.g., aggressively competitive entrepreneurs, innovators, business people, industrialists) as the malefactors of society.
But the opposite is true: The neocheaters are the mean, the guilty, the malefactors of society. And the value producers are the compassionate, the innocent, the benefactors of society. Yet, as long as most people allow themselves to accept mystical illusions and inversions of facts, the neocheaters will keep usurping values and escalating their destructions.
Some neocheaters usurp credibility by exploiting popular causes that sound good -- causes that in proper context may be noble if handled honestly. Examples include the environment, nutrition, health, animal rights, human rights, peace. But neocheaters exploit such causes to usurp credibility and power in order to attack competent producers, their honest businesses, and their valuable products. ...The two-headed essence of all neocheaters is dishonesty and laziness.
Other neocheaters (politicians, clergymen, many journalists and academe) survive by attacking values, businesses, producers, and earned profits as enemies. They attack by making those who create genuine values for others appear as guilty and wrong. Simultaneously, they live by promoting mysticism, altruism, external "authority", collectivism as friends. They promote those destructive forces by making them appear innocent and right.
Mysticism is central to the neocheater's ability to thrive by attacking values. For only through mysticism would anyone accept the neocheater's upside-down world of undermining, attacking, and destroying values.
Mysticism yields actions based on what one feels, wishes, wants, or imagines rather than on what actually exists right in front of that person. That is why professional neocheaters can easily manipulate people: they manipulate them through their mysticisms. Neocheaters manipulate infinite arrays of mysticisms to usurp values earned by others. As a result, the neocheaters eventually destroy all values of life, love, and happiness for themselves and everyone involved with them.
In short, neocheating is the undetected usurpation of a livelihood -- the unsuspicious swindling of money, power, or values through clever manipulations of dishonest rationalizations, non sequiturs, illusions, and mysticisms. Neocheating means new cheating for usurping values earned by others. Actually, parasitical elites have used neocheating for 2000 years in hidden, unnoticeable ways. But the techniques of neocheating were not specifically identified until 1976. Thus, neocheating is a new identification rather than a new technique. Before that identification, no one could define or even notice a neocheater. Now, anyone with Neotech can easily spot neocheaters and render them impotent. For, against Neotech, the illusions of mysticism vanish and neocheaters become powerless.
Neothink is the unlimited wide integrations made possible by having Neotech eradicate mysticism. Neothink is the harnessing of that Neotech power here on Earth. Neothink outcompetes today's mind. Neothink is tomorrow's mind and replaces the meaning of intelligence:
Intelligence in tomorrow's Neotech World is redefined as the range of integrated thinking. The range, width, or scope of valid integrations is more a function of honesty than of IQ. No matter how high is one's raw IQ, that person can ultimately be outflanked and outperformed by a lower IQ mind that is more honest allowing wider-scope integrations. In tomorrow's Neotech World, wide-scope integrations are what give conscious minds unlimited power. Neothink supersedes the role of IQ.
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