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100 Dialogues: Part 1

Only Atheists
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(copyright © 1998)


The New Gods


Those who promote God and Government to survive by fraud or force will perish forever from the terminal diseases of mysticism and dishonesty. Those who produce competitive values will thrive forever via honest businesses throughout the fifth dimension of cyberspace.

Dialogue #1
(The First of 100 Dialogues)

Saint Augustine and Atheist Ann
take a romantic stroll toward the
Civilization of the Universe

Today, Saint Augustine would be as much of an atheist as philosopher/novelist Ayn Rand. Fifteen-hundred years ago, Randian cultists would have been as religious as Roman-Catholic cultists. How can that be? The answer comes easily once one realizes that everyone on planet Earth lives within an upside-down civilization -- an anticivilization. In such a civilization, each person survives by investing in hidden dishonesties, irrationalities, mysticisms, and criminalities. ...These Dialogues provide the roadmap for leading the reader out of the mortal anticivilization and into the immortal Civilization of the Universe -- into the eternally prosperous fifth dimension of cyberspace businesses.

Act 1 of 3

St. Aug.: A millennium and a half I've been wandering. Finally, I've reached a place of benevolence. This must be Heaven.

Ann: Heaven! You mystical fool. Benevolence? Why, you're the second most malevolent person who ever lived on Earth. You wrote in your Confessions, "We're all born between feces and urine". What a malevolent view of man. Even worse, your epistemology and metaphysics violate the nature of man! Christ, how evil can a person get?

St. Aug: I'm the second most malevolent person who ever lived? Who was the most?

Ann: Immanuel Kant, of course. You wouldn't know him. He lived a thousand years after you.

St. Aug.: If we aren't in Heaven talking to each other when you died 1500 years after me, then where are we, Ann?

Ann: How'd you know my name? And, don't call me Ann. Only my friends may call me Ann. You aren't my friend and we sure as hell aren't in Heaven. That's a fraudulent myth.

St. Aug: How would you like me to address you?

Ann: Mr. Augustine, I prefer that you not address me at all. You have nothing to offer. You and your neoplatonistic writings led the entire Western civilization into a thousand-year dark age. You're a mass murderer.

St. Aug: Have you read my works?

Ann: Scanned some of 'em. Don't need to read that garbage.

St. Aug.: Then we need not talk. We need only to think.

Ann: Okay, call me Miss Brand. And, where are we anyway? What am I doing walking along with my philosophical antipode? ...Yet, I've never imagined a place so wonderful. I feel better and freer than I ever did on Earth, even with you beside me. I'm no anarchist, but this is the air of freedom. I feel no government here. I feel everything here is run by a profitable business -- like Disneyland. ...Happy feeling, isn't it?

St. Aug.: The air is special. Yes, I feel good and happy. Love the feeling of no oppression or religion.

Ann: Feeling no oppression or religion? Why, you're the icon of oppressive religion.

St. Aug: When we get to know each other, you'll find your views of me misguided. ...Anyway, I believe we're going to have a beautiful romantic relationship.

Ann: Romantic relationship? What nerve! How dare you. Should slap your face. You can bet we're not even going to get to know each other. ...But, you're not like I pictured. You're kind of good-looking. Squared jawed. Kind of virile and intelligent. A little swarthy maybe. And, you sure aren't shy. If only you were blond and blue eyed. Anyway, call me Ann. ...Where are we?

St. Aug: We're in Heaven Ann. It's the only fact that can explain these circumstances.

Ann: Fact? Heaven is no fact. It's just a part of your manipulation mechanism to dupe your followers -- your victims.

St. Aug.: You don't understand my writings or their context. I had no knowledge of science, technology, and the nature of reality that you had. My work was of the fifth century. ...Did you read my final work, The City of God? It's mostly metaphors from which Aquinas built his work.

Ann: Didn't need to read The City of God. Don't need to read or understand your writings. They're false, unreal, mystical. They're the antithesis of everything I wrote. And, don't blaspheme Aquinas by connecting him with your writings. He's the only Roman-Catholic icon I admire. Even named my cat after him. ...By the way, don't suppose you read any of my writings?

St. Aug.: Read all your books during my wanderings. Don't know how, but an entity known as supplied any book I wanted. Your writings were among the most valuable works on planet Earth. Learned a lot from you, especially about epistemology, politics, and ethics. ...I know most of recorded history and its literature. You displayed one of the most powerfully honest minds to grace Earth. I'm grateful to you.

Ann: Really? You, Saint Augustine, are saying that? Don't know whether to cheer or jeer. ...Want to smoke a cigarette with me?

St. Aug.: Smoke a cigarette? You, the hero of twentieth century rationality? Everything I've read about cigarettes bespeaks the mortal harm they inflict. You'll die a horrible death. You're too precious for that. Just say no to smoking.

Ann: You're right. My husband and I both know how smoking kills. I'll quit. No more rationalizations about a pleasurable dot of light moving through the darkness. I lost everything because of my dishonesty, my irrationality about smoking. Took a lot of copycat cult followers down with me. I'll quit now, forever. ...You seem rational and honest, how could you have written such malevolent crap -- such evil stuff? How could you have been so wicked?

St. Aug.: You need to cut the carbs, drop a few pounds, and get physically fit. Try working toward running a marathon.

Ann: I'll work on it, smart ass. Don't evade my question. How could you have written such evil stuff?

St. Aug.: I lived and wrote when civilization was retreating into the dark ages.

Ann: So what? Time doesn't make any difference. Mysticism is mysticism, evil is evil, no matter when and where.

St. Aug.: I agree. But, without context, one can mistake what is mystical and evil.

Ann: Humph! Doubt if I'd make that kind of a mistake. Anyway, what are we doing here? All this seems like a mystical illusion. Still, I like it. And, amazingly, don't mind talking to you. Don't feel negative or depressed like I did on Earth. Imagine, my enjoying talking to the silver-medal monster, Saint Augustine.

St. Aug.: And the gold-medal monster is Kant?

Ann: Right. He was pure evil. Worse than Hitler or Stalin.

St. Aug.: You must be analogizing my hero Plato with his souls of gold and the Greek Olympics. ...Who was the bronze-medal monster?

Ann: Your hero, Plato.

St. Aug.: Plato a monster? Let's keep walking and thinking. Perhaps we'll learn to improve our questions and answers, especially about Plato.

Ann: Improved answers about Plato? Never. And keep your distance, you wolf.

St. Aug: How much have you read Plato's work? His Dialogues must be read more than once to understand his work.

Ann: Humph! Just scanned The Republic. That's enough. He was a worse commie than a communist. ..."Each man shall have a thousand commune sons"...indeed. Good old middle-class-champion Aristotle nailed him good on that gem. ...The only thing I liked about Plato was that he hated poetry.

St. Aug: He recognized poetry as a powerful teaching tool that could mislead youth. Plato opposed the heroic-warrior poetry of Homer. To present murderous, irrational brutes like Achilles and Odysseus as heroes to be emulated was lousy stuff to teach kids. Yet, Plato himself was one of history's greatest poets. He poetically presented Socrates as the new hero -- an intellectual, moral, and educational hero -- like you Ann. ...Plato's Dialogues are volumes of beautiful poetry, especially his Phaedrus about romantic love.

Ann: Quit winking at me! Besides, his Dialogues stunk.

St. Aug: Stunk? Just stunk? Is that your only evaluation of Plato's work? If your writings weren't among the most valuable in Earth's history, I'd say you're pipping one of history's great men? Can you give more than a one-word evaluation of Plato's Dialogues?

Ann: Bah! His Dialogues stunk because Plato stunk. That's a good enough answer.

St. Aug.: Look ahead! I see someone. A strange-dressed man sitting at a table with something weird -- a box of light -- something I've never seen before.

Ann: He's wearing a pinstriped suit and using a computer. Hooray! He looks like a Wall-Street businessman.

St. Aug.: A businessman I understand to be a trader of values? But a computer?

Ann: Living fifteen centuries ago, you'd have no idea of a computer, even if you read my books.

St. Aug.: I read about computers, but don't understand them. What are they?

Ann: They're huge machines -- ultimate business machines.

St. Aug.: That doesn't look like a huge machine.

Ann: It's something called a desktop computer. They were starting to appear when I left Earth in 1982. They're called Apples, I think. Don't know why. I'm no expert on computers. Best to ask that man to explain.

St. Aug.: Let's ask him.

Ann: Sir, my name is Ann Brand and this is Mr. Augustine.

Zon: Been expecting you both. Want to hire you as a marketing team. Both did valuable work in Earth's anticivilization. I can exploit your talents in my cyberspace businesses.

Ann: Expecting us? Hire us? Augustine did valuable work? And what do you mean, Earth's anticivilization? Who are you? Where the heck are we?

Zon: I'm a Zon. You're approaching the Civilization of the Universe.

St. Aug.: That's the same as Heaven, right? And, Zon means God?

Ann: Ignore Augustine. He's a jerk.

St. Aug.: You don't look like the suffering abandoned Messiah described by Apostle Mark.

Ann: God, what a schmuck.

Zon: God, Heaven, and Messiahs don't exist. Zons exist.We can feel pain and sadness. But, we don't suffer. Only a Zon trapped in an anticivilization is abandoned and suffers -- until he vanishes that anticivilization.

Ann: What's a Zon? And, again, what's an anticivilization?

Zon: A Zon is a person who lives from the perspective of the Civilization of the Universe. Earth has been an anticivilization since the Greek politician Pericles infected the citizens of Athens with the mortal diseases of irrationality and dishonesty. ...When you jump past your anticivilization perspective, you too will become a Zon doing business beyond the anticivilization -- doing business in the limitless cyberspace markets throughout the Universe.

Ann: Business? That's a good start. ...Still, how does an anticivilization differ from the Civilization of the Universe?

Zon: An anticivilization rests on a foundation of irrationality and dishonesty. Yet, islands of rationality and honesty generate the values and wealth that sustain, even advance, the anticivilization. But, its citizens continue to be drained and defrauded to death. By contrast, in the Civilization of the Universe, people live as sovereigns and prosper forever through fully integrated honesty, wide-scope accounting, and competitive businesses throughout cyberspace. ...You're now in an area approaching the Civilization of the Universe.

Ann: Sounds like your telling me we came from Hell and now we're in Purgatory. Next you'll tell me we're going to become non-corporeal souls floating forever in Heaven.

Zon: Bodiless souls, just as mystical utopias, don't exist. The body is an indispensable part of life, existence...and happiness -- the ultimate purpose of conscious life. Achievements, emotions, sex, and love can't exist without the body. The body physically moves and controls existence through time and space. Neothink people, just as conscious people, must exist as body-and-soul individuals who physically conduct business. Their competitive achievements require physical movements. They learn to cure the diseases of dishonesty and mysticism in order to harness the laws of nature. After that, they learn through unfettered business techniques to eradicate disease, aging, then death. Each such individual is then on his or her own -- a sovereign -- eternally relying on his or her own thinking, decisions, and physical actions, profit-making businesses.

Ann: How is death eradicated?

Zon: Through self-responsibility and competition -- through free markets that harness science and technology to deliver the greatest possible values at the most efficient speed and lowest costs. On Earth, for example, the first great products would be aging retardants, disease cures, and dishonesty eliminators -- products that lead to the eradication of aging and disease. ...Freewheeling businesses focusing on genetic manipulation, head/brain/body transfer, human cloning, and I-ness capture are among the first steps.

Ann: I can understand that. Business and economies free of government would quickly solve every problem that's solvable, profitable, and beneficial to human beings.

St. Aug.: Sounds like the steps to Heaven.

Zon: Perhaps in a metaphorical sense. But, not from the mystical perspective of Earth's anticivilization.

Ann: Makes sense. But me being here doesn't make sense. I want some proof of all this. I want evidence of the senses.

Zon: What evidence are your senses delivering right now? What are you doing here alive, body and soul, walking along with Saint Augustine?

St. Aug.: Touché! He nailed you. Right, Ann? Aren't you experiencing Aristotle's delight of the senses?

Ann: Quit asking questions. I don't believe any of this. I'm the founder of Objectivism. I accept only provable, objective reality. Moreover, I'm an atheist.

St. Aug.: Me too. I'm an atheist -- been so ever since I was a teenager.

Ann: Then you're a hypocritical preacher ripping off your followers. ...And, quit holding my hand, Mr. Augustine!

St. Aug.: You took hold of my hand, Ann. ...You can call me Augie.

Ann: Shut up! I want to hear what Zon has to say about the Civilization of the Universe.

Zon: In the Civilization of the Universe, everyone lives the way each was meant to live -- according to one's nature. Each lives to fill his or her needs -- needs that flourish the human organism. As Aristotle identified, people flourish by living according to their nature -- according to natural law as first identified by Sophocles in his play Antigone. Natural law was advanced by the Greek Stoics, even by the Epicureans, and evolved by Seneca then Marcus Aurelius from Cicero's Roman Law...and finally evolved from Justinian, to Locke, to Neo-Tech's depoliticized laws of justice and nature. ...Through value-producing businesses and objective laws, everyone lives happily by creating limitless prosperity for self and others.

Ann: Neo-Tech depoliticized laws? Do they bring about an Objectivist society like Balt's Gulch? If so, then, this is my place and Aristotle must be here. I want to see him as proof.

St. Aug.: And, Plato too? I want to see him.

Zon: I can introduce you to Aristotle, even Parmenides, Hippocrates, and Archimedes, if you wish. But, Plato? Don't recall that name. Don't think he exists in the Civilization of the Universe. ...Is Plato a man or a woman?

St. Aug.: Sweet Jesus, he doesn't even know Plato's name.

Ann: Plato's not here? This place is getting better every minute. Yes, I belong here. I bet that mawkish tree-hugging killer, Rousseau, isn't here either -- or his heirs like Robespierre, Hitler, and Pol Pot.

Zon: You're right. They're not here.

Ann: Then that killer gang is dead forever?

Zon: Death is unknown in the Civilization of the Universe. An anticivilization is the only place where conscious life vanishes. Death of conscious people is obscenely irrational.

Ann: Right. Death is a bummer.

Zon: I'll try to locate Rousseau and his heirs through my list broker. He has email addresses of vanished Earthlings. Sounds like they'd be good prospects for buying my products for quantum-jump redemptions.

Ann: Addresses for dead people! Selling products to dead people! Doing business with the worst sort of unredeemable scumbags imaginable? How mystical and depraved can you get? Suddenly, I'm losing confidence in this place and you. ...What's your name?

Zon: My name is Zon.

Ann: Zon! Just Zon. You told me you were a Zon; now your saying your name is Zon. Damn, that sounds mystical. You might be a dashing businessman, but, I'm starting not to like you or this place. ...Why are you smiling?

Zon: What you're now experiencing must seem mystical from your 1982 anticivilization perspective. With more experience here, you'll gain answers to your questions. ...You'll find this place normal and natural. By contrast, you'll realize Earth's anticivilization was bizarre and unnatural.

Ann: You must answer one question for me to continue. What about that bloody gang you're going to put on your redemption mailing list? How can mass murderers be redeemed? I could never accept such injustice.

Zon: Here we stand uncompromisingly on principle -- on justice. Means take care of the ends. ...But, mass murder? Don't recall that concept.

Ann: How do you know so much and so little at the same time? ...And, how do you redeem the unredeemable heirs of Rouseau?

Zon: It's all in cyberspace. In this realm, you'll discover how the unredeemable must finally answer to justice -- answer to the laws of nature. Even murderous humanoids like Pol Pot who die peacefully in their sleep must ultimately meet justice. ...In this realm, entrepreneurs track only what's valuable to them, their loved ones, and their businesses. They forget the rest, especially the evils and unrealities of an anticivilization. That way, no harmful person can consume their time or drain their lives. That's the nature of cyberspace dynamics.

Ann: Cyberspace dynamics? Sounds great, but unreal. And, why is Saint Augustine standing here, right here beside me, patting my rear? If I were a criminal-minded feminist, I'd set him up to sue his ass off. ...I want to understand those cyberspace dynamics.

Zon: Many new understandings come from cyberspace. For example, you'll learn that Saint Augustine was the most forward-moving, freethinking intellectual during his time in history. Roger Bacon laid the groundwork for scientific inquiry and method while using Augustine's writings as his foundation. Augustine's writings were original and courageous. His writings counterbalanced the coming dark ages and eventually led to the development of the Renaissance. Taking the lead from Augustine, Aquinas revived both natural law and Aristotle along with the no-connection separation of the physical world from the spiritual realm.

Ann: Tell me more about Augie.

Zon: As a teenager, Augustine dumped his strict Catholic upbringing and its dogma. He recognized religion as mystical and harmful. He recognized that man must discover the creator of the universe through constantly evolving inquiry into reality. He easily defeated the arguments of Catholic priests and bishops throughout his realm of North Africa and Italy. Augustine keenly observed and experienced the mortal destructiveness of Earth's anticivilization -- first as a Manichaean, then as a Heretic. Without your modern knowledge of reality and physics, he was vainly seeking the Civilization of the Universe.

Ann : Please continue.

Zon: Finally, when his closest friend died, Augustine as a secret atheist focused on the Catholic hierarchy. He then exploited that Roman-Catholic neocheating machine. Through white-hat neocheating, he became its most influential bishop. For, he had discovered that no ranking Catholic official from a bishop, to a cardinal, to a pope could compete for high positions by remaining ignorant in clinging to faith or mysticism. To become a leader of any large religious or mystical organization, one had to become a secret nonbeliever -- an atheist -- not only to manipulate the believers but to compete for positions of power. One had to reject faith and mysticism to effectively manipulate the frauds of faith and mysticism. Just like Earth's politicians: They rise in power through automatic lies and black-hat neocheating, while secretly scorning those doctrines and laws that they harangue others to believe and obey.

Ann: What's a neocheater? What's white-hat and black-hat neocheating?

Zon: You'll discover that later.

St. Aug.: You're giving away our deepest secrets. It's about time. Yes, my Catholic peers and I were all nonbelievers -- objective atheists.

Ann: Catholics as objective atheists? What a contradiction. Yet, I sense something behind what you're saying. Still, contradictions can't exist in reality.

Zon: You're right, contradictions don't exist in reality. In Earth's nonreality anticivilization, however, deceptive contradictions abound within truths taken out of context. Deceptions and contradictions vanish within a civilization based on objective reality. ...The key distinction ain't believers verses nonbelievers but value producers versus value destroyers.

St. Aug.: Ain't? Not knowing if Plato is a man or a woman? Are you playing a cosmic poker game?

Ann: Don't let Augie bother you. He's a professional value destroyer, right?

Zon: No. In context, Augustine was a major, net-value producer.

Ann: Humph.

St. Aug.: Can we now replace the metaphor "Heaven" for the factual "Civilization of the Universe"?

Ann: I'll never buy into such crap.

St. Aug.: Why is it crap? We're talking about metaphors.

Ann: I won't discuss it.

St. Aug.: Why won't you discuss it?

Ann: I won't answer those questions.

St. Aug.: Why not?

Ann: Look! Isn't that Denis Diderot approaching? I read his great French Encyclopedia in college. ...Is Voltaire here too?

Diderot: Voltaire and Descartes both work with me -- so do Locke and Newton. My contemporary Rousseau never made it. He vanished in the anticivilization.

Ann: Descartes works with you? He's an evil skeptic who rejected the power of our senses to identify reality. ...He's no good -- almost as bad as Rousseau.

Diderot: No good? An evil skeptic? Descartes is no more evil than Aristotle was evil. He's no more of a skeptic than Socrates was a sophist. Within his 17th-century scope of knowledge, Descartes used skepticism to demonstrate the power of our minds to identify reality. He used skepticism to undermine the skeptics; just as Socrates used sophistry to undermine the sophists. Descartes played a crucial role in breaking the Scholastics' dogmatic oppression of Aristotle. He also developed analytical geometry -- a vast value to any civilization. Later, Locke used more advanced knowledge to evolve and replace Descartes philosophy with liberty under law, not oppression under men. Finally, you, Ann Brand, developed an even more advanced paradigm that evolved and replaced Locke's paradigm.

Ann: You know about me and my writings?

Diderot: Of course. Who doesn't? Got your books through

Ann: Then you realize Descartes was bogus. He was a Rationalist with his "Cogito, ergo sum" nonsense. You know, "I think therefore I am". So, if you think not, you vanish, right?

St. Aug: How did you make such valuable contributions to philosophy while being so ignorant of philosophers from Plato to Wittenstein?

Ann: Quiet, Augie! I want to hear Diderot explain why Descartes wouldn't vanish if he "thought not". ...And, who the hell is Wittenstein?

Diderot: I don't know about Wittenstein. But, Descartes was a great Rationalist as Locke was a great Empiricist. You needed both their lines of knowledge mixed with Thomas Reid's and William James's common sense philosophies to look toward Objectivism. The later philosophies of Auguste Comte, John Stuart Mill, and Herbert Spencer pointed toward the individualism, freedom, and liberty needed to evolve the Industrial Revolution. Those philosophies, especially that of Mill, opened the door to Objectivism. How? By stripping philosophy of mystical metaphysics and rationalized "intuitions" that suppress new ideas.

Ann: Next, I suppose you'll be telling me that Thomas Hobbes was a good guy for writing Leviathan

Diderot: Despite his absolutist and totalitarian views, he was the first to put society and government formally on an objective rather than a mystical basis. Hobbes identified that government was the congeries of individuals. He established that the first and primary function of government was to protect the life and property of its citizens. If government did not perform such functions, Hobbes believed it should be overthrown. Without that Hobbesian start, there would be no classical liberalism or Objectivism. Even the bogus thoughts of Berkeley and Hume were necessary to reach Objectivism.

Ann: Well, perhaps I misjudged Descartes, Hobbes, and Hume. On Earth, I never admitted errors to my cult followers. ...Anyway, where's your candle for Augustine to blow out?

St. Aug: Candle to blow out?

Ann: I remember Diderot telling of a man using a candle to find his way through the darkness. He meets a theist. The theist advises him to blow out the candle in order to find his way through the darkness. ..."Put out the light to find your way on faith alone" the theist insisted. Get it? Like you, found your way on faith alone, right, Augie?

St. Aug.: Wrong. Pay attention. Both Zon and I already told you that I became an atheist and rejected faith in my teens. Without being an atheist, I would've remained too weak and ignorant to become a Catholic bishop.

Ann: Hypocrite.

St. Aug.: My writings were metaphorical in trying to direct the collasping Roman, pre-medieval world toward objective reality. Consider some of my views: The First Commandment, for example, has nothing to do with worshiping one God. It's a metaphor about recognizing that one reality and only one reality exists. The Good is everything in reality. The Evil is nothing. Evil is turning away from reality - turning toward the nothingness of mysticism and dishonesty. Faith? Hey, you got to believe that the guy - the Zon - who created this Universe has more advance knowledge of physics and nature than we do. Right? And, original sin? It's merely conscious man's capacity to be irrational. If you live through irrationality, of course, your life is going to be damned. Also, Christian universal brotherhood has nothing to do with egalitarianism. It's about moral equality -- about morality being determined by individual character development, not by race, nationality, or the class one is born into. I was replacing elitist, class-status ideas with individualistic, self-earned values. ...My goal was to shift religion away from amorphous, outer-world notions -- and toward humanistic, self-responsible notions. Aquinas combined my work with Aristotle's to bring the world out of the dark ages.

Ann: Finally, some sense from a Catholic icon. Bet Bill Buckley is a closet atheist too. Despite his protestations about God and Catholicism, he's too smart for such beliefs. He'd never blow out the candle, either. Too bad he's not as honest as you, Augie. He's just another elitist who manipulates others through religion and Plato's noble lies.

Diderot: Buckley hasn't yet come to the Civilization of the Universe. When he does, his dishonesties will vanish like everyone else's. Then, I'll hire him to edit my publications. He has a good vocabulary and wit. ...Got to go now. I'm meeting with Leona Helmsley about producing a modern business encyclopedia. She's a hard-nosed, value-producing businesswoman from New York.

Ann: I admire Mrs. Helmsley. Give my regards to that business genius.

St. Aug.: How, Ann, can I get a clearer understanding of what business means -- in the way you're talking about?

Ann: I'm gaining some sympathy for you, Augie. Living 1500 years ago, you could never have known about the supreme morality of business. You could not know that business is the ultimate value for mankind. I'm realizing that you had no idea of the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, America, automobiles, McDonald fries -- yum, or IBM. Without those experiences, how could you understand competitive business? Diderot will learn a lot about business from Leona Helmsley. You should join their discussions. I recall her building a real-estate empire in New York City. She's a real businessman.

St. Aug.: She's a businessman?

Ann: Right. No feminist political correctness in me. ...Augie, I'm going to give you my book about the morality of business. It's titled Capitalism, the Morality Tool. It explains the benevolent virtue of business and rational selfishness in trading values. It also shows how ending the hoax of altruism is the key to universal prosperity and happiness.

St. Aug.: Altruism a hoax? Ending altruism? Universal prosperity and happiness through trading values and rational selfishness? Great concepts! I read about those ideas in your books. With my primitive knowledge, those were the ideas I was reaching for in my writings. ...You're talking about the route to Heaven.

Ann: Don't link anything of mine with Heaven.

St. Aug.: Socrates taught me to always expand my thinking in order to obsolete my current thinking. I realized how little I knew in context of future knowledge. Now I'm gaining new knowledge -- like I'm learning from you. ...Socrates wanted everyone to challenge his ideas and show him new ideas. That way, he and everyone could move past old ideas into futures of never ending new knowledge and prosperity.

Ann: Guess I could've learned something from Socrates after all. Never knew what he was getting at. Plato screwed him up. I'll look at your work again based on what Zon said about you. ...Zon, what's your real name? Your full name?

Zon: My anticivilization name was Jay Gould. Still use it in my email address.

Ann: Jay Gould! The railroad tycoon of the 19th century?

Zon: I reorganized and expanded America's transcontinental railroad system into profitable enterprises instead of political instruments for financial fraud.

Ann: I admire you, Mr. Gould. You and railroad-builder J. J. Hill. I especially admired how you alone bucked the altruistic crap of your day. I admire how you criticized the business-genius Rockefeller for yielding to the compassion hoaxers. I admire how you identified that the most successful and talented business people were dissipating their capital by giving it to government and charity under political and religious pressures. You alone identified how everyone and society, especially the poor, could receive limitless benefits if those business geniuses reinvested their money in their own competitive value-producing enterprises -- like you always did. ...You never yielded your benevolence, rationality, and principles to the envy and dishonesty of parasites -- politicians, preachers, pseudo-intellectuals.

Zon: Intentional destruction of capital happens only in an anticivilization.

Ann: I'm beginning to see your concept of an anticivilization. It's a state of insanity with its citizens trapped in deadly denials of reality. Yes, the propagators of an anticivilization must undermine the businessman to survive by looting his achievements. They use altruism to paint him as evil and greedy. That's why they labeled you as the worst and greediest of the Robber Barons. But, damn, you and the Robber Barons were the real benefactors to society. Still, an anticivilization must attack people like you so its parasitical rulers can thrive like weeds by usurping your wealth creations. Anyway, you're a real-life hero. You're greater than any hero I produced in my novels -- even greater than John Balt. Well, maybe, Hank Beardon, my favorite hero, was like you. But, you were real life, not fiction. ...If I'd known you back then, Mr. Gould, I'd have fallen on my knees and begged you to let me be your housekeeper who'd take care of your every need. To hell with the feminists. You could've raped me without ever hearing a complaint. ...Are you married?

Zon: I appreciate the compliments from a woman I greatly admire. ...Yes, I was happily married on Earth. And, I'm still married to the same romantic woman, happier and more in love than ever.

Ann: Figures. The great ones are always taken. Anyway, how'd you handle such relentless attacks from government, religion, the press, and the academics? How'd you act so calmly, so benevolently, for so long in the face of such dishonesties? I could never handle evil attacks like you did with such aplomb. How'd you do it?

Zon: I was having too much fun converting decaying capital into profitable enterprises. I was too excited converting lead into gold of almost everything I managed. I never yielded to criticisms and attacks. Instead, I learned how to turn nearly every attack into expanding profits. It was great fun outflanking the parasites.

Ann: They don't make 'em like you these days.

St. Aug.: Plato told at the start of his Republic how the most virtuous of men always get the worst, most unjust treatment from society.

Zon: I hear from the Internet that one of the greatest businessmen on Earth today sold out to altruism in destroying huge chunks of his capital -- worse than Rockefeller did. His name, I think, is Ted Turner. As Pascal discovered, only in an anticivilization can such genius and stupidity exist simultaneously. On a more honest path, a person named Bill Gates is outflanking dishonest attacks of envy and parasitism against his world-supreme enterprise. I even have his operating system in my computer. Don't know how he penetrated this outer-Earth market, but he did. Busted the competition here. What an aggressive business genius. He could become the catalyst to vanishing Earth's anticivilization. ...He mustn't yield to envious parasites. Instead, he's got to make profits from their irrationalities and criminalities.

Ann: I love you, Jay Gould! Please walk with me through your domain. The ambience is free, fresh, and clean. I feel an excitement I haven't felt since falling in love with Bate Randon while writing my magnum opus, Real Men Never Shrug ...I want to learn from you, Zon, my dear Mr. Gould. Arrangements can be made for your wife.

St. Aug.: Arrangements? Like what?

Ann: Like fix her up with you, Augie.

Zon: Miss Brand, I know you're a man worshiper, but please rise from your knees.

Ann: I'll always fall on my knees before men like you. ...Mr. Gould, please explain what's happening.

Zon: Can't explain now. Must tend to something urgent -- something strange. My Universal Computer picked up the audio words of "Leona Helmsley" from Diderot. My monitor keeps signaling that she remains bound in the anticivilization. She's neither here nor in the Civilization of the Universe. So, how can Diderot be meeting with her? Strange, indeed. The defense-warning signals are flashing.

Ann: Universal Computer? Show me what you're doing.

Zon: You'll find out soon enough. You're part of my business plans.

Ann: How's that?

Zon: Being from Earth's anticivilization, you've heard of television infomercials and direct-mail marketing often maligned as junk mailing?

Ann: I have. But, don't worry, I admire aggressive business methods.

St. Aug.: I'm lost.

Zon: You'll understand soon enough. You're going to be my top salespeople behind my marketing blitz.

St. Aug.: Marketing blitz?

Zon: My products deliver never ending wealth, power, and romantic sex. Who could resist buying with passionate testimonials from both of you -- the Libidinous Bishop and the Capitalist Atheist?

St. Aug: Romantic sex! Haven't experienced that since I was a teenager. How much? I'll buy! ...Think I'd have a chance with you, Ann?

Ann: How dare you! Jeez, and you're a Roman-Catholic bishop. ...I'm married you know.

St. Aug: Arrangements can be made.

Ann: Been there, done that. My affair with a young hero was open, honest, and valuable. Got lots of heat about that relationship from a bunch of know-nothing, accomplish-nothing pipsqueaks. They never knew what a great value that relationship was to both of us. He was my hero. He developed the business methods that got Objectivism rolling. All went sour when I got mystical. Created problems where none existed. ...But, never again. I made mistakes. I hurt my husband. Then I discovered that I loved my husband more than anyone else.

St. Aug: Think about polyandry. I approve of that.

Ann: What insolent nerve! I'd never think about that unless my husband approved.

St. Aug.: Did you know Hugh Hefner? He blew away religious-stamped sexual guilt from planet Earth.

Ann: He did some heroic things, so did Larry Flynt. But, they knew nothing about value-based romantic love.

St. Aug.: Haw! I remember reading about Mr. Flynt. Great parodies he did on religious hypocrites. Loved the one on my latter-day colleague, Reverend Jerry Falwell, having sex with his mom in an outhouse.

Ann: I liked Guccione's parodies better, especially Jesus on the cross getting fellatio. ...Damn, let's get off this sordid subject.

St. Aug.: Right, let's continue our journey. I want to learn about that supreme value you call business.

Ann: Please be our guide through this wonderful realm, Zon. I'll pay for your time.

Zon: These cyberspace warnings are something serious.

Ann: Serious? Like what?

Zon: The Universal Computer last gave these warnings over two-millennia ago when an orator named Pericles using lawyer-like dishonesties was discovered approaching this realm. He tried to infiltrate the Civilization of the Universe. His entourage included someone I'd forgotten about `til now. His name was Plato; the same person you asked about earlier. They were disguised as universal silk merchants on a trade mission. Instead, they were neocheaters from Earth wanting to usurp unearned wealth and power by spreading the diseases of dishonesty and mysticism through the false compassion of altruism. Using noble lies, that gang was going to subvert children with deceptively good-sounding educations about philosopher kings and force-backed statism. ...A Zon named Archangel discovered their scheme and bounced them back to Earth's anticivilization.

Ann: Damn that Archangel. Sending those guys back sank Earth's future. Ended up killing everyone who ever lived there, including my husband and me. ...Wait a minute. What am I talking about? Life after death? Am I turning into some kind of hallucinating mystic? What am I doing here talking to you, like I'm alive? What's happening, Zon? Is Objectivism bogus?

Zon: Have confidence in your Objectivism. Nothing mystical is happening. The metaphysics and epistemology expressed in your books stand fast -- just as the laws of nature stand fast throughout the Universe.

Ann: I want to know how what's happening is compatible with my writings. As Aristotle said, "All men by nature have a desire to know".

Zon: I'll first have to build a matrix of new contexts around everything you've written. You'll be shocked but thrilled. The advance from your philosophy to the current knowledge here in the anteroom of the C of U will be as great as the advance from Kant's philosophy to your Objectivism there on Earth.

Ann: Impossible. Kant and Objectivism can't be linked. Consider this comparison: Anti-hero Kant was a short, wizened, shrunken-jawed, dark, bent little man. Objectivist-hero, John Balt, was a tall, robust, squared-jawed, blond, blue-eyed, erect muscular man. How can you link those two?

St. Aug.: Your ad-hominem habit of linking character and value of a man to his inborn physical characteristics is as unjust as racism. Such bigotry is not only stupid, but it contradicts Objectivism and works against gaining new knowledge.

Ann: Your right, Augie. My Homeric habit is stupid, ugly, and unjust. I'm going to uproot that habit from my thinking and writing.

St. Aug.: Seems impossible to be dishonest in this realm.

Ann: Right, it's great for correcting self-deceptions and destructive errors. ...Still, Zon, I want to know how Kant and Objectivism can be linked.

Zon: As I said, you'll be shocked and thrilled. You'll realize Kant's erroneous philosophical model was like Ptolemy's erroneous astronomical model that nevertheless served as an invaluable tool in advancing navigation and marine commerce for many centuries. Thus, you'll realize how Kant's model advanced abstract thought. But, today, his model is no longer useful. ...Aristotle and you, however, are like Galileo and Newton. You'll always be contextually valuable -- similar to Pythagoras's eternal conception of the triangle...until Georg Riemann advanced that concept by expanding geometry to curved space.

Ann: Interesting. Go on.

Zon: Today, in this place, development of knowledge is like the radically unexpected Einstein relativity/quantum model in Earth's early 20th century. Our model, like Einstein's model, is subject to replacement with new knowledge and discoveries. ...The basic tools developed by Newton and you are here to stay, like the Pythagorean theorem. But, the works of future Einsteins and Zons will always evolve.

Ann: Don't quite follow. Moreover, I still don't understand how that links Kant to Objectivism?

Zon: You'll understand when you reach the promontory overlooking the Civilization of the Universe.

Ann: Promontory or not, how can you put the evilest man in history in any context with Aristotle and Newton?

Zon: Who's evil? Ptolemy, Kant, or Einstein?

Ann: Kant, of course. I won't move from my position on Kant 'til I have factual reasons to modify my view.

Zon: Focus on the facts and reality. Kant was a paragon of morality like yourself.

Ann: How dare you say that.

Zon: The problem with calling people evil rests in the methods of judging evil. Valid judgments of morality can't come from deductive scenarios extrapolated from one's own time and knowledge. That's what's being done to Kant. Moral judgments can be made only inductively -- from objective acts in full context. Such clean, straight-line judgments are obscured in an anticivilization. On Earth, direct killers like Caligula, Genghis Kahn, Robespierre, and Jack the Ripper are obviously evil. But, an anticivilization hides the evil of indirect killers like Pericles, Rousseau, and Lincoln.

St. Aug.: I'll agree about Pericles. Don't know about Lincoln. But, as bad as he might appear today, don't witch-hunt Rousseau like Ann did with Plato and Kant. Don't make him or anyone responsible for casting evil spells on others for centuries into the future.

Zon: You're right. And, remember, Rousseau said, "Man is born free and everywhere he's in chains." Now, extend his metaphor to this time and place and he is saying, "Man in the Civilization of the Universe is free, and everywhere in Earth's anticivilization he's in chains". Ironically, an anticivilization is required to understand freedom, rationality, and honesty. For, man who has never experienced chains, dishonesty, and irrationality can't grasp his own freedom, honesty, and rationality.

St. Aug.: Is man on Earth doomed?

Zon: No. As with Goethe's Faust, the citizens of Earth's civilization long ago sold their souls to a Mephistopheles named Pericles to enter his unreal world -- the anticivilization. Still, conscious beings on Earth possess the attributes to become immortal sovereigns. They can gain limitless wealth and romantic happiness in the C of U. Thus, today, through the saving Angels of fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting, Earthlings can regain their bodies and souls to reenter the real world -- the Civilization of the Universe -- even a person like Rousseau.

Ann: Despite what you said, that sobbing Rousseau was evil in his own time and place. Call it witch hunting. Still, his direct descendant was mass-murderer Pol Pot. ...Now, explain your judgment that posits Kant as moral.

Zon: You present non sequiturs. But before explaining about Kant, I must resolve this problem flashing on my monitor. I just emailed Helen of Vegas who arrived from Earth on March 23, 1998. She'll be more helpful than I. She has fresh memories from Earth. You'll need her comparative perspectives to glimpse C-of-U perspectives. ...She's arriving now.

St. Aug: She anything like Helen of Troy? I'll lay Gorgias's Encomium on her.

Ann: Cool it, Augie. Don't think you're Paris who'll carry Helen away. ...Who's Gorgias anyway?

St. Aug: He was the most renowned of the Greek sophists. But, Socrates easily overcame him. ...The great Socrates overcame all dishonesties.

Ann: Socrates wasn't that great.

St. Aug: Not that great? Greatness is the recognition that virtue is enough. Only Socrates had the courageous virtue to live and die on his principles. He was the only consistently honest philosopher. ...Socrates chose death by execution to avoid contradicting his philosophy.

Ann: Look, a beautiful woman! She's appearing out of pixels! She's wearing a tight dress spun from platinum threads. Who's that appearing with her? How'd they get here? This is too much. I'm hallucinating. ...Are you Helen of Vegas? Who's that person with you? I must be going insane.

Helen: You can trust your senses, Miss Brand. Nothing here is mystical. Everything can be explained within the laws of nature and physics. ...I'm Helen. Meet my friend Blaise Pascal. Socrates will join us later.

Ann: You're Pascal! Explain this outrage. Socrates I can take, although Plato smeared despotism all over him. But, what's that religious fanatic Pascal doing here? And, where the hell is Aristotle? I suppose next you'll be laying Jesus on me.

St. Aug.: He'd be an attractive stud to lay on you. Jesus was a beautiful guy...and horny.

Ann: Shut up! I don't want to hear anymore from your Larry-Flynt gutter mind. ...I demand explanations from Miss Vegas.

Helen: You'll understand in time. But, first, don't put unilateral demands on me or anyone else here. No one here owes you explanations. You're here as a guest 'til you earn your own way.

Ann: You're right. I apologize. I'm sounding like my cult followers. Blab out demands without considering my own principles of trading values. ...Shall I call you Miss Vegas?

Helen: Call me Helen. I'm a wide-scope business accountant.

Ann: I like you, Helen. You sound like a straightforward businessman.

Helen: Both of you, come, walk with Blaise and me. Zon's busy now. We'll head toward the quantum-jump promontory -- a point from which Socrates can help jump your perspectives from Earth's anticivilization into the Civilization of the Universe. ...Like Blaise did centuries ago.

Ann: You mean his night of fire?

Pascal: That's when my mind switched from the incomprehensible to the comprehensible.

Ann: Comprehensible? How can such blatant mysticism be comprehensible? Comprehensible to what? To a radical leap of faith? No wonder Nietzsche hated Christianity. "Look what it did to Pascal," he raged with disgust.

Pascal: On reaching that quantum-jump promontory, you'll see a wider context. You'll see an opposite picture than what you now see. My work has nothing to do with advocating faith. My work has everything to do with identifying the anticivilization. My work shows that to accept and invest in something so irrational and dishonest as Earth's anticivilization, one must accept and use its equally irrational and dishonest tools.

Helen: Didn't that pious Calvinist, Pierre Bayle, imply something like that? Using the incomprehensible evils and irrationalities in the Bible, he points to the plunderer, rapist, and murderer King David as one of God's chosen loved ones. From that, Bayle shows that irrationality, dishonesty, and injustice underpins Earth's anticivilization.

Pascal: In that regard, Pierre Bayle and I are soulmates. By the way, Pierre is now a scholar who studies Ann Brand's writings.

Ann: A Calvinist priest studying my writings? I need my night of fire to switch my mind from the incomprehensible to the comprehensible. Next thing you'll be telling me is that Plato was a good guy -- a white-hat philosopher. ...Maybe something like a white-hat neocheater that Zon mentioned.

Helen: He was more than that. Plato was a brilliant manipulator of words who developed the first integrated, comprehensive philosophy on planet Earth. With his wide-ranging work, he captured most intellectuals of his day...and he still does to this day on Earth. His work was incalculably valuable in developing human thought. And, arguably, he wrote the most enduring, beautiful poetry ever created on Earth.

Ann: What about his totalitarian preachings?

Helen: Indeed, he forged the use of dishonesties, force-backed political-agenda laws, and malevolent mysticism as prime instruments for totalitarian power. Yet, by poetically using Socrates in his Dialogues, he delivered incomparable values. He showed man not what to think, but how to think for learning new knowledge -- for achieving intellectual self-development. Because of Plato, an Aristotle could rise. And, then, mankind could advance within an anticivilization. More important, because Plato laid the philosophical foundation for the anticivilization, he also sewed the seeds for its own destruction by identifying in his Dialogues the hidden dishonesties behind sophistry and rhetoric. Sophistic rhetoric is the tool for neocheating -- a tool for destructive political agendas, arbitrary laws, and lawyer-like dishonesties upon which the parasitical leaders of an anticivilization survive. ...Plato scorned the Sophists, although he used sophistic rhetoric himself. For, he, like everyone else, was heavily invested in the anticivilization.

St. Aug: I'll still vouch for Plato. He and Socrates were my guiding lights.

Ann: That's my point. Plato twisted Socrates to his own ends to become for centuries the hell hole of destructive mysticisms, religions, governments, and philosophies.

Helen: How much Plato did you read?

Ann: Scanned The Republic.

Helen: Yes, Plato projected malevolent political views in his Republic. Yes, he was an elitist. He even advocated political-agenda murder to secure the parasitical-elite class. But, one needs to study Plato's later dialogues to understand what he was trying to accomplish. One then discovers that Plato worked toward becoming an honest philosopher -- perhaps more honest than you, Ann.

Ann: How can you say that? Plato was a dogmatic totalitarian who manipulated a phony world of forms. Just read his Republic.

St. Aug.: Read past his Republic. You'll discover he was anything but dogmatic. He always challenged his own theories and moved forward in knowledge. In his later works, starting with his Parmenides, he directly questioned and methodically began undermining his entire theory of forms. That conscious undermining of his life's work took great honesty and courage. Moreover, he prepared the epistemological and metaphysical groundwork for the silver-medal philosopher, Aristotle.

Helen: Like Socrates and Plato, we must constantly reexamine our paradigms against evolving new knowledge Those who don't reexamine their ideas can't change with advancing knowledge. They stagnate -- like Aristotelian cult followers did, like Miss Brand's cult followers are doing today.

St. Aug.: What about those cult followers, Ann?

Ann: Humph!

St. Aug.: Quit humphing so much. Instead, think about what's being asked.

Ann: You're right, Augie. I'll quit humphing and think instead. Got to have the discipline to distinguish between acting like a paranoid egotist and being an honest egoist. No more humphing. No more behaving like my cult followers. As you said, it's impossible to bluff in this realm. ...By the way, Augie, who's history's gold-medal philosopher hero?

St. Aug.: You, Ann. That's a big reason why I'm sexually attracted to you and your legs.

Ann: Thanks for the gold medal. But, the gold belongs to Aristotle. ...And, don't expect me to ever wrap my legs around you!

St. Aug.: We'll see. ...We're in a teleia-philia relationship. We can never escape that fact.

Ann: What the hell is a teleia-philia relationship?

St. Aug: How carefully did you read your hero Aristotle?

Ann: Read some books about him.

St. Aug.: Read first hand his works on friendship and love.

Helen: I think Ann and Aristotle tie as gold medal heroes. And, Ann is not entirely wrong about Plato -- at least about those who misused his philosophy. Manipulators of Plato's philosophy pressed a "crown of thorns on the brow of mankind" -- a metaphorical fact of reality, not just an Objectivist perspective. Moreover, Plato was a backward-looking reactionary, at least up to his writing The Republic. By contrast, Aristotle was a forward-looking innovator. Then his cult followers wrongfully dogmatized his works. Yet, labeling Plato as evil is inaccurate, especially when viewed from his latter works.

Ann: Humph. ...Errr, I mean continue, please.

Helen: In his later life, Plato realized that aging and death of every conscious person who built a lifetime of knowledge and values was no way to run the Universe. Plato then realized that he and everyone on Earth lived in an irrational, mortal anticivilization. Thus, he realized that his entire theory of forms was a paradigm sinking under the weight of "save-the-appearances" rationalizations. Approaching the end of his life, Plato knew he was at a dead end and his entire paradigm needed replacing. But, he had nothing to replace it with. So, he kept trying to patch it up while purposely tearing it down. At the end of his life, while never discovering the Civilization of the Universe, he heroically began pointing in that direction -- toward Aristotle's direction, and eventually toward your direction, Ann. ...Today, when you juxtapose the facts of an anticivilization against ideas of the Civilization of the Universe, you'll see everything from radically different perspectives. With a little time, Zon and I will demonstrate those different perspectives. You'll begin seeing those new-color perspectives as you approach the Civilization of the Universe.

Ann: You and Augie made important identifications about Plato's honesty. Wish my protégé, Dr. Piecrust, could hear your words. He commercially pulled my most important works together while producing many valuable and profitable products. He's an unrecognized hero who's constantly pipped by do-nothing intellectuals. Sure, he made mistakes, especially his police-state views. But, he's an honest guy. He's honest, forthright, and innocent like Spinoza. He was more honest than I. And, I made more mistakes -- like irrationally putting down others, especially Dr. Randon and libertarians who competitively advanced Objectivism onto the world stage. Moreover, I handled some emotional problems badly. And, my irrationalities cost me and others our health as well as a lot of earned romantic happiness. ...I appreciate your little speeches.

Helen: Well, as Socrates taught, speeches aren't the best way to teach new knowledge -- Balt's speech not withstanding. ...Yet, from your new C-of-U perspectives, you'll delight in Shakespeare "speeches" that implode the anticivilization.

Ann: Doubt it. Never did like Shakespeare's tragic sense of life. Likewise, I despise the nasty works of Eugene O'Neil, Tennessee Williams, and Arthur Miller.

Helen: What do you know about the plays of O'Neil, Williams, and Miller?

Ann: Nothing, except they were socialist downers. I only liked Sophocles. And, Aristophanes was a hoot the way he put down the in-the-clouds Socrates.

St. Aug.: With flippant talk like that is, I guess, the reason we're in Purgatory instead of Heaven.

Helen: Those malevolent-view American writers highlighted the nothingness of Earth's anticivilization. An important ingredient in grasping the anticivilization. In that way, they were the converse of heroic-view Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides.

St. Aug.: Are you and Zon metaphors for some kind of divine figures or omniscient gods?

Helen: Divine? Omniscient? We're just as much in the dark about understanding perspectives from the next level of advanced knowledge as you and Ann are about understanding the perspectives from our elementary-level C-of-U knowledge. On this C-of-U entry level, I need to help Zon adjust his thinking about Plato. He holds erroneous perceptions from reading Ann's narrow-scope criticisms of Plato. That's why Zon forgot about Plato. In most other areas, however, Zon advances my thinking to ever wider perspectives. We advance in knowledge, first through our own independent efforts, and then through trading our newly developed knowledge. Have patience on your journey toward fully integrated honesty. The proofs and profits are coming. Then, as every conscious person can eventually do, you'll quantum jump into the Civilization of the Universe. At that moment, the illusionary anticivilization vanishes.

Ann: I'll hang around to witness that, even with Augie and Mr. Pascal in my presence. ...I'd say that traveling from Earth toward the C of U is like running The Grapes of Wrath backward.

Helen: Maybe it's more like Absalom celebrating the demise of King David.

Ann: Absalom?

Helen: I'm getting a cyberspace message from Zon.

Ann: What's he say?

Helen: He's discovered the interloper disguised as Leona Helmsley is Martin Luther King, Jr.! He's got a gaggle of politicians, lawyers, professors, talking heads, and movie celebrities ready to invade our realm. They're being advised by Thrasymachus from Plato's days, Niccoló Machiavelli, and a soulmate Earthling who personifies cynical compassion hoaxes. Guess that'd be Bill Clinton. ...I'm going to recommend that they be confronted with a premier Objectivist philosopher -- Malcolm X -- who was recently trained by Socrates in the methods of educating corrupt minds.

Ann: My God! Malcolm X a premier Objectivist philosopher! I'm going to have a stroke. ...And, who's Bill Clinton?

Helen: Bill Clinton is the 42nd President of the United States. He's a kamikaze agent working to vanish Earth's anticivilization.

-- to be continued --

One-Hundred Dialogues

Dialogue #2

Malcolm X and Socrates
bankrupt the
Great Cosmic Poker Game

Tending the gates to the Civilization of the Universe, light-bearer Jay Gould Zon is a commercial protector of conscious life. He discovers an interloping entourage of professional neocheaters: parasitical elites from Earth's past history.

Those interlopers have disguised philosophy, politics, education, and religion in the forms of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Abraham Lincoln, John Dewey, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Zon sends Malcolm X and Socrates to intercept the interlopers who are aboard a stealth flagship named Sluos Daed rof Sedah -- a ship upon which the dishonesties of the living and dead meet. Those aboard seem to be united by souls so corrupt, so dead that they cannot recognize much less empathize with honesty and virtue. But are they all corrupt and dead? Are there counteragents aboard planning to profit from that boatload of ghostly neocheaters? ...The giant ship is captained by a peg-legged man named Ahab seeking revenge against the great white neocheater, whom he believes is hiding in the Civilization of the Universe (C of U).

The ship will sail under the camouflage of tollbooth compassion built upon sophistic rhetoric. Malcolm X and Socrates locate the ship. They quickly talk their way past the eunuch guarding its gangway. Once aboard, they find the ship filled with lawyers, preachers, politicians, professors, and sophists lounging around, all talking at once. Malcolm X and Socrates joined by Plato seek out the crew's most persuasive leader, the champion sophist -- Protagoras. ...Socrates challenges the sophist maxim, "Man is the measure of all things". Socrates then convinces Protagoras to organize a huge poker game so the entire crew can win easy money for spending in the Civilization of the Universe.

Divine-poet Dante and loin-clothed Gandhi bring the game to an unexpected end. Through Plato, Zon reaps business profits by winning the potential value producers in that poker game. Zon wins them not as Morrison's dead Beloved slaves, but as Wallace's living Neo-Tech entrepreneurs. Plato sends the rest -- the irredeemable criminals -- back to Earth, into their domain of forgotten graves, dark dishonesties, and hidden criminalities.

In Dialogue #3, Helen of Vegas discovers that commercial profits can be generated from anyone -- even from irredeemable losers. She, therefore buys the rights to their labors with a cache of "illegal" whale oil discovered in the bowels of Captain Ahab's ship. With those losers, she creates a super-growth civilization on Earth.

Act 2 of 3

Zon: Look at this cyberspace data. Is it really a black man who's posing as the capitalist, Leona Helmsley?

Malcolm X: Yes, it's Martin Luther King all right. That rascal.

Zon: Do you know him?

Malcolm X: Yeah, sure do. Love the guy. He had guts. Did good in confronting Earth's bigots. But, alas, he was an ol' neocheater -- a bluffer par excellence. Still, got to tilt my hat to him. He and Gandhi taught me the impotence of hatred and force. They taught me the power of nonforce when combined with emotional rhetoric. But, ol' Martin sought to end racism so he could bilk whites as well as blacks. Gave stirring Dream speeches -- like William Jennings Bryan's Cross-of-Gold/Crown-of-Thorns speeches. Everyone cheers, throws their hats into the air, and gives praise without knowing what he said. ...Hitler mastered that technique.

Zon: King's a neocheater?

Malcolm X: Of course! Martin was out to bilk the working classes, blacks and whites alike, for his own power and glory. He worked to enslave 'em with criminal socialism and fraudulent religion. He never learned to be a competitive value producer. That's why he never made it to the C of U.

Zon: He's trying to get in now?

Malcolm X: Yep. That's why he's here disguised as Leona Helmsley. Clever of Martin. But, he miscalculated. Didn't realize she's still living on Earth. That's why her husband, Harry Helmsley, and born-again entrepreneur, Socrates, are with me as advisers. Harry will confront King. Then marketing savant, Socrates, can teach ol' Martin about the morality of business and profits -- the morality of being a competitive value producer rather than a parasitical neocheater.

Helen: I think your view that Dr. King is a neocheater needs adjusting.

Mr. Helmsley: Right. The Reverend King was the renowned civil rights leader who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. ...Still, you say he's disguised as my wife? He's now white-faced and in drag? That's hard to swallow. Besides, I always thought the Nobel Peace Prize was a fraud. A socialist peace prize is not what capitalist Alfred Nobel intended when he funded his prizes in 1896.

Malcolm X: Sure, the Nobel Peace Prize is a fraud. And, look how King, that black-hat bluffer, is trying to infiltrate this business realm. He even cheated to get his Mickey-Mouse doctorate degree. Anyway, I can outflank his ploys with white-hat tactics that'll vanish his socialist criminalities and religious frauds. Then we'll educate him into becoming a value-producing entrepreneur. King's too talented to stay dead as a neocheater. Besides, we need him to profit from certified bad-guys like Rousseau, Lincoln, and Keynes.

Mr. Helmsley: What do you know about Keynes?

Malcolm X: I know his bogus socialist/fascist economics did more to hold down blacks and drain the working classes than anything else in history.

Mr. Helmsley: Didn't Keynes he care about crashing the future and harming billions of people?

Malcolm X: No. In fact, he relished in that thought. Keynes and his elitist Bloomsbury group never cared about the destruction and suffering his corrupt economics would ultimately inflict on the world populations. Consider his evil response when confronted with the fact that his pragmatisms would in the long run impoverish and enslave the working class: "So what", Keynes would laugh. "We're all dead in the long run". The same attitude was displayed by Martin.

Helen: Slow down, Malcolm. Let's bring some fairness into your accusations. Dr. King was nothing like that elitist Keynes. If you study King's later years, you'll see that he backed away from his socialist ideas. Increasingly he was focusing on individual rights. King was moving beyond his book Stride Toward Freedom. He was moving away from bogus "spirit freedom" promoted in the totalitarian, mystical sense of Rousseau. King was moving toward free-enterprise liberty promoted in the natural-law, objective sense of John Locke, John Stuart Mill, and Milton Friedman.

Mr. Helmsley: Then he was killed.

Helen: Yes, he was killed at only 39 while abandoning the manipulative biblical "Truth shall set you free" ploys of Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx. King was reaching for the inviolable laws of nature, physics, and the Universe. He was evolving like you, Malcolm, when you too were killed at only 39. ...Both King and you were moving toward Objectivism in your final days on Earth.

Ann: King moving toward Objectivism? I doubt it.

Malcolm X: What about his fake bus-boycott and dream-speech ploys?

Helen: They weren't fake or ploys. I lived in Montgomery, Alabama when he accomplished his spectacular victory in that bus boycott. That's when King began changing from seeking unearned power through religious frauds and socialist criminalities to genuine power though nonforce moral suasion and the natural rights of individuals. His new idea was to undermine anticivilization injustice through civil disobedience while eschewing force in every action. ...Dr. King actually deserved the Peace Prize.

St. Aug.: Eschewing? What's that mean?

Malcolm X: It means shunning or avoiding. Where'd you get educated? In Uganda?

Ann: Cut the ad-hominem insults X. My friend Augie is a lot smarter than you.

Helen: King realized force was the essence of Earth's anticivilization. One could undermine the crimes and injustices of the anticivilization by rejecting its political-agenda laws backed by force. King's new tool was to direct neither anger nor hatred toward anyone, but to direct anger and hatred toward the anticivilization and its bogus political-agenda laws. ...In the anticivilization, everyone, including its villains, are its victims.

Malcolm X: What about his Dream speech?

Helen: His Dream speech is not only void of anger and hatred, but is filled with a dozen references to freedom and liberty. Those references point not toward socialism, which requires force, but point toward individual freedom, which requires liberty upheld by justice and natural law. ...King was rejecting injustice and political-agenda laws that corrupt everyone on Earth.

Mr. Helmsley: What was his view of justice and law at the end of his life?

Helen: As I said, King was moving from a socialistic political-agenda to the natural-law view -- to the Civilization-of-the-Universe view of law by extending St. Augustine's proclamation that "an unjust law is no law at all".

Ann: Bravo, Augie! I didn't know you thought that way. ...I'm getting warmer toward you.

St. Aug.: We'll keep getting warmer to each other till our hearts become aflame. And, I'll never leave you 'cause of your age. ...We're soul mates forever.

Ann: Yeah, sure. Like some Objectivist heretic said that I'm a soul mate of that commie Sartre. Besides, I no longer blame Randon for leaving me because of my age.

Malcolm X: You know, I see that soul connection between you and Sartre.

Ann: Shut up! A soul connection with Augie is bad enough. Anyway, let Helen continue. I'm learning something.

Helen: Dr. King extended Aquinas's view that "an unjust law is that which is not rooted in eternal natural law". King stated, "any law that upholds the human personality is just and should be practiced". He also stated that "any law that degrades the human personality is unjust and should be rejected".

Malcolm X: I agree. Good thinking by my man, Martin.

Ann: Sloppy thinking, if you ask me. Such thinking leads to totalitarianism.

Helen: Regardless, Dr. King grew past Gandhi's naive ideas of swaraj freedom. King was moving away from that trap of false, socialistic freedom. He was moving toward sophisticated ideas of capitalist freedom. ...King was scrapping Eastern mysticism for objective reality.

Ann: King scrapping mysticism for reality? Great!

Helen: Still, King never reached Malcolm's level of identifying that business entrepreneurs were the keys to freeing blacks and everyone else.

Malcolm X: You're right about me. And, maybe I've been off in my views about Martin. Maybe I was jealous of his blow-away Dream speech. I'll have to study that speech and his later years more carefully. Thanks for the facts and context about my friend Martin.

Ann: We learn and change by seeking new facts in ever wider contexts. ...My cult followers need to learn that idea, just as I'm now learning.

St. Aug: You know, Ann, we'll be setting up a competitive business to teach them. Should be a hot market, especially with you endorsing our infomercials.

Ann: Still can't see sleeping with a Moor.

Malcolm X: Knock off the racism. Besides, Augustine is no Othello. He's a honky just like you. ...Anyway, for now, what do we do about Martin whose heading this way dressed in drag as Leona Helmsley? Call me Big Red, but look at this computer simulation. King's not only white-face, but he's dressed in spike heels and a mini skirt. Barf, he looks more like J. Edgar Hoover in drag than Leona.

Zon: My search-engine report says both you and King were assassinated in the anticivilization.

Malcolm X: That's right. Martin was killed by government spooks. They wanted to increase their bureaucratic powers by escalating racial violence. They infiltrated the KKK and planted stories about King having sex with white wives. Those red necks were inflamed into killing King. Government agents then duped some sucker into taking the rap alone. ...Sounds paranoid, but that's the fact.

Helen: Well, radio-talk-show fact, maybe. More precisely, government-dependent parasites were threatened by King's radical change toward individual liberty in the final months of his life. His change was like Malcolm's change in his final months that threatened the Black-Muslim parasites.

Ann: What was King's threat?

Helen: He could have become the mirror image of Elvis Presley. Elvis took the country by storm by being a white person with the moves of a black person. They saw Dr. King taking the country by storm as a charismatic black person with the ideas of white libertarians like Locke, Mill, and Brand.

Ann: Don't link my name with libertarians!

Helen: Ann, try to overcome that irrational hostility toward your natural allies.

Ann: You're right. It's a dishonest habit. Look what I taught my followers. The closer the competition, the greater the dishonest hostilities they exuded. ...What a bunch of losers they made themselves with my help.

Helen: Getting back on point: King could have become a wildly popular president. He could have swept away the coercive elements of government that violated natural law and individual rights. ...Of course, the parasitical-elite ruling class had to eliminate King.

Mr. Helmsley: Did Louis Farrakhan order your assassination, Malcolm?

Malcolm X: Don't know. My daughter thought so. But, it was definitely a hit by the Islam Nationalists. They gunned me down after I discovered the power of individual value producers over racism, dogma, and hypocritical hoaxers like Elijah Mohammad.

Mr. Helmsley: You were promoting individualism?

Malcolm X: Yes, Individualism and honesty, not collectivism and dishonesty. I found individual freedom through integrated honesty in the last year of my life. I discovered the Truth that Plato promoted in his Ideal Forms was fake. That Truth with a capital T was a tool of manipulation used by con-artists from Pericles to the Bible authors, to Popes, to Lenin, to Elijah Mohammad. I dumped the entire Truth dogma and began pursuing objective reality as a never ending journey on the highway of honesty. I learned that life must be lived as an individual through integrated honesty. Such a journey brings eternal prosperity and happiness.

St. Aug.: What happened on your journey?

Malcolm X: . My fast-changing life turned 180 degrees. I was no Invisible Man like Ellison wrote about. I was an individual -- an individual brother who rejected collectivist brotherhoods. I began exposing the Nation of Islam hoax and liberating those oppressed by Black-Islam's criminal elites. They had to snuff me. Secular Jesus was snuffed when he made the same discovery. He was crucified when he began liberating the automaton minds of the populace. He pointed them toward the free will of conscious minds. ...Today, honest-carpenter Jesus would be building skyscrapers. He'd also be liberating the working classes by busting both fraud-backed religious hoaxes and force-backed government-hoaxes.

Mr. Helmsley: Don't forget, the democratic mob made Socrates drink hemlock because of his lack of piety and political correctness.

St. Aug.: Remember, the democratic mob voted for Jesus' death because of his lack of piety and Jewish correctness.

Socrates: Look what the Catholic mob did to Bruno for his lack of piety and Catholic correctness.

Malcolm X: The democratic mob elected Hitler for his "moral" strictness -- for his blame-the-Jews, get-something-for-nothing harangues.

Helen: And, President Clinton for his "moral" blame-others, get-something-for-nothing sweet talks. ...Yet, don't blame Clinton. He's a decoy working in a lovely Leaves of Grass disguise. He's a valuable, illusion-breaking agent. ...Justice will come as citizens abandon their respect for political leaders.

Zon: This report says Plato and Lincoln will be cruising with King.

Malcolm X: I can outfox those guys. Lincoln, the liberator of slaves? Ha! That power-seeking lawyer wanted to keep the blacks and the laboring class from being liberated by America's rising free enterprise. Lincoln was out to enslave everyone through gun-backed force with his totalitarian time bombs. And, he's succeeding. On planet Earth today, Lincoln time bombs are exploding in everyone's face. ...Just look at the gun-backed IRS instituted by Lincoln. Look at his slave state of government dependents -- mostly blacks.

Socrates: I don't know about Lincoln or King, but don't be so cocky about outfoxing Plato. He had no match on Earth. ...Anyway, don't worry about Plato. He's with us.

Zon: What do you mean, he's with us?

Socrates: He's from the C of U.

Zon: I'd forgotten about Plato. That's why I never looked for him in the Civilization of the Universe. Now, my memory is back, thanks to Helen of Vegas. Must admit that I never read Plato. My knowledge and opinions of him were secondhand -- gleaned mostly from Ann Brand's works. I didn't think on my own. Because of her ad-hominem criticisms, I automatically dismissed Plato and then forgot him. I erroneously assumed he vanished as an irretrievable neocheater. I assumed he was never able to create honest values through business. So I forgot about him. ...Guess Miss Brand, like me, had no wide-scope knowledge of Plato's work and accomplishments.

Ann, You're right. My knowledge was cherry-picked to fit my biased anticivilization agenda...and to drive my cult followers into worshiping me and my ideas exclusively. Damn, I not only closed their minds, but I closed my own mind. ...Augie showed me that I was miles off about Plato.

Socrates: I'll tell you a secret. I'm in a business partnership with Plato. We sell learning tools in competition with Zon. Next year we're going to rollout an IPO stock offer that'll raise capital to expand our markets into this Purgatory realm. Such a clueless realm should be a red-hot educational market.

Mr. Helmsley: I agree. It'll be a great market. ...Phone my CFO, Jim Fisk, on Monday morning. I'll subscribe to 20% of your offer.

Zon: What's King still doing in the anticivilization?

Malcolm X: Probably he's cultivating its value-destroying losers. That's his specialty. Maybe he's crafting white-hat business moves to cash in on Earth's neocheaters.

Zon: If Plato's in the C of U, what's he doing cruising with Dr. King?

Socrates: Plato's in a higher C-of-U realm of knowledge. He's beating us to a new market by turning back the neocheaters' assault on young minds. Plato's developing a business plan to expand his market reach. ...I'm emailing him now so we can coordinate business plans.

Malcolm X: In my realm on Earth, Plato was considered as nothing more than a dead, white male not worth reading. Maybe now I can learn something about business from him.

Socrates: You will. And he'll learn about Objectivism from you.

Ann: Plato learning Objectivism from Malcolm X...oh, no.

Socrates: Wait...Plato's responding to my email. Listen to this....

Malcolm X: I'm listening. Out with it, Socy!

Socrates: He found the great ship from Hades. It's packed with lawyers, politicians, bureaucrats, religious leaders, dictators, and university professors. Plato was stopped at the gangway by a eunuch guarding the entrance with a long curved sword. The eunuch accused Plato of being a gay politician from Rome. When Plato told him he was head of the Academy in Athens, Greece, the eunuch insisted he answer Aeschylus's riddle. You know, from the Sphinx in Oedipus Rex, "What walks on four legs in the morning, two at noon, and three in the evening?" Plato gave him the correct answer -- "man". But, the guard rejected that answer and is threatening Plato with his sword. ...We've got to help him now.

Zon: What answer is that guard looking for?

Malcolm X: He's looking for a dirty-joke answer about eunuch power that uses missing genitals as metaphors.

Socrates: How do you know that?

Malcolm X: Street smarts, my sheltered man. ...Zon, send me, Harry, and Socrates to help Plato. We'll get him past that guard.

Zon: I'll put you into the pixelating program right now.

* * *

Socrates: Plato, my bisexual son!

Plato: Socrates, my dear mentor! I knew you were the one to get me out of this problem. ...Who's that handsome gentleman with you...and that black-African slave?

Malcolm X: Black-African slave! Damn, where's this guy been? And, where does he think I got my red hair? Maybe they were right telling me Plato's nothing more than a dead white Greek from whom you can learn nothing. No wonder he wrote The Republic -- his manual on "How to be a Slave-Master Totalitarian". His society of parasitical-elites rulers wielding lawyer-like dishonesties needed slaves to survive. ...I ought to punch Plato's beautiful Greek face to a pulp.

Socrates: Cool it, X. Remember your lessons from King. Put Plato's question in historical context before shooting you're mouth off in a trouble-making reaction. During his time, the majority in Athens were slaves. ...Exercise a little DTC.

Malcolm X: DTC?

Socrates: Discipline, Thought, and then Control.

Malcolm X: You're right. I was out of control. I reacted like an anticiv loser. Still, such an ignorant statement from this noble-lying, philosopher king pissed me off.

Plato: Am I misunderstanding something? Socrates, help me on this. I'm not only in trouble with this guard and his sword, but, now, I've upset your servant.

Malcolm X: Whoopee, I've been promoted to a servant. Double damn. And, this guy is in an advance C-of-U realm? Seems like he's still mired in the anticivilization. Man, I can run competitive circles around this guy's business no matter what realm he's in. ...And, mark my words, I'm going to do just that. He's easy. I'll definitely take some put options against this guy. If he weren't involved with Socrates, I'd sell short his entire IPO.

Plato: First, let's handle the problem with this genital-challenged bureaucrat. I tried to help him by promising psychological counseling so he could adjust to his ejaculation-deprived condition. He ungratefully responded by threatening to make me like him with his phallic sword.

Malcolm X: Can't believe you're from the C of U. You sound like an anticiv liberal wielding hypocritical political correctness combined with malevolent toll-booth compassion.

Plato: Old habits are hard to break. But, what should I do about this eunuch guard?

Malcolm X: I'll handle it. ...What's your name, my good man...errr, my good eunuch?

Eunuch: Jennifer.

Malcolm X: Nice name. Now, put away your sword. Tell me who castrated you. It's time justice was done. It's time to make you whole again. It's time your name was changed to Sluggo. ...Would you like me to help you?

Eunuch: Oh, yes! No one ever before offered me justice or help. No one cared what happened to me. No one ever cared about the great crime against me as a defenseless little boy. ...Sluggo. What a beautiful name!

Socrates: Sluggo? Gandhi wouldn't approve.

Eunuch: So what! That loin-clothed skeleton is the biggest wimp on this ship. ...Oh, please let me keep the name Sluggo. It's so macho.

Malcolm X: Here, here, my dear Sluggo. Let me help you off the ground. Let me wipe away your flood of tears.

Eunuch: Thank you, thank you. You're so lovely. It's the tears held back for two-hundred years. I was nine when the church cut me to sing soprano in the Vatican choir. Didn't make the choir so they cast me onto the streets. I survived by selling my neutered body to perverted men and jaded women. I've never felt or experienced sexual joy...only horrible misery. Can't even masturbate.

Malcolm X: Who's responsible for this great crime of mutilation? Who's responsible for cutting you? Was he ever punished?

Eunuch: Pope Pius was responsible. Popes are responsible for millions of capital crimes. They're never punished. There's no justice. Even the Popes who kept harems of little boys and girls go unpunished.

Malcolm X: He'll pay for his crime against you. He'll be punished, I promise. ...Is he on this ship?

Eunuch: Of course he's on this ship. Every Pope who ever lived and died is on this ship of dead souls along with every other criminal who harmed others on Earth without paying for their crimes.

Malcolm X: Okay. Here's the plan for justice and profits. With Zon's dynamic, we can even cash in on Hitler and Mao while bringing everyone to justice. Retribution and restoration shall prevail for their victims, including you, Sluggo. ...My fee will be reasonable.

Eunuch: Sluggo. What a beautiful name. Any fee I'll gratefully pay for justice. I almost feel an erection coming on. ...Will you change the Pope's name to Jennifer?

Malcolm X: For a slight additional charge.

Eunuch: Your on! Let's go aboard.

-- to be continued --

One-Hundred Dialogues

Dialogue #3

Vanishing Earth's Anticivilization
for eternal
Business Profits and Romantic Love

Dialogue #3 shows that those at the entrance to the Civilization of the Universe can vanish an anticivilization. By marketing through integrated honesty, people can profit by vanishing Earth's lethal dynamics of irrationality, mysticism, and political-agenda laws.

Act 3 of 3

Helen: Good job by Malcolm X, Socrates, and Plato. They hired the potential value producers -- put them under contracts from one to a million years. Malcolm X returned the irredeemables to Earth's anticivilization -- the only place in which death and graves exist.

Zon: How can we profit from those irredeemables. How can we profit from the time, energy, and thinking spent intercepting and repelling them?

Helen: That's where my business plan comes into play. My plan cashes in on those irredeemable losers.

Socrates: Can you reconcile business profits with irredeemable losers and an eternal future?

Zon: Of course. Competitive profits woven from honesty is the mechanism of an eternal future.

Socrates: If I'd known that 2400 years ago, I could've vanished Pericles' lawyer-like dishonesties and terminated his war that ended Athens' advance toward the Civilization of the Universe.

Ann: Amen. Recognizing the heroic genius of business profits was the missing link to my knowledge. Realizing that single fact could have prevented the most disastrous errors in my life. Despite my admiration of business reflected in my novels, I never appreciated the links between business genius, happiness, and the success of Objectivism on Earth. Without that appreciation, I harmfully slammed movie producers and book publishers who delivered my work into the middle-class marketplace. Worst of all, I never appreciated the crucial role to my success heroically played by my business manager, Dr. Bate Randon. He commercially launched Objectivism worldwide. Yet, I trashed him out of irrational jealousy and ruined our booming business. ...My emotionally destructive reactions wrought my worst injustices and errors. Aristotle was right: Success on Earth lies in middle-class businesses.

St. Aug: Looks like Ann and I are on a steep learning curve about competitive value production, marketing, and profits. With that knowledge, our business partnership to mass market Objectivism at discount prices to the proletariat will outcompete Neo-Tech Publishing. ...We'll make a bundle, elope, and live an eternally exciting, romantic life by endlessly expanding our C-of-U businesses.

Ann: Not so fast, Augie. Like I told you before, I cherish my husband. You're not going to break the love investment I've built for decades with my handsome man.

St. Aug: Who wants to break such a wonderful relationship? Not me. For that would portend disaster for our marriage.

Ann: Our marriage? No way, ever.

St. Aug.: Wrong. Like I told you before, I know of ways and arrangements, especially for your husband.

Ann: Ways and arrangements for my husband? Like what?

St. Aug.: Like arranging for a happier, more compatible romantic partner that'll bring him eternal happiness.

Ann: My husband paired with someone better than I? Like whom?

St. Aug.: Not better than you, Ann. But, someone better for him. Like Cleopatra or Mary Magdalene. They're much different than you might realize from your distorted twentieth-century history. Both are incredibly sweet and effective entrepreneurs. Either would be a wonderful romantic partner for your husband.

Ann: Mary Magdalene? You've got a lot to learn about romantic love, Augie.

St. Aug: Consider your husband's happiness. Then we'll see who has the most to learn about eternal love and happiness.

Ann: You'll be shocked over what you need to learn about romantic love, especially from Dr. Randon.

St. Aug: Maybe it's you who'll be shocked. But, first, we both need to learn about business before we can think about me as your eternal penetrator

Ann: What do you mean, you as my eternal penetrator?

St. Aug.: You know the answer from Dr. Randon's teachings. It's about you being the penetrated and me being the penetrator -- exclusively, forever -- without ever needing Viagra.

Ann: I'll never think about that, unless my husband approves. So, quit talking about it. ...And what's Viagra?

St. Aug.: Don't know for sure. Helen prescribed it for Sluggo.

Ann: I'm interested in having Zon teach us about the dynamics of universal business profits. ...Then we'll see what happens between us.

Socrates: Universal business profits are linked to romantic love?

Zon: Yes. ...But, I am not the best person to teach that business dynamic.

Ann: If not you, one of the greatest businessmen of the nineteenth century, then who?

Zon: Helen of Vegas and her friend Harold Geneen are more qualified to teach those dynamics. They're the closest to what's happening on Earth today. ...Helen, what's your plan for profiting from the time and energy spent on returning that ship of dead souls to Earth.

St. Aug.: Yes, I want to understand.

Helen: First, to understand the dynamic for eternal profit, one must understand the lack of that dynamic on Earth for the past 2300 years. As Zon said, I'm summoning my friend Harold Geneen. He simultaneously orchestrated two-hundred profitable companies for the conglomerate ITT on Earth. He's bringing his C-of-U partners -- airplane-titan Howard Hughes and french-fry-titan Ray Kroc.

Mr. Helmsley: Wow! Geneen, Hughes, and Kroc -- talk about value-producing, civilization-benefiting powerhouses!

Ann: Handsome Howard and Ray's french fries...yum.

St. Aug: Cool it Ann.

Ann: Don't get jealous Augie, but my pants just got wet thinking about meeting those heroes.

St. Aug: I'm not jealous. For, I'm catching on fast as to what's the ultimate aphrodisiac. That's why I'm going to win you forever. When I capture that aphrodisiac, I'll outcompete 'em all. Then you'll soak your pants over me forever.

Ann: A while ago you mentioned the word Neo-Tech. Augie, is that your secret aphrodisiac?

St. Aug: Perhaps.

Ann: Why are you smiling so slyly? I heard the word Neo-Tech in 1981 when my cult followers trashed a book about it that my secretary had acquired. They called it wacko, banned it for all Objectivists, and refused further discussion. ...What's it about?

St. Aug: Ever hear of psychuous sex?

Ann: Vaguely, in 1976. ...Tell me about it.

St. Aug: You'll find out soon enough. I've been learning from Helen. She knows firsthand about psychuous sex and Neo-Tech.

Ann: Oh, so you've been secretly seeing Helen?

St. Aug.: Now, Ann, don't get jealous. Helen has all she can handle with overtures from Geneen, Kroc, and Hughes.

Helen: Yes, Ann, you'll learn about Neo-Tech when I reveal the business dynamics for profiting from Earth's anticivilization. The opportunities can make you and Augustine prosperous and happy beyond your Earthly dreams.

Ann: How'd you learn about Neo-Tech?

Helen: In 1956, I was working toward my Master of Fine Arts degree at the University of Iowa. Sitting in the Student Union, opening to the first page of Melville's Moby Dick, a hand fell lightly on my shoulder. I looked up "Call me Wallace", he said. ...My life journey toward psychuous sex, Neo-Tech, and the Civilization of the Universe began.

Ann: Did he have blue eyes and blond hair?

Helen: Yes, but that made no difference.

Ann: Then what happened?

Helen: I asked him if he had a story to tell. "The grandest story in existence," he answered. ...Thus began my journey toward integrated honesty.

-- to be continued --

DIALOGUES #4-100 (1999-2008)

*Completion of Dialogues #1-3

*Two unexpected romances in Zon's "Purgatory". An unforgettable wedding party thrown by the Robber Barons. The birth and education of a baby Zon.

*The withdrawal of Neo-Tech from Earth's anticivilization.

*Discovering intellectual gold -- discovering the universal mother lode -- discovering a radically advanced Neo-Tech that vanishes philosophy, including Objectivism.

*Discovering universal justice -- discovering universal laws -- discovering an unexpected, ad-hominem protocol for judging morality.

*Shakespeare, Moliére, and Verdi form the AwakeWorks Production Company to dramatize the C of U in a galaxy-wide, mega-profit, holographic opera.

*Ann Brand and Saint Augustine buy advertising spots during that holographic opera to market their aerobic-fitness drink "Atlas Shape Up".

*Sam Walton and Ray Kroc profitably convert Al Capone, John L. Lewis, Jimmy Hoffa, and a host of professional parasites into a phalanx of value-producing entrepreneurs.

*Traveling back to Earth, Jay Gould and Malcolm X help the harassed-publisher Larry Flynt and the disgraced-agent Bill Clinton bring laissez-faire capitalism to planet Earth, starting in Nigeria, Africa. Together Flynt and Clinton create an international chain of exotic, new-concept businesses that black-market combinations of erotic art productions, commercial romantic love, and low-cost biological immortality. Through untaxed, unregulated businesses they vanish the boundaries of nations to end wars and flourish economies. ...They jointly win the newly instituted Nobel Prize for entrepreneurial- business achievements.

*The anticivilization's final war: Who wins? Who stays? Who vanishes?

* * * * * * * * * *


In Memoriam

Humanity's greatest evil is anticivilization-caused death that is inflicted upon everyone living on Earth. Consider the unnatural, anticivilization death of a real-life hero -- Helen Ward: On March 23, 1998, Neo-Tech Publishing Company suddenly, unexpectedly lost its quietest yet perhaps most important person. Neo-Tech Publishing not only lost her, but mankind lost the key role she was playing in switching conscious minds from mortal/irrational perspectives to immortal/rational perspectives -- from dishonest anticivilization perspectives to honest C-of-U perspectives. ...Helen Ward is irreplaceable in this world. She is gone forever from its anticivilization. Yet, ironically, her life is now celebrated. For, still to come is her greatest gift -- a magnificent gift to mankind -- as reflected in the following eulogy delivered at her funeral on March 29, 1998:

Discovering Helen of Vegas

        Helen was the deep, quiet heartbeat of Neo-Tech Publishing Company, secretly playing a heroic role of protecting us all. No controversies surrounded Helen. Her goodness blessed everyone, including our employees, even our ex-employees. And, now, we have lost this irreplaceable, precious person. But, have we really lost her? Or is today just the beginning of ever greater love and values that we shall gain from her immortal spirit.
        Five days after she physically left us, I suddenly realized that perhaps Helen, years ago, unknown to everyone, had stepped beyond Earth's anticivilization, leaving behind its dishonesties, deceptions, and injustices, beckoning for us to do the same. Helen was a sweet, kind woman of pristine benevolence and untainted justice. I've never heard a dishonest word come from her lips. I've never heard her say a hurtful or unjust word toward anyone. She had no enemies. Had she, all along, been living in an honest civilization that each of us have yet to discover? If so, she will rise mightily in our lives -- in our future works and publications in print and on the Internet. Her son, Eric Savage, will now complete her life work, which was nearing its conclusion after two decades of labor. Her great work will be published both as a book and on the World Wide Web under her pen name, Tracey Alexander. That work will torpedo and eventually sink dishonest mysticisms and religions around the globe. Already, valuable pieces of her writings are published on the Web, having their beneficent effect, doing their valuable work for mankind.
        In the months and years ahead, through cyberspace featuring her posthumous masterwork, Helen will rise to show us how to abandon hidden deceptions, injustices, and dishonesties that harm everyone. So, let us celebrate Helen's life that will bring increasing prosperity, strength, and love into our futures.

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