(draft #64 -- research concluded 01/04/01)
Part Three of Three
The Neo-Tech/Zon Apocalypse
A Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of apocalypse: "a cataclysm in which evil forces are destroyed", allowing a mystical paradise to rise. A Neo-Tech/Zon definition of apocalypse: "a process that deconstructs dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms", allowing a business/science civilization to rise. |
Neo-Tech/Zon is the Apocalypse
Neo-Tech/Zon neither builds upon nor corrects the past or present. Instead, bit by digital bit, it deconstructs today's 2400-year-old anticivilization while constructing tomorrow's universal-business civilization. Cyclical truths and irrationalities that yield decline and death vanish -- replaced with linear honesties and rationalities that yield prosperity and life. ... The Neo-Tech/Zon apocalypse frees business and science to transmute mortals into immortals.
Background for the Neo-Tech/Zon Apocalypse
1. Akhenaten, the apocalyptic Pharaoh of Egypt from 1379-1362 BC, was the first-known "individual" and perhaps the first conscious (rather than bicameral) person. He was the firs t-known luminary who thought and acted independently of tradition. He radically broke major government-military-religious traditions entrenched for over a thousand years. He abandoned the religious capital of Thebes (today the city of Luxor). He replaced military campaigns of plundering in favor of profitable trade. He replaced concrete polytheism and its idolatry with abstract monotheism. His rule was minimalist. After his death, however, the political Establishment murdered hi s only son -- the boy-king Tutankhamen -- and promptly returned Egypt to its former government-military-religious status quo.
2. Socrates laughed; he never cried about death. Jesus wept; he never laughed about life. Socrates and Jesus both recognized that force-and-fraud-backed authorities inflict harm and death upon the populace. Yet, the killing of Socrates and Jesus by bogus authorities ironically revealed the power that arises today to vanish such authorities forever.
3. For six-hundred-million years, non-conscious life steadily evolved via linear Darwinian dynamics. But, upon ending the Golden Age of Greece, conscious life stagnated with the cyclical ethics launched by Pericles (495-429BC). He was the first ruler -- the first politician -- to subvert the virtues of law and society via criminal manipulations of a democracy. As politicians today, he usurped power via popularized corruptions and publicly-approved felonies. Today, however, Neo-Tech arrives to linearly evolve human consciousness after a 2400-year hiatus.
4. Three-hundred years ago, Isaac Newton recognized that combining science capital with business capital was a divine process for creating eternal health and prosperity. But, without Neo-Tech, the anticivilization Establishment buried Newton's disco very -- a discovery that exchanges the state and church for a business/science/art paradise here on Earth. Indeed, that Establishment left no path for the fruition of Newton's greatest discovery -- the discovery of a universal-business/science civilization.
5. An anticivilization buries the morally perfect -- buries the dynamics of laissez-faire capitalism -- buries the free yet law-bound Civilization of the Universe. Neo-Tech today, however, reveals sub-rosa techniques that sublimate an anticivilization into Newton's universally divine business/science civilization -- a civilization sustained by heroes who continuously boon the lives of mankind. ... Even the myths of Hesiod (700 BC) and Ovid's Metamorphoses (4 AD) sense nature enough to imply that the anticivilization is a human race of iron-rusting mortality that will eventually sublimate into a human race of gold-glittering immortality.
6. In harmony with Voltaire (1694-1778), Neo-Tech postulates that final answers do not exist. Instead, conscious man creates ever-new knowledge, discovers ever-new science, and develops ever-better answers. Attempts to declare final answers only create dogmas that prevent new learning and retard value creation.
7. The prime responsibility of each conscious mind/body is the evolvement of ever-greater values -- never-ending progress. From conscious minds and bodies come every human value and intelligent meaning in existence as recognized by the great encyclopedist, Denis Diderot (1713-1784).
8. Never let an anticivilization citizen hold the door open to your future. For, that person will slam it in your face. Hold the door open yourself. The future lies in independent actions from one's self, not from others.
9. Seek not Homeric timê and kleos -- seek not fame and glory in an insane-asylum anticivilization. Seek not that second-hand "immortality", particularly in philosophical or political arenas, including Objectivist and Libertarian arenas. For, such arenas are sound-good stagnation traps -- cyclical death traps. ... Now is the time to stride into riches and romance by deconstructing the anticivilization instead of perpetuating it.
10. Below is the thirty-four year path of Neo-Tech literature comprising three steps from a cyclical political/religious anticivilization to a linear business/science civilization:
Step One (1966-1979) involved formulating and firing the original Neo-Tech bullets for exploiting specific dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms within the anticivilization: Poker, a Guaranteed Income for Life ➔ Neocheating ➔ Ending Mysticisms by Exploiting Bicameral Minds.
Step Two (1976-1992) involved generalizing specific facts into practical tools for outcompeting anticivilization life: Psychuous Sex ➔ Neo-Tech Discovery ➔ Rapid Power and Wealth ➔ Cosmic Business Control ➔ Global Wealth Power ➔ Neo-Tech Protection Kit.
Step Three (1992-2003) involved formulating theories underlying Neo-Tech/Zon principles and emotions -- theories needed to quantum jump individuals from anticivilization perspectives into universal-business perspectives: Cassandra's Secret ➔ Nature's Quintessential Secret ➔ Zonpower ➔ Zon Protocols ➔ Profound Honesty ➔ No More Dishonesties ➔ God-Man ➔ Digital Journey ➔ Riches & Romance (theoretical foundations) ➔ The First Immortals (emotional foundations) ➔ REVOLUTION! via Neo-Tech Bullets (ammunition for apocalyptically deconstructing the anticivilization while constructing a universal business/science/art civilization).
This manuscript is the operating system for formulating and firing apocalyptic Neo-Tech bullets. ...Next, you become an Invisible Illuminatus.
(to be continued)
Appendix #1: The Success/Fail Test
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