Most people live and die without ever discovering the existence of an innocent, exciting, brilliant world . That world is the clean, mystic-free world of Neo-Tech: a cheerful, crystal-clear world that generates unending values, prosperity, and happiness. In that world, Neo-Tech transforms the manipulations and dishonesties of the mystics and neocheaters into advantages for everyone.
Neo-Tech revitalizes crucial words corrupted by mystics and neocheaters. Dead words brought to life include honesty, power, prosperity, love. Through vitalization of the entire language, Neo-Tech reveals the futility of all mystical, mind-over-matter, positive-thinking approaches that lead to nothing. By collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism, Neo-Tech eliminates the neocheater's survival tool. Through an incorruptible matrix of personal, financial, and business advantages, Neo-Tech quells all mystics and neocheaters while delivering that crystal-clear world of prosperity and happiness.
Neo-Tech is the entelechy of prosperity and happiness. For Neo-Tech delivers unbeatable advantages in:
Does Neo-Tech Lead to Anarchy?
Neo-Tech leads to business-like order and prosperity.
Neo-Tech Rhapsodizes Man:
* away from the disorderly harm of bogus-job authority and * toward the happiness of integrated honesty * toward the orderly prosperity of value-producing business. The whim of criminal minds dictates all purposeful harm inflicted upon society. The logic of independent consumers dictates all purposeful prosperity bestowed upon society. Who are the independent consumers? They are those value producers who use the marketplace, logic, and reputation to make their own judgments about trading values with others. They make their own judgments free from the arrogated "protection" of bogus-job consumer agencies, free from the dishonest media, free from Nader-like demagogues. ...Independent consumers make their judgments free from the criminal-minded neocheaters Mysticism and neocheating underlie all harm inflicted upon society. By contrast, business and Neo-Tech underlie all values delivered to society.
Neo-Tech JusticeSubjected to the merciless Neo-Tech Matrix, all professional value destroyers and their bogus-job supporters will eventually become honest, net value producers in order to repay every one of their victims in full. ...Or Neo-Tech will relentlessly ostracize them out of existence through their own self-inflicted, premature deaths and suicides. |
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