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I hope to see my Nature face to face
when I have crossed the bar
-- paraphrased --
Alfred Lord Tennyson

The sweep of world history comprises the rise and fall of ruling powers. Every ruler and every subject end dead -- unmissed, unloved, forgotten forever. Even the mightiest rulers end as dead and forgotten as Ozymandias. In Earth's civilization, every life comes to naught as each declines, dies, and then vanishes forever -- first from sight, then from memory, and finally into nothingness. The cardinal feature of such a lethal civilization -- call it an anticivilization -- is the unnecessary destruction in every detail of every conscious life with its every value. Yes, the death of animals is natural. But, the death of conscious people? No, that is unnatural. Consciousness by nature is not destruction and death; it is creation and life. Indeed, the anticivilization is the aberration of death inflicted upon conscious life. By contrast, the cardinal feature of a universal-business civilization -- call it the Civilization of the Universe -- is the eternally growing value of every conscious life. With no rulers or subjects, such a civilization provides the habitat for living according to the nature of human consciousness -- the habitat for immortal gods. ... An anticivilization prevents mankind from meeting its prime responsibility of achieving commercial biological immortality.

To restate the above: Conscious people are neither mortals nor animals. They are immortal gods being killed by an irrational anticivilization. On crossing the bar to a rational civilization, the killing stops. Conscious life on Earth then meets its responsibility and lives according to its nature -- lives prosperously, happily, immortally.

During the course of three millennia, a scattered few struggled valiantly to advance conscious life toward its natural state of never-ending growth. Yet, just as everyone else on Earth, those precious few had their mysticisms, faults, and errors infused from an anticivilization. Those flawed heroes ranged from Aristotle to da Vinci, Shakespeare, Newton ... from Adam Smith to Henry Ford, Ayn Rand, Bill Gates. Still, each sought to step beyond Earth's unnatural anticivilization that yields loss and death. Each sought a natural civilization that yields profit and life. Each sought to face their nature by facing the nature of conscious life. But, alas, the chains of an anticivilization entangled them and dragged each into loss and death along with everyone else.

Whenever those past lights -- call them illuminati -- spoke of fulfilling the nature and purpose of conscious life, they became invisible to others. They were met by unseeing eyes and clouding minds. But, today, instead of despairing over that invisibility, new-breed illuminati -- Neo-Tech illuminati -- profit from it. They profit from the power to cloud anticivilization minds. With that invisibility, they escape the chains of an anticivilization. Once free, they live by their nature, able to gain limitless riches.

Through the eyes of Neo-Tech, one sees conscious life from two perspectives, from two switchable channels -- (1) the anticivilization channel and (2) the business-civilization channel. The first channel shows the non-realities of dishonest rulers and destructive authorities. The second channel shows the realities of honest businesspeople and creative entrepreneurs. By separating the channels fully and cleanly, a Neo-Tech illuminatus gains the power to (1) fade the first channel into a blank screen emptied of content and (2) intensify the second channel into a vivid screen filled with treasures. ... The illuminatus then crosses the bar to invisibility.

How To
become an
Invisible Illuminatus

-- A New-Color Light1 that Radiates Power Unlimited --
copyright © 2000
Neo-Tech Worldwide, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
(draft #43 -- revised 10/13/00)

No need to yearn for mankind's greatest era of yore -- the magnificent 18th-century Enlightenment. For, rising today are invisible illuminati. With them rises an ineffably greater era -- a new-color era of universal business. Each individual who enters that new era embarks on a journey toward non-aging immortality and boundless prosperity. Each such individual travels beyond known horizons. On passing those horizons, the works of Aristotle, John Locke, Adam Smith, Ayn Rand, and Milton Friedman, for example, quantum jump from their familiar anticivilization perspectives into entirely different universal-business perspectives. The mysticisms of Plato and Kant suddenly seem logical for an irrational anticivilization. The insanities of an anticivilization become understandable and seemingly needed for survival.

Insanities? In the year-2000, for example, Gore/Lieberman stand as targets on the left. They along with others on the left stand as modern-day Robin Hoods. They stand poised to reap justice due from an era of insanities -- the clintonian era of camouflaged destructions and sub-rosa crimes. May the stock market rise to bring them victory. Or may the stock market plunge to let Bush/Cheney rise as new targets on the right. No matter what scenario, Neo-Tech sets the anticivilization time bomb to explode in the faces of those responsible for the 1990s era of government killings, frauds, and deceptions. During that era, shrewd clintonian brigands rode the backs of vibrant businesspeople and entrepreneurs while parasitically attacking the high-tech/biotech engines of value-and-job creations -- engines that generated a nine-year economic boom. Those brigands are today insidiously, insanely poisoning those prosperity engines from Microsoft, to the Internet, to genome research. Tomorrow, however, Neo-Tech illuminati jujitsus those insanities into justice for its victims. ...By combining Neo-Tech with universal-business perspectives, people transmute into illuminati who outcompete the anticivilization and trump its insanities.

To state the above in a second way: New-breed illuminati vanish irrationality, dishonesty, and mysticism by generating ever-increasing prosperity. They start by profiting from hidden pirates -- call them neocheaters -- who ride the productive waves of competitive business. Today, such neocheaters range from the 1990s Giuliani/Reno anti-liberty/fascist-socialist thugs ... to the year-2000 Buchanan/Nader anti-business/human-hating rioters. Now, similar to Objectivists using platonists/kantians as foils to advance today's anticivilization, Neo-Tech uses buchananites/naderites as foils to advance tomorrow's universal-business civilization. Even more widely, Neo-Tech illuminati exploit political/religious/academic/legal/business rogues to liberate the populace from authoritarian decrees of loss and death by bringing forth business decrees of profits and life.

To restate the above in a third way: Invisible illuminati use universal-business perspectives to trump anticivilization perspectives. That superiority allows the unrestricted creation of (1) objective knowledge, (2) value production, and (3) romantic excitement. ... Universal business perspectives let conscious individuals advance toward their natural potentials for becoming (1) immortals of endless youth and beauty and (2) zons of limitless knowledge and value.

Finally, consider the following statement from the September 2000 Neo-Tech summit in Las Vegas, Nevada: "Many times you have tried to share the values of Neo-Tech. You are met with glazed eyes, anxiously retreating listeners, or words of condemnation. You feel invisible. Yes, those experiences are discouraging, disappointing -- but only from anticivilization perspectives! For, every such experience switches to high-profit power from universal-business perspectives. The key is "invisibility" -- the fountainhead of Neo-Tech power. Neo-Tech and invisibility combine to produce the ingredients for becoming a new-breed illuminatus. ... Today, you will learn how to become that invisible illuminatus with powers to gain rational desires and goals endlessly into the future."  :

Seven Phases
in becoming an
Invisible Illuminatus

Unleashing zon-like power from an invisible illuminatus is somewhat like unleashing sun-like power from a hydrogen bomb. The trigger for both is an atomic/digital explosion: The hydrogen bomb requires an atomic-fission-bomb explosion to trigger its fusion power. The Neo-Tech/Illuminati bomb requires a digital-brain-mind explosion to trigger its faustian power. Through mc2=E (new-energy-release explosion), the hydrogen bomb vanishes nuclear matter to unleash physical power -- thermonuclear power. Through re-digitizing the brain with fully integrated honesty (FIH) and wide-scope accounting (WSA), through FIH+WSA=E' (new-color-release explosion), the illuminati bomb vanishes anticivilization non-matter to unleash conscious power -- zonpower.

Zonpower yields the freedom, prosperity, and motivation needed to cure aging and death. Below are the original Seven Phases through which the first illuminatus evolved to unleash zonpower on planet Earth:

Poker Phase
Neocheating Phase
Romantic-Love/Business-Children Phase
Neo-Tech-Discovery Phase
Political/Religion-Subversion Phase
Political-Prisoner/Neo-Tech-Law Phase
Invisible-Illuminati/Zon/Universal-Business Phase

Phase One
The Poker Phase

Beginning in a garage-attic poker game, third-grade schoolchild Frank R. Wallace sensed an invisibility that let him win money from his classmates without them realizing what was happening. That sense intensified in high school -- and more so when he left school for the merchant marines. Operating from ruthless but honest perspectives, he won more money from the older seamen than he earned from his deckhand pay. Those seamen never realized who was draining their money. Next, Wallace learned to detect card cheaters and then bankrupt them by stripping away their assets through indirect, undetectable stratagems. He relished encountering and bankrupting cheaters. Returning to school, he escalated his winnings as a freshman at Colby College in Waterville, Maine. As a sophomore, he drove two card-cheating students from college by bankrupting them. As a result, he was expelled for his honest abilities and ruthless justice. Later, readmitted to Colby, he disappeared from authorities by running high-stake poker games from the draw-ladder attic of the noisy, wild-party Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity house.

After a hiatus from poker while earning a doctorate degree in inorganic and analytical chemistry from the University of Iowa, Wallace orchestrated high-stake poker games in Wilmington, Delaware to garner more money than his salary and bonuses as a Senior Research Chemist at E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. By unleashing an invisible man dubbed John Finn, he was able to win as much as he wanted, whenever he wanted. But, who was that invisible man? How did he operate? Does he exist now? If so, what is he doing today? ... Invisible man John Finn sticks knives of statistics and odds deep into the dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms of opponents. Against card cheaters, that invisible man twists and cuts with those knives until he financially disembowels those who use their dishonest minds and criminal acts to cheat innocent victims.

One discovers the invisible man, John Finn, by reading Wallace's 1968 best-selling book, Poker, a Guaranteed Income for Life by Using the Advance Concepts of Poker ( combined with knowledge of his 1985 Neo-Tech Discovery ( The invisible Wallace persona is totally different from the visible Finn persona. No opponent can perceive the conceptual thinking, principled motives, and rational actions operating beneath the image of a seemingly altruistic, egalitarian, Toohey-like John Finn. Yet, the kindly appearing, soothing Finn justly, ruthlessly wipes out opponents without them knowing the casino-like, purposeful cause of their bankruptcies. Indeed, people entangled in Finn's poker milieu cannot detect his invisible controls -- at least not until they escape from their own dishonesties, rationalizations, and mysticisms. ...Finn bankrupts not only criminal-minded cheaters but also parasitical-minded mystics. Such mystics dreamily, greedily wish upon wish for non-existent, no-effort luck to win endless riches without producing competitive values for others and society.

Wallace's poker book when combined with understanding anti-mystical Neo-Tech provides the techniques for breaking (1) those who harbor get-something-for-nothing greed and (2) those who vote for parasitically inflicting envious harms upon people of creative ability and earned wealth. ...Neo-Tech provides the mechanism for achieving justice in an unjust anticivilization.

Phase Two
The Neocheating Phase

Becoming an expert at rapid calculations of statistics and odds, Dr. Wallace developed paradigms to detect and dispatch the world's most skilled cheaters as revealed in his and Mark Hamilton's 1980 book, Neocheating the Rising Menace ( Dishonest moves by those cheaters were invisible -- their moves were undetected by visual means, even by video replays. Wallace branded those people "neocheaters". Yes, the neocheaters moves were superficially invisible. But, Wallace's entire persona behind his Robin-Hood-appearing alter ego -- John Finn -- was genuinely invisible.

In 1980, Frank R. Wallace (FRW) learned to identify "invisible" criminals -- black-hat neocheaters -- not only in cards but also in religion, politics, education, and other areas of anticivilization activities...including business. Wallace then learned how to deliver justice by white-hat maneuvering those camouflaged fraudsters into impotence. Eight-years earlier as a Senior Research Chemist at the famous Brandywine and Chestnut-Run laboratories of du Pont, Dr. Wallace learned to white-hat maneuver political-type neocheating executives into their eventual removal from positions of unearned power and prestige -- especially over their Conoco-Oil, ego-purchase disaster. At the same time, Wallace's invisible creations explicitly supported du Pont's honest executives and management. He promoted that management as superbly competent, value-creating businesspeople and scientists who benefited everyone and society...and yet who too seldom received the recognition, admiration, and gratitude they earned.

Wallace breaks the shams of neocheaters via guerrilla-stealth actions conducted by John-Finn alter egos. He then exacts justice by emasculating neocheaters in cards, governments, religions, and elsewhere. He exacts justice from those who drain life, property, and happiness from the innocent.

Phase Three
The Romantic-Love/Business-Children Phase

FRW also discovered how to use invisibility for capturing romantic love as first revealed in his 1976 book, Psychuous Sex: He learned that for a person to sexually/physically/intellectually know a Neo-Tech illuminatus was to reciprocally love that person passionately/profitably/permanently. Sexual experiences with such an illuminatus are not forgotten, not matched, forever sought. To capture romance, a person digitizes into a faustian illuminatus whose sexual nature outcompetes anticivilization citizens. Still, how does that invisibility work to capture romantic love? How does faustian invisibility bring sexual pleasures and romantic excitements? And, if mutually chosen, how does invisibility create business children who generate escalating values as described in Mark Hamilton's stunning year-2000 novel, The Story ( Those questions alone suggest the leveraged power of invisibility for every purpose throughout the anticivilization. That power of invisibility derives from conceptual, wide-scope actions combined with fully integrated honesty. ... Such exciting romantic invisibility outcompetes the multitudes of usually-boring, non-conceptual, narrow-scope anticivilization citizens.

By functioning from universal-business perspectives, one vitalizes high-value people trapped in a lethal anticivilization. First, an illuminatus finds the most vibrant, inside-and-outside beautiful love trapped in today's anticivilization. Such a love could never be, for example, a child-abusing government thug Reno or Castro...or an antibusiness-blathering Hollywood hypocrite Babs or Redford...or a business-quisling dupe Ted Turner or Ben&Jerry. That illuminatus then invisibly flips his or her love into a universal-business mode to free that partner from the anticivilization chains of decline and death. From that point, they journey together toward ever-expanding romantic excitements, life riches, and family happiness.

On launching that journey, the controls of material-and-emotional life switch to opposite directions -- like cracking the sound barrier: In the anticivilization, the striven for kings of the world are the force-backed rulers who criminally drain values and life from their subjects and society. Ultimately, those rulers and their subjects lose everything -- they end dead, gone, forgotten forever. In a business civilization, however, new-color illuminati become champions of the universe who competitively deliver values and life to loved ones and society. Ultimately, those illuminati and their customers gain everything -- they end with prosperity, health, and romance forever across time and space.

An important note: Invisible illuminati exist only in an anticivilization. Such invisibility does not, cannot, and need not exist in a business civilization. The ad-hoc purpose of invisibility is to creatively destroy the anticivilization, replacing it with a universal-business civilization. ... Within that universal civilization, ad-hoc Neo-Tech Publishing Company happily goes out of business.

Phase Four
The Neo-Tech-Discovery Phase

After using invisibility to capture romantic love, Wallace generalized that invisibility mode to capture values in any anticivilization circumstance as first revealed in his 1985 book, The Neo-Tech Discovery. By creating an array of invisible alter egos, he gained the values desired in free-will transactions that benefited everyone involved.

Phase Five
The Political/Religion-Subversion Phase

Next, FRW learned to quietly subvert anticivilization destructions at the highest levels of unearned livelihoods and usurped power. He profited by undermining political-and-religious neocheaters who interacted with him as (1) specifically revealed in his two-volume 1991 publication The Neo-Tech Protection Kit ( and then (2) generalized in his 1997 book, Outcompete God and Government. Seeking justice, Wallace created protean-like invisiblities to subvert hidden criminals, fraudsters, and parasites who propagate Earth's anticivilization. His invisible creations exploited the insanities of today's anticivilization. Such insanities evolve from popular acceptance of neocheaters as idols or authorities -- dark neocheaters ranging from a viciously harmful Hillary Clinton (anti-Semitic/Marxist/health-care trickery) to a fraudulently soothing Pat Robertson (pusher of faith and mysticism) -- from a viciously harmful Meryl Streep (antibusiness/Alar®/apple-farmer killer) to a fraudulently soothing Pope Paul II (propagator of faith and mysticism). ... Delivering justice in an unjust anticivilization, Neo-Tech illuminati never forget crimes inflicted upon the value creators.

Phase Six
The Political-Prisoner/Neo-Tech-Law Phase

While undermining the livelihoods of political criminals and religious fraudsters, Wallace cleaved a universal business civilization from Earth's anticivilization as revealed in his 1998 publication, The Zon/Illuminati Protocols. That cleavage was not an analog transition; it was a digitized-quantum split -- a clean split that let him chart the commercial route to non-aging, biological immortality for people living on Earth today. That split also harnessed (1) Wallace's Honesty Oath that is now law in America (U.S. vs. Wallace, 989, F.2d, 1015, 9th-Cir. 1993) and (2) Neo-Tech law inherent in a universal-business civilization. ... See Neo-Tech Law -- Judge Narragansett Presiding later in this document.

Finally, on sensing the expanding subversions from an array of invisible John Finns, the parasitical elites attacked their only visible target. They unwisely attacked and imprisoned scientist, author, businessman -- Frank R. Wallace. Those 1986-and-1990 violent attacks and subsequent political imprisonment caused FRW's mind to sublimate into a universal-business mind ... and then into an invisible illuminatus as occurred in Phase Seven:

Phase Seven
The Invisible-Illuminati/Zon/Universal-Business Phase

After prison in the early 1990s, FRW identified the mechanisms for achieving commercial biological immortality and reverse aging. Those mechanisms required (1) competitive universal-business minds and (2) biotech/stem-cell research announced in Wallace's year-2000 publication, Digital Journey. ... Through dynamic international marketing3, universal-business minds rise from Neo-Tech. Those business minds transmute into invisible illuminati in the Final Step below:

The Final Step
Becoming an Invisible Illuminatus

The above seven phases meld to transmute honest people into invisible illuminati who exploit today's uncompetitive anticivilization. They also exploit its subservient citizens who suffer in various degrees from blindness, stupidity, and parasitism arising from mysticism, laziness, and dishonesty. On grasping universal-business perspectives, however, citizens can escape their subservience to anticivilization neocheaters. And, then, those citizens armed with the Neo-Tech year-2000 publication, The Cure, can tap a treasure trove of alter egos for competitively gaining riches and romance. That treasure trove is found in Mark Hamilton's year-2000 magnum opus, The Story ( Indeed, The Story provides twelve invisible alter egos for multiple selections of faustian illuminati. Such illuminati collect riches by trumping the anticivilization. How? By jujitsuing lethally exploited citizens into a new civilization of health, wealth, and riches -- a universal-business civilization. ...Below is that wondrous supply of invisible illuminati available from The Story:

1. Theodore Winters -- Consummate businessman.

2. Ian Scott -- Consummate scientist.

3. Sally Salberg -- Consummate research doctor.

4. Jonathan Ward -- Businessman builder who goes on to depoliticize America as President of the United States.

5. Jeremiah Jones -- Founder of Church of God-Man and the Pact of Eternal Life, which evolves into The Business Alliance.

6. Rico Rodriguez -- Founder of Rico Steaks and host of The Reunion and subsequent meetings of God-Man and God-Woman.

7. Reggie Smith -- Founder of Grassroots Music, Inc.

8. Robert Chapman -- Founder of TGIF Employment Agency.

9. Debra Kirkland -- The force behind Debbie's French-Fry City.

10. Cathy Solomon -- Ridiculed fat girl who trims down to become the most admired model of external-and-internal beauty. She then founds Paradise Cities and marries consummate businessman Theodore Winters.

11. Natasha Stokov -- National radio talk show host.

12. Alan Patterson -- Founder of Patterson Media Group.

An Ancient Invisibility

A famous French writer of the 19th century was fascinated by shriveled old women. He would spend hours anonymously following them around Paris. His mind could not stop thinking about them. He knew those shriveled old women were invisible to essentially everyone -- invisible in the eyes of each who passed them in the streets, in the parks, in the squares ... everywhere, except in the marketplace when they had money to spend. Indeed, what that writer obsessively contemplated were images of those invisible, ignored, sadly forgotten old women when in their youth they were beautifully visible, sexually supple, and deliciously conjugal. But, neither that writer nor those old women knew back then -- nor do most people know today -- the potential power invisibility holds in an anticivilization, even for forgotten old women. Neo-Tech reveals the value, the power, and profit available from every kind of invisibility in exploiting the anticivilization and escaping its parasitical siren song leading to aging and death.

Neo-Tech Law -- Judge Narragansett Presiding

Anticivilization citizens vote for rulers to plunder the competitive producers and their life-giving, job-and-value-creating business engines. Likewise, juries swayed by dishonest lawyers, especially tort lawyers, vote to loot those who deliver the greatest values to society. An anticivilization buries concepts of personal responsibility and integrity to let wholesale parasitisms and crimes destroy the lives of eventually everyone. ...Today, however, universal law -- Neo-Tech law -- answers anticivilization criminalities. That law answers with its responsibility to implement justice and rectify injustice.

Solon (630-560 BC) the Athenian poet and lawgiver was the first to recognize the superior legal standing of the individual value creator over collective mobs. Under the influence of Solon's concept "rule by law not by men", ancient Greece rose into a Golden Age of culture and prosperity. After less than a century, Solon's influence waned under the charismatic/clintonian politician, Pericles (495-429 BC). As rule by just law waned, Greek civilization declined under (1) increasing glorification of political-driven, wag-the-dog wars and (2) increasing power of mob-ruled democratic governments that insanely, whimsically executed their heroes from victorious admirals to virtuous Socrates. For personal aggrandizement, populist rulers manipulated the parasitical envy of such mob democracies to increasingly loot value creators. Today, a similar waning of law lets socialist/fascist rulers in America manipulate parasitical envy of voters to increasingly loot value creators via armed bureaucracies allied with goose-stepping triumvirates of renos, prosecutors, and tort lawyers.

The rule of rational law reached its zenith twice. The first zenith was the most stable and consistently prosperous government in history -- the 600-year Roman Republic/Empire reign over the civilized world. The second zenith was the American Republic of the 18th and 19th centuries. ... Twenty-two centuries earlier, strengthened and vitalized by power-breaking/one-year-term-limits for rulers, the Roman Republic started traveling toward dominating the anticivilization via just-and-rational laws. Two millennia later, the founding fathers of the United States studied and adopted many rational aspects of Greek-and-Roman law to start America traveling toward becoming the world-business power via just-and-rational laws.

Then, in the 19th century, war-exploiting/falsely-deified/believer-in-slavery hypocrite Abraham Lincoln obliterated just-and-rational law by ruling through caesar-like decrees backed by brute force. Both objective law and constitutional law were further debauched in the 20th century by war-exploiting/elitist/periclean politicians Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt. And, today, political-beast Clinton accelerated the decline of lawful rule with illegal power-usurping decrees, wag-the-dog killings abroad, and outright thuggeries at home inflicted upon innocents from Waco to Elian to Bill Gates. Today, arbitrary, ill-defined subjective laws and extra-legal decrees or executive orders result in, for example, (1) expropriation of earned property via IRS criminalities, (2) usurpations of unearned power via Giuliani/Reno/Klein-type injustices, (3) unjust jury nullifications via OJ/Clinton trials.

To preview the future: Neo-Tech never forgets injustices. At the dawn of the 21st century, Neo-Tech illuminati bring forth a business civilization that delivers justice under universal laws. Those natural laws ultimately vanish governments that democratically elect hitlerian/clintonian rulers wielding socialistic/fascist laws and decrees. ...Genuine, non-coerced power rises from businesses, not from governments. Anticivilization governments destroy competitive values, bringing everyone eternal death by truncating their futures. Universal businesses create competitive values, bringing everyone eternal life by expanding their futures.

To retrace history: Starting from justice formulated by Roman stoics and later promoted by Cicero (106-43 BC), Neo-Tech law first seeks resolutions of disputes by mutually agreed-upon arbitration for fair-and-equitable solutions. If agreements are impossible or fail, the proceedings move to a judge and/or jury. The legal issues are then decided via justly-formulated, clearly-written, widely-known objective laws. ... Justice-seeking laws evolve into universally-equitable laws.

The initial ascendancy of law over men let Rome evolve into a worldwide empire lasting six centuries. But, after only two centuries of assent, the decline of just law began under the Lincoln-like, brutal civil-war-causing politician Sulla (138-78 BC). Several decades later, FDR-like Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) waged an illegal war against his triumvirate-ally Pompey solely for personal power and "dignity" -- dignatas. That whimsical act of lawlessness accelerated the decline of just Roman law. Next, Caesar's nephew Octavius, self-proclaimed "Augustus Caesar", dramatically escalated government criminality through murder proscriptions -- summarily beheading several-thousand wealthy Roman citizens solely to confiscate their properties and seize their wealth, IRS style. Augustus even had the great orator-and-writer Cicero treacherously beheaded -- then had his head and hands nailed to the podium in the Roman Forum. Finally, in 31BC, Augustus Caesar launched the Imperial Era that lasted four centuries. To accomplish that stability, he cleverly buried the remains of just, objective law by formally expanding, strengthening, and codifying his own personal subjective laws and decrees. That formalizing of personal whims and guile into written laws provided force-backed stability for Augustus' four-decade rule. ... Thus, criminal-ruler Augustus structured the long decline of Rome into government criminality that eventually evolved into general criminality and finally into barbaric violence resulting in Rome itself being sacked and burned centuries later to bring forth the thousand-year Dark Age.

For personal power and dignatas, President Clinton in the 1990s aided by his politicized Justice Department used Augustan treacheries, lies, decrees, and thuggery to undermine both objective law and constitutional law. He structurally moved America toward authoritarian criminality. ... But, this time, for the first time, invisible illuminati break the structure of criminality. How? By bringing forth just laws from a business civilization -- just, objective, the-point laws that nullify unjust, subjective, a-point laws. Neo-Tech brings forth universally-natural laws that deliver eternal prosperity.

Neo-Tech Obsoletes Philosophy and Politics

Frank R. Wallace's 1996 book, Profound Honesty, reveals the origins of digital-mind transitions from anticivilization perspectives into universal-business perspectives. Through such transitions, Neo-Tech obsoletes anticivilization-generated philosophies and politics, including Objectivism and Libertarianism4. How? By using dynamic wide-scope integrations with fully integrated honesty to profitably harness reality and business ... versus using static narrow-scope philosophies and politics to unprofitably divine truths and governments.

Plato makes excessive use of philosophical metaphors. In his famously indulgent cave metaphor, he posits particulars (concretes or specifics) as shadows of reality -- not real or fully knowable. Later in life, Plato conveys that even universals (concepts or ideas) are not fully knowable. By contrast, Aristotle makes judicious use of metaphors. In his works on metaphysics and epistemology, he posits both particulars and universals as earthly realities fully perceivable through the senses. Thus, for Aristotle, both particulars and universals are real and fully knowable to conscious people here on Earth.

Today, integrating beyond the boundaries of philosophers, politicians, and their propoundments, Neo-Tech makes rich, non-philosophical use of metaphors, similes, analogies, and parallels to (1) convey new concepts and (2) clarify the resulting new specifics. Still, every Neo-Tech idea and concept is anchored in reality -- anchored in particulars or facts fully perceivable by the senses. But, perceptions must be processed through conscious minds free of dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms to acquire universally valid knowledge. ... In summary, both concretes and concepts are directly and fully knowable to every conscious person. Universally-valid knowledge comes not from locally-dogmatic philosophies -- not from "truth-seeking" philosophical minds or government-seeking political minds. Instead, universally-valid knowledge comes from fully-honest, wide-scope business minds.

Neo-Tech is the process dynamics of non-manipulative honesty from universal business principles. That process bypasses the static assertions of manipulative truth from local philosophical dogma. Furthermore, the dynamics of honesty and action via Neo-Tech confirm both induction and deduction as the route to valid knowledge. Such knowledge arises from integrating both concretes and concepts. The integrating bridges between concretes and concepts are the principles of nature and physics. ... Valid knowledge never comes from mysticisms, revelations, or intuitions. Instead, the tool for creating and validating knowledge is the Scientific Method employing objective observation, logical reason, and wide-scope integration combined with fully integrated honesty.

Finally, most people locked in an anticivilization unconsciously and nonvolitionally evolve their long-term emotions into losses. And, too often, dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms shrivel their crucial, quality-of-life emotions into barrenness. By contrast, with Neo-Tech, a person volitionally formulates and beneficially creates those quality-of-life emotions to deliver material-and-spiritual profits. Indeed, volitional actions based on rationality, reason, and honesty purposefully build the long-term emotions of security, love, and happiness. Thus, filling that emotion-building responsibility meets the purpose and goal of conscious life. Achieving everlasting happiness is that purpose and goal -- simply and purely. ...With Neo-Tech bringing forth a universal-business civilization, conscious Earthlings achieve non-aging life, limitless prosperity, and romantic happiness across time and space.

To summarize: In a business civilization under universal Neo-Tech law, philosophy and politics serve no purpose. Moreover, in a fully free capitalistic civilization, economic theories would likewise serve no purpose ... or even be known. Government regulations and interventions would be nonexistent -- as would the likes of Keynes, Samuelson, and Greenspan. Conscious life and markets alike would be totally efficient for optimum performance.


1. What is a new color anyway? How could a person possibly experience and then describe a totally new, never-before-seen color? How would one describe a new primary color outside the additive primary colors of red, green, and blue? Technically, one could imagine experiencing such new colors by restructuring or replacing both the bio-sensing mechanism of the eye and the quantum mechanics of the brain to see the invisible electromagnetic "colors" of infra-red, micro-wave, and radio-waves. Or from the other side of the visible spectrum, to see the invisible electromagnetic "colors" of ultra-violet, x-rays, and gamma-rays. How then could that new-eyed/new-brained person describe those totally new-and-different "colors" to people with the vision mechanisms that see only red, green, and blue -- or mixtures of those colors?

Similar is the dilemma for an illuminatus trying to convey the sense of a totally new-and-different, immortal business civilization. Try to convey that sense to those who know and sense only a mortal anticivilization. The task seems impossible. Could another metaphor help convey such a new sense of conscious life in a totally different civilization? Perhaps the following sense-of-sound metaphor in addition to the above sense-of-sight metaphor helps convey that experience.

Consider a totally different sound that no person living today has ever audibly experienced. That sound is that of an 18th-century castrato such as the famous Carlo Broschi (known as Farinelli) who was wildly popular, politically powerful, and fabulously wealthy -- more so than any rock star today. Yet, today, no person on Earth has ever heard or will ever hear the electrifying soprano voice of a prima-donna castrato. For, to produce just one such quality castrato today would require (as was required two-centuries ago) criminally castrating many hundreds of the best singers in boys choirs worldwide. And then, after years of intensely training their voices, perhaps a single stunning castrato voice of the magnificent range, extraordinary flexibility, and shocking power approaching that of a Farinelli might emerge. Still, how could a person today experience such an unknown, totally different sound? The last great castrato singer, Alessandro Moreschi, sang his final notes in the late 19th-century Sistine Chapel Choir. Today, however, one might get a sense of such a sound from a powerful opera-singer tenor who in the late twentieth century arduously trained his falsetto voice in trying to approximate the voice of a great castrato. Hearing the recording of that powerful imitation so electrifies the senses that one feels his or her hair standing up like telegraph poles!

That shockingly new hearing sensation offers a pale comparison for the ultimate sensation of stepping beyond the anticivilization to experience for the first time a universal business civilization. Indeed, what anticivilization citizen dares think about much less step into an unknown, radically different civilization delivering unimaginable, high-voltage sensations? Who but Alice dares step through the looking glass from an irrational, dishonest, boring government anticivilization yielding mortal losers into a mirror-image rational, honest, exciting business civilization yielding immortal gods? Thus is the atmosphere that gives Neo-Tech illuminati unstoppable powers in the anticivilization by creating invisible alter egos. Those illumanti use universal-business dynamics to (1) shrink anticivilization criminalities toward null points and to (2) create open-ended riches from competitive situations.

2.Consider modern-day Robin Hoods sans gallant Earl-Flynn-of-Locksley courage -- consider clinton/gore-type politicians. Those hoods never earn livelihoods by producing competitive values for others and society. Instead, they plunder not only the great Michael-Milken/Bill-Gates-type value producer, but most harmfully, they secretly, cowardly drain every middle-class value producer via their guns-and-fists bureaucracies. Such hoods take their cut of unearned wealth and ersatz fame from their seized booty. Then they redistribute the remaining booty to (1) build strong-arm power via politicized bureaucrats and (2) buy political power from voting-block parasites. As black-hat neocheaters, those politicians promote themselves as benevolent altruists with compassionate hearts. But, in fact, they are malevolent killers usurping unearned livelihoods: They usurp unearned comfort, fame, and wealth at the lethal expense of every honest value producer. They usurp unearned timê honor, kleos glory, and dignatas dignity at the lethal expense of every citizen in every society.

Yet, today, even the Traditional Illuminati5 know how to manipulate each such political beast to their business ends. Those ends include beneficially advancing the anticivilization by, for example, cutting deficits and welfare, expanding international trade, further opening US borders to immigrant labor, preventing restrictions to abortion, facilitating fetal-research involving stems cells, and blocking the nasty/brutish dark-age agendas from (1) the religious right and (2) Buchanan/Nader luddites.

3. Neo-Tech unleashes the most-potent marketing force since the Catholic Church unleashed its marketing scheme 1600 years ago. Of those two epic business forces, guess which brings untold destructions and which brings untold riches.

4. Through non-philosophical minds of Neo-Tech illuminati, the anticivilization becomes comprehensible in the context of an irrational, lethal habitat. In such a habitat, every good-and-evil act becomes understandable in a world in which every life is unnaturally snuffed -- destroyed, vanished, forgotten -- a world in which every life is ultimately meaningless. Four centuries ago, Shakespeare in both his Hamlet and Macbeth6 identified that meaninglessness of anticivilization life. Thus, in a mortal anticivilization, come-and-go, good-and-bad philosophies statically and blindly determine for everyone meaningless, terminal futures. By sharp contrast, in an immortal business civilization, philosophies are irrelevant. For, each conscious life volitionally functions via fully integrated honesty (FIH) and wide-scope accounting (WSA) that dynamically and knowingly create for everyone meaningful, eternal futures.

Now, consider the most valuable philosophy in Earth's anticivilization -- Objectivism. Consider two important personalities of Objectivism -- its founder Ayn Rand and her successor Leonard Peikoff. Both are outstanding creators and producers of values trapped within an anticivilization: Rand with her great philosophical and artistic works; Peikoff with his invaluable business projects and commercial products, ranging from superb courses (e.g., on grammar) to excellent analyses (e.g., of great plays), along with many commercially valuable presentations in books, on tapes and videos, on radio, in lectures and forums. Yet, the lives of Rand and Peikoff, as with the lives of everyone in an anticivilization, are entwined with personal errors and lethal irrationalities: Rand with her cultivation of degrading cult dynamics along with her glorification of deadly smoking habits; Peikoff with his horrendous police-state ideas about Waco along with his advocating "principled" nuking millions of innocent Iranians. Yes, certainly, one should analyze and criticize such errors and disvalues. Also, both Rand and Peikoff often over-generalized and misapplied Objectivism, sometimes grotesquely, as in Rand's deeply flawed application of her theories on aesthetics to Shakespeare. Yet, when honestly criticizing Rand or Peikoff (or anyone else), one must objectively weigh values and disvalues on wide-scope scales of justice, make accurate measurements, and then acknowledge the net-weight value or disvalue of the criticized target. ...With such measurements, Ayn Rand weighs in as one of the most valuable individuals in Earth's anticivilization history, ranking with Aristotle.  Her near-flawless philosophy may have swept the world if she and her cult had never misapplied or generalized Objectivism.

Still, as often with other outstanding value producers in an anticivilization, underachieving pip-squeaks and envious leeches traduce Rand and Peikoff with unjust flames and out-of-context attacks. And, as often with most pioneers of new ideas and values, the anticivilization Establishment denigrates and smears Ayn Rand with its ignorances, irrationalities, and dishonesties. ...Yet, justly balanced, in-context criticisms are crucial for (1) evolving full value from Objectivism and (2) breaking the dogmatic cult dynamics of its blind followers.

In any case, unfair out-of-context attacks on the Internet become widespread, damaging public misrepresentations. A vivid demonstration of such injustices against Objectivism and its commercial propagators is found curiously on the "official" Usenet newsgroup for orthodox Objectivism -- humanities.philosophy.objectivism (HPO). On June 12, 1996, Objectivist cultists created that content-controlled newsgroup specifically to halt any discussion of Neo-Tech ( Even mentioning the word Neo-Tech is enough to ban the offender from HPO permanently. Initially established to protect Objectivist dogma from cult-breaking Neo-Tech, HPO is now, ironically but predictably, the public forum for (1) dishonestly defaming Objectivism and (2) unjustly crucifying Rand and Peikoff. Hoards of pips, leeches, and philosophizers are (1) falsely smearing Objectivism and (2) maliciously blackening the names and works of Objectivist intellects and scholars. ... Ironically, banned Neo-Tech is the one instrument that can protect Objectivism and its scholars from those waves of unjust, destructive attacks.

To reiterate: Those unjust calumnies heaped upon both the value of Objectivism and the character of Ayn Rand become harmfully ensconced in public search engines. Avenging those harms and injustices inflicted upon Objectivism and Rand is important to Neo-Tech Publishing Company. Because, if not for Ayn Rand and her Objectivist writings, Neo-Tech would not exist. Thus, ultimately, Neo-Tech exacts justice from those who dishonestly damage Objectivism and malevolently malign its creator. ...Neo-Tech never forgets injustices until justice is served.

As a final note: Ayn Rand's portrait now on U.S. postage stamps and academic Cliff Notes now published for her novels demonstrate that Objectivism is a non-threatening part of the anticivilization Establishment. Objectivism, therefore, cannot replace or vanish the anticivilization because Objectivism is an integral part of that anticivilization, albeit an exceptionally valuable part. Philosophical-and-political systems, including Objectivism and Libertarianism, are useless for creatively destroying the anticivilization of which they are an inseparable part. ... Ultimately, the anticivilization and everything connected to it, including Objectivism and Libertarianism, becomes as Biblical King Solomon stated in Ecclesiastes, "Meaningless! Meaningless! Everything is meaningless and chasing after the wind."

By contrast, Neo-Tech is connected to nothing in the anticivilization. Neo-Tech is not only cleanly cleaved from the anticivilization Establishment and banned from mention on the Establishment Objectivist Newsgroup, but is drummed from the Establishment Libertarian Eris Society -- a group dedicated to Eris, the Greek goddess of discord in supposedly representing the most radical thinking on this planet. Neo-Tech alone has no connection with the anticivilization Establishment, at any point, anywhere. Furthermore, on a practical basis, Neo-Tech is a much more potent business/profit engine than nonprofit Objectivism and Libertarianism combined.

Indeed, Neo-Tech is a business -- Neo-Tech Publishing Company, Inc. -- not an organization, association, party, club, or any other group to subscribe, belong, or join. By contrast, Objectivism and Libertarianism are not businesses at all; they are philosophical and political organizations to which people subscribe. Anticivilization-free Neo-Tech has the power -- the business power to achieve its clear-cut singular goal to bring forth on planet Earth a universal-business civilization. That single, achievable goal contrasts to the nebulous, unachievable goals of anticivilization-dependent Objectivism and Libertarianism. Finally, Neo-Tech alone has the independence, freedom, and resources to creatively destroy the anticivilization with electrifying new-color, business perspectives. ... Never look for Neo-Tech rising from the anticivilization or from any part of its Establishment. Instead, sense Neo-Tech sublimating -- silently from across the bar -- the anticivilization into a universal-business civilization...into the Civilization of the Universe.

5. The Traditional Illuminati of the past two-hundred years comprise principally two quasi-invisible groups: (1) the value-producing business creators and (2) their pawns, the value-destroying political rulers. The Traditional-Illuminati goal is to establish a global-business civilization within the anticivilization by destroying the twin evils of religion and nationalism. Today, however, upon evolving new-breed Neo-Tech illuminati, the latter group -- the value-destroying political rulers -- becomes the tool to replace today's lethal anticivilization not with a global-business civilization within an anticivilization, but with a universal-business civilization within the Civilization of the Universe.

6. Shakespeare identifies through Macbeth that conscious life in a mortal anticivilization shrinks to meaningless nothingness:

"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.
Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."

Wallace identifies through Neo-Tech that each conscious life in an immortal business civilization waxes ever-more meaningful -- ever brighter. In an immortal civilization, each conscious life generates ever-increasing values and significance. ... In an immortal civilization, each conscious life signifies expanding knowledge creation, value production, and romantic happiness across space and time forever.

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