Digitizing Program #2
Digitize your brain with program G to capture honor and glory not only from whomever you want but also from entire populations as testified below:
From the desk of Mark Hamilton -- best-selling author of The Story:
Do you remember your great grandparents - your grandparents, parents? Think for a moment. If you're like most people, you never met your great grandparents and have very little idea, if any, of who they were or what they did. That scenario would be very different if they had collected a lot of honor, glory, wealth, and fame. For then, you would know all about them and so would your friends and casual acquaintances. Moreover, you would be enjoying your great grandparents' wealth right now, and your friends and casual acquaintances would be upper society. For example, think of the du Ponts, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds. ... Do you realize what that means? If you do not collect honor, glory, wealth, and fame right now, then after you die, you will live on in the memories of your children and grandchildren ... and then that's it. No one will ever again know who you were, for all eternity, which is usually the case.
A new discovery called Neo-Tech is changing that. With Neo-Tech, the average person collects honor, glory, wealth, and fame while living and will be remembered for hundreds of years after he or she dies. Moreover, his or her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren will enjoy the great wealth and upper society. And that level of wealth will only grow generation after generation. Neo-Tech works not just vertically, but horizontally too. In other words, beyond your immediate group of friends and business contacts, very few people currently know anything about you. Neo-Tech changes that, too. With honor, glory, wealth, and fame, hundreds, even thousands of people will know your name, right now.
Now, this has nothing to do with some form of electronic record such as a web site on the Internet. This has everything to do with gaining legitimate honor, glory, wealth, and fame. A secret Neo-Tech fraternity consists of over one million Neo-Tech owners who are living testimonies to the honor, glory, wealth, and fame from Neo-Tech.
Neo-Tech Brings Honor and Glory, Wealth and Fame
Legitimate honor and glory is what you need, achieved quickly through The Neo-Tech Discovery. Honor and glory through Neo-Tech surpasses everything ever thrown in your face, from promised riches to promised sexual magnetism. All of that comes anyway to the person who stands with honor and glory - the person others want to be like, who stands like a photograph in their memories.
You've seen write-ups or advertisements about Neo-Tech recently, right? It is becoming huge - over one-hundred-million people worldwide have received a 16-page report about it and over a million people already owned the 582-page Neo-Tech Discovery - because it brings to people what everyone lives for: honor, glory, wealth, and fame ... and ultimately immortality. Since the earliest Homeric epics written nearly three thousand years ago, man has searched for honor and glory - called timê (honor) and kleos (glory) in The Iliad and The Odyssey. Achilles, the hero of The Iliad, lived his life for honor and glory. Ulysses, the hero of The Odyssey, lived for honor and glory. Honor and glory brought man recognition and remembrance as someone very prosperous who made his mark. Honor and glory brought man immortality.
Bill Gates lives for honor and glory. Bill Clinton lives for honor and glory ... but false, not legitimate honor and glory. Neo-Tech will not bring you Clintonian, false honor and glory. No, Neo-Tech will bring you Gatesian, legitimate honor and glory. And, like Bill Gates, wealth and lasting fame will follow.
Let's look at Bill Gates. Most educated people around the world know him. Despite his entanglement with the government, he will go down in history and be known for hundreds of years. He's made his mark. Bill Gates used Neo-Tech to collect his honor and glory ... and subsequent wealth and immortality.
"I'm no Bill Gates,' you may say. Okay, but that's the specific, secret function of Neo-Tech: ordinary people can gain the same enormous honor, glory, wealth, and fame - by applying Neo-Tech - as Bill Gates. (He was ordinary. Then, he used Neo-Tech to become extraordinary.)
How Does Neo-Tech Work?
What if you took your infant boy or girl, and while growing up, you acted emotionally different to certain situations than everyone else. Say, every time you crossed paths with a plain-looking but articulate, intelligent woman, you emotionally reacted this way in front of your young son when that woman left: "Wow, what a woman! She's got what it takes. Umm!' Or, whenever your wife crossed paths with a plain-looking but focused, responsible man, your wife commented to your young daughter. "Whoever marries him is going to be a lucky woman! What a cutie!' Moreover, what if, while growing up, notions of fun were emotionally perceived differently. Say, dad and mom got really excited to go with their four-year-old to the library to research and learn about a subject interesting to that child.
If the above reactions occurred over and over again from a very young age, the child would grow up to be drawn to quality, plain-looking women or men and would feel emotional pleasure toward researching and learning - huge advantages as an adult!
The point is, you can see and feel everything in a different way than you do right now. ... You just don't know it! To underscore this point, consider a baby animal: you can make a lion love you, as in the movie Born Free. The same lion, in its natural environment, would otherwise kill you. Neo-Tech jolts everything around you out of its natural environment, which is the only way to separate from the crowd and go from an ordinary person in his natural environment to someone with great honor and glory ... wealth and fame. It's the only way.
Now and throughout history, the most successful people on the planet all secretly used Neo-Tech. It's the only route to legitimate honor, glory, wealth, and fame. From Bill Gates and today's technology heroes, back to Henry Ford and yesteryear's industrial heroes, back to Columbus and the great explorers, back to Aristotle and the great philosophers ... they all used Neo-Tech to break from the crowd and achieve honor, glory, and immortality. Neo-Tech was their greatest kept secret of all time. ... Discovering their secret sounds pretty good right about now, doesn't it?
Ask yourself: why exactly do a few people separate from the crowd and rise to honor and glory? Also ask yourself: why are more and more people rising out of obscurity today to honor and glory? And ask yourself: why are those people today younger and younger? The answer to all three questions is: Neo-Tech. The answer to the second and third questions is: The Neo-Tech Discovery.
How Does The Neo-Tech Discovery Work?
After you receive the 582-page manuscript, you read for about a week. (Don't worry if you're not a reader, because this is reading a discovery, not a book. Totally different. Nonreaders digest it with no pain.) Each day, as you consume more of the discovery, you can begin to see the world around you differently than everyone else - completely differently than how everyone else see it. After one week, you will see a completely different picture of the world before you ... like a different dimension. And within that completely different picture, you will see a clear, unobstructed path that no one else sees - a straight and easy path to honor and glory.
Every famous person today is part of this secret Neo-Tech fraternity. No one else can get to that otherwise impossible pedestal of honor and glory. Only those who can see the world differently - only those with Neo-Tech. It is the only way. And, from my insider position, I know that is why so much envy radiates from ordinary people toward those on the pedestal of honor and glory - those like Bill Gates.
To end the envy, the famous Du Pont scientist and Neo-Tech discover, Dr. Frank R. Wallace (the scientist involved in five major discoveries that we all use today), decided to articulate the Neo-Tech Discovery on paper to allow everyone else to see the world differently within one week, and then run as Dr. Wallace himself did through the path to the pedestal of honor and glory.
Dr. Wallace's publishing of The Neo-Tech Discovery is the reason why those with honor and glory have multiplied many times the past decade and why they're getting younger and younger. The explosion of men and women on the pedestal of honor and glory happened after Dr. Wallace published The Neo-Tech Discovery. Over a million people own it. Today, we are making The Neo-Tech Discovery available exclusively to you. Within one day after receiving the Discovery, the view of the world around you will begin to change. You'll perceive a change to what's beautiful, what's inspirational, what's important. When everything changes - everything - after one week, there you'll see it: your path to honor and glory.
How Well Does Neo-Tech Work?
I was an ordinary guy - just average in school and college. In the real world, I could never, ever imagine having honor and glory, no less wealth and fame. My personality wasn't suited for it. My knowledge wasn't suited for it. My abilities, education, and smarts weren't suited for it. One day, my whole life changed. I started reading The Neo-Tech Discovery. Today, I am known all over the world for different things that bring me honor, glory, wealth, fame ... and immortality. Perhaps my most known claim to honor and glory is initiating the changing structure of business, worldwide, from the division of labor (jobs of labor) to the division of essence (jobs of the mind). Seeing the world totally differently with Neo-Tech, I saw and developed the new business structure almost instantly. That is my claim to honor, glory, and immortality in business. I also have major claims in politics, romantic love, education, even medicine. If you're curious about me, go to Barnes & Noble, Borders, Daltons, Waldenbooks or Amazon.com and order my best-selling novel The Story by Mark Hamilton (that's me). It's a fictionalized account of what's happened to me through Neo-Tech and the massive doses of honor, glory, and immortality I've built for myself.
The Power of Neo-Tech
Let me tell you a brief story that underscores the power of Neo-Tech. I decided to talk to my seven-year-old daughter ... to verbalize Neo-Tech to a child! As I did, the expressions on her face changed. After a week, I saw a different look in her eyes. She was preoccupied, like she was absorbed in the new picture of the world around her. One day after school, she talked to me: "People should not die, Daddy,' she said, seriously. I could tell her feelings went beyond the normal death-is-tragic feelings we all get inside. She was seeing through the eyes of Neo-Tech. Everything looked different to her.
You see, honor and glory, being well-known, being remembered is a form of immortality - the quest of being human. A person who is remembered, like Sam Walton, is a person who lived a full and spectacular life. My daughter's viewpoint was that person with such a full and spectacular life should not lose it. ... Now, at seven years old, she is producing a television show to break down the obstructions that block business, science, and medicine from progressing aggressively toward curing aging in human beings. At seven years old, she is running along her path to legitimate honor and glory - seen only through Neo-Tech.
What About You?
Will you be known ... remembered? With Neo-Tech, you will be. You will see your path to honor and glory one week after receiving The Neo-Tech Discovery. Actually, you will start to see it the same day you receive Neo-Tech.
The pressing question on people's minds is always: how much money will Neo-Tech make me? Let me say this: I'm rich. My seven-year-old daughter is not independently wealthy - not yet. She first must travel her path to honor and glory, as I did. But I would bet my entire fortune that she will become independently wealthy before she leaves home. That raises another point: Neo-Tech will serve you like nothing else you've ever known - and it will serve your loved ones, from your parents to your children. ...A million other people have secretly purchased and used Neo-Tech to achieve legitimate honor and glory. Today, they are getting rich. Now, it's your turn.
Mark Hamilton
Best-Selling Author of The Story
(Barnes & Noble, Daltons, Borders, Amazon.com)
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