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I failed to realize the magnitude of the Neo-Tech Discovery and the personal benefits it could deliver until I finished reading the entire volume. On first receiving Neo-Tech and putting it on my desk, I contemplated the contents. Then while opening the cover, a feeling swept over me that I was embarking on a journey from which I would never return. Several weeks later, on closing that mighty volume, I sat stunned. I knew my mind had been impregnated with the most powerful information on earth. I knew how to capture personal and competitive advantages from almost any situation. I had discovered a new world in which power flowed into me as Neo-Tech melted the grip of external authority with all its draining neocheaters. Today, I control my life and surroundings. I now understand what is happening and can guiltlessly take whatever I want from life. Moreover, I now have a growing power that no one can take from me.
Still, I was unprepared for the journey I was about to take: First, I was shocked on realizing how nearly every important belief impressed on me and most other people since childhood originated from parasitical people called neocheaters who drain our lives daily without our consent or knowledge. I was shocked on discovering how easily many of the most widely accepted beliefs collapse into nothing in the light of Neo-Tech. But I was especially shocked on how easily the power of those neocheaters could be transferred from them to me by using Neo-Tech. With Neo-Tech, my efforts deliver rewards to me, not to them. Neo-Tech showed me that it is I who count, not they. I hold the power, not they.
Even after carefully preparing for Neo-Tech, I was still overwhelmed by its concepts and advantages. What had kept Neo-Tech from being discovered earlier? My question was answered when I finished reading the entire volume. But to fully grasp the sweeping scope of Neo-Tech, I knew more than one reading plus a lot of honest thinking would be needed.
Yet, what about the other people being newly exposed to Neo-Tech? How will they take the shock of Neo-Tech? How can they handle all the advantages, power, and responsibility thrust upon them by Neo-Tech? How could my experience help those reading Neo-Tech for the first time? After reading the Neo-Tech Advantages in careful page-by-page order, I realized that people could benefit by first understanding how the Neo-Tech volumes link together. I am writing these instructions to explain those linkages.
Information in Neo-Tech I, the Prediscovery, can make anyone
unbeatable -- even wealthy -- if he chooses to play cards. But, like me, most
readers have no interest in cards; they are interested in profiting from
Neo-Tech in the real world. In fact, most people do not even need to read the
Neo-Tech Prediscovery to understand neocheaters, to understand how they operate
in all areas of life, to understand how they drain the uninformed, everywhere,
constantly. And no one really needs the Prediscovery to understand and apply
the Neo-Tech Advantages to real-life situations.
But by initially examining Neo-Tech in a concrete, mechanical activity like
cards, certain concepts become more quickly and clearly understood. For
example, by understanding neocheating in cards, a person can more readily
identify and nullify neocheaters in other activities such as business, social
relationships, religion, and government.
Many Neo-Tech concepts differ radically from conventional thinking --
especially those concepts that apply to everyday situations such as identified
in volume II. As a result, I encountered those concepts with such shock that
my long-accepted, mystical illusions blocked my recognition of the most
dramatic and valuable Neo-Tech breakthroughs. In fact, on first examining
volume II, I was shaken by the consecutive unraveling of specific concepts that
shattered my strongest beliefs. Indeed, at times, I wanted to turn and run.
Why? Because I was protecting my own personal mysticisms that were draining my
power and diminishing my life.
After integrating all the concepts in volume II, something marvelous happened:
Years of endured suffering and silent frustration faded as I learned to
identify and nullify professional mystics and neocheaters who usurp wealth,
power, and prestige by draining me and everyone else. But now I feel power --
great power. ...I also feel awe and astonishment as I apply the Neo-Tech
Some of the links between Neo-Tech I and II are summarized
*Contrasts dishonest black-hat neocheaters to honest white-hat
Neo-Tech practitioners.
*Because neocheaters depend on deception, their power has no foundation or
validity. And because their existence is parasitical, they constantly diminish
their own competence and self-esteem.
*Neocheaters exist by draining uninformed victims and depend on them remaining
*When everyone is informed about Neo-Tech, neocheaters will lose their power
and vanish.
*The concepts of Neo-Tech versus neocheating apply to everyday life.
*Neo-Tech II exposes black-hat neocheaters in the real world:
The master black-hat neocheater continuously drains prosperity and
happiness from the masses of uninformed victims while steadily increasing his
or her own unearned wealth, power, and control in futile attempts to gain
feelings of self worth. Indeed, for centuries, master black-hat neocheaters
have flourished under the guise of external "authority". And at times, they
are among the most admired citizens; they are among politicians and
high-officials of all kinds, prominent media and entertainment people,
prestigious professors, religious leaders, white-collar-hoax business quislings
as well as certain bankers and lawyers who strive to enhance their bogus
livelihoods by draining values rather than producing values. They victimize
the uninformed while disguising their own neocheating natures.
While Neo-Tech I removes the neocheaters' disguises, Neo-Tech II renders those
value destroyers powerless. As the facts about them are revealed, they lose
their false authority and unearned power. With Neo-Tech II, ordinary people
can take their rightful power -- can guiltlessly collect their earned wealth
and happiness by using Neo-Tech to reclaim their power from all neocheaters.
*All black-hat neocheaters operate on the same principle: usurp values, power,
and respect from the innocent, from the uninformed.
*The power of black-hat neocheaters is not real or self-sustaining. They
produce no values that others would knowingly choose to buy; they simply
extract unearned livings by neocheating the uninformed.
*The only reason neocheaters have authority or power is because the ordinary
person unknowingly hands over that power to them at his or her own expense.
But now the ordinary person can reclaim that power by using the knowledge
in Neo-Tech II.
To understand the linkages among Neo-Tech volumes I - V is to
grasp the super-wide integrations of Neo-Tech. The power of those integrations
lies in the logical connections of seemingly different subjects such as the
bicameral mind, politics, neocheating, religion, poker strategy, business,
money, social life, psychuous sex, and romantic love. In turn, those subjects
are then linked into an all-encompassing, unassailable matrix that delivers
unbeatable advantages in all areas of personal, business, and financial life.
Those seemingly disparate subjects are harmoniously linked together and
controlled by one all-powerful matrix of integrated Neo-Tech concepts. Through
those linkages, Neo-Tech Cosmic Power becomes the most powerful tool for
generating personal power, wealth, and happiness not only since the Industrial
Revolution, but since man became conscious 3000 years ago.
Consider the origins of Neo-Tech: poker strategy and card cheating. How do
those origins relate to neocheaters, most attorneys, bureaucrats, congressmen,
certain prestigious professors, well-known actors and actresses, evangelists,
TV commentators, fake nutritionists, fake environmentalists? And more
important, how do card strategy and cheating link to personal prosperity and
happiness? They link metaphorically. By understanding those linking
metaphors, the Neo-Tech techniques begin integrating with all situations in
everyday life to deliver great values, prosperity, and happiness -- now and
forever into the future.
The Neo-Tech Prediscovery reveals the origins of two opposites
-- neocheating and Neo-Tech. In the process, Neo-Tech I shows (to those
interested) how to become unbeatable at cards. But much more important, the
Neo-Tech Prediscovery provides the clearest understanding of those invisible or
undetectable techniques used to gain unbeatable advantages beyond the card
tables -- where power really counts.
Through poker strategy and neocheating, the Neo-Tech Prediscovery reveals the
maneuvers master neocheaters use for controlling and draining others. The best
way to understand those maneuvers is through metaphors. For example, the
following question is asked and then answered: "What positive values can be
found in card cheating?" One important value: "Card cheating is a vivid
metaphor for identifying and classifying dishonest people..." Using that
metaphor lets one clearly identify all types of dishonest people from sneak
thieves to elegant con artists, from small-time politicians on-the-take to
Presidents of the United States and fact-twisting scientists who win Nobel
prizes, from sleazy business quislings to pip-squeak bureaucrats who live by
harming the value producers. ...The Neo-Tech Prediscovery demonstrates how the
shrewdest, big-time neocheaters are always destructive menaces to honest
productive people everywhere.
The Neo-Tech Prediscovery not only shows how Neo-Tech nullifies cheaters
everywhere, but how Neo-Tech lets one profit in most situations, including
those in which neocheaters constantly drain everyone.
Because Dr. Wallace originally discovered neocheating in cards
and because neocheating techniques are more vividly illustrated through cards,
most of the specific examples in Neo-Tech I are written with a card slant. By
contrast, all the specific examples in Neo-Tech II apply to everyday real-life
situations beyond cards. Still, the analogies with the neocheating concepts in
Neo-Tech I provide the basis from which Neo-Tech ideas are developed for
business, the professions, social situations, and other real-life situations.
For example, the reader will quickly learn that many respected authoritarian
figures are in reality nothing more than neocheaters orchestrating big-lie
hoaxes. But some neocheaters are exceptionally intelligent people who could
have produced permanent values to benefit others and society, resulting in
great rewards and happiness for themselves and everyone else. (1) So what
happened? And (2) how does one explain intelligent, ambitious people negating
their values and sense of worth by becoming black-hat neocheaters?
The answers to those two questions above become strikingly clear by drawing
analogies to various card cheaters described in Neo-Tech I. Then Neo-Tech II
takes analogous information and recasts it into situations not involving cards
to answer those two questions.
Imagine a bright, young person striving for a value-producing
career to enhance his future. But in his pursuit for a productive career -- law
for example -- he comes in constant contact with neocheating establishments
that seem to garner easy power and profit. At the same time, he is
increasingly discouraged in his pursuit by external "authorities", mystics, and
neocheaters who disparage and undermine his honest efforts while subtly
penalizing him for his values and virtues.
Struggling to produce values in a world being constantly drained by
neocheaters, such a person can gradually, easily surrender to any one of the
many "friendly" neocheating establishments encircling his personal life and
profession. Those establishments offer easy, non-productive routes to respect,
power, and wealth. That person learns to rationalize their surreptitious
techniques as required trade or survival tools (e.g., deceiving others to
create problems where none exist in order to gain unearned power, money,
favors). Consequently, that person's feelings of self-worth diminish.
As that person gains advantages from neocheating establishments and adopts
their techniques, he becomes increasingly dependent on their ploys. He loses
his independence and becomes a stereotyped-professional "authority"-- he becomes
one of them -- he becomes a neocheater. With a sense of professional
righteousness, he becomes a dishonest lawyer who lives through camouflaged
value destructions -- he becomes a clever troublemaker -- he becomes a
black-hat neocheater.
Not only do such practitioners falsely justify or expertly rationalize their
neocheating, but the more they gain by neocheating, the more they try to create
images of importance or superiority, while actually feeling increasingly
In a sense, all chronic or professional neocheaters are ruled by their
dependencies on destructive ploys. But today, any value producer with Neo-Tech
knowledge can quickly reduce such neocheaters to their impotent, worthless
nature. Neo-Tech can defend against, even profit from, any neocheating ploy.
What is Psychuous? What are those money, power, and
romantic-love concepts about? How do they relate to Neo-Tech? How does all
that tie together?
At first glance, the flood of new concepts might appear unrelated. But all
concepts are linked to various personal characteristics within individuals.
And on continued reading, one will sense incredible connections: Neocheaters are not only precisely "fingerprinted", but are easily
controllable. How? Through specific patterns of personal and sexual
characteristics (physical, psychological, philosophical, and sexual
characteristics) integrated together into what Dr. Wallace identified as the
Psychuous concepts.
The Psychuous concepts reveal that productive individuals are also
specifically "fingerprinted" and controllable through entirely different
patterns of personal and sexual characteristics. Indeed, on reading the
Neo-Tech/Psychuous Advantages in page-by-page order, the concepts will begin
falling into a powerful pattern, direction, and theme. The Neo-Tech/Psychuous
concepts reveal the inverse relationship between mysticism and happiness.
Neo-Tech II makes a person aware of neocheaters. Neo-Tech II lets a
person withdraw power from those neocheaters to eventually gain much
greater power and prosperity than neocheaters can ever achieve.
Until Neo-Tech, master neocheaters have been the only people fully conscious
of neocheating. With almost all productive people being unconscious of
neocheating, the master neocheaters became powercrats simply by letting their
usurped power and fake prestige grow at the expense of value producers. Today,
as throughout history, those neocheaters present themselves as valid, external
"authorities" who benefit their followers and society. In reality, however,
they benefit no one. Instead, they exist entirely by draining productive
people at the expense of all society.
One purpose of the Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts is to reveal neocheating in
everyday situations so that the reader can claim the power and rewards that are
rightfully his or hers. Without Neo-Tech/Psychuous knowledge, elements of
neocheating and mysticism will gradually infiltrate and subtly take over
personal, business, and social situations. But from advantage to advantage,
Neo-Tech II systematically exposes the professional mystics, external
authorities, and other neocheaters, allowing the value producer to avoid their
harm while profiting beyond all previous expectations.
Neo-Tech II reveals those tools for controlling the actions of
oneself and others through the universal motivations of personal well being,
prosperity, sex, and happiness. That control is necessary not only for gaining
profitable advantages from any situation, but for avoiding the draining ploys
of professional mystics and other neocheaters.
Neo-Tech II uses the Psychuous Concepts as a metaphorical vehicle for breaking
free from the burdens foisted on everyone by those neocheaters. The links
between Neo-Tech I and II become obvious when the neocheaters listed in
Neo-Tech II come alive with specific examples throughout the many
Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts. Every reader will discover hundreds of specific
methods to (1) become a powerful person, (2) identify neocheaters, (3) handle
them, (4) profit from them.
Neo-Tech II reveals 114 Neo-Tech Advantages that apply to real-life situations
while showing the reader how to profit from each situation. To gain full value
from Neo-Tech II, the volume must be read in page-by-page order. If read out
of order or out of context, some concepts will mislead readers into erroneous
The reader may reach a point at which the Neo-Tech Advantages seem
overwhelming, almost unbelievable, even though each advantage is consistently
logical, simple, and practical. What made some concepts seem unbelievable was
the following question: How could an entire civilization remain so oblivious,
for so long, to the Neo-Tech concepts?
Years ago, Dr. Wallace reintegrated the works of Dr. Julian Jaynes, a
Princeton University psychology professor. Dr. Jaynes discovered two minds in
human beings: (1) the human conscious mind as an invented process that allows
one to develop independent power through the self-guidance of integrated
thinking and (2) nature's bicameral mind as a natural process that constantly
seeks guidance through external signals or "authorities". That understanding
of consciousness versus the bicameral mind provided Dr. Wallace with the
answer as to why Neo-Tech had not been discovered until now. And subsequently,
that understanding led to Wallace's development of Neo-Tech III, IV, V, and
finally Neothink.
Dr. Wallace defines external "authority" as any person or
thing, real or imagined, that controls any portion of another person's life,
with or without that person's consent.
Neo-Tech III identifies the tool that external "authorities" have used for
2000 years to gain power over productive individuals. That tool is the reason
why external "authorities" and neocheaters are so easily accepted by their
victims. ...That tool is called the bicameral mind.
Remnants of the bicameral mind exist in every human brain. Those remnants
cause a desire for guidance by outside or external "authorities". But Neo-Tech
III dissolves the strongest, most cherished beliefs of the bicameral
mind...beliefs that valid, external "authorities" exist. That dissolution of
external authorities gives a person control over his or her life. With that
personal control, an individual is protected from being drained by mystics,
external "authorities", and other neocheaters.
As identified in Neo-Tech Information Packages I - III, the
Neo-Tech principles can determine the value or disvalue of any individual.
Neo-Tech IV applies those principles to determine the value or disvalue of any
company, business, management, or employee. A person can use those same
principles for being successful in business and for accurately predicting the
long-range, common-stock value of any company.
Neo-Tech V not only identifies the greatest value possible to
any conscious productive individual, but reveals how to achieve that value.
The following edited notes trace the prediscovery of
neocheating in cards through the later development of the Neo-Tech Discovery in
all areas of life. These notes provide an understanding of the profound
difference between dishonest Neocheating and honest Neo-Tech. Tracing through
the initial, incomplete understanding of Neo-Tech, these notes also demonstrate
the power of applying Neo-Tech to everyday situations to nullify all
Neocheaters. ...The countdown begins 2245 days before presenting the Neo-Tech
Discovery to the public:
I've discovered the never-before-revealed nature of
effortless winning while playing cards. This discovery purges the false
notions about winning and eliminates its mystical aura. While identifying the
origins of that knowledge, I'm grasping its powerful nature.
I feel an addicting power as I begin to do the seemingly impossible. With
ease I can make maneuvers to beat all opponents. The techniques come from an
ominous new knowledge. ...I've named this discovery, this new knowledge,
Neocheating is something new -- something frightening.
I'm astonished at the quickness that I'm learning to win so effortlessly -- all
in a few days. I feel uneasy about that. With this lethal knowledge, think
what a person could do to his opponents in a matter of days.
Neocheating can be executed in peace, without the
knowledge of others. I've discovered effective maneuvers for controlling every
outcome of every situation. Neocheating is almost too easy and safe, yet it is
an unbeatable form of winning. Indeed, the simpler and subtler the technique,
the easier and safer and, therefore, the more effective it is. ...Neocheating
renders all other cheating ploys so obsolete that such cheating is no longer an
important threat.
Anyone can quickly become a player who cannot lose. Indeed, through
Neocheating, an average player can increase his advantage so greatly that he
can break most games at will. He can win fast -- very fast. He can acquire
large amounts of money, $2,000, $10,000, or more in a single day, repeatedly.
But he avoids winning too fast by withholding the full power of Neocheating in
order to extract maximum, long-term money from opponents. He fears no
While fearing this knowledge, I'm glad to be discovering Neocheating before
anyone else. And I feel the responsibility. Already I have the knowledge to
quietly beat even the most skilled and experienced opponents. This knowledge
allows the ordinary player to control opponents at will.
I've discovered easy ways to nullify moves made by
opponents. I'm struck by the importance of understanding Neocheating. Anyone
can use that understanding to prosper in situations involving money. I sense
that this new knowledge could be incredibly potent beyond the card tables.
Still I keep discovering more and more invisible techniques that deliver
unbeatable advantages in all activities. But I'm thinking more deeply of how
this new discovery applies everywhere, from presidents in manipulating domestic
and world politics down to the consumer advocate extracting a living from the
value producers he is harming. I'm grasping how certain concepts of
Neocheating can be used honestly -- without cheating -- to gain wealth and
power in business and personal life.
With this knowledge, what could a person do in the real
world without the boundaries of a card game? Who is the Neocheater? He is an
ordinary-appearing person who will not just rule the card tables but perhaps
the world. A chill spreads over me. The more closely uninformed people
observe a Neocheater, the more reassured they become. The real-world
Neocheater appears as a most trustworthy person. But he knows exactly how to
win. He can bankrupt opponents, yet instead, he creates advantages that remain
unnoticeable to his opponents while delivering maximum, long-range profits to
himself. Quietly he applies his power in small, strategic doses to gain steady
advantages and profits while keeping everyone happy. Thus, the Neocheater is
impossible to stop and is hard to avoid. With such subtle yet unbeatable
advantages, he can comfortably and legally control all aspects of life.
Indeed, the Neocheater is so effective that he obsoletes traditional real-world
cheaters. In fact, the Neocheater displays characteristics opposite to those
of cheaters as my comparison chart reveals (see next page):
Their characteristics are opposites -- the Neocheater is in complete control.
But their differences go much further: Alert or knowledgeable people can
usually detect cheating, especially in business and politics -- unless the
cheater has acquired great skill through years of laborious practice and
experience. Even then, the expert cheater must execute each strategy
perfectly, every time, putting him under great pressure. Thus, if he makes one
slip or one wrong move to get caught, he becomes obviously guilty, leaving him
to face the disgraceful, dangerous consequences. That fear of being caught
haunts most cheaters and overwhelms countless potential cheaters. By contrast,
the Neocheater's techniques are invisible. So, even if suspected, he can never
be accused -- his tactics actually eliminate suspicion. Indeed, he can always
avoid the consequences because he can never be caught in any questionable act.
...The Neocheater works in relaxed harmony with his natural characteristics.
That is the real danger of Neocheating.
Because Neocheating is so subtle, no one can ever prove
a person is using its techniques. The Neocheater has the power to render
others helpless, even wipe them out, but he wisely chooses to use just enough
of his power to give him unbeatable, casino-like advantages in all endeavors.
His Neocheating maneuvers are so subtle that they can be executed with casual
confidence. His hidden techniques let him win consistently and comfortably --
year after year, decade after decade. He even forgets that he is cheating.
Indeed, he even begins feeling benevolent and respectful.
Eventually, Neocheaters may quietly rule everywhere as revealed by my next
chart. That chart shows how a person gains unearned advantages and false power
from Neocheating in the real world where advantages and power really count (see
next page):
Neocheating in cards is dishonest; it involves
extracting easy money and power from opponents through techniques that meet two
criteria: (1) easy to execute, and (2) invisible or undetectable. Neocheating
outside cards is also dishonest; it involves deceptively gaining easy
advantages and power over others by meeting two similar criteria: (1) easy to
execute, and (2) not vulnerable to detection or assailable as dishonest.
Once those two criteria are established, Neocheating formats can be
established for almost any situation. With such formats, a person not only
captures unbeatable advantages over others, but commands shortcuts to profits
and power. I'm realizing how many of the most wealthy, powerful, and admired
people today consistently use Neocheating formats without ever realizing it --
without ever being suspected. Those people are professional mystics and
Neocheaters. They acquire extreme power and wealth. Such people include
trusted heads of states, powerful political leaders, charismatic idols, famous
religious leaders, many of the best-known TV
commentators, key journalists, influential editorial writers, Hollywood actors
and actresses, many well-known authors, certain prestigious professors, many
successful lawyers, certain deified doctors, highly visible nutritionists,
environmentalists, union leaders, consumer advocates, and certain politically
or socially oriented scientists -- many of the most powerful people in the
Yet, very few neocheaters are found among successful business people,
industrialists, or professionals involved in producing and delivering objective
values. Still, unless some method to stop neocheaters is discovered within the
next decade, most people who become wealthy or powerful in any field will have
used this discovery. ...I've got to think about Neocheating more deeply.
Neocheating sharply reduces the time and effort to
profit consistently. What is happening in cards today indicates what will
happen in the real world tomorrow. Within days after gaining this knowledge,
people can safely bankrupt opponents -- or slowly profit from them, week after
People can extract money and prestige from any winning situation -- from any
card game -- from the easiest Friday-night game to the toughest professional
Likewise, people can benefit from financial endeavors -- from dealing with the
boss to major financial deals. People can also benefit from any relationship
-- from gaining respect of peers to inducing love from a partner. Yet no one
suspects the Neocheaters.
The application of Neocheating to everyday financial and personal
relationships is becoming increasingly real. In fact, Neocheating can be used
in any confrontation or competitive situation involving two or more people.
And anyone who crosses the Neocheater's path is in potential danger. The
Neocheater can financially and emotionally control whomever he or she desires.
The strength and dimensions of Neocheating with its infinite applications reach
far beyond my previous thoughts.
I feel an accelerating pull towards power as I
continually discover new ways that anyone can apply this new knowledge to any
competitive situation -- in business, politics, gaming, personal and social
life. But I am sensing different types of shortcuts never known to me before
-- shortcuts that no one could perceive without first identifying and
understanding Neocheating. Yet these new shortcuts are totally different from
those of Neocheating -- they are actually the antithesis of Neocheating. In
fact, these new shortcuts take a form all their own...a form previously
unknown...a totally honest, much more powerful form. Could this be the power
to stop Neocheating?
I keep thinking over and over how discovering these new
techniques or shortcuts first required an understanding, then a complete
inversion of the Neocheating principles. That inversion revealed the greatest
power possible to man -- powerful shortcuts to a prosperous, happy life. ...No
wonder the ideas of the past and previously promoted shortcuts never could
reveal the great secrets to success -- the real shortcuts.
Those shortcuts have greater power than I ever thought possible: power
dramatically true to man's nature -- consummate power that is far greater than
possessed by any Neocheater, even any Master Neocheater. And all of these new
techniques and shortcuts are completely honest while ironically requiring less
skill and effort than the Neocheating techniques.
This discovery compresses those new shortcuts in all areas into one unified,
diamond-like format. That single unit or matrix is generating a whole new
field of knowledge that will let not only powerful people but any ordinary
person take control -- awesome control -- over every money, power, and personal
situation. This could be the most dramatic discovery of our time. ...I've
named this discovery, this new knowledge, Neo-Tech.
I am now realizing that Neo-Tech is the most important
discovery of our time. Never before did ordinary people have access to the
shortcuts previously available to the world's most powerful people. But now
those shortcuts in much more effective formats can become available to every
one who learns of Neo-Tech. And much more than that, this discovery solidifies
those previously exclusive shortcuts into a single matrix that keeps generating
Neo-Tech -- keeps generating brand-new knowledge. This new knowledge lets
anyone, from the world's money giants to ordinary people, gain unstoppable
advantages not only in the highest powered situations but in everyday, routine
situations confronted by everyone. Neo-Tech has no limitations. ...Anyone
knowledgeable about Neo-Tech can happily prosper forever into the future.
After four years of research and writing, I've come to
realize that Neo-Tech power is permanent and once acquired can never be lost.
Neo-Tech obsoletes external authority and renders Neocheaters impotent. With
Neo-Tech, anyone can become the person he or she has always dreamed of -- the
person he or she was meant to be.
I'm learning the full meaning of Neo-Tech power. All
will yield to the Neo-Tech man and woman. ...Great days are coming.
Every day I see and hear of Neo-Tech bringing
personal power and financial prosperity to those acquiring its knowledge in
this country and in over 140 countries abroad. I am witnessing the beginning
of a new era with the escalating prosperity and power of Neo-Tech men and women.
Those without the tools of Neo-Tech, no matter where they live, will gradually
become uncompetitive in every situation, left behind not knowing what is
happening. ...Neo-Tech is the fast-track ticket to tomorrow's prosperity.
In fact, Neo-Tech is the only ticket to tomorrow's prosperity.
*Neocheating is the purposeful manipulation of mysticism to
usurp values earned by others.
*Mysticism is the deceptive tool used by neocheaters to defraud or steal
values from others. Rationalizing to avoid the effort required to act in
concert with reality is self-imposed mysticism. That in turn is manipulating
one's own self. Traits of those who impose mysticism upon themselves are (1)
fearing self-responsibility, (2) avoiding honest, integrated thinking, (3)
projecting their problems onto others, (4) evading the fact that each person
alone determines his or her own future, prosperity, and happiness, and (5)
practicing dishonesty and laziness. Their self-imposed mysticism blocks and
atrophies their abilities to identify and integrate reality with their thoughts
and actions. As a result, they know less and less about what is really
happening. Thus, they become increasingly incompetent and vulnerable to
external "authorities" and other neocheaters. That is why all external
"authorities" and neocheaters must constantly dupe the value producer into
accepting mysticism. To survive, the neocheater must constantly usurp values
from those producers trapped in his array of mystical hoaxes.
*Neo-Tech is the gaining of unbeatable advantages in competitive situations by
(1) reducing or eliminating mysticism in one's self and (2) rejecting mystical
influences from others. ...With Neo-Tech, intense focus is directed toward
integrating all facts with context and honesty. Why? To understand accurately
and then act consistently with objective reality. With mysticism, all effort
is directed toward rationalizing non sequiturs or deceptions in order to
satisfy some arbitrary feeling, wish, or whim of self or some external
"authority". ...Neo-Tech is rooted in productive honesty and effort. Neo-Tech
creates and builds values. Neo-Tech is anchored in reality. Mysticism is
rooted in destructive dishonesty and laziness. Mysticism consumes and shrinks
values. Mysticism floats in random nothingness.
Only after discovering the concepts of Neocheating (volume I)
and then the Neo-Tech/Psychuous Concepts (volume II) could effective methods be
developed to:
*render impotent neocheaters, mystics, and mysticism.
*harness the power to prosper continuously and live happily. That power
resides in everyone but is experienced by so few.
Throughout history, productive individuals have been too absorbed in earning
their livings to discover, much less understand, parasites living off the
efforts of others. But that parasitism will end with Neo-Tech.
With Neo-Tech, productive people will discover for the first time how the
mystics, external "authorities", and other neocheaters have relentlessly
drained prosperity and happiness from all value producers.
Neo-Tech explicitly shows how to eliminate harmful influences
of mysticism and dismiss all neocheaters. Neo-Tech protects one from:
After reading Neo-Tech II, one will realize the personal importance of this
new information. For, this information precisely identifies every kind of
person, belief, and institution that harms people. This information also
reveals the weakness of professional mystics and neocheaters when confronted
with Neo-Tech. ...Neo-Tech offers the ultimate power and protection in shifting
all power and prosperity from the neocheaters back to the competitive value
After reading Neo-Tech I-V, a person will know that he or she is not alone in
claiming a guiltless right to prosperity and happiness. And after reviewing
the next section, which provides the comments from early Neo-Tech owners, one
will know that thousands of other individuals in 50 states and 150 countries
are relentlessly gaining power and prosperity through the Neo-Tech Discovery.
Mysticism and neocheating are and always have been the only forces diminishing
human beings. With Neo-Tech, a person can demolish those forces to prosper
guiltlessly, personally, financially, romantically -- forever...
You know who you are. So do we. And as Neo-Tech becomes
public knowledge over the next few years, your every attempt to extract a
living by undermining values produced by others will reveal who you are. You
will be dismissed by value producers all over the world. You will never trick
Neo-Tech people with your deceptions, rationalizations, and non sequiturs.
Your days of living off others are numbered. Your every destructive act will
speed your own demise. So why not, while you have the opportunity, consider
Neo-Tech? You will discover something wonderful: You too can escape that
enfeebling mystical trap. You too can experience the unlimited prosperity and
happiness available to every Neo-Tech person. Knowledge of Neo-Tech could be
your moment of recognition -- a final chance -- your turning point to
prosperity, happiness, and romantic love.
Every conscious person must choose between two approaches to
every thought and action: (1) the mystical approach or (2) the mystic-free
The Mystical Approach is the dishonest use of rationalized thoughts,
non sequiturs, feelings, desires, and external "authorities" as the guide to
knowledge and action leading either to the destruction of values or to
The Mystic-Free Approach is the exertion of self-discipline,
self-responsibility, conscious effort, and the honest integrated thinking
needed to identify reality and facts in their widest, most accurate context.
Such facts are needed to know and execute the actions leading to prosperity and
happiness. ...Neo-Tech is the mystic-free approach to every conscious
As one discovers after reading volumes II-V, Neo-Tech is not
only the greatest money/power/romantic-love discovery ever, but Neo-Tech offers
the greatest value possible to human beings -- a limitless future of power,
prosperity, and romantic love. How does Neo-Tech deliver that value? Neo-Tech
provides many specific values that deliver immediate advantages and profits.
But Neo-Tech delivers the greatest of all values by removing a negative -- the
pervasive negative of mysticism. ...Removing that negative unleashes the power
of Neo-Tech.
How does removing a negative deliver such values and power? Consider the
great untapped positives already dwelling in most individuals: All such
individuals would flourish through their natural, positive values if they were
not crippled by a single negative -- the disease of mysticism.
Consider that every living organism by nature will flourish to its potential
within the environment that organism was intended to live. But if an organism
exists in a destructive, unnatural environment (a distorted reality) crippled
by a disease (mysticism), that disease causes the organism to eventually die.
Indeed, no amount of extolling positive values will make that organism
flourish. But if the disease is eliminated (e.g., mysticism eliminated by
Neo-Tech), then that organism will flourish toward its full potential, which
for human beings with their open-ended consciousness is unlimited.
Neo-Tech II demonstrates that mysticism is a pervasive, socio-psychological
disease that has drained prosperity, happiness, and life itself from all men
and women for 2000 years.
Imagine if you always knew exactly what was happening, exactly
what to do. You would then be in control of every situation and have great
advantages. ...Now consider Neo-Tech: It eliminates the insanity of mysticism
to let you know exactly what is happening, exactly what to do, giving you
maximum advantages in all situations. Read Neo-Tech, understand it, use it.
Experience for yourself how Neo-Tech delivers a future of unending growth -- a
future of genuine power, prosperity, and romantic love.
- Copyright
- Contact
Linking Neo-Tech Volumes I and II
Links Between Neo-Tech Volumes I and II
Linking Volumes I - V
Neo-Tech I -- Neocheating
Using Metaphors to Understand Neocheating
An Analogy
Neo-Tech II -- Psychuous Concepts
Psychuous Concepts for Personal Benefit
Neo-Tech III -- the End of Authority
Neo-Tech IV -- Predicting Stock Prices
Neo-Tech V -- the Greatest Value
Day Minus 2215
Day Minus 2185
Day Minus 2155
Day Minus 2075
The Traditional Cheater
The Neocheater
Tries to set odds overwhelmingly in his favor
Sets odds unnoticeably in his favor
Strives for big-killing, today
Strives for continuous, steady profits over months and years.
Wants to wipe out victims quickly
Wants to keep comrades going and paying indefinitely
Big-win approach, one-shot or short-range oriented
Maximum-win approach, steady or long-range oriented
Views opponents as enemies
Views opponents as assets
Often makes victims unhappy while creating tense, traumatic atmospheres
Usually makes everyone happy and dependent while creating trusting, relaxed
Often stiff and nervous
Usually relaxed and confident
"When should I do it" feeling
Knows exactly when to Neocheat
Cheats at every opportunity.
Neocheats selectively.
Keeps people from watching him closely. Uses distractions and concealments
Lets people watch him. Needs no distractions or concealments
Causes suspicion with cheating moves
Eliminates suspicions with Neocheating moves
Fears all opponents. Malevolent appearing. Alienates opponents.
Fears no one. Benevolent appearing. Makes opponents dependent on him.
Worries that his cheating will be seen
Knows that Neocheating cannot be seen
Fears his telltale, unnatural characteristics
Works in relaxed harmony with his natural characteristics
Worries about the consequences of being caught in the act
Knows he cannot be caught in any act
Is negative in every way
Appears beneficial in every way
Is controlled by surroundings
Controls surroundings
Day Minus 2025
In Cards
(Where Neocheating was first discovered)
In The Real World
(Where Neocheating is the biggest threat)
to become an unbeatable winner
to usurp advantages needed for financial and social success
How to command winnings
How to wangle profits and respect
How to control any player, game, or network of games
How to politically control deals and emotional situations to acquire money and
How to win quickly
How to profit through specific political actions, religious ploys, or personal
How to slowly drain opponents, game after game
How to gain strategic advantages that allow one to win in business, political,
or personal situations, year after year
How to extract maximum money from opponents
How to extract maximum advantages from others.
How to easily detect, reject, or beat cheaters without any to
destroy cheaters
How to easily detect, reject, or beat dishonesty in business or personal
relationships. How to vanquish people who block you.
How to quickly wipe out opponents
How to subjugate a business or personal adversary
How to welcome good players and make them contribute to your winnings
How to welcome competitors in business or personal life and make them
contribute to your success
How to gain a substantial income, year after year
How to prosper, year after year
Day Minus 2045
Day Minus 2015
Day Minus 1885
Day Minus 1855
Day Minus 1815
Day Minus 730
Day Minus 0
Current Comments
FUTURE VALUES FOR NEO-TECH OWNERSNeocheating and Mysticism versus Neo-Tech.
Protection from Neocheaters
A Notice to Neo-Tech Owners
Neo-Tech ends all the neocheating ploys that drain the only positive force in
existence -- the competitive value producer.A Notice to Professional Value Destroyers
Mystical versus Mystic-Free Approach
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